4.10 Hypothesis 6. The Effect of Service
Quality on Loyalty
The sixth hypothesis test shows that the effect of
service quality (SQ) on loyalty (L) variable in the t-
statistic value of 0.869 is smaller than the t-table
which is 1.960. This means that service quality is not
proven to affect loyalty, or the sixth hypothesis is
Service Quality has a non-positive (small) effect
on customer loyalty, namely: This indicates that
service quality or service quality does not have a
significant influence on the level of loyalty of
Tokopedia customers, because it must involve
several parties besides Tokopedia as an ecommerce
service. This includes service quality of sellers
(online stores/ Tokopedia merchants) and service
quality of goods delivery companies. Service quality
must be mediated by customer satisfaction in order
to have a significant effect on loyalty, so for that,
Tokopedia needs to focus as a regulator to ensure
cooperation synergy and service quality standards
from several parties to satisfy both customers (online
stores) and goods/product delivery service
4.11 Hypothesis 7. The Effect of
Perceived Value on Loyalty
The seventh hypothesis test highlights that the effect
of the perceived value (PV) on the loyalty (L) results
in the t-statistic value of 4.925 greater than the t-
table which is 1.960. This means that perceived
value has a significant effect on loyalty or it also
indicates that the seventh hypothesis is accepted.
Perceived Value has a positive influence on
customer loyalty, namely: a memorable and
enjoyable shopping experience such as easy and fast
in buying a product / service and being able to get
interest-free installments by cooperating with a bank
or other funding institutions. Tokopedia must further
enhance the promotional program by providing
products with the lowest prices but with the best
quality. They should also guarantee that the product
is genuine with an official guarantee.
Trust, Service Quality, and Perceived Value has
proven to be able to provide satisfaction for
customers and have a positive impact on customer
loyalty. Therefore, Tokopedia needs more
innovation and focus on considering customer
loyalty in order to survive among other high quality
and excellent competition of online retail services in
Other influencing factors can also be examined
in further studies by adding other variables, such as
price, promotion, discount, and switching cost.
Customer relationship marketing can also be
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