Analysis of Access and Monitoring Systems Implementation on
Human Resources to Improve the Shipbuilding Industry
Ilham Salo
, Triwilaswandio Wuruk Pribadi
and Sufian Imam Wahidi
Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Jl. Arief
Rahman Hakim, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Access systems, monitoring, RFID, Performance, Nchecked Biometric Attendance.
Abstract: In Indonesian shipyard, Access and monitoring of human resources still use conventional system. The
objective of this research is to analyse the application of access and monitoring system in the shipyard industry
to improve human resource performance. Firstly, observation of access and monitoring of human resources
in the shipyard was taken in PT. Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero). Secondly, analysed technical and
economic aspect of each alternative system, then conducted a system selection by using matrix pairwise
comparison. Finally, analysed the implementation of human resource access and monitoring system to
improve ship industry performance. The Access system that will be applied is Nchecked Biometric
Attendance system with CCTV and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card for extra features. The initial
investment cost of this system is approximately Rp464.512.000, and is feasible to apply based on 2,03 of
Benefit Cost Ratio or in other words, we can get profit 200% from initial investment. Implementation of the
access and monitoring system will be applied to work zones, among others office work area, workshop, and
open yard. In conclusion, before applying the systems, the employee performance was 57,95%, after applying
the system access and monitoring the employee performance can increase by 84,05% of the total parameters.
NEEDS to reach the highest level of work. This has
become a separate development in the shipping
industry. A SMART Shipyard can improve its
effective and efficient performance. One of the
famous concepts to use is the concept of S.M.A.R.T
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Timely). The advancement of information technology
is now one of the tools to improve employee
supervision in the work area .
The Information Technology referred to is a
computer-based access and monitoring system, the
access and monitoring system for employee activities
is in addition to being accessed by a computer, the
system also utilizes face biometric technology to
facilitate operations into the employee access and
monitoring system to be more easily visited with
features that prioritize information accuracy and
access speed (Rotenberg, 1974).
Basically, the objectives to be achieved from this
research are to observe the access and monitoring
system processes that are implemented in the
shipyard. Second, Select and design the access and
monitoring systems in the shipyard area. Analyze the
application of access and monitoring systems to
improve ship industry performance. Therefore, with
the access and monitoring system, the ship industry
can improve their company performance.
2.1 Access and Monitoring System
Access is the act of entering or using. In the field of
security, access regulation is a selective limitation of
a human resource to a place. So, that access
arrangements usually refer to the practice of
restricting the entrance to a building or work area and
only for authorized persons. In accessing a resource
must have permission from a system commonly
referred to as authorization. In an access system here
Salo, I., Pribadi, T. and Wahidi, S.
Analysis of Access and Monitoring Systems Implementation on Human Resources to Improve the Shipbuilding Industry Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0008542600790086
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology (SENTA 2018), pages 79-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-436-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
will determine who enters a room, building, or work
area (Rotenberg, 1974).
The meaning of monitoring itself is an activity
that consists of the process of observing or reviewing
and studying regularly carried out by the project
manager. In previous studies, information systems
were designed to monitor activities in production
workshops (Pratama & Triwilaswandio, 2017).
However, there is no overall monitoring of the work
area in the shipyard. In addition there are aspects
contained in the monitoring activities:
1. The aspects of project input include human
labor, working hours, data, materials or
materials, management, etc.
2. Aspects of the process or activity, namely
aspects of the project that describe the process
of activity, such as research, production
processes, and others.
3. The output aspect the results of the is the aspect
of a project that relates to or covers process,
especially related to quantity (Assauri, 2008).
2.2 Performance
Performance is the result or level of success of a
person as a whole during a certain period in carrying
out tasks compared to various possibilities such as
work standards, targets or targets or predetermined
criteria agreed upon (Mangkunegara, 2005).
In previous studies, an application analysis was
carried out in measuring the performance of shipyard
companies. Where in the measurement carried out on
all parameters owned by the company (Ari &
Triwilaswandio, 2005). So, it is necessary to have
research to measure the performance of each
individual human resources owned by the company.
The implementation of information systems has
been carried out to improve the performance of
shipbuilding industry maintenance facilities
management (Storch, 1995). Overall, from previous
research there needs to be a system that measures
individual employee performance for each work area
in the shipyard.
2.3 Shipyard Industry
The shipyard is a place to build ships and launch
ships, so a shipyard company must own land for the
construction of ships and coastlines. The shipyard has
two types of activities, namely new buildings and ship
repair. To build a new ship, the shipyard must have
one of the following basic facilities, Building Berth,
Building Dock, and Lifting Dock (Yanuar &
Triwilaswandio, 2013).
In addition to basic facilities, shipyards must
equip supporting facilities. Supporting facilities
needed by a shipyard.
The office is a place for administrative activities
to take place that are not directly related to the
construction or ship repair activities. The sections that
work here are for example marketing and finance.
The main function of the warehouse is to maintain
material inventory and be able to provide on time
according to production needs. Design facility, the
design section is in charge of carrying out all
activities related to calculations and drawings related
to material requirements up to work drawings for ship
production purposes. The plate workshop is a place
where ship construction starts from the process of
marking, cutting, forming, to assembly depending on
the capacity of the workshop. Meanwhile, pipe
workshop is responsible for the production of pipes
needed in the ship building process.
In each production process in the shipyard
research has been carried out to determine the size of
the process sigma. So that monitoring of the work
activity process to improve the company's
performance has been done (Albab &
Triwilaswandio, 2016). For this reason, there needs to
be more supervision for every individual who works
in the shipyard.
Research on the quality of ship repair services that
have been carried out to improve shipyard services is
based on the assessment of ship owners (Nurwanti &
Triwilaswandio, 2016). The research, there was no
improvement in the quality of service per ship to
guests. So, there needs to be an additional system to
improve shipyard service.
In the process of quality management in shipyards
research has been carried out on the design of
computer-based applications in the construction of
new ships (Putra & Triwilaswandio, 2016). The
research, it has helped the implementation of quality
management in the construction of new, better ships.
However, it has not been able to measure the
performance of each individual who carries out
quality management.
2.4 Some Access and Monitoring
The NChecked system is a biometric system for its
users that functions to monitor one's presence
automatically. This system is perfect for a company
that needs an access system to monitor its employees
and help employees when starting work (Chon,
SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology
And secondly, a Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) technology can be combined with a
navigation system to improve the accuracy of a
position. Which is where the main function of the
RFID system is to retrieve identity information from
a tag that is already equipped or also commonly called
a transponder. This tag will be pasted or used by users
or goods. So it is very possible to know the position
of the user or item (Finkenzeller, 2010).
The last system is Ultra Wide Band (UWB)
system. Where this system utilizes a mobile station
that will be installed on each employee, provide
electromagnetic waves to the UWB fixed station.
Furthermore, in every corner of the room is installed
UWB fixed station as a wave receiver which will be
read by the station and the results will be sent to the
admin server that is connected to the internet network.
So that the data that can be seen on the monitor screen
is the distance of the coordinates of the employee's
presence while in the room (Nguyen & Jae-Young,
In the research methodology, the procedure research
work is provided starting from identifying problems
by doing observation to analyzing data and build
research conclusions.
3.1 Observation
Observation is a method of collecting data by direct
observation and systematic recording of objects to be
examined. Observations made by researchers
regarding the current condition of HR access and
monitoring systems in shipyard companies.
3.2 Questioner
The questionnaire in this study was designed into two
parts. The first part contains the purpose of making a
questionnaire, general data of the respondent, and
general filling instructions. In the second part
contains an explanation of each questionnaire points.
3.3 Interview
Interviews were conducted with the management of
PT Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya which ran an access
and monitoring system. The interview in this study
was conducted to find out the response of the
company management to the implementation of the
learning that had been carried out.
3.4 Data Processing
Data processing is carried out by referring to the
initial conditions of the system and data collection.
This stage is to group data based on the work area
contained in the shipyard and the database of workers'
expertise that is in the shipyard which will be used as
parameters in the system.
3.5 System Implementation
Implementation is done by online system to ensure
that the HR access and monitoring system can be used
and running properly. The Online test use an internet
connection which is connected to the server. The
system is tested by analyses the ability of the selected
system in processing data that has been entered into
the system. From processing the data, the application
can provide information to users related to access and
3.6 Analysis and Discussion
The system that has been made, a system comparison
test is conducted between the system being developed
and the existing shipyard system, the performance
improvement test when the HR access and monitoring
system is implemented, and a verification test is
conducted to ensure that the HR access and
monitoring system can be used and know response
from respondents to the system based on the results
of the questionnaire.
Department o f
Production Planning
and Control
Head of Workshop
Work Area in
accordance with
work orders
Man hours
Figure 1: Workflow Diagram.
In Figure 1, it can be seen that currently the access of
workers entering the work area that is determined is
Analysis of Access and Monitoring Systems Implementation on Human Resources to Improve the Shipbuilding Industry Performance
only supervised by the local workshop head and
information on the labor needs used is reported
verbally and handwritten to PPC. After getting the
workforce data used to carry out the activity at that
time, the evaluation and analysis division will
evaluate each work progress carried out according to
the Daily Activity that has been determined. From the
evaluation and analysis division, it will check the
amount of labor used according to the conditions in
the field and compared to the needs of the workforce
in accordance with the planning at the beginning.
Someone will go to the field to ensure that the
workforce is used in the field in accordance with the
initial planning.
Figure 2: Employee Access Card.
In Figure 2, you can see an employee card that is
their access to a work area. The card is used as a sign
that they are in a work area that is in accordance with
work orders (Daily Activity). So after the head of the
workshop gave the names of employees who worked
according to the Daily Activity to the PPC
department. Then the name will be recapitulated by
the PPC department and entered into the system for
reporting the hours of people in the work area. So at
this time to monitor the presence of employees in the
work area by understanding their position is by
looking at the employee card on the progress board.
5.1 Nchecked Bio Attendance
The application of the system begins by analyzing the
three existing systems, namely the Nchecked Bio
Attendance system, the RFID positioning system, and
the Ultra Wide Band System. In weighting which has
the biggest weight is the economic aspect which is
equal to 0.4718. From the results of the matrix
pairways comparison table, it is found that the system
chosen as the access and monitoring system for
human resources in the ship industry is a Nchecked
Biometric Attendance System (Nguyen & Jae-
Young, 2015). This can be seen because the
weighting value for the Nchecked Biometric
Attendance system is greater than the other two
systems. The application of the access system in the
office work area will connect four important elements
in the process of access activities including, HR or
employees, the Nchecked Biometric Attandace
system, the WiFi module, and the management.
Figure 3: Display Data Nchecked Biometric Attendance.
In each section, Nchecked Biometric Attendance
system is provided for employee access to the work
area. So, that is the activity of going out and entering
employees will be monitored. Moreover, using the
Nchecked feature can facilitate management in
reporting the performance of each employee. After
the scan is successful, it will show a screen like Figure
3 in the form of the status of successfully checking in,
hours of entry, and the amount of work time on one
day, weekly and monthly (Nguyen & Jae-Young,
SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology
5.2 Implementation of Access and
Monitoring System on Office
ID Card for entering
main gate
Employee data was recorded
as attendance at the Nchecked
Bio Attendence program
Figure 4: Employee Attendance System when Accessing
The employee access system can function as a system
of attendance for each employee. The attendance
process of each employee can be seen in Figure 4 so
that each employee will record their attendance in real
time starting from the hour of work until the hour of
work (PT Dok dan Perkapalan, 2017). The employee
attendance system uses the Nchecked Biometric
Attendance program. Thus, every employee cannot
cheat on attendance. It can be linked to a performance
allowance system for each employee. Where their
work time report data during daily, weekly and
monthly can be seen clearly in the Nchecked
Biometric Attendance system.
5.3 Implementation of Access and
Monitoring System on Workshop
Direct employee data was
recorded as a performance
allowance on the Nchecked
Bio Attendence program
Access in and out of
the room
Get access in and out
of the workshop area
Get CCTV monitoring
in the workshop area
Figure 5: Access from the Office Work Area to the
The access to be applied can only be used by
employees who have access to work in the office and
workshop area as showed in Figure 5. so that
employees who have office or room work areas will
get door access that has been integrated by the RFID
card they have. This access will be very easy to
monitor employees who often go in and out of offices,
workshops and open fields. Like Engineering and
marketing employees who are employees who are
very often in and out of office (PT Dok dan
Perkapalan, 2017).
5.4 Implementation of Access and
Monitoring System on Yards
Direct employee data was
recorded as a performance
allowance on the Nchecked
Bio Attendence program
Employees Access
work in open yard
work areas
Obtainmonitoring of
Employee Performance
Evaluation based on data
entered into the system
The management
provides a daily
schedule for each
Figure 6: Access to Yards Work Areas.
Figure 6 is the flow of each employee to get access to
work before carrying out their respective work. Each
employee will use their ID card to get access to work
in accordance with the work orders they receive from
the management (PT Dok dan Perkapalan, 2017).
Every ID card received by employees in an open field
work area can only access the work area in
accordance with the orders they get. With that, every
employee cannot leave their work area before
completing the work orders they get. Access to work
that they do will help management get performance
data for each employee in the form of employee work
time while carrying out the work process, the
presence of their position during working hours, and
their activities while the work process is in progress.
5.5 Implementation of CCTV System
on Work Area
The implementation of the monitoring system in the
shipyard company will be made mutually integrated
with the employee access system. Thus, the data
obtained by management will be more detailed in
monitoring employees while carrying out their work
activities. Figure 7 is a network topology that will be
applied to work areas in shipyard companies.
DVR Unit
Admin Monitor
Local Monitor
Figure 7: CCTV System Network Topology.
Analysis of Access and Monitoring Systems Implementation on Human Resources to Improve the Shipbuilding Industry Performance
In Figure 7 shows a display of the results of
computer activity that is being used at that time.
LastActivityView is a tool for Windows operating
systems that collects information from various
sources on a running system, and displays logs of
actions made by users and events that occur on this
computer. So that it can be when employees who use
computers are monitored clearly and precisely. The
results of data from each employee activity will be
used as an indicator to improve company
performance based on the level of employee
compliance in complying with work procedures.
In the application of access systems in every work
area in the shipyard aims to know directly or real time
the presence of employees while in the work area. It
is a display of the Nchecked system for monitoring
employees when accessing work areas in real time.
This view can be seen clearly in the number of
employees who have absenteeism and those who have
not been absent. The admin can monitor employees
who are accessing the work area directly.
Every employee will get the data automatically in
the system. The management is very easy to do
attendance data from all employees. Beside that, the
parties can do an evaluation every month by
comparing each attendance data with the data of the
position and activity of the monitoring system which
is showed in Figure 8. The system has automatically
carried out reports or reports of employee entry and
exit hours. and for the management to get the right to
see the results of the report automatically and can also
download the results of the results of the data in excel
and PDF.
Figure 8: Monitoring the presence of employees in real
In the implementation of the access and
monitoring system, a division of the work area will be
created. This is intended for each employee to have
access to the appropriate workplace. In the division of
the work area zone is divided into three zones,
including Zone A, Zone B, and Zone C as presented
in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Access Layout in Shipyard.
6.1 System Comparison Analysis
Table 1: System Comparison Analysis.
It can be seen in Table 1 clearly that in terms of
reporting and supervision if using an access and
monitoring system will be very helpful in time
efficiency. This is because in the system the user gets
integrated access while in the work area and is very
easily monitored by the system. Thus, the delivery of
information regarding aspects of employee
performance measurement can be received as quickly
as possible.
When viewed in terms of the use of access using
a manual system, it will be very ineffective and not
very functional when placing it. Whereas using this
access and monitoring system will be very integrated,
starting from employees getting access to the main
gate to going to their work area and being monitored
in detail with each of their activities while working.
Using an access and monitoring system, the employee
performance can be easily measured. As well as in
this system there is also information that can be used
as an indicator of performance measurement when
making a decision.
SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology
6.2 Analysis of Performance Increase
To find out the improvement in performance when
implementing an access and monitoring system, a
simulation of the performance value that has been
done previously in the measurement of workforce
performance during existing conditions is carried out.
Table 2: Analysis of Performance Improve.
Based on the results of the performance
calculations shown in the Table 2, implementation of
the HR access and monitoring system in the ship
industry get a performance value of 8.405 from a
scale of 10 or it can be interpreted that the value of
work performance based on perfection is 84.05%. the
management cannot directly monitor the presence
and arrival of employees when accessing the work
area. so there is often an employee disobedience when
carrying out their duties such as skipping work and
not being disciplined about work time. The results
stated that implementing an HR access and
monitoring system in the ship industry would
improve employee compliance and discipline
towards their working hours. After the overall
accumulated performance value of the existing
condition with the application of an access and
monitoring system, there was a performance
improvement from 57.95% to 84.05% for workforce
6.3 Cost Benefit Analysis
The above shows that the investment time for the
implementation of access and monitoring systems in
the shipyard industry is back in 2021, in the third year
with a net present value of Rp. 394,800,861 and
Return On Investment of Rp. 107,072,634.
Table 3: Investment Return Analysis.
o Description Value
1 Procurement Costs Rp.
2 Operating Costs Rp.
3 Benefit Cos
4 Inflation 3,12%
PV Rp.
6 BCR 2,03
7ROI Rp.
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the value of
Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) is 2.03 indicating that the
value of benefits is more dominant than the cost
generated and the application of access and
monitoring systems will benefit about 200% of the
total investment. Based on the above calculation, the
investment in the application of access and
monitoring systems is feasible in the shipyard
In this last chapter contains the things that consist of
the results of the conclusions and the whole process
of designing a system for the needs of access and
monitoring of the shipyard. The conclusions that can
be drawn in this final project, namely:
1. The system related to employee access to the
work area and monitoring the presence of
employees while in the work area currently has
several weaknesses, including unlimited access
to anyone to go to the work area, the reporting
process regarding the assessment of non-
specific employee performance such as not
being able to know the hours of entry
employees when in the work area, the presence
of employees while in the work area, and
activities carried out by employees while in the
work area so that the assessment of
performance is only based on results that do not
know how the process when the work takes
2. The access and monitoring system that will be
implemented is a Nchecked Biometric
Attendance system with the addition of CCTV
and RFID features and an initial investment
cost of Rp.464,511,980.00. The application is
carried out in each work area that has been
divided according to the work area zone. The
management will be more to measure the
performance of each employee by looking at
the process of employee activities every day,
employees will get access restrictions
according to needs, and the application of this
KPI Qualit
Pa rameter Q ualit
Score percentage
A1 0,286 8,0 2,80
A2 0,140 8,0 1,37
A3 0,574 8,0 5,60
B1 0,333 9,0 8,48
B2 0,667 9,0 16,96
C1 0,750 9,0 8,24
C2 0,250 9,0 2,75
D1 0,500 8,0 18,93
D2 0,500 8,0 18,93
Total 1 Total 4 76,0 84,05
KPI criteria are based on the
perspective of the workforce
Number of welfare budget allocations 0,122
Increased career path 0,283
Decrease in the number of work
Delay rate 0,473
Analysis of Access and Monitoring Systems Implementation on Human Resources to Improve the Shipbuilding Industry Performance
access system will replace the attendance
system so that measurement of performance
will be more detailed according to work time
and activities done by employees.
3. In determining the parameters to improve
performance by providing an access and
monitoring system to employees is by reducing
the level of employee delay, reducing the level
of workplace accidents, increasing career
levels, and employee welfare allocation. From
each of these parameters the most influential
weight when implementing this system is the
level of employee delay with a value of 0.473
from a scale of 1, based on the performance
value obtained an assessment of the
performance of the employee's perfection when
the existing condition is 57.95% of the total
parameters, while after applying the access
system and monitoring of performance
appraisers increases to 84.05% of the total
parameters, and based on the results of cost
benefit analysis (CBA) the application of an
appropriate access and monitoring system with
the Benefit cost ratio is 2.03 or more profitable
200% of the total investment in the
procurement of access systems and monitoring.
The value of the Net Present Value is
approximately Rp. 394,800,861 with a Return
On Investment value of Rp. 107,072,634 or
approximately 37.00% of the value of the
investment issued.
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SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology