Implementation Self Organizing Map for Cluster Flood Disaster Risk
Indi Febriana Suhriani, Lalu Mutawalli, Baiq Rina Ari Widiami and Chumairoh
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Keywords: Cluster, Flood Disaster, SOM.
Abstract: Floods have devastating effects on human, economic, and environmental life. The flood risk can't be avoided
completely so it must be managed. Flood disaster management does not seek to eliminate the danger of
flooding, but to cope with it. Thus, this study aims to (1) classify the provinces in Indonesia based on the
results of flood risk analysis; (2) Identify flood risk characteristics in each group; and (3) Analysist the flood
risk level of each province in Indonesia. The research method used in this research is the method of Self
Organizing Map (SOM) by using software R. This research conducted cluster class based on flood risk
variables, i.e. province, number of incidents, a victim, houses and damages. The results showed the grouping
divided into 6 clusters with members of each cluster are; cluster 1 (central of java and east java), cluster 2
(west java), cluster 3 (Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu,
Lampung, Bangka Belitung, Kepulauan Riau, DKI Jakarta, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, East Kalimantan,
North Sulawesi and Papua), cluster 4 (Banten, West Papua), cluster 5 (South Kalimantan), and cluster 6
Indonesia is one country that has disaster-prone areas,
one of the disasters that often befall Indonesia is
flooded. Floods have an impact that can be bad for
human life. Flood disaster can affect the disruption of
the economy and the environment (UNISDR. 2015).
Negative impacts caused by floods are important for
anticipatory steps. To take anticipatory steps requires
knowledge of the hazards of their impact (Zischg, et
al., 2018). There have been several previous studies
on the analysis of the negative impacts of floods.
Studies show that the impact of flooding is not only
on aspects of buildings and materials. However, the
effect on the prevalence of increased psychological
illnesses after the flood disaster (Zhong, et al. 2018).
To explore the linearity of relationships using
spatial analysis and temporal variants of the impact of
floods. The results show that most and most affected
are nonlinearly properties especially those close to the
river (Rajapaksa, Zhu, & Lee, 2017). Hydrographic
construction design for the study of climate change
impacts, informative hydrograph development in
flood disaster impact studies (Brunner, Sikoska, &
Seibert, 2018). Factor analysis that influences flood
by using weighted overlay technique approach,
research result can give information about danger
zone of food for early (Azmeri, Hadihardja, & Vadia,
Several previous studies have conducted various
analysis approaches to the impact of floods. In this
study we propose anticipatory steps in obtaining flood
information in the territory of Indonesia. This
research can provide knowledge by conducting flood
risk level analysis at every province in Indonesia. In
order for prevention and mitigation measures to be
carried out properly, effectively and efficiently.
The method proposed in this research is the Self
Organizing Map method (SOM) and the aid of
computation method using R programming language
to support the faster analysis process done. The self-
organizing map is a statistical data analysis method of
the branch of unsupervised learning, whose goal is to
determine the properties of input data without explicit
feedback from a teacher (Martin & Obermayer,
2009). The SOM algorithm creates mappings which
transform high-dimensional data space into low-
dimensional space in such a way that the topological
relations of the input patterns are preserved (Köküer
& Green, 2007). Some previous studies used the self-
organizing map method. The use of SOM integrated
with image processing to model the detection of
damaged gaps in bridges (Chen, et.al, 2017). SOM
implementation can be used to model traffic
Suhriani, I., Mutawalli, L., Widiami, B. and Chumairoh, .
Implementation Self Organizing Map for Cluster Flood Disaster Risk.
DOI: 10.5220/0008522604050409
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 405-409
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved