of data analysis are as follows: (1) Data reduction
(Reduce data means summarize, sort things out, focus
on things that are important, look for themes and
patterns and remove unnecessary. (2) Display data
(presents data in the form of matrices, Networks,
charts or graphs, so the researcher can control the data
and not drown with a stack of data) (3) Conclusion
and verification (Initial conclusions are temporary
and will change if no evidence is found strong support
at the data collection stage) (Sugiyono, 2010).
2.4 Data Validity Test
In qualitative research, the level of validity is more
emphasized on the data obtained. It means that the
confidence on data research results can be said to
have a significant influence on the success of a
research. Data validity can be obtained by conducting
credibility test to the data result in accordance with
the test procedure of data credibility in qualitative
research. There were many kinds of data validity test,
such as the extension of observation, increased
persistence in research, triangulation, discussion with
peers, negative case analysis and member checks. In
this study the researchers conducted an extension of
the observer which is done to deepen what has been
obtained. "Increasing time in the field certainly gives
an opportunity for researchers to make details of his
observations." (Sugiyono, 2010)
3.1 Mathematics Learning with
Experiential Strategy based Game
Learning by experiential strategy is learning that
begins by immersing learners in an experience and
then encourages reflection on experiences to develop
new skills, new attitudes, or new ways of thinking
(Schwartz, 2012). Silberman (2014) added that
experiential learning can be based on real work / life
experience and structured experience that simulates
or approaches real life experiences. Experiential
learning uses a wide range of methodologies
(Silberman, 2014), including: field experience, role
playing, games, simulation, visualization,
storytelling, adventure activities, etc. But in this
study, researchers used experimental learning based
on learning games.
Siberman (2014) revealed that game learning is a
main approach in experiential learning. Early
experiences as children make the game as a way to
learn. Playing is an important part of human
development. A game based activity will be
interesting if it provides opposition. Games centered
on active participants, can be used as an innovative
and fun element in the learning experience.
In this research, we use the story / problem solving
in class. There are 5 materials used by the researcher
to build the character of the students through
experiential strategy based on game. Those are
Currency, Least Common Multiple and Greatest
Common Factor, Fraction Number, Integers, and
circumference and area of triangle and parallelogram.
The following will describe the learning activities of
mathematics using experiential learning strategy
based on each game material.
1. Material : Problem Story of Currency
Make an interesting game on this material, one
of those is Role Play
In Role Play, the teacher can prepare scenarios
practiced in class
The scenario could be about “Buy and Sell” by
involving the background of the cooperative,
canteen or in the class itself. With a note if in
class, the teacher must prepare goods to be
Involve students in the play with scenarios
"Currency Story Problem"
Another alternative if the teacher does not
prepare the scenario is by asking the students
to make their own setting and write their script
Materials Required: Some goods traded, Currency
ranging from the smallest to the highest value,
Script / Screenplay, and Paper (note of goods that
will be bought)
2. Material : Problem Story Least Common
Multiple and Greatest Common Factor
Least Common Multiple (LCM)
Make an interesting game, one of those is
Joyful Number Clap (JNC)
In Joyful Number Clap (JNC), teacher asked
students to clap their hand happily if a number
is mentioned. However, It is not for all
The concept of Joyful Number Clap (JNC) is
teacher ask student on a number mentioned.
For example: teacher ask student to clap if the
number she/he mentioned is the multiple of
two, etc
In this game, LCM concept can be inserted.
For example: dividing the class into two
groups. First group must clap if teacher
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam