Undergraduate Students’ Conceptual Understanding on Abstract
Risnanosanti, Yuriska Destania
Mathematics Study Program in Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu Indonesia
Keywords: Conceptual Understanding, Abstract Algebra
Abstract: This study aims to describe students’ conceptual understanding on abstract algebra at mathematics education
study program. The concept of binary and group operations is a fundamental issue in abstract algebra. This
current study is a qualitative research that aims to determine level of students’ understanding. Subjects of the
study were students of mathematics education study program of semester 7 who were taking course of algebra
structure in academic year of 2017/2018. The data were collected by using two instruments; test and
interviews. After the data obtained then it was categorized into appropriate levels of understanding of students.
The categories used in this study are the low, medium and high level of conceptual understanding. Based on
the results of data analysis, the result of study indicates that more than 50% of students still have low level of
understanding. It can be concluded that there are still many students who lack of conceptual understanding on
binary and group operations. Students define binary and group operations based solely on their current
knowledge. Therefore, there must be a special action done by lecturers to connect the concepts learned with
it precondition concepts.
Mathematical branches studied in mathematics
education study program include algebra, analysis,
applied mathematics, geometry, number theory, basic
introduction to mathematics, and mathematical logic.
Algebra is a course that contains basic skills expected
for those who study mathematics. This means that
basic knowledge of mathematics can be obtained by
studying algebra (Kaput, 2000). In higher education,
algebra is also called 'Abstract Algebra'. The subject
of abstract algebra aims at finding the same picture of
the algebraic structure, obtaining additional results
based on existing results, and making the
classification of operations on the structure of the
material being studied. Learning a structure means
studying the interrelationships among concepts
involved in the structure. According to Arikan, et.all.
(2015) the difficulties’ experienced in a concept will
cause difficulties in learning the next concept. There
are several reasons for the difficulty in learning
abstract algebra one of which is the lack of mastery
on concepts. The less mastered concepts make
students are not able to think abstractly, cannot depict
verbal expressions or cannot make mathematical
formulas. Therefore, in order to have good mastery in
abstract algebra, a good conceptual understanding is
highly required.
Procedural skill and conceptual understanding are
two types of knowledge that everyone needs in
learning mathematics. Procedural skill refer to the
ability of a person in solving problems by using a
coherent algorithm (Byrnes and Wasik, 1991; Bisson
et.all, 2016). In addition, procedural skill can also be
identified through the ability to change the notation
used in solving a mathematical problem. On the other
hand, conceptual understanding refers to an
understanding of concepts, relationships, and
principles in mathematics (Rittle, Siegler and Alibali,
2001; Crooks and Alibali, 2014). National Council
Teaching of Mathematics (2014) states that learning
mathematics should give emphasis at conceptual
knowledge by reducing attention to procedural
learning. Paying more attention to executional
procedures and ignoring conceptual understanding
will have an impact on students' success in learning
the topic (Ocal, 2017). Tatar and Zengin (2016)
explain ones of the causes of students having
difficulty in learning mathematics especially on the
topic of calculus is the lack of conceptual knowledge
on the topic. A learning process that emphasizes
conceptual knowledge, means providing an activity
Risnanosanti, . and Destania, Y.
Undergraduate Students’ Conceptual Understanding on Abstract Algebra.
DOI: 10.5220/0008523304380443
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 438-443
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that makes meaningful interrelationships between
concepts in mathematics, emerging understanding,
and giving chance for applying concepts. Arslan
(2010) states that conceptual knowledge involves a
student's understanding of interpreting a concept and
establishing a connection between the concepts.
People who have high conceptual understanding
ability can make the interrelationship between
sections in mathematics better than those with low
understanding of concepts. The results of Hallet,
Nunes and Bryant (2010) study found that students
will be more successful in mathematics learning when
a conceptual approach is used more than procedural
approaches. The use of a conceptual approach in a
learning activity may provide students with correct
procedures and better capacity in transferring
knowledge (Rittle and Alibali, 1999). Joersz (2017)
explain that students whom learning activities use a
conceptual approach will both improve their
conceptual understanding and establish correct and
flexible troubleshooting procedures. The term
conceptual understanding or knowledge includes
what has been known about the concepts and the way
in which the concept is found. Conceptual knowledge
is defined as knowledge of abstract concepts and
principles in general (Rittle, Siegler and Alibali,
2001). The increase of understanding about concepts
in mathematics means enhancing the ability of
conceptual understanding. In principle stated by the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2014),
it is firmly stated that conceptual understanding is
followed by the establishment a basic for the smooth
procedure. That is why conceptual understanding
becomes foundation and need for a good mastery on
utilizing procedure to solve mathematical problems.
The principle of NCTM shows that students must
develop their basic conceptual understanding first
before they have procedural knowledge. Procedural
knowledge was not developed early as an action to
expand the development of conceptual knowledge
(Rittle, Schneider, and Star, 2015). To achieve an
increased conceptual understanding of learning in
classroom, a valid and reliable measuring tool is
needed (Bisson, et.all., 2016) Conceptual
understanding can be measured by using a variety of
tasks, starting from the task of evaluating the
correctness of an example or a procedure of defining
and explaining the concepts learnt by students
(Crooks and Alibali, 2014; Rittle, Schneider, Star,
2015). The virtues of conceptual tasks are relatively
unknown or have not been encountered by the
students. So in order to solve them, students must
have the conceptual knowledge ability (Bisson, et.al.,
Based on the above descriptions, this study aims
to describe students’ conceptual understanding at
mathematics education program of FKIP
Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu in abstract
algebra course, especially on the topic of group
2.1 Type of Research
This research is qualitative descriptive study using
described qualitative data to produce clear and
detailed description about students’ conceptual
understanding on topic of group theory at
Mathematics Education Study Program of
Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. Qualitative
data in this study is the result of students’ answers on
test. After the test was conducted, then the subjects
were interviewed in order to describe and dig up in-
depth informations those were not obtained from
student test.
2.2 Subject of the Research
Subjects of this study were 63 seventh semester
students of mathematics education of FKIP of
Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu 2017/2018
academic year who were taking the course of
Algebraic Structure. Based on the results of the test,
6 students had been selected to be interviewed. The
students who were interviewed represented low,
medium, and high conceptual ability groups.
2.3 Research Intrument
The main instrument used in this study was the
researcher herself by conducting interviews to
explore in-depth information on mathematics
education students’ understanding on the concept of
binary and group operations based on test results. The
instrument used in this study was a test on conceptual
understanding of binary and group operation material.
The questions of this test were in the form of
description consisted of two questions based on the
indicator. In addition, an interview guide was also
used to know in-depth information about the occuring
processes in term of students’ algebraic thinking in
solving algebra problems.
Undergraduate Students’ Conceptual Understanding on Abstract Algebra
2.4 Data Collection
Data collection of this research was done by using
two techniques, written test and interview. Written
Test is a test of understanding on the concept of
binary and group operations to obtain data on
students' conceptual understanding. Meanwhile, the
interview used in this study was a task-based
interview so that interview guidelines only contained
with outline of questions. It was conducted to obtain
clearer data on conceptual understanding of binary
and group operating materials.
2.5 Data Analysis Tehcnique
The data analysis on conceptual understanding of
binary and group operation was done in depth after
the students were divided based on their ability
category. The process of data analysis began by
reviewing all available data from interview and
observation that has been written in field notes. Then
the researcher performed data reduction, data
exposure, and conclusion drawing and verifications.
3.1 Result
The problem in this research was 𝐿𝑒𝑡 G = {a +
2, a, b Q, a 0 or b 0} Prove that G is a
Group under regular multiplication” . We wanted to
analyze whether the students learnt the group
principle in this problem. We marked that most of the
students memorized the group principles (closure,
associativity, identity element, inverse element) but
they could not interpret them.
Table 1. Conceptual Understanding of the Subject in The
First Problem
Number of The Problem
Percentage of Correct Answered in Closure
Percentage of Correct Answered in
Percentage of Correct Answered in Identity
Percentage of Correct Answered in Inverse
In accordance with table 1, it appears that for the
problem, only 54% of the subjects answered correctly
in closure property. Most of the students of
mathematics education in FKIP Muhammadiyah
University of Bengkulu (64%) have an error in
determining inverse of each element in a group. Table
1 also depicts that for the understanding on terms of a
set to be a group, less than 50% (47.75%) of subjects
answered correctly.
Results of this study aim to determine Mathematics
Education students’ conceptual understanding on
binary and group operations in the subject of
Structure of Algebra.
1. Result of analysis on subject 1 (represent students
with high conceptual ability), based on result of
the test and interview:
a. Closure property: subject 1 could explain
well the property on the multiplication of
positive rational numbers derived from the
closure properties of multiplication with a
detail explanation at each explanatory step.
b. Associative property: subject 1 could
describe the associative property by giving
explanation about the connection the
multiplication operation property.
c. Identity element: subject 1 managed to
define the identity element which is also an
element of a set of rational numbers with a
clear and detailed explanation on each step
d. Every element has inverse: subject 1 could
coherently determine the inverse element by
using the identity element specified in the
previous step. Subject 1 explained in
sequence and detail the steps to determine
the inverse element and show that the
inverse is also an element of the set of
rational numbers.
2. Results of analysis on subject 2
(represented students with medium
conceptual ability)
a. Closure property:Subject 2 did not
mention that the set was not an empty set
that has binary operations. The subject
directly mentioned that the set meets the
closure property and other properties.
Subject 2 could show that the set of
positive rational numbers has closure
property to binary operation on
multiplication. But in each step, subject
2 did not explain the used properties.
b. Associative property: Subject 2 described
the associative property from the left-to-
right side in detail using other variables
and described the inherent property of
each written step. However, subject 2
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
was less precise in restoring the
examplified variables.
c. Identity element: Subject 2 was able to
determine the element of identity in the
set of positive rational numbers.
However, written test results indicated
that the subject was not understood the
property he wrote. Subject 2 also
hesitated in explaining which definitions
are meant in each explanatory step.
d. Identity element: Subject 2 showed that
every element in the set of positive
rational numbers has an inverse element
by asserting the inverse with another
variable. In the explanation of this
property subject 2 was more flexible
when it came to substituting the given
variables. Eventually, subject 2
reasonably showed that the inverse is
also an element of the set of positive
rational numbers. The subject also
explained definition of a group by
repeating the explanation of each trait.
Unfortunately, subject 2 was not careful
enough in determining inverse.
3. Results of analysis on subject 3
(represented students with low conceptual
a. Closure property: Subject 3 managed to
write the definition of closure property.
However, the subject failed to show
closure property on the given binary
operation. Subject 3 did not put meaning
on the definition of binary operations
properly and could not mention the
notation of the set of numbers.
b. Associative property: Subject 3 could
write the definition of associative
properties down. However, the subject
could not show that the given binary
operation meets the associative
property. Subject 3 copied from sample
of previous problems that had different
binary operations. The explanation of
the left-hand side to the right-hand side
did not match the definition of the
binary operation assigned to the
problem that was being worked on.
Subject 3 has not understanding on the
application of binary operations in the
term of associative property.
c. Identity element: Subject 3 wrote the
definition of identity element correctly.
However, it could not elaborate the
property using the definition of given
binary operation. The subject was
mimicking from binary operations has
ever been undertaken without sufficient
understanding on the definition itself. In
addition, subject 3 assumed that the
element of identity is always zero. So
the operation performed was a
reduction operation which is the inverse
of the addition operation.
d. Inverse element: Subject 3 could denote
the inverse element and wrote down the
definition that characteristic of each
element is having an inverse element.
However, the subject did not succeed to
show the inverse of the element because
it wrote the wrong identity element.
Furthermore, the decomposition of the
binary operation definition was still
incorrect. So that the inverse element
obtained was also incorrect. Subject 3
was not able to link any written steps
with the definitions already written at
the beginning. Subject 3 mentioned that
the problem that was being solved was
a group but could not explain the reason
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of the data analysis it can be
concluded that subject 1 could define the binary and
group operation in detail starting with a non-empty
set, having binary operations, and then showing one
by one closure and associative properties, having an
identity element, each element has an inverse, and are
distributive by using inherent properties in operation.
Based on the data of Subject 2, it can be stated that
subject 2 was able to identify a binary and group
operation or not binary and group operations by
showing one by one closure and associative
properties, having an identity element, each element
has an inverse and distributive. The subject did not
mention that binary and group operations must be
non-empty set. Subject 2 did not include attributes
attached to the operation. In addition, Subject 2 was
also rather careless in completing the test. Based on
the data analysis on subject 3 it can be concluded that
Subject 3 was able to write the definition of binary
and group operation. However, it was less fluent and
incomplete in showing one by one the properties.
Subject 3 assumed that the identity of multiplication
is always 1 and the identity of addition is always 0.
Undergraduate Students’ Conceptual Understanding on Abstract Algebra
Subject 3 did not include attributes attached to the
operation. In addition, Subject 3 was also less
thorough in conducting the operation.
This research wanted to survey whether the
students learnt the group axioms in this question. The
researcher observed that most of the students
memorized the group axioms (closure, associativity,
neutral element, inverse element) but they could not
analyze them. We categorized the mistakes into two
groups on this question. In the 1st Category, students
listed the group axioms but they accepted them
“Correct” without sufficiently analysing it. In short,
they accepted that associativity was proved without
analysing. In the 2nd Category, the result we found is
that the students could not comprehend the required
It could be said that the students preferred to copy
rather than to think abstractly when we consider that
they attended to the university as a result of test exam,
i.e. the central exam system (Soylu, 2008). It sounds
believable that they could have just memorized the
rules of theory without internalizing the descriptions.
Trying to proving the group axioms without thinking
on descriptions is a sign of rote learning based
education system. Whether a cognitive teaching has
been done on the algebraic structures or not has not
been known. Unless we internalize the meanings of
the concepts covered with the different learning
methods, mastering on a subject by rote will come
into the question. Using computer programmes, e.g.
computer algebra system CBS), will provide
convenience but, are there any academic members
applying to the computer programmes or how are
their perspectives to these embodying processes?
Doing a scientific research by academic members
about this matter, their opinions and their approaches
could be significantly useful (Tatar and Zengin,
2016). The questions, which measure whether
definitions and features of algebraic structures are
learnt, are generally measure proving, reasoning, and
discernment ability. Individuals experience many
problems in their daily life and they think
mathematically to solve their problems. Actions like
explaining a proposition, saying why it is right or
wrong and choosing and using different logical
thinking ways and proving types, present individual’s
ability on mathematical thinking. In this sense, the
students of the mathematics department are supposed
to use their ability of mathematical thinking and to let
the operations they do make sense. Mistakes made by
students, who participated in the study, came up as a
result of either misunderstanding the conditions of
group theory or examining these conditions wrong
(Arikan, et.all., 2015). Some challenges could be
experienced during the learning process but the
matter is to identify them correctly and to enhance
various methods to deal with them. Having
difficulties at the learning abstract concepts is the
most important one. Students can apply to rote
learning in order to overcome this difficulty, but they
can have difficulty in practice at this time. For
example, student lists the axioms (closure,
associativity, inverse element, neutral element) while
controlling the set whether it is group or not, but he
or she makes the operation supposing that the set is
closed (Arikan, et.all., 2015). In other words, student
cannot practice what he or she memorized or could
not know what to do in other cases. We have been
thinking the fact that this problem traces to the gaps
of education which was received in both high school
and university years. Students’ infrastructure they set
up with math training, which they had during their
education life up to attending university, has
inadequate mathematics they meet at the university.
They assume that the success at this lesson to be able
to perform the operations without using calculator
and dealing with just practical solutions in the math
exams. However, they meet theoretical mathematics
after the graduation from a high school before the
college and as a natural result, they are afraid of
another learning difficulty, which we thought it arises
from the same reasons, is the one which is dealing
with proving the theories (Ocal, 2017). While it is
rehearsing as if definitions and proofs have no
significance at secondary education, the theoretical
side of the mathematics is at the forefront at the
university, especially at the Algebra Math-1 Class.
Students even do not know how to study for this
lesson and they are having enormous learning
difficulties. Our suggestion to minimize this wavers
during this gradation process is to lecture the abstract
mathematics, such as logic, proving methods before
Linear Algebra and Mathematics Analysis I class, in
which the main subjects of the theoretical
mathematics have been taken into account.
Conceptual learning has much higher degree of
importance in the mathematics education for the
students who study at the mathematics department.
Unless the students can successfully comprehend
algebraic definitions, concepts and structures, they
will try to memorize these phenomenon’s(Soylu,
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be
concluded that the conceptual understanding of
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
students on the topic of binary operations and group
theory is not satisfactory. Less than 50% of students
with good conceptual knowledge. It can be concluded
that there are still many students who lack of
conceptual understanding on binary and group
operations. Students define binary and group
operations based solely on their current knowledge.
This leads to the consequence that lecturers should
have new strategies to improve student conceptual
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Undergraduate Students’ Conceptual Understanding on Abstract Algebra