creatively, rationally, and can solve problems in
everyday life (Shadiq, 2014; Susanto, 2013; Hamzah
& Muhlisrarini, 2014). So that the development of
HOTS in mathematics learning is very important to
be applied in elementary education (Apino &
Retnawati, 2017). However, the fact shows that the
results of HOTS mathematics in Indonesia are still
low. The low HOTS of Indonesian students is shown
based on the results of the Trends in International
Maths and Science Study (TIMSS) study organized
by the International Association for the Evaluation
of Educational Achievement (IEA). TIMSS data in
2011 (Mullis, et. al. 2012) shows that on the
cognitive dimension, Indonesia is ranked 38 out of
42 participating countries.
The results of the study, supported by several
studies in Indonesia which analyzed HOTS students
in mathematics learning in elementary education
which were classified as still low (Piltena, 2010;
Putri & Zulkardi, 2018). There are various studies to
improve HOTS in learning mathematics in
elementary educations (Andriani et. al., 2018;
Lukitasari et. al. 2018; Suwarsi et. al. 2018). But the
results of the study are still in a small scope and
have not been used for reference in other elementary
HOTS can be achieved through teacher transfer
in HOTS-based learning processes and HOTS-based
learning assessments (Wall, 2015; Art-in, Sitthipon,
2012). Both components are mutually sustainable.
Therefore, the teacher must understand the HOTS
concept, implement HOTS in learning and measure
HOTS to students through HOTS-based assessment
Based on this, the purpose of this study is 1) to
determine the teacher's perception about
understanding and mastering the HOTS concept in
the 2013 curriculum; 2) the determine the
implementation of HOTS-based mathematics
learning the process and; 3) to determine HOTS-
based elementary education mathematics
This research is the preliminary study step in
research and procedures development (R & D) by
Borg & Gall. This study is limited to the analysis of
that elementary school teachers need to implement
HOTS based mathematics learning. The research is
descriptive research, using a qualitative approach.
The subjects of the research were 97 teachers of
the elementary education in the academic year
2017/2018 in East Java. Whole, the Elementary
Teacher consists of 26 teachers for grade 1, 32
teachers for grade 3, 15 teachers for grade 4, and 34
teachers for grade 5. The overall education
background of elementary school teachers consists
of 76 elementary school teachers having Bachelor
level education and 21 elementary school teachers
having a Magister level of education. While for
teaching experience, 23 teachers have already had
elementary school teaching experience for 7-10
years, 42 teaching experiences for 3-6 years, 32
teaching experiences for 1-2 years.
The method of data collection is questionnaire.
Every questionnaire consists of 3 aspects i.e.
teachers understanding towards HOTS-based
mathematics learning the concept in 2013
Curriculum, implementation and evaluation of
HOTS-based Mathematics elementary education
lesson. The number of questionnaire items is10
statements. We use descriptive and content analysis
as the techniques to analyze data. Below are the
question items of the questionnaire about teachers'
HOTS based mathematic instructional design at
elementary education.
Table 1: The description of research instrument.
Teacher’s understanding
toward concept HOTS based
mathematic instructional
design at elementary
education in 2013 curriculum
The implementation of
HOTS based Mathematic
instructional process
assessment of HOTS based
mathematic instructional
design at elementary
Each item is followed by four answer choices;
they are Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S), Disagree
(TS), and Strongly Disagree (STS). The teachers
were free to choose one of the choices based on the
status quo in each school.
Based on the results of the questionnaire analysis,
we divide the need of teacher’s in elementary school
into 3 aspects: (1) teacher’s understanding toward
HOTS based mathematic instructional design
concept at elementary education in 2013 curriculum;
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam