Design of Application Thesis Detector for Student of Mathematics
Education Department of IAIN Palopo
Muhammad Hajarul Aswad A and Rosdiana
Department of MathematicsEducation, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo, Agatis 91914, Palopo, Indonesia
Keywords: Thesis Detector, Trend of Research, Microsoft Visual Studio.
Abstract: This research is aimed to design the application of thesis title of Mathematics Education Department of Institut
Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo. The caused by the management of thesis title is still manually, not based
on the characteristics of the thesis that has been there and the development of the concept of Mathematics
Education research. Applications designed based on Microsoft Visual Studio that will be able to provide
information to students about research topics so often that the system will suggest taking another research
topic. The data is thesis research of Mathematics Education Department from 2013 until 2017. The
information is then tabulated based on the type (Quantitative, Qualitative, Classroom Action Research,
Research Development, and Field Research), the focus of research (learning outcomes, learning motivation,
model/ method/ approach/learning strategy, and other variables), and research location. The designed
application works well. The result is that the students of Mathematics Education Department most often do
quantitative research with the focus of research in learning outcomes of mathematics. SMP Negeri 8 is the
location most often used. The design of the application allows two things: the title is accepted and can continue
as research or title is rejected and recommended for other titles
Students should take research titles that have novelty.
Moreover, the Department of Mathematics Education
of IAIN Palopo is influenced by mathematics,
education, and Islamic content. Students should be
able to propose a variety of research titles
To guarantee the quality of student research, this
study tries to design a thesis detector application that
can be used to detect the title of research to be taken
by students. It will be seen whether the title of the
research has novelty or not based on existing
research. Application design is done using Microsoft
Visual Studio.
There are few studies applied Social Network
Analysis (SNA) to see the relationship between each
research topic (Chen et al., 2016), analyze research
trends in competition (Jeon et al., 2016), investigate
the evolution trends of network structure of learners
within a course forum in a university’ online learning
platform (Liu et al., 2018) or investigate research
trends based on content analysis (Erdogan, 2015).
The other studies tried to find out the research
trends in Environmental Education in Korea. This
research shows that the author suggests that the range
of practices in environmental education has changed.
This result by comparing article was published in the
early 2000s and 2010s (Kim, 2017). A content
analysis was implemented to describe and quantify
the methodology trends in the published articles in
2005-2015 in 15 journals indexed by Turkish
Academic Network and Information Center(Akdemir
and Yagiz, 2016). The others used scientometric
methods to analyze trends of science education
research from four journals from 1990 to 2007. This
study found that the research topic of Conceptual
Change & Concept Mapping was the most studied
topic. This study also finds that embedded in the most
cited references, the supporting disciplines and
theories of science education research are
constructivist learning, cognitive psychology,
pedagogy, and philosophy of science (Chang et al.,
This research provides a descriptive content
analysis of thesis topic were published between 2013
to 2017. This study is valuable and different from
previous studies in two aspects. First, this research
provides a descriptive of thesis topic by type of
research, focus, and research location. Secondly, this
research designs an application Thesis Detector to
Aswad, M. and Rosdiana, .
Design of Application Thesis Detector for Student of Mathematics Education Department of IAIN Palopo.
DOI: 10.5220/0008523904740478
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 474-478
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved