One-way learning, the teacher as the center of learning
with the delivery of materials using lecture methods.
This condition causes learners resulting from school
education lack the ability of understanding caused by
the lack of achievement of mathematical connection
ability. An educator who teaches mathematics can
stimulate or cultivate students' mathematical
connection skills using an effective learning model
and emphasize the process of linking between old
concepts and new concepts.
Based on data from the 2011 Trends in
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 study
for grade VIII students, putting Indonesian students in
38th out of 42 countries with an average score for
general mathematics ability is 386. Indonesia scored
11 points from the assessment of 2007. The value is
still far from the minimum standard score of average
mathematics ability set by TIMSS that is 500. In the
TIMSS mathematics class VIII, the first rank achieved
by Korean students (613), followed by Singapore.
This shows that the low mathematics learning
achievement (Lince, 2012).
Ruspiani also revealed that the average value of
high school students' mathematical connection ability
is still low, the average score is less than 600 at a score
of 100, which is about 22.2% for mathematical
connections with other subjects, 44.9% for
mathematical connections with other fields of study,
and 67.3% for math connection with daily life
(Lestari, 2011).
Learning model used by educator or teacher in
improving or growing the ability of connection of
mathematics that is by using cooperative learning
model. According to Slavin, cooperative learning
encourages students to interact actively and positively
in groups (Rusman, 2012). A cooperative learning
model that can improve the ability of mathematical
connections is the CORE learning model (Connecting,
Organizing, Reflecting, Extending). CORE learning
model is a discussion model that includes four
processes, namely: (1) connecting, connect language
means come or bring together, meaning students
connect between old concepts with new concepts, (2)
organizing, organize language means arrange in a
system (3) reflecting, reflect language means think
deeply about something and express, meaning
students think deeply about the concepts they are
learning, (4) extending, extending language means
make longer and larger, meaning that through
discussion can help students expand their knowledge
(Yuniarti, 2013). In mathematics learning connecting
old concepts with new concepts is one of the most
important elements, therefore a good connection is
needed in connecting that knowledge.
This research is done with problem formulation:
(1) how mathematical connection ability between
students who follow mathematical learning by using
CORE conventional learning model, (2) is there any
influence of CORE model on students' mathematical
connection ability.
This research was conducted at senior high school 87
Jakarta, located in Jalan Awareness Ulujami Raya
Pesanggrahan South Jakarta. The sample in this
research is 39 students of the third eleventh grade
science and 40 students of the second eleventh grade
science. The research method used is quasi
experimental method. The sample groups were
divided into two groups, namely the experimental
group and the control group. The research design used
was two groups of randomized subject posttest only.
The test instrument used in this research is the test
instrument of mathematical connection of students in
the form of a description test of 9 questions. The tests
were administered in post-test to experimental groups
and control groups on trigonometric subjects.
Differences in the value of students' mathematical
connection ability between the experimental group
and the control group can be seen in the following
Table 1: Comparison of Test Results of Student
Mathematics Connection.
In Table 1 the value of the mathematical
connection ability of the experimental group is better
than the control group. The ability of the connections
studied is to connect the concept of trigonometry with
other mathematical topics, connecting the concept of
trigonometry with other disciplines (physics),
connecting the concept of trigonometry with everyday
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam