Development of Teaching Material
Mathematics Contribution to the Implementation of Sharia
in Mathematics in Islamic Treasure Course
, and Laila Hayati
Mathematics Education, Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Mataram University, Mataram, Indonesia
Keywords: Mathematics in Islamic Treasure, Teaching Material, Valid, Practical, Effective.
Abstract: This research was based on the needs of teaching material of Mathematics in Islamic Treasure (MIT)
course. This research applied research and development method, used to produce and test the effectiveness
of the product. The result of this research was teaching material on the topic of mathematics contribution in
the implementation of sharia, which is expected to be taught by integrating history into mathematics
learning. The procedure of research and development we applied involved seven steps, namely: potentials
and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, limited trial, field test, and limited
production. In conclusion, teaching material that have been designed should: meet the valid criteria, can be
used in MIT lectures with historical integration strategy on mathematics instruction, and effective in
achieving learning mastery.
The curriculum implemented at the Mathematics
Education Department of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty of Nusantara Islamic University
contains two courses of identification, one of those
is Mathematics in Islamic Treasure (MIT). This
course has a level of 2 credit hours, and
administered to meet special needs, for example to
make students understand the relationship between
mathematics with the implementation of Islamic
laws (Kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan
Matematika FKIP Uninus, 2016). In order to achieve
the goal, the lecturer had designed and arranged the
syllabus, several handouts and student worksheets
required for the lecture.
Reading materials that can support the lectures of
MIT, both printed books and articles published in
various websites, are widely available. However,
these materials did not entirely meet the reference
needed by the MIT course. This is due to the
particularity of the subjects of MIT, which probably
is not discussed in the available sources. There is no
other choice, a more representative and
comprehensive instructional material of MIT needs
to be compiled so that it can be used as lecture
material. Given the breadth and depth of the MIT
study, for the sake of practicality and for the
consideration of time and budget efficiency, we
decided to design the course materials part by part.
In this article we will discuss about teaching
materials development from one of the subjects of
MIT, namely the contribution of mathematics to the
implementation of sharia. One of the sub-subjects
we developed is the distribution of inheritance
(faraa-idl), which requires mastery of operations on
fractions. Although it seems simple, in practice it
was still found high school graduates, even college
students, who have difficulty in finding solutions
from the problems about operations on fractions.
In the holy book of Qur'an letter Annisaa verses
11-12 we could find fractions: ½, ¼, 1/3, 1/6, 1/8,
2/3. Those are very simple at first. However, adding
up some of the fractions will produce a new fraction
with the denominator of the Lowest Common
Multiple (LCM) of the denominator of the initial
fraction. Not only that, the provision that men earn
twice the women's part (Al Quran, Annisaa verse
12), also the provisions of dzawil furudl and
ashabah, will eventually bring up fragmentary
numbers that are not simple for those who do not
usually solve problems related to fractions.
Nurjanah, . and Hayati, L.
Development of Teaching Material “Mathematics Contribution to the Implementation of Sharia”in Mathematics in Islamic Treasure Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0008518801620168
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 162-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In relation to the use of developed teaching
materials, researchers are interested in the opinions
of Panasuk and Horton (2012) which stated that
mathematics cannot be separated from history. An
interesting opinion related to the application of the
history in mathematics learning, in this case in MIT
learning with the teaching materials we developed,
proposed by Wahyu and Mahfudi (2016). According
to them, as a source of knowledge, history provides
valuable information related to events that has
occurred in the past. Knowledge gained through the
history of mathematics was very useful to be used in
learning. It is possible when we take advantage of
past developments that support progress in the
Based on various thoughts that have been
described, researchers agreed to arrange teaching
material of MIT subjects on the topic of
mathematics contribution to the implementation of
sharia, which is expected to be taught through the
application of historical integration on the
instruction of MIT. The research questions
formulated in this study is, on the development of
teaching materials on the topic of mathematics
contributions to the implementation of sharia: 1)
how is the validity of teaching material that have
been designed? 2) how is the practicality of teaching
material that have been designed? 3) how is the
effectiveness of teaching material designed?
The research and development conducted by the
research team has the objective of producing
teaching material for the subjects of MIT
mathematics contribution to the implementation of
shariawhich is valid, practical, and effective.
Research was conducted by using research and
development method, the research method used to
produce and test the effectiveness of a product. The
result of this research was teaching material
mathematics contribution to the implementation of
shariathrough the application of history
integration in MIT learning.
From various development models offered by the
experts, researchers have chosen the development
model of Sugiyono (2013) which set 10 stages of
development, namely: 1) Potentials and problems, 2)
data collection, 3) product design, 4) design
validation, 5) design revision, 6) limited trial, 7)
product revision, 8) field test, 9) product revision,
10) mass production. In practice, the researchers
decided to do all the stages set by Sugiyono (2013)
but tried to shorten the procedure by picking several
possible steps to be merged. In addition to merging
certain steps, the researchers also modified some
steps. Precisely, steps 5, 7, and 9 were not done
separately, but merged with design or trial. As for
modification, researchers applied it to the 6th step
(limited trial), 8th step (field test) and the 10th step
(production). Furthermore, we will explore the
reasons or details about the merging and
modification that we did.
The researchers did not place the revision step
separately. The reason is, the revision was done at
least 3 times repeatedly: immediately after the
completion of the teaching material, after the end of
limited trial, and after field test process. Unlike
Sugiyono (2013) who tested the usage in three
different classes, the researcher did it to 11 students:
three students representing lower class, four students
came from middle class and another four
representing upper class.
Furthermore, while Sugiyono (2013) done the
experiment in three different schools, in this study
we test the product by applying CAR (Classroom
Action Research). CAR conducted on 27 students
4th semester of the Department of Mathematics
Education the Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education Uninus academic year 2016/2017. The
last stage was the production of research and
development, which Sugiyono (2013) did in bulk
(mass production), but the researchers did so for a
limited scope.
2.1 Research instruments
In this research and development, the researchers
used the following instruments: validation sheets,
observation sheets, questionnaires, and tests. These
instruments were used in three different processes,
namely: product design, limited trial, and field trial.
Product design toke a validation sheet filled by
experts, to determine the validity of teaching
material. The limited trial used two observation
sheets: the first was filled by students to analyze the
practicality of teaching material; the second was
filled by lecturers to analyze the learning activities.
Field test applied: tests, observation sheets and
questionnaires; all were used to analyze the
effectiveness of teaching material.
Development of Teaching Material “Mathematics Contribution to the Implementation of Sharia”in Mathematics in Islamic Treasure Course
2.2 Research procedure
After some merging and various modifications, the
procedure of the research and development
undertaken by the researchers will be illustrated in
the following chart.
Figure 1: Procedure of research and development.
The results of the study are presented and discussed
in accordance with the research procedure, then
divided into five sections, namely: 1) preparation,
which summarizes the steps of potentials and
problems with data collection 2) design of teaching
materials, which also includes validation and
revision steps 3) limited trial, 4) field test, and 5)
3.1 Preparation
Mathematics contribution to the implementation of
the sharia is one of the subjects in the MIT course.
In the curriculum structure of mathematics education
department, MIT is placed in 4th semester. In this
semester there are important role that is being
undertaken by students, and there are various
important events experienced by them. The
explanation can be illustrated as follows: most
students acting as the core organizers of the
organization of associations in the campus
environment, some students are sent as
representatives of the department in various
academic and student affairs events, and at the end
of the semester all of them will be enrolled in Real
Work Lecture. Conditions that have been described
need more provision than an understanding of
mathematical content and mathematics education.
As a characteristic or marker course of the
department, MIT has a great potential to prepare and
color students in such a way that they have strong
mathematical beliefs in order to finally become self-
masters of Islamic mathematics teachers.
Based on studies of the various potentials and
problems that have been described, researchers
began collecting other supporting data to create
teaching materials. Data collection is done through:
literature studies, curriculum analysis, and needs
analysis. In addition to the aforementioned ways, to
obtain comprehensive data the research team also
conducted interviews with students and department
The decision to develop MIT materials, in this
case mathematics contribution in the
implementation of the sharia, is a manifestation of
the commitment to provide adequate learning
resources for the achievement of quality learning.
The commitment of researchers in accordance with
the opinion of the Textbook Committee, Education
Bureau (2016) is that in order to apply the
curriculum effectively, a conducive learning
environment which among them requires the
provision of quality learning and teaching resources
is necessary.
3.2 Design of teaching materials
Based on the results obtained from previous steps,
namely the study of various potentials and problems,
and analysis of miscellaneous data or materials
collected; researchers decided to construct suitable
teaching materialsmathematics contribution to the
implementation of the shariato be taught by
applying historical integration to MIT instruction.
Prior to the trial to students on a limited scale,
teaching materials that have been designed then
validated in advance by two validators, namely: an
expert of Islamic education, and an expert in
mathematics education. Criteria of validity that the
researchers used is the criteria put forward by Akbar
(2013), as presented in the table 1.
Table 1: Criteria of learning material validity.
Category of Validity
85,1% ̶ 100%
Very valid, or can be used
without revision
70,1% ̶ 85%
Quite valid or can be used but
need a small revision.
50,1% ̶ 70%
Less valid, recommended not
used because it needs major
01% ̶ 50,%
Invalid, or may not be used.
Next, we will present the results of validation of
teaching materials by two validators. The results
presented are the average scores, with the validity of
each component is, a component is said to be valid if
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
at least satisfy the criteria is quite valid. Validation
results from the two validators will be presented in
the table 2.
Table 2: The result of validation of teaching material.
Rated aspect
82.5 %
80 %
Completeness of
85 %
Systematic of
87.5 %
The alignment of the
presentation with the
integration of history
77.5 %
Conformity of the
presentation with the
Islamic rules
82.5 %
Presentation method
82,5 %
Conformity of language
with good and correct of
the rules of Bahasa
85 %
82.81 %
The table above shows the average of overall
percentage score of the two validators is 82.81%,
with the note of each component meeting the valid
criteria. The score of 82.81% is in the range of
70.1% ̶ 85%, which means that the instructional
material that has been designed is quite valid and
requires a small revision before use. Such an
assessment is obtained because of the commitment
of researchers to produce adequate teaching
materials for MIT course, one of them using real
context in religious practice. This is consistent with
the opinion of Westera (2011) about contextual
learning that cannot take place in a vacuum but must
be related with real-world events to make sense for
the students.
3.3 Limited Trial
After being corrected in accordance with the
validator's suggestions, product design that has been
made was then piloted on a small group of students.
Eleven students selected were from: high group of
four students, medium group of four students, and
low group of three students. The purpose of the
limited trial was to determine the practicality of the
learning material that has been made. The criteria of
practicality test in this research and development
refers to the criteria used by Ningrum (2014).
Criteria referred to is, learning material is said to be
practical if it meets the following indicators: 1) the
implementation of lecture program plan according
to the lecturer should at least meet the good criteria;
2) learning material according to the assessment of
the students should at least meet the good criteria.
The observation during the limited trial showed
that almost all of the activity points listed in the
lecture plan were conducted by the researcher. The
only activity that researcher did not do is gave
homework to students. Researcher deliberately did
not give homework. The reason was, that in this trial
the researcher only held once lecture meetingto
the students who are not taking the courseto know
the criteria of practicality of learning materials that
have been made. Scores obtained by researcher on
the observation sheet by the lecturer is 92.8%, which
means it meets the criteria of very good. Meanwhile,
the questionnaire results about students' responses to
learning material gave an average score of 3.75.
From the highest ideal score of 5, the score obtained
categorized as the good category.
A very good category for the implementation of
instruction by using teaching material that have
been designed, and good category for students'
responses to teaching materials, indicating that the
MIT material that have been designed are said to be
practical. Nevertheless, the researchers continued to
make revision, in this case on the layout and
coloring of the figure, to be more interesting; in
accordance with the suggestions provided by
students. We did this because we agreed with Plank (2014), which stated that students were
expected to be able to provide feedback to teachers,
about: their learning needs, and about the teaching
they were getting. Meanwhile, teachers had to create
learning conditions that support active student
3.4 Field Test
Subsequent activities, products that have been tested
its practicality was applied in real conditions for
wide scope. Trial are conducted using Classroom
Action Research (CAR). CAR is conducted to 27
students in 4th semester of the Department of
Mathematics Education of the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education Uninus, academic year
2016/2017. The effectiveness criteria in this
development research refers to the criteria used by
Mukhlis (2005), which was based on: 1) mastery
learning, 2) the ability of lecturer in managing
Development of Teaching Material “Mathematics Contribution to the Implementation of Sharia”in Mathematics in Islamic Treasure Course
instruction, 3) students’ activities, and 4) students’
responses to instruction. If at least three aspects of
the four aspects are meet the criteria, provided that
the mastery learning aspect was met, then the
instruction is declared effective. In order to know
the effectiveness of learning material that have been
designed, then the researchers decided to measure all
aspects except student activities.
3.4.1 Learning Mastery
Student learning mastery was obtained from the quiz
given at each end of the course, with the criteria of
learning mastery in accordance with the provisions
of Depdikbud (Triantoro, 2010). Each student was
said to have achieved learning mastery (individual
learning mastery) if the proportion of correct
answers of students reached 65%. Meanwhile, a
class was said to have achieved learning mastery
(classical learning mastery, abbreviated with CLM)
if there are 85% of students who have achieved
learning mastery in the class.
Table 3: Learning mastery in each cycle.
Number of
students who
have achieved
81 %
CLM is
89 %
85 %
Table 3 showed that classical learning mastery
had not been achieved in the first cycle.
Nevertheless, the researchers decided not to provide
re-quiz to students who had not yet reached
individual learning mastery, but simply assigned the
task of re-studying parts they had not mastered,
outside of MIT's lectures. Despite the decline in
performance from the 2nd cycle to the 3rd cycle, in
both cycles the classical learning mastery had been
Classical learning mastery could be achieved
mainly due to the commitment of lecturers, to
always try to invite and remind the students to
jointly implement the mandate of curriculum of the
department. The mandate referred to is a
commitment to implement and at the same time help
to create a quality curriculum, in this case to
articulate the competencies required for lifelong
learning and the competencies required for holistic
development. In order to achieve the success of
learning, so that can reach mastery learning,
lecturers are guided by various tools which
according to Guskey (2007) can help the teachers to
increase their power. The various tools or strategies
suggested by Guskey are feedback, correction,
enrichment, and instructional alignment.
3.4.2 The Ability of Lecturer in Managing
During classroom instruction activities,
researchers were observed by one of the lecturers
who teach MIT. Observations were conducted by
referring to the observation sheet prepared by the
team, which contains all of the instruction steps that
should be done by the lecturer. Implementation of
activities is assessed starting from not implemented
at all until it is done very well, by giving the value 0
to 4. The final value of each cycle is the average of
all scores in percentage forms. The results of
observation by the lecturer can be seen in the
following table.
Table 4: Observation result of lecturer activity in each
Average Value
Very Good
Very Good
Table 4 showed that MIT lectures have been well
managed, or even very well. Such an assessment
was obtained because of the commitment of
researchers to improve knowledge in terms of
education and learning materials. The commitment
was realized by carefully studying the material
content and discussing the steps of the instruction
activities to be undertaken, so that the instruction
became simple. In order to obtain simple
instructions, lecturers try to build positive
relationships with students: both inside and outside
the classroom, at the time of study or outside of
lecture hours. Such lecturers' effort is in accordance
with the opinion of Liberante (2012) on the
importance of building positive relationships
between teachers and students in order to create a
quality learning environment.
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
3.4.3 Student responses
In this study, students' responses were captured
through journals filled with the students about their
responses and suggestions to the instruction of each
cycle. Students' opinions were further interpreted
into 3 response categories: positive, mediocre, and
negative. The results of the interpretation of the
journal filled by the students could be seen in the
table 5.
Table 5: Student’s respons
% Positive
% Negative
% Mediocare
In the table 5, it’s appeared that almost all
students gave a positive response to instruction, on
each cycle. According to researchers, it happened
because the students were actively involved in
learning. In addition, the responses and suggestions
they provide at the end of each cycle, responded
back by the research team, to improving instruction.
Researchers agreed with Spiller (2009) who stated, it
is generally believed that feedback is an important
part of the learning cycle.
All three parts of the field test had been carried
out. The learning mastery analysis concluded that
classical learning mastery had been achieved; the
learning activity analysis resulted in a very good
category; and analysis of student responses also
resulted in a positive category. Based on those three
results, it can be concluded that the teaching
materials the topic of Mathematics Contribution to
the Implementation of the Sharia which had been
designed through the integration of history in MIT
lecture meet the effective criteria.
3.5 Production
The last part of our research and development was
producing output research, in the form of teaching
material. In the meantime, we decided to produce
only limited teaching material, enough to meet the
needs of the lectures themselves. Mass production
will only be done if we have finished compiling all
the topics studied in MIT lectures.
In accordance with the formulation of the problems
that have been described in the beginning, we will
put forward three conclusions. In the development of
teaching materials for the topic of mathematics
contributions to the implementation of sharia: 1) The
teaching material that have been designed meet the
criteria valid with quite valid category; 2) The
teaching material that have been designed can be
used in MIT lectures with historical integration
strategy on mathematics instruction; 3) The teaching
material that have been designed is effective in
achieving learning mastery.
This research and development are part of a
historical study funded by the Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education of the Republic
of Indonesia (Kemenristek-dikti RI). However, the
entire contents of this article are purely the
responsibility of the researchers, and irrespective of
the liability of the donor.
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