(Mayer & Wittrock, 2006). Thus in solving ill
Structured Mathematical Problems, students must
have cognitive skills that include creative thinking
(including different and convergent thoughts),
tolerance for new things, and cognitive flexibility.
In Figure 1a, the process structure of Student
Creativity in Completing Structured Mathematical
Problems in Components of Fluency, Flexibility,
and Novelty. In figure 1, the structure changed from
the figure (a) to figure (b) shows the development of
creativity related to the development of creative
thinking students in completing ill-structured
mathematical problems. This is in line with several
research results (Collins, 2014; Jaarsveld &
Lachmann, 2017; Silver, 1997; Ulger, 2018, Yu et
al., 2015). Ill-structured problems are important and
can develop creative thinking because it allows
individuals to re-imagine problems, generate new
solutions, and reconstruct ideas (Collins, 2014). The
development of the components of students' creative
thinking because they complete ill-structured
problems tends to be driven by open problems
expressed in a way that allows the creation of
specific targets and perhaps some appropriate
solutions (Silver, 1997). Furthermore, the activity of
formulating problems in the thinking process will
improve and complement individual understanding
of the principles relevant to the task (Jaarsveld &
Lachmann, 2017).
The provision of ISMP is useful for developing
students' creative thinking. In solving ISMP students
make diverse and correct answers, carried out in a
variety of different ways, and make different and
correct answers. The development of student
creativity is evident after the second ISMP is given,
namely increasing the variety of answers and
correct, the emergence of various different ways,
and making various different and correct answers.
This happens because the ISMP has several solution
paths, has a specific context and complex situations;
and in accordance with everyday life so that students
feel they experience the problem.
We thank the LP2M IAIN Ambon for facilitating the
implementation of this research.
We thank the mathematics students at UIN
Alauddin and the mathematics education students at
IAIN Ambon who gave a huge support to this
We thank our friends Muhammad Ridwan,
Nursalam, and friends who helped in every process
of this research.
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ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam