outcomes from Discrete Mathematics subjects are
unsatisfactory. One of the constraints of students in
mastering Discrete Mathematics is that students find
it difficult to understand the lesson because the
learning process does not involve students to think
critically about the problems given by the lecturer.
Another obstacle in the process of learning Discrete
Mathematics is the limited learning resources,
references, books, modules and teaching materials
that are easily understood by students. In fact,
Discrete Mathematics material is books that use
foreign languages. From the problems described
earlier, students were not motivated to learn Discrete
Mathematics. So, thinkers think that it is necessary
to develop a learning resource for Discrete
Mathematics. Compound intelligence is one of the
keys to teaching students to solve non-routine
problems. Multiple intelligences are important
because they will be an important component in
developing students' analytical skills and critical
In this study, researchers developed what needed
to be done to solve the problem was to develop
teaching materials that could increase multiple
intelligence. Double intelligence is one of the keys
to teaching students to solve non-routine problems.
Double intelligence is important because it will be
an important component in developing students'
analytical and critical skills.
Based on the description above, we will present a
research article on the subject matter "How does the
increase in Multiple Intelligence of PGRI Adi Buana
Surabaya University students after using the results
of the development of textbooks on Discrete
Mathematics courses?". Multiple Intelligence
developed is limited to 3 intelligences, namely:
linguistic intelligence (linguistic intelligence),
mathematical logic intelligence (logical
mathematical intelligence), and spatial visual
intelligence (visual spatial intelligence).
2.1 Discrete Mathematics Textbooks
Based on Wikipedia (2010), the definit ion of a
textbook is a manual of instruction in any branch of
study. Textbooks are produced according to the
demands of educational institutions. (accessed on
July 9th, 2018 on
Textbook is a book used in teaching and learning
activities that contain teaching materials based on
the curriculum applied. In this study the teaching
materials produced is a textbook. The textbook is a
basic knowledge base and used as a learning tool
and is used to accompany lectures and independent
learning (Kurniawan, 2014 and Suroso, 2004).
The textbook in this study is the result of module
development of the research in the first year. This
teaching material as an educational process
supporter and implementation of the material as an
exercise. The teaching materials development is
done based on a systematic process so that the
validity and reliability of teaching materials can be
guaranteed. There are several factors that can affect
the quality of teaching materials and should always
be considered in the development process of
teaching materials, namely content, scope, legibility,
language, illustration, covering and packaging. The
quality of instructional materials is highly dependent
on the accuracy in implementing of these factors in
developing teaching materials.
2.2 Multiple Intelligences
Based on Gardner's research there are eight different
human intelligences of the students, then the other
researchers was added two more intelligences, so
that on the last research explained, there are 9
intelligences owned by the students. The following
explanation will be briefly described the ten
1. Verbal/linguistic Intelligence
This intelligence is an intelligence related to the
ability of the students in speech, writing, and
how to express oneself in words. The ability in
using language, poetry, stories, grammar,
symbolic thinking, is the expression of this
2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Logical-mathematical intelligence is often called
scientific thinking, including deductive and
inductive thinking. This intelligence is a linear
brain intelligence that is activated when a person
faces a new problem or challenge and tries to
solve it.
3. Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Visual intelligence is the intelligence related to
drawing, painting, using charts and maps, and
searching for different places/route. Other
expressions of this intelligence are visual art,
navigation, viewability space, architecture, chess
games. The visual-spatial intelligence is related
to the senses of view and imagination. The
Discrete Mathematics’ Textbook Development based on Multiple Intelligences