Table 2: The average of norm of error covariance matrices
for different numbers of ensembles in the disturbance
detection using EnKF.
Detection one disturbance
Average of
Norm of
Detection two disturbances
Average of
Norm of
Table 3. Comparison of the average of norm of error
covariance matrices between EnKF (
and KF in
detection of one and two disturbances.
Detection one disturbance
Average of Norm of
Error Covariance
Detection two disturbances
Average of Norm of
Error Covariance
In this study, the KF and EnKF method succeed to
detect the heat disturbances in cylindrical-shaped
metal chip. Detection of heat disturbances has been
carried out for 1–4 disturbances in different
positions. Based on the average of norm of error
covariance matrices, the EnKF is more accurate
detect the disturbance than KF. The heat
disturbances can be detected more clearly if the
temperature of disturbance is large enough,
especially for detection in the edge of chip (close to
inner radius and outer radius). In addition, the more
number of grids, the more accurate the position of
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ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam