The Increasing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Learning
Cycle 5Eusing Dice in Learning Probability
Zainal Abidin and Nurlisna
Department of Mathematics Education, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Cycle”5E” Model, Critical Thinking, Probability.
Abstract: To improve a good critical thinking skill of students, a teacher needs to innovate in choosing an appropriate
model using in classroom learning. A learning cycle “5E“ model is one of models that can be used to enhance
students' critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study is to determine the increasing of students 'critical
thinking skills in learning probabilities by using a learning cycle "5E" model, and to determine the differences
of students' critical thinking skills that are taught by applying the learning cycle "5E" model than students
who are taught without applying the learning cycle "5E" model. The data was analyzed by using t-test. The
data analyzing indicates that there is the enhancing of students' critical thinking skills by using the learning
cycle "5E" model and found that 29.17 % of students are highly critical and 58.33 % of students are critical.
The results showed that the students' critical thinking skills that are taught by applying the learning cycle "5E"
model using a medium dice is better than students’ critical thinking skills of students who are taught without
applying the learning cycle "5E" model.
Mathematics learning process in school should pay
attention on the need of improving and developing
students’ critical thinking ability for the use of it in
student’s real world (Filsaime, 2008; Samsudin,
2009; Karim, 2015) as the competency on curriculum
2013 (Permendikbud, 2013). However, in fact, by
based the TIMSS and PISA result showed that the
Indonesian education is poor quality (Nur, 2013;
Wasis, 2015; Karim, 2015).
The survey of Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA) in 2015 showed that the
mathematical abilities of Indonesian students in the
63rd ranking of 72 countries (Gewati, 2018). As well
as PISA survey, Trends in the International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) survey in
2015 show that Indonesia is still at a lower level,
Indonesia occupied 45th out of 50 countries with a
score of 397 (, 2016). These indicate that
an effort to increase students' mathematical abilities
through increasing critical thinking skills is needed.
On the other hand, the critical thinking ability is
not an ability that could not develop by itself, but, it
needs a learning model or a learning strategy for
developing it (Zubaidah, 2010). The critical thinking
could be learnt, predicted improved and taught to
other (Facione, 2013). The critical thinking ability
relate to the abilities to identify, solve problem
creatively and thinking logic for making a good
The improving of critical thinking skills should be
conducted by teachers in each areas of instruction,
especially, mathematics instruction. To increase
students’ critical thinking skills, the teachers should
innovate the learning models in classroom learning.
One of teaching and learning model that focused
on student-centered is learning cycle “5E” model. In
this model there are 5 activities namely engagement,
exploration, explanation, expansion and evaluation
(Sastradi, 2016). Fajaroh and Dasna (2007),
furthermore, stated that learning cycle is applying of
social constructivism by Vigostkyand meaningful
Based on the introduction above, there are some
research questions:
1. Is the applying learning cycle 5E model with
using dice could enhance students’ critical
thinking skills in students grade XI SMAN 11
Banda Aceh?
2. Is students’ critical thinking skills that taught by
learning cycle “5E” is better than students’
Abidin, Z. and Nurlisna, .
The Increasing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Learning Cycle “5E” using Dice in Learning Probability.
DOI: 10.5220/0008520102420245
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 242-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
critical thinking skills that taught without
learning cycle “5E”.
The study is expected to have some benefits:
1. Teachers: Teachers will use this type of teaching
for improving students’ critical thinking.
2. Students: It is expected that students’ critical
thinking ability would improve after applying the
model learning
A Quasi Experimental Design with control group
pretest-posttest design was used in study. The
population is all students of grade XI IA SMAN 11
Banda Aceh year 2017/2018. The samples were two
classes which each class has 25 students in the
experimental class and 24 in the control class. Both
of these classes have the same level of mathematical
ability. The data was collected by using technique test
of students’ critical thinking.
The type of question in this test is an essay that
must be solved by students in 90 minutes. The test
was given to students after they learned the subject
with the learning cycle "5E" model. Through these
tests, the data obtained from students' critical thinking
skills in accordance with indicators of critical
thinking. To measure and analyze students' critical
thinking skills in this study is as follows:
2.1 Data Analysis of the Increasing of
Critical Thinking Ability
There are indicators of the instrument used to assess
critical thinking ability:
1) Score 1 not able to solve problem correctly,
2) Score 2 able to problems but no reasons given,
3) Score 3 able to solve but the reason given is not
4) Score 4 able to solve the problem correctly and
with correct reasons.
The collecting score will be converted to 100 scale by
divided the number of students took by the number of
maximum scores multiply by 100 (Sudijono, 2001).
Table 1: The Critical Thinking Ability Criteria.
81 100
66 - 80
56 - 65
41 - 55
0 40
Highly critical
Less critical
Not critical
2.2 The Analysis of Comparison of
Students’ Critical Thinking
The collecting data was analyzed by using t-test of 5
% significant. Hypothesis:
: Students’ critical thinking ability taught by
using learning cycle “5E” model is the same to
students’ critical thinking ability taught without
using learning cycle “5E” model.
: Students’ critical thinking ability taught by
using learning cycle 5E” model is better than
students’ critical thinking ability taught without
using learning cycle “5E” model.
3.1 The Analysis of Critical Thinking
Table 2: The Percentages of Critical Thinking Ability
Highly critical
0 %
29.17 %
0 %
58.33 %
4.17 %
8.33 %
Less critical
37.5 %
4.17 %
Not critical
58.33 %
0 %
Based on table 2, it is showed that percentages of
students’ critical thinking after treatment increase
compare to before treatment. After the treatment, the
number of highly critical students increase from 7
students or 29.17% to 14 students or 58.33%. The
result showed that there is an increasing of students’
critical thinking ability by using learning cycle “5E”
3.2 The Analysis of Comparison of
Students’ Critical Thinking
Based on significant = 0,05 dan degree o freedom
47, from table t-distribution found that
, as the result
or  
and H
is accepted. It showed that Students’ critical
thinking ability taught by using learning cycle “5E”
The Increasing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Learning Cycle “5E” using Dice in Learning Probability
model is better than students’ critical thinking ability
taught without using learning cycle “5E” model.
By using analysis data, it is found that there is an
increasing of students’ critical thinking ability by
comparing pretest and posttest achievement. From
the test, it is found that learning cycle “5E” model
enable to increase students’ critical thinking ability:
29.17% highly critical students and 58.33% critical
students. The results are the same with the previous
studies that conducted by Khairuna (2017).
By using statistic t-test using significant = 0,05
and df = 47 found that
 as the result
or  
thus H
is rejected and H
accepted. In addition, based on the learning
conducted by learning cycle “5E” model showed that
students’ activity is more dominant than teacher’s
The results are the same with the previous studies
that conducted by Noer (2009), Ismaimuza (2010),
Fachrurazi (2011), and Somakim (2011) which
concluded that critical thinking skills can be
improved by using innovative learning models and
demanding students more active and skilled in
The study result is relevant with theory by Eggen
and Kauchak (2001) stated that the instructional
learning was effective if students’ active during the
learning. On the other word, students are not only
passive but trying to explore the knowledge by
teacher helping.
Based on data analysis and discussion, it can be
concluded that:
1. There is an increase in students' critical thinking
skills before applying the learning cycle "5E"
model that is compared to after applying the
learning cycle "5E" model. After conducting
learning, it is obtained that 29.17% of students are
very critical, 58.33% of students are critical.
Whereas before the applying of the learning cycle
"5E" models the level of critical thinking of very
critical and critical was 0%. It is showed that there
is an increase from 4.17% to 8.33%, less critically
reduced from 37.5% to 4.17% and not critical
from 58.33% becomes 0% after learning.
2. The results of hypothesis testing at significance
level at = 0.05 obtained t
> t
or 3.32>
1.67. Thus, the null hypothesis
is rejected and
the alternative hypothesis
is accepted. It is
concluded that the critical thinking skills of
students taught by applying the learning cycle
learning "5E" model using dice media are higher
than the critical thinking skills of students taught
without applying the learning cycle learning "5E"
model using dice media in grade XI of probability
concepts in SMAN 11 Banda Aceh.
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The Increasing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Learning Cycle “5E” using Dice in Learning Probability