entrepreneurship motivation (Y) was influenced by
both independent variables, and 73.2% was
influenced by other variables not included in this
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the data gained in this research, the
conclusion is as follows. First, Entrepreneurship
Education (EL) had t-count 3.238 bigger than t-
critical with the significance 0.002>0.05. The
conclusion is that Ha was accepted and H0 was
rejected. Entrepreneurship education has positive
and significant influence towards entrepreneurship
motivation. In this study which was conducted in
YKPN Business School, it was proven that the
students are motivated to be an entrepreneur because
of the material given during the lecture. The up to
date theory were delivered by adjusting the recent
business world in accordance with the business
experiment. The business experiment was done by
the students of YKPN Business School starting from
planning until evaluating the business. In
conclusion, the entrepreneurship education
influences the motivation of the students of YKPN
Business School to do entrepreneurship. This could
be a good example for other colleges to apply what
YKPN Business School has applied.
Second, the Family Environment (FE) had t-
count 4.921 bigger than t-critical with the
significance 0.000>0.05. The same conclusion is
drawn that Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected.
Family environment positively and significantly
gives impact towards the entrepreneurship
motivation since the family has strong influence to
shape the personality of an individual. The guidance
and encouragement provided by the family give
effect to be an entrepreneur in the future. Since
honesty, discipline, and hard-work are fundamental
in undergoing a business.
Third, the simultaneous testing had F-count
23.827 bigger than F-critical 3.07 with the
significant level 0.000>0.05. Simultaneously,
entrepreneurship education and family altogether
influence the entrepreneurship motivation positively
and significantly. It could happen whenever the
education process is like what has been applied in
YKPN Business School supported by the family
who give guidance and encouragement.
5.2 Limitation
However, there are some limitations should be
addressed. The first limitation concerns the
reliability of the answers given by the respondents in
answering the questionnaire. Second, this study only
involved students from one institution. The findings
and the level of generalizability may not be very
5.3 Recommendations
Therefore, future research could cover more data
from more students of various educational
institutions. It is also suggested that, first, the
improvement of the teaching education process and
the material need to be improved from time to time
due to the tight competition in the future. Second,
support and encouragement from family is
inevitably needed to teach and guide the students to
be an entrepreneur. Therefore, the family has to
realize this matter and needs to give more attention
towards this matter to keep the motivation high.
Third, the government needs to have more
about the matter of entrepreneurship education to
create young entrepreneurs.
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