The algorithm written in this paper yields a
bandwidth and some polynomial degrees for the
GWPolR model in optimal condition. It means that
the result is the best condition based on the used
criterion. However, computational programming
based on this algorithm still takes a long time. The
time will be longer when the number of variables
involved in model increases or the maximum degree
of polynomial is set greater. An efficient algorithm in
term of execution time is needed even though the
results may be only sub-optimal, for example, genetic
algorithm or neural network. Based on the goodness
of fit criteria(inter alia: CV, RSS, and R
) and
consideration of conformity with public opinion, we
can empirically conclude that the GWPolR model is
the best model among some models used here on
WQI dataset. Nevertheless, statistical tests between
spatial modelling need to be developed to determine
whether a GWPolR is significantly better than a
GWR or not.
The authors would like to thank Directorate General
of Science and Technology Resources and Higher
Education of The Ministry of Research, Technology
and Higher Education of Indonesia for scholarship
that be received by the first author throughout
undergoes doctoral program. The authors also thank
to Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia
and Statistics of Indonesia for kindly providing the
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Application to Water Quality Index Modelling