The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Family
Environment: On Entrepreneurship Motivation of College Students
Auliya Nurmalasari
and Nuning Kristiani
Department of Management, STIE YKPN Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Management, STIE YKPN Yogyakarta, Jalan Seturan, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Family Environment, Entrepreneurship Motivation.
Abstract: The study investigates the influence of entrepreneurship education and family environment towards the
motivation of students in STIE YKPN Business School. The entrepreneurship motivation was the dependent
variable and the independent variables were entrepreneurship education and family environment. The total
population for this study was 183 people. Considering that there are students who have graduated, not all
population are taken as samples. In order to represent the study population, the Slovin formula is used to
determine the number of samples. Based on the calculation of the Slovin formula, the sample in this study
amounted to 126 respondents. Then, the data was analyzed using multiple regression method. The results of
the study showed that entrepreneurship education and family environment proved to be significantly
positive for entrepreneurial motivation. This study proves that the educational process that has been applied
at YKPN Business School both theoretically and practically has successfully motivated students to become
entrepreneurs. On the other hand, a family environment that contains guidance, support, and direction from
a student's family also has an influence on the motivation to become an entrepreneur.
The number of unemployment in Indonesia is
exceedingly high due to the rising level of
demography which was not equalized by the growth
of work opportunities available. There are too many
graduates whose future relies on job providers. They
are not courageous enough to apply what they have
learnt in college and prefer to be job seekers as
subordinate workers.
The infusion of motivation becomes the concern
of YKPN Business School too. Accordingly, the
subject of entrepreneurship is offered with two
essential methods. The first is lecturing of the
foundation of entrepreneurship and building
motivation in class. Second, the students have to do
their business experiment. The business practices of
STIE YKPN students are located in the business
laboratory which is on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the
STIE YKPN building. The business laboratory is a
facility provided by the campus to support student
entrepreneurship activities.
In the Indonesian culture, families have the
important role in character building. Furthermore,
parents are also a determining factor in their child's
career choices. Most parents think that the job of
being an employee in a company is better than being
an entrepreneur. In some cases the family does not
really support the desire of the student to be an
entrepreneur because of the lack of skills and high
risk of lost. However, students will be motivated to
become entrepreneurs if they understand about the
benefits of entrepreneurship, such as creating jobs
for others and having a higher income than an
1.1 Statement of the Problem
In this study, we will try to address the issue, which
is "The influence of entrepreneurship education and
family environment on entrepreneurial motivation of
STIE YKPN students".
1.2 Objective of the Study
The objective of the study was to identify the factors
that are influencing entrepreneurship education and
family environment on entrepreneurship motivation.
Nurmalasari, A. and Kristiani, N.
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment: On Entrepreneurship Motivation of College Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0008492203020307
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 302-307
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Entrepreneurship Motivation
Entrepreneurship motivation is self-encouragement
to actualize the potential an individual has in
thinking creatively and innovatively to create
valuable brand-new unique product or service that is
beneficial to others. There are two main motivation
factors: 1) intrinsic factor which comes from the
inner part of the individual due to some stimulus
such as the need of income, self-prestige, and
happiness, and 2) extrinsic factor is influenced by
the external stimulus like family, society,
opportunity, and education.
It is expected that students who have obtained
entrepreneurship education to exhibit high
motivation. Entrepreneurship education is a process
of instilling, growing, and forming students’
entrepreneurial competence through improving
knowledge obtained from and their experience and
practical engagement in lectures. Knowledge learned
and skills trained and developed during a semester
taking the course is expected to boost students’
motivation and attitude from inside towards
becoming an entrepreneur (Raposo and do Paco,
2011). Practicality of entrepreneurship education is
able to improve students’ entrepreneurial
competencies developed during the course and
provide a positive impact on students’
entrepreneurial motivation (Farhangmehr et al.,
There are three factors that influence a person to
start a new business, namely: personal factors
(personality), sociological factors (relationships with
family and friends), and environmental factors
(Buchari, 2011). According to Buchari (2011),
family relationships belong to the sociological
category. The closest environment for a child is
family and the second is the community and friends.
Family encouragement especially from parents is
very important in fostering entrepreneurial spirit in
their children.
2.2 Entrepreneurship Education
According to Hamalik (2006), education is "a
combination composed of human elements,
facilities, equipment and procedures that influence
the achievement of education objectives". There are
3 (three) formulas that are considered more
advanced (Hamalik, 2006), namely: 1) Education is
an effort to organize the environment to create
education conditions for students, 2) Education is an
effort to prepare students to become good citizens,
3) Education is a process of helping students deal
with people's daily lives.
Some researchers have conducted research to
find evidence of the influence of entrepreneurial
education on entrepreneurial motivation. Like
research conducted by Oosterbeek et al., (2010)
which shows the results that entrepreneurial
education does not affect entrepreneurial motivation.
Different research results are shown by research
conducted by Yulianti (2013). In this study showed
that there is a significant influence between the
lessons of entrepreneurship and motivation towards
the students' entrepreneurial interest which are
42.70% and 57.30% respectively. This may be as
much as the other influences that are not researched.
2.3 Family Environment
Family is the smallest group of society consisting of
father, mother, children, and other members as the
foundation for the development of the children as
the initial basic aspect to shape the personality.
Related to entrepreneurship motivation, it will be
formed when the family gives positive influence to
the desire to do entrepreneurship. Yusuf (2012) said
that family is the first social group in humankind life
where an individual learns and actualizes himself as
a social creature in interacting with other people in
his group. Slameto (2010) added that family is the
first place for a child to grow up where ideology,
attitude, behavior, and motivation given by parents
influence the child’s development. This statement is
corroborated by several previous studies which show
evidence that there is influence of the family
environment on entrepreneurial motivation (Shittu,
2014) and (Marhaini et al., 2014).
2.4 Research Model
Based on the explanation above the following is the
research model proposed in this study:
Figure 1: Research Model.
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment: On Entrepreneurship Motivation of College Students
2.5 Hypotheses
: There is a positive and significant impact on
entrepreneurship education towards the
entrepreneurship motivation of YKPN Business
School Yogyakarta.
: There is a positive and significant impact on the
family environment towards the entrepreneurship
motivation of YKPN Business School
: Simultaneously, there is a positive and
significant impact on the entrepreneurship
education and the family environment altogether
towards the entrepreneurship motivation of
YKPN Business School Yogyakarta
3.1 Research Period
The location of the study was conducted at STIE
YKPN, Yogyakarta. The study was conducted for 5
months, starting from January to June 2018.
3.2 Sample and Data Collection
The sampling method used was purposive sampling,
namely the selection of a group of subjects in
purposive sampling based on certain characteristics
that are considered to have a close connection with
the characteristics of the population that has been
known in advance. In other words, the unit of
sample contacted is adjusted to the certain criteria
applied based on research objectives (Margono,
2004). Data collection techniques used a
questionnaire, which is a data collection technique
that researchers use in the form of a series of
questions to be answered by respondents.
3.3 Sampling Design and Sample Size
Entrepreneurship education is taken by students in
the final year of college. While the data collection
period of this research was conducted during the
even semester of 2017/2018 academic year.
Therefore, the actual population in this study are
students who take entrepreneurship education
courses during the first semester and the second
semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. The
following is the data of students who took
entrepreneurship education in the 2017/2018
academic year:
Table 1: Entrepreneurship Education Students 2017 –
2018 Year of Academic.
Amount of Students
Semester 120
Total 183
Source: Data Processing (2018)
Based on the data above, the total population for
this study was 183 people. Considering that there are
students who have graduated, not all populations
were taken as samples. In order to represent the
study population, the Slovin formula was used to
determine the number of samples (Ryan, 2013). The
Slovin formula is as follows:
n = N / (1 + Ne
) (1)
n = Number of samples
N = Total population
e = Error tolerance (5%)
By using the Slovin formula, the sample in this
study is
N = 183 / (1+ 183 (0.05)
N = 125.55 rounded up to 126
Margono (2004) argued that population of the whole
data is the main concern of a researcher in a specific
time and place, and it is related tightly with the data.
There were 126 respondents in this study which
consisted of 67 male respondents (53%) and 59
female respondents (47%).
3.4 Variable Measurement and
All variables are measured using a Likert Scale.
According to Djaali (2008), the Likert scale is a
measuring tool to measure the values, attitudes,
interests, and concerns that are arranged in the form
of statements or questions to provide an assessment
by the respondent and the results in the form of a
value range in accordance with the specified criteria.
3.5 Data Validity and Reliability
The data in this study have been through the test of
data instruments namely validation and reliability.
Both tests show that there is no problem regarding
validity and reliability. Reliability testing by looking
at the total correction value of item-item, the result
of all reliability values above the required r table
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
value is equal to 0.1750. To ensure the reliability of
the instruments, we used the Cronbach alpha
measure, and the results are the following:
entrepreneurship education: 0.846; family
environment: 0.795, and entrepreneurship
motivation: 0.892. We can conclude that all
instruments meet the recommended values (>.5)
(Widodo, 2006).
Table 2: The following are the questions used in the
Entrepreneurship Education
1. I understand the contents of the syllabus as a reference
for learning entrepreneurship
2. The material provided is in accordance with the contents
of the syllabus
3. The syllabus content covers the objectives of
entrepreneurial education to be achieved
4. The learning method used is in accordance with the
material to be delivered
5. The method used makes me understand the concept of
6. Business practice is a fun method of learning
7. The campus provides facilities and infrastructure for the
practice of entrepreneurship
8. The Business Laboratory is the right place for students to
learn entrepreneurship
9. I was enthusiastic when attending entrepreneurship
Family environment
1. My parents always teach to be honest
2. My parents always teach discipline
3. My parents provide support for entrepreneurship
4. My parents directed me to become an entrepreneur
5. My parents released me to entrepreneurship
6. My family educates to always work hard
Entrepreneurial Motivation
1. I am ready for entrepreneurship
2. I have started a new business after completing
entrepreneurship education
3. I can be a successful person with entrepreneurship
4. Being an entrepreneur is more profitable than being an
5. Being an entrepreneur is my goal
6. I am driven to be an entrepreneur for a better future
4.1 Regression Analysis
The regression equation:
Y = 0.734 + 0.350 X
+ 0.431 X
The meaning of the regression equation is as follows
1. A constant value of 0.734 indicates a positive
value. This means showing the positive influence
of independent variables (entrepreneurship
education and family environment) on the
dependent variable (entrepreneurial motivation).
2. The regression coefficient of entrepreneurial
education is 0.35 and has a positive value. This
means that if the entrepreneurship education
variable increases by one unit, then the
entrepreneurial motivation variable will also
increase by 0.35.
3. The family environment regression coefficient
value is 0.431 and has a positive value. This
means that if the family environment variable
increases by one unit, then the entrepreneurial
motivation variable will also increase by 0.431.
4.2 Hypothesis Testing
The result of the Partial Test was that
Entrepreneurship Education (EL) had t-count 3.238
bigger than t-critical with the significance
0.002>0.05. The conclusion is that Ha was accepted
and Ho was rejected.
While the Family Environment (FE) had t-count
4.921 bigger than t-critical with the significance of
0.000>0.05. The same conclusion is drawn that Ha
was accepted and H0 was rejected.
For the simultaneous testing, the result was that
Entrepreneurship Education (EL) and Family (F)
had F-count 23.827 bigger than F-critical 3.07 with
the significant level 0.000>0.05. Therefore, the
conclusion is that entrepreneurship education and
the family environment are proven to have a
simultaneous effect on entrepreneurial motivation.
Therefore, the conclusion are entrepreneurship
education and family environment has positive and
significant influence towards entrepreneurship
motivation. The results of this study reinforce the
results of previous studies conducted by Yulianti
(2013) which prove that entrepreneurship education
influences entrepreneurial motivation and research
conducted by Shittu (2014) and Marhaini et al.,
(2014) which prove that the family environment
influences entrepreneurial motivation.
4.3 Model Summary
Table 3: Model Summary.
Model R RSquare
1 0.528 0.279 0.268 0.45972
Source: Data Processing (2018)
Adjusted R Square value was 0.268 which means
that 26.8% of the change of dependent variable of
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment: On Entrepreneurship Motivation of College Students
entrepreneurship motivation (Y) was influenced by
both independent variables, and 73.2% was
influenced by other variables not included in this
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the data gained in this research, the
conclusion is as follows. First, Entrepreneurship
Education (EL) had t-count 3.238 bigger than t-
critical with the significance 0.002>0.05. The
conclusion is that Ha was accepted and H0 was
rejected. Entrepreneurship education has positive
and significant influence towards entrepreneurship
motivation. In this study which was conducted in
YKPN Business School, it was proven that the
students are motivated to be an entrepreneur because
of the material given during the lecture. The up to
date theory were delivered by adjusting the recent
business world in accordance with the business
experiment. The business experiment was done by
the students of YKPN Business School starting from
planning until evaluating the business. In
conclusion, the entrepreneurship education
influences the motivation of the students of YKPN
Business School to do entrepreneurship. This could
be a good example for other colleges to apply what
YKPN Business School has applied.
Second, the Family Environment (FE) had t-
count 4.921 bigger than t-critical with the
significance 0.000>0.05. The same conclusion is
drawn that Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected.
Family environment positively and significantly
gives impact towards the entrepreneurship
motivation since the family has strong influence to
shape the personality of an individual. The guidance
and encouragement provided by the family give
effect to be an entrepreneur in the future. Since
honesty, discipline, and hard-work are fundamental
in undergoing a business.
Third, the simultaneous testing had F-count
23.827 bigger than F-critical 3.07 with the
significant level 0.000>0.05. Simultaneously,
entrepreneurship education and family altogether
influence the entrepreneurship motivation positively
and significantly. It could happen whenever the
education process is like what has been applied in
YKPN Business School supported by the family
who give guidance and encouragement.
5.2 Limitation
However, there are some limitations should be
addressed. The first limitation concerns the
reliability of the answers given by the respondents in
answering the questionnaire. Second, this study only
involved students from one institution. The findings
and the level of generalizability may not be very
5.3 Recommendations
Therefore, future research could cover more data
from more students of various educational
institutions. It is also suggested that, first, the
improvement of the teaching education process and
the material need to be improved from time to time
due to the tight competition in the future. Second,
support and encouragement from family is
inevitably needed to teach and guide the students to
be an entrepreneur. Therefore, the family has to
realize this matter and needs to give more attention
towards this matter to keep the motivation high.
Third, the government needs to have more
about the matter of entrepreneurship education to
create young entrepreneurs.
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The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment: On Entrepreneurship Motivation of College Students