Figure 11: Cross section STA 0 + 100 in HyPack
From the calculation of volume using Hypack
sofware, the smallest volume value of 127.23 m³ is
located in section between STA 17 + 550 + STA 17
+ 626.77. The small value is due to the depth of the
section approaching -13 meters, the existing surface
above the dredge design is small. Conversely the
largest volume value is 32.002,69 m³ which located
in section between STA 12 + 100 and STA 12 +
150. This is because the shallow depth in the section,
the existing surface above the dredge design is quite
a lot to be cut.
Table 1: Volume of SWAC using Hypack.
Design Volume (m
VL (Volume Left) 839,934.84
V1 (Channel) 4,525,591.71
VR (Volume Right) 46,184.21
Total 5,952,881.83
In calculating the volume of cross section with
Hypack software the results of the calculation
information displayed are divided into three parts,
namely the volume value in VL, V1, and VR. The
total volume of SWAC with the cross section
method using Hypack is 5,952,881.83 m
The volume difference between the Hypack cross
section method and the composite method is
71,062.66 m
(1.2%), whereas the volume difference
between the Hypack cross section method and the
manual cross section method is 582,187.174m
Conclusions that can be drawn from this study are as
follows :
1. The volume difference between the
composite method and the manual cross
section method used as a reference to
the comparison calculation is very
significant at 8.7% (511,124.514 m
2. Difference between volume calculation
using Autodesk Civil 3D and Hypack
software is equal to 31,136.83 (0.52%)
The volume of Autodesk Civil 3D and Hypack
results have almost the same value as the composite
method with the difference 0.67% and 1.2%
consecutively and compared with manual cross
section are 10.26% for Autodesk Civil 3D and
9.77% for Hypack software.
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