The Least-Squares Finite Element and Minimum Residual Method
for Linear Hyperbolic Problems
Adin Lazuardy Firdiansyah, Nur Shofianah and Marjono
Department of Mathematics, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
Keywords: Least-Squares Finite Element Methods, Minimum Residual Method, Hyperbolic Equations.
Abstract: Many linear hyperbolic equations are applied in sciences, for example, propagation wave and transport
molecules. When the boundary data is discontinuous, the solution of linear hyperbolic equation is also
discontinuous. This condition influences in finding an approximate numerical method for its solution. In the
paper, we focus on the least-squares finite element method to solve linear hyperbolic equation. The linear
system resulting from the discretization is a symmetric and positive definite system that will be solved using
minimum residual method. Some numerical experiments are tested to illustrate the validity of the method.
The numerical result shows that the method can efficiently solve the continuous and discontinuous problem
of linear hyperbolic equation without oscillation
We consider the linear hyperbolic equations
where is the convection vector and
is the inflow
boundary condition defined as follow
The linear hyperbolic equation is
applied in engineering and sciences. The equation is
called transport or linear advection equation.
The linear hyperbolic equation was the first
introduced by Reed and Hill in 1973. The equations
(1) has a discontinuous solution when the boundary
data is discontinuous. We need an alternative
method to signify its condition. Numerical solutions
for the linear hyperbolic equation have been done
with various methods, such as SUPG (Burman,
2010), Galerkin (Bochev and Choi, 2007) and least-
squares finite element methods (De et al., 2004). We
focus our attention on solution of linear hyperbolic
equation with the least-squares finite element
The finite element methods have been developed
by researcher for resolving the equations (1). A
comparative study SUPG, Galerkin, and least-
squares finite element methods had been done by
Bochev and Choi in 2007. Based on numerical result
for discontinuous solution, the least-squares finite
element method gives a better stability (Bochev and
Choi, 2007). In 2004, the linear system resulting
from least-squares finite element method was solved
by using algebraic multigrid methods. Algebraic
multigrid methods for elliptic equations are applied
to linear system from least-squares finite element
methods without modifications. The result show that
complexity grows slowly relative to the size of the
linear system (Deet al., 2004). In 2004, the dual
least-squares finite element method was used to
solve linear hyperbolic equations. The formulation
allows discontinuous in the approximate solution
and then linear system resulting from dual least-
squares finite element method is solved with
algebraic multigrid method. Based on the numerical
result, the algebraic multigrid method is success of
this solver (Olson, 2004).
In the paper, we use minimum residual
(MINRES) method to solve linear system resulting
from least-squares finite element method. MINRES
method can resolve large sparse linear system with
coefficient system is a symmetric and indefinite
system (Yu-Ling Lai et al., 1997). This method can
also be applied in symmetric and positive definite
Firdiansyah, A., Shofianah, N. and Marjono, .
The Least-Squares Finite Element and Minimum Residual Method for Linear Hyperbolic Problems.
DOI: 10.5220/0008520702780283
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 278-283
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved