Student’s Preferences for Lecturers with Conjoint Analysis
R. Warti
, A. Murtadlo
, R. Amalia
, V.Y Sundara
, K. Anwar
Department of Mathematics Education, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16, Jambi, Indonesia
Department of Islamic Education, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16, Jambi, Indonesia
Keywords: Conjoint Analysis, Lecturers, Student’s Preferences.
Abstract: Lecturer is one of the most important factors in determining the quality of education and college graduates.
This study aims to determine the factors of student’s preference on the quality on lecturers at the Faculty of
Education and Teacher Training Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi State Islamic University. The sample in
this study is all active students in Faculty of Education and Teacher Training chosen by using proportionate
stratified random sampling method. The data were collected by using questionnaires containing seven
factors which were analyzed using conjoint analysis with full-profile approach. The result shows that the
factors which become the preference of the students toward the lecturers are interactive, innovative,
applicable, relaxed, motivated, timely and objective in assessing. Based on the relative importance value of
the factors obtained in sequence, it results lecturer’s personalities, assessment, discipline, learning method,
material mastery, communication style and motivating ability.
Lecturer is one of the most important
components in a system of education in higher
education. Lecturer is based as professionals with
the main task of transforming, developing, and
disseminating knowledge, technology and art
through education, research and community service.
The lecturer is a professional person who aims to
implement the national education system and realize
the goals of national education, namely the
development of potential students to be human
beings who believe and fear the God, have noble
character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative,
independent, and become citizens who democratic
and responsible (UUD RI No 14 tahun 2005). In
their daily lives, sometimes there is a difference
between the ideal character of lecturer and what is
encountered by students in the campus.
The ideal characteristics of the lecturer in the
educational process are: 1) Always showing a
personality that is character, fearful of God and
proud of his identity as a college lecturer, 2)
Mastering in depth the fields of science that
becomes his expertise and able to actualize in
modern life and always oriented to the future, 3)
Have extensive and deep scientific and
intellectualism insight, adequate professionalism,
and the right methodology, 4) Demonstrate
discipline, diligence, responsibility, integrity,
critical, innovative, dynamic, open, respect the
opinions of others, oriented to productivity, and
noble and believes that work is worship, 5) Soul and
at the same time apply as educators and mentors,
have honesty, trustworthy, friendly, communicative,
attention to science, have responsibility for the
progress and success of students, emphasize problem
solving, and make students have moral behavior, 6)
Be proactive and feel ownership and responsibility
for the success and progress of the institution where
he works, 7) Oriented towards the future, always
aware of improve personal knowledge and quality
and upholding the lecturer’s code of ethics and
complying with all provisions regarding obligations
as lecturers, 8) Avoid corruption, collusion and
nepotism, 9) Upholds ukhuwah and togetherness,
wisdom, full dedication and worship, and is able to
make itself a role model for students in behavior and
especially in the fields of taught disciplines, as well
as an examples and role models for the whole
community, 10) Must always try to be able to give a
contributing of knowledge that is beneficial to
humanity (Alba, 2011).
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty are the
largest faculty in the State Islamic University of
Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which consist of
several departments and have more than one
hundred lecturers. The results of interviews with
several students about lecturers showed that each
Warti, R., Murtadlo, A., Amalia, R., Sundara, V. and Anwar, K.
Student’s Preferences for Lecturers with Conjoint Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0008524204910495
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 491-495
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
student had different preferences about the lecturers
who had taught them so far. Fatrisia as Islamic
Education Department said “there are lecturers who
are disciplined, diligent, assignments and judgments
are clear, skilled in teaching, responsible for their
duties and having authority. But there is lecturer
who rarely for come, give a lot of assignments and
bad assessment”. Wahyu from Islamic Education
management Department said, “there are lecturers
who are disciplined and teach well, but there are also
who are lazy to come and teach”. Based on the
diversity of opinions, it is necessary to evaluate
which aims to determine the student’s preferences in
lecturers at Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty
of State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha
Saifuddin Jambi. One method that can be used to
examine and analyze preferences is conjoint
Conjoin analysis is a multivariate analysis that
can be used to obtain a combination or composition
of factors in the form of attributes of a new or old
product or service that is most preferred by
consumers so that consumer’s preferences for a
product or service can be known. In this study
conjoint analysis is used to determine student’s
preferences for lecturers at Tarbiyah and Teacher
Training Faculty which are expected to increase
learning motivation on students.
The previous researches related to student
preferences in the field of education were discussed
by several researchers. Cynthia (2013) use conjoint
analysis to determine students' perception of
lecturers. Fitri (2011) use conjoint analysis to
examine student preferences for the quality of
lecturers. Arief (2017) use conjoint analysis to
examine student preferences towards lecturers. Rini
(2017) use conjoint analysis to determine student
preferences for mathematics statistics courses. Based
on these studies, researchers are interested to
determine the factors of student's preference for
lecturers using conjoint analysis. The purpose of this
research was to determine both student’s preference
and relative importance value among the factors of
student’s preference for lecturer at Tarbiyah and
Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University
of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
This research was conducted at Tarbiyah and
Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University
of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. This research
was conducted in March and April 2018. The data in
this study are primary data obtained from the
distribution of questionnaires that have been given to
active students of 2015, 2016 and 2017 at Tarbiyah
and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic
University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The
sample in this study was 2830 students at Tarbiyah
and Teacher Training Faculty who were selected
using proportionate stratified random sampling. This
sampling technique is carried out by the requirement
that the population consists of levels, layers, strata,
or sub-groups (Tukiran, 2014). Using the Slovin
formula obtained a sample size of 351 students
which will then be divided in proportion based on
the number of students in each department and class.
The collected data will be analyzed using conjoint
2.1 Determination of Attributes and
From some literature, theory and research
obtained several lecturer criteria that were assessed
by students when teaching in the classroom. The
lecturer criteria are the attributes used in the study.
These attributes are communication style, learning
method, material mastery, lecturer’s personalities,
motivation ability, discipline and assessment. Each
attribute has two choice criteria called level which
are usually equal levels or choices. The attributes
and level of attributes in this study can be seen in
Table 1.
Table 1: The attributes and level of attributes
Level of Attributes
Communication Style
1. Communicative
2. Interactive
Learning Method
1. Conventional
2. Innovative
Material Mastery
1. Theoretical
2. Applicative
Lecturer’s Personalities
1. Relax
2. Serious
Motivation Ability
1. Motivator
2. Inspiratory
1. Timely
2. Flexible
1. Objective
2. Subjective
2.2 Designing a Combination of Stimuli
The design of the combination of attribute levels
(stimuli) that have been used in this researched was
compiled based on full profile approach. Because
there are seven attributes, the cards formed are 2
= 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 =128. Because stimuli
are formed too much and will make it difficult for
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
respondents to score, the stimuli are reduced by
using factorial designs called orthogonal arrays,
which make it possible to estimate all main effects.
With minimum stimuli = Number of Levels -
Number of Attributes + 1, the stimuli that have been
evaluated by respondents are 14-7 + 1 = 8 stimuli.
2.3 Data Collection
Data collection is done by distributing
questionnaires to respondents. The questionnaire is
in the form of a stimuli card which contain a
combination of attributes that will be chosen by
respondents using rating of 1 to 5 with the following
Score 1 = Very Dislike
Score 2 = Dislike
Score 3 = Quite Likes
Score 4 = likes
Score 5 = Very Likes
2.4 Data Analysis
The data obtained will be analyzed using
descriptive analysis and conjoint analysis procedures
to find out what attributes are the student’s
preferences for lecturers. Interpretation of results is
seen from the total usefulness value and the
important relative values found in the model
produced in conjoint analysis.
This research uses primary data taken from the
results of questionnaires to active students at
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty at UIN
Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi for 2017/2018
academic year. The questionnaire begins with filling
in the student biodata which includes class,
department, gender, GPA, Senior High School,
major in Senior High School, origin of region and
residence. From 351 students as respondents, 66
were students of 2015 class, 121 students in 2016,
and 141 students in 2017.
Based on the department, from 351 samples
there were 87 Islamic Education students, 21 Arabic
Language Education students, 25 Islamic Education
Management students, 45 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Education students, 48 English Education students,
16 Physics Education students, 48 Biology
Education students, 42 Mathematics Education
students, and 19 Raudhatul Athfal Education
3.1 Combination of Attributes and
Level of Attributes
This research uses a complete combination
presentation method to display a combination of
attributes with an attribute level (stimuli). In making
stimuli with the complete combination presentation
method, the number of attributes and a small level
can be used a factorial design that uses all available
combinations. If selected p attributes that have two
levels, there will be as much as 2
combination of
attributes and level attributes that must be evaluated
by the respondent. So, the number of stimuli that
occur is 2
= 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 128 stimuli.
If the 128 stimuli are used, it will be difficult for
the respondent to score the stimuli. Respondents will
find it difficult to provide consistent answers, other
than that it requires a relatively long time. Then the
combination will be reduced using fractional
factorial design, orthogonal arrays. With this design,
some of the combinations of stimuli are chosen
which really affect the main effect. The stimuli taken
are minimum stimuli = number of levels - number of
attributes + 1 = 14-7 + 1 = 8. So, the stimuli that
respondents evaluated were 8 stimuli. Then the
respondent was asked to give a score on the 8
stimuli with criteria: 1 = very dislike, 2 = dislike, 3 =
quite like, 4 = like, and 5 = very like.
3.2 Research Sample Analysis
In this research, the research method that has
been used was the metric method (score). Data for
conjoint analysis were obtained from the scores
given by respondents to each card in the research
questionnaire. The data that has been obtained were
analyzed individually. The estimation model used
was an additive model. Based on the results of the
individual analysis, of the 351 respondents' data
obtained, there were 340 data that could be analyzed
while 11 data were not; this was because the
respondents gave the same score on all combinations
of attributes and attribute levels (stimuli).
3.3 The Use Value in Each Level of
The student’s preferences with conjoined
analysis produced the use values that describe the
student's assessment of each level of attributes with
numbers. The positive value and the biggest shown
the level of attributes that students like, and the
negative value means dislike by students. Usability
Student’s Preferences for Lecturers with Conjoint Analysis
values at each attribute level based on student
preferences can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: The use of values
Level of Attributes
The use of
Table 2 show the use value in each attribute. It is
known that in the attributes of communication style,
students prefer interactive rather than
communicative, this is indicated by a positive use
value (0,012). In learning method, students prefer
innovative rather than conventional, this is indicated
by a positive use value (0,074). Attributes of
material mastery, students prefer mastery of
applicative rather than theoretical, this is indicated
by a positive use value (0,069). In the attribute of
lecturer’s personalities, students prefer lecturer who
are relaxed rather than serious lecturers, this is
indicated by a positive use value (0,219). In
motivation ability, students prefer motivator rather
than inspiratory, this is indicated by a positive use
value (0,032). In the discipline attributes, students
prefer on time, this is showed by a positive use value
(0,036). And assessment attributes, students prefer
lecturers who give objective values, this is mean by
a positive use value (0.211).
3.4 Relative Importance Value
Relative importance values are used to determine
which attributes are considered the most important
by respondents to lecturers can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3: Percentage of relative importance value
Communication Style
Learning Method
Material Mastery
Lecturer’s Personalities
Motivation Ability
Table 3 show percentage of relative importance
value of attributes by respondents to lecturers. From
the value of relative importance, it is known that the
most important attributes in sequence are lecturer’s
personalities (20,65%), assessment (18,37%),
discipline (13,28%), learning methods (12,63%),
material mastery (12,54%), communication style
(11,86%), and motivation ability (10,66%).
3.5 Correlation Test
Correlation test was conducted to find out the
relationship between the combination of attributes
and the student's preference for lecturers. Correlation
test results can be seen in Table 3.
Table 4: Correlation test
Statistic Test
Pearson’s R
Kendall’s tau
Based on Table 4, the relationship between the
combination of attributes and student’s preferences
can be seen in the Pearson's R value which shows
the value of 1,000 or the influential student
preference value is 100%. This shows that there is a
very strong level of correlation, supported by a
significant value of 0,000 (below 0,05) which
indicates that the value is significant.
Based on the results of the study it can be
concluded that the factors or attributes that become
student preferences for lectures are interactive,
innovative, applicative, relaxed, motivated, timely
and objective in assessing. Generally, the main thing
that is assessed or seen by students from a lecturer is
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Student’s Preferences for Lecturers with Conjoint Analysis