Economic Valuation of Pantai Baru Bantul Regency using Travel
Cost Method
Astuti Purnamawati
and Retno Wulandari
STIE YKPN School of Business, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Economic Valuation, Travel Cost Method, Surveys, Regression.
Abstract: This research is the application of the valuation of natural resources by using Travel Cost Method. This
study aims to determine the economic value of Pantai Baru with travel cost method and to investigate the
factors that affect the visits of Pantai Baru. Researchers collected data by interviews and questionnaires.
Demand Function Pantai Baru Kabupaten Bantul was found based on the data that has been collected and
processed. Based on the demand function, the researchers estimate the willingness to pay and calculate the
consumer surplus. Pantai Baru was selected as the study object because Pantai Baru is a relatively new
beach compared to other beaches in Yogyakarta, and it has the potential to be developed.
Tourism sector is one of government’s superior
sectors in increasing the government income from
either domestic tourists or foreign trourists.
Indonesia has many tourism destinations which have
a potential to be developed, for example Bali Island,
Toba Lake, Raja Ampat, and many more. One of the
tourism destinations in Indonesia is Yogyakarta
which has various mesmerizing tourism objects
including natural tourism, cultural trourism, and
culinary tourism. Yogya has relatively new tourism
object which has a potential to be developed named
Pantai Baru.
Pantai Baru, one of tourism destinations in
Yogyakarta, is located in Ngentak Area, Poncosari
Village of the Sub-district Srandakan, Bantul
Regency, and it is close to other beaches such as
Pandansimo, Kuwaru, and Goa Cemara beach.
Although it is still newly recognized, it has adequate
facilities, for example food stalls, public toilet,
parking lot, and praying house (mushola).
Pantai Baru is continuously developed as a
natural tourist resort and also as technology based
educational tourism with windmill as the electricity
power source. The development is also focused on
agrotourism, specifically on fishery and stock
husbandry with 10 ponds and 150 sheds
respectively. There is also a fisherman group which
has approximately 96 members. By observing the
recent potential, Pantai Baru is still in progress as a
tourism destination which could improve the
economy of the society and raise the income of
Bantul Regency. The improvement of Pantai Baru
could be in the form of reorganized spots and
improvement of the facilities to increase the interest
of people to visit Pantai Baru. Based on the
discussion above, we decided to do a research
entitled ‘Economic valuation of Pantai Baru Bantul
Regency using travel cost method: an estimation of
tourism object demand’.
This study was aimed to determine the economic
value of Pantai Baru based on the cost analysis of
visitor trip during their visit to Pantai Baru and to
investigate the factors that affect visits to Pantai
2.1 Economic Value
Value is a price given by an individual for a thing in
specific time and place. Economic value is defined
as the measurement of the maximum number of
goods and services that an individual is willing to
pay to get other goods and services. Formally, this
concept is called willingness to pay towards goods
and sevices from the natural resources and
environment (Nurhayati et al.,).
Purnamawati, A. and Wulandari, R.
Economic Valuation of Pantai Baru Bantul Regency using Travel Cost Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0008492503200324
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 320-324
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Suparmoko (2006) stated that there are two types
of value of a region, utilization value and non-
utilization value. Utilization value could be in the
form of direct usage value, indirect usage value, and
alternative value. Direct usage value is the value or
benefit felt directly by an individual. Indirect usage
value is the value or benefit gained indirectly from a
particular region. Alternative value is an expected
value of a natural resource in the future.
2.2 Demand for Goods and Services
The demand for good or service is influenced by
several factors. According to Samuelson (2010), the
factors that influence demand are the price of goods,
income, tastes, and prices of other related goods /
a. Prices negatively affect the demand for goods.
b. Revenue has a positive effect on demand.
c. Taste has a positive effect on demand.
d. Price of other related items.
According to the theory above, the hypothesis of this
research is:
H1: Income has a positive correlation towards the
number of visits to Pantai Baru Bantul regency
in the Special District of Yogyakarta.
2.3 Travel Cost Method
Garrod (2001) describes the concept of Travel Cost
Method as an approach to estimating economic
values related to ecosystems or locations for
recreation. The basic concept of the Travel Cost
Method is that the travel time and costs incurred by
individuals to visit a tourism site reflect the "price"
to access that location. Thus, the willingness of
people to pay to visit tourism sites can be estimated
based on the number of trips (visits) carried out with
various travel costs, so it can be said that the amount
of goods / services requested is determined by the
estimated willingness to pay.
There are three approaches in the Travel Cost
a. Simple zone travel cost approach
b. Individual travel cost approach
c. Random utility approach
In this study, the researcher chose the individual
travel cost approach to examine economic valuation
of Pantai Baru Bantul Regency.
According to Nurhayati (2012), economic
valuation or economic assessment is an effort to
measure the quantitative value of goods and services
produced by specific natural resources. The
economic valuation in this research was used to
determine the economic value of Pantai Baru.
There were a number of variables used in this
research to measure the economic value and this
economic value is to estimate the tourism demand
using Travel Cost approach. The variables included
the number of visits to Pantai Baru, the cost spent to
go to Pantai Baru, the distance of the visitors’ house
to Pantai Baru, and visitors’ income.
The previous research with similar topic was
used by the researcher as the reference in this study.
One reference from the research by Nurhayati
Samsudin about economic valuation of Bunaken
National Park shows that the travel cost variable
negatively affects the number of visits while income
and age do not influence the visit quantity. It proved
that travel cost has a reversed correlation with the
visit quantity which means that the higher the travel
cost, the lower the number of visits.
A similar research conducted by Yosefhie Maria
about economic valuation of ecotourism of National
Park of Sentarum Lake Kapuas Regency Hulu of
West Kalimantan Province used travel cost zone
approach and revealed that the biggest percentage of
the visitors were from Kapuas Hulu. In other words,
travel cost has negative correlation towards number
of visits.
According to these research results above, the
hypothesis is:
H2: Travel cost has a negative correlation towards
the number of visits to Pantai Baru Bantul
Regency the Special District of Yogyakarta.
Another research related to economic valuation was
done specifically about economic valuation of
tourism using travel cost method at Nglambor beach
by Aditya Agung Pratama (2016). The result of the
study denoted three statistically significant variables,
travel cost, distance, and access variables. It shows
that the number of visits to Nglambor beach is
affected by travel cost, distance, and access
According to this research result above, the
hypotheses is:
H3: Distance has negative correlation towards the
number of visits to Pantai Baru Bantul regency
the Special Disctric of Jogjakarta.
The researcher chose the convenience sampling
method in collecting the data for simplicity and
flexibility. There were 165 visitors from various
background who were willing to be the respondents,
and only 155 questionnaires were processed due to
the incompleteness of the data given by 10
Economic Valuation of Pantai Baru Bantul Regency using Travel Cost Method
respondents. Sampling was conducted by doing
survey multiple times to the research location.
Statistic test results were divided into partial and
simultaneous test. Partial test is to test the impact of
each independent variable towards dependent
variable while simultaneous test is to test the impact
of all variables altogether towards the dependent
variable. The researcher elaborated the partial test
for each independent variable continued by
simultaneous testing. Table 1 displays the result of
double regression with the variables of income,
distance, and travel cost as independent variable and
number of visits as dependent variable.
Table 1.
t Sig.
(Constant) -.079 1.037 -.076 .940
Ln_Income .009 .076 .010 .114 .909
Ln_Distance -.169 .056 -.281
Ln_TC -.097 .038 .250 2.565 .011
a. Dependent Variable: Ln_NV
Analyzed using the SPSS program, the partial
test on the income variable denoted the t count 0.114
and sig 0.909, which means that income do not have
a correlation towards number of visits. Income do
not influence the number of visits to Pantai baru
since the visitors lived in a relatively close region.
The result of partial test on distance showed the t
count -3,007 and sig 0.003. Using α= 5% the
statistical test result showed that distance have a
significantly negative impact towards the number of
visits. It can be said that the further the distance to
Pantai Baru location, the lower the frequency of
Partial test result on the travel cost showed the t
count 2.565 and sig 0.011 which indicated that the
travel cost significantly has negative impact towards
the number of visits. This result supports the
previous research that travel cost negatively affects
the number of visits.
The researcher also used SPSS to test the
impact of all independent variables towards
dependent variables (simultaneous test) and the
result is displayed in Tabel 2.
Table 2.
Sum of
F Sig.
Regression 2.634 3 .878 3.574 .016
Residual 37.093 151 .246
Total 39.727 154
a. Dependent Variable: Ln_NV
b. Predictors: (Constant), Ln_TC, Ln_Income,
F count of the simultaneous test result is clearly
displayed on the table 3.574 with significance level
0.016, and it reveals that altogether the independent
variable (income, distance, and travel cost)
simultaneously has an impact on the number of
visits to Pantai Baru. The value of R and R square
are displayed in Table 3 below:
Table 3.
Model Summary
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
1 .800
.640 .631 .28927
a. Predictors: (Constant), Ln_TC, Ln_income, Ln_Distance
The R square 0.640 indicates that the variation of
the number of visits to Pantai Baru described by the
variables of income, distance, and travel cost is 64%.
The rest or 36% is described by other variables not
included in this model. It means that there are still
some variables that could be used in this model for
the future research.
From the result of regression, the regression
equation model is as follows:
Ln NV = -0.079 + 0.009 Ln_Income - 0.169
Ln_Distance - 0.97 Ln_TC
NV is the number of visits to Pantai baru
Income is the income of the visitors
Distance is the distance of the visitors’ house to
Pantai Baru
TC is the travel cost
From the three independent variables, there are two
variables which have an effect on the number of
visits, distance and travel cost. The other variable,
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
income, do not affect the number of visits.
Therefore, it could be concluded: (1) Income did not
affect the number of visits, The number of visits is
not influenced by the income since the distance of
the visitors’ house was relatively close to the
location of Pantai Baru. With the proximity of the
location, the cost was not high, (2) travel cost has a
negative effect on the number of visits. This result
supports the the previous research that travel cost
affects negatively the number of visits, and (3)
Distance negatively affects the number of visists.
Distance has a negative impact, which means the
further the distance with Pantai Baru location, the
lower the number of visits.
The researcher used the regression equation from
the research result to determine economic value of
Pantai Baru Bantul Regency. The regression
equation is:
Ln NV = -079 + 0.009 Ln_Income - 0.169
Ln_Distance - 0.97 Ln_TC
The regression equation above specifically shows
the demand function of Pantai Baru in the Bantul
regency with NV as demand and independent
variables (income, distance, and travel cost) as the
factors influencing the demand.
To count the consumer surplus, the researcher
used regression with the number of visits as the
dependent variable and travel cost as independent
variable while other variables besides travel cost
were assumed to be fixed. The regression is
displayed in the table below:
Table 4.
T Sig.
(Constant) 3.899 .214 18.227 .000
Ln_TC -.281 .019 -.767
a. Dependent Variable: Ln_NV
The regression equation gained is Ln_NV = 3.899 -
0.281 Ln_TC.
The demand function was used to yield the
consumer surplus as economic value. Integral was
used to count the consumer surplus per individual
each year with the top limit using the highest travel
cost and the bottom limit as the lowest travel cost.
The highest cost was Rp1.010.000 and the lowest
cost was Rp 2000 (cost of an entrance ticket).
The sum of the demand function integral is the
consumer surplus per individual each year with the
amount of Rp 504.706. To get the economic value,
consumer surplus per individual was multiplied by
the number of the vistors in 2016 which is 7.300
visitors. yielding the economic value of Pantai Baru
in 2016 as Rp3.684.353.800.
The results of the study are: (1) The distance of the
visitors’ house with the location of Pantai Baru has a
negative correlation towards the number of visits
(tourism object demand), (2) The travel cost
negatively impacts the number of visits: where the
the cost is high, the frequency of visits is low, and
(3) Income has no correlation with the number of
visits, and it is proven in this research where visitors
from any cluster of income could visit the tourism
5.1 Limitation
This study uses the Travel Cost Method. In the
travel cost method, there are three approaches that
can be used, namely, the approach of a simple travel
cost zone, an individual travel cost approach, and a
random utility approach. In this study, the researcher
uses the second approach, namely the individual
travel cost approach. The result from the three
hypotheses formulated proved only two hypotheses.
In addition, the coefficient of determination is 0.64,
which means that the dependent variable variation of
64% is explained by independent variables. There
are still other variables that can be tested for this
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the limitations of this study, for further
research, researchers who are interested in
researching this topic can use other approaches. In
addition, the next research can add new variables
that are predicted to influence the demand for
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