Regency. The proof can be seen from the p-value of
0,003 which is less than 0,05. The relationship
between the organizational culture variable and the
employee performance of LPDs in Badung regency
is positive which is shown by the inner weight value
of 0,436. This result can be interpreted as the higher
the organizational culture, the higher the employee
performance of LPDs in Badung Regency.
In this research, the indicators of the
organizational culture variable consists of the
opportunity to be involved in the organization’s
planning process with certain limits, the opportunity
to be actively involved in every event held by the
organization, receive warnings if they violate the
organization’s regulations, able to adapt with the
development in the community, policies are made
for the community’s interest, clear organizational
targets, and main tasks and functions of employees
are clear on the performance of LPD employees in
Badung Regency. This research result is in line with
the conditions faced by LPDs in Badung Regency.
The Influence of Organizational Culture on OCB.
Based on Table 1, the organizational culture variable
has a significant influence on OCB. This is proven
by the p-value of 0,034, which is lower than 0,05.
The relationship between the organizational culture
variable and the OCB variable shows a positive
influence marked by the inner weight value of 0,828.
This result can be interpreted as the higher the
organizational culture, the higher the OCB becomes.
In this research, the indicators of the
organizational culture variable, which consists of the
opportunity to be involved in the organization
planning process with certain limits, the opportunity
to be actively involved in every event held by the
organization, receive warnings if they violate the
organization’s regulations, able to adapt with the
development in community, policies are made for
the community’s interest, clear organizational
targets, and main tasks and functions of employees
are clear on the OCB of LPD employees in Badung
Regency. This research result is consistent with the
conditions faced by LPDs in Badung Regency.
The Influence of OCB on Employee Performance.
Based on Table 1, the OCB variable is known to
have a significant influence on employee
performance. This is proven by the p-value, which is
0,025, lower than 0,05. The relationship between the
OCB variable and the employee performance of
LPDs shows a positive influence which is marked by
the inner weight value of 0,680. This result can be
interpreted as the higher the industrial competition,
the higher the employee performance of LPDs in
Badung Regency.
In this research the indicators of OCB, which
include: help colleagues with excessive workload,
cover work for absent colleagues, voluntarily take
actions that are beneficial to the organization aside
from the main tasks, comply to the regulations even
without being monitored, to not create problems
with colleagues, consider the influence on
colleagues for each actions taken, participate in
various activities held by the organization, provide
innovative advices to improve the organization’s
quality, accept each policy set by the organization,
and tolerating the discomfort felt at the workplace
have important roles in increasing the employee
performance of LPDs in Badung Regency.
Based on the research result, discussion and
interpretations that have been explained in previous
sections, by referring to several theories and
previous research results, the conclusions taken are
as follows: 1) Organizational culture has a positive
and significant influence on the Employee
Performance of LPDs in Badung Regency. 2)
Organizational culture has a positive and significant
influence on the OCB of LPD employees in Badung
Regency. 3) The OCB of employees has a positive
and significant influence on the Employee
Performance of LPDs in Badung Regency. 4) OCB
is able to significantly mediate the influence of
organizational culture on employee performance.
This means that by developing the OCB behaviors,
the influence of organizational culture on the
employee performance of LPDs in Badung Regency
will also increase.
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