The Effect of Service Learning to Improve Empathy to Bully in
Primary School
Rizka Fibria Nugrahani and Fitri Andriani
Faculty of Psychology,Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Empathy, Service Learning
Abstract: This quantitative research aims to determine the effect of providing service learning to improve empathy to
the bully as an effort to reduce bullying in primary schools. Bullying behavior can have a negative impact
on the victims, when experiencing bullying the victim will feel a lot of negative emotions where the victims
is helpless in dealing with their emotions. If left untreated, children or adolescents who are accustomed to
bullying will have a tendency to engage in acts of violence or other negative behavior when they grow up.
The design of this study is an experimental design of two groups of pretest-posttest control group design.
Total subjects in the study were 12 students who were divided into experimental groups and control groups.
The treatment is given as many as five meetings divided once a week where each session consists of 45
minutes. Service Learning in this research is guided by Service Learning component by Scott and Graham
(2015). The data collection tool used in this research is made by researchers who have received input from
professional judgment by using empathy scale based on empathy expressed by Davis (1983) consisting of
40 valid items. From this research, it can be concluded there is influence of service learning to increase
empathy in bully in primary school.
Bullying behavior can have a negative impact on the
victims, when experiencing bullying the victim will
feel a lot of negative emotions where the victims is
helpless in dealing with their emotions. Hawkins et
al (2001) found that for the bullying agent himself,
he can also be called a "victim" who needs to be
handled. If bullying ignored without treatment,
children or adolescents who are accustomed to
bullying will have a tendency to engage in violent or
other negative behaviors as they grow older.
The results of a survey conducted by Semai Jiwa
Amini Foundation (SEJIWA) in an anti-bullying
workshop dated April 28, 2006 which was attended
by approximately 250 participants found 94.9% of
participants stated that bullying had indeed taken
place in Indonesia (Yayasan SEJIWA, 2008). In
eastern Indonesia, especially North Maluku violence
in schools is also high. At the end of 2005, Erick
Van Diesel from Save the Children United Kingdom
National Child Protection Adviser explained that
from 800 children, 70% experienced physical
violence (Ayuningtyas, 2006). KOMNAS Child
Protection (PA) annually records bullying cases, in
2011 there were 139 cases of bullying in the school
environment, while for 2012, KOMNAS PA found
36 cases (Triyuda, 2012).
There are many cases of bullying that occur in
the school environment, this can be seen from
KPAI's (Indonesia Child Protection Commision)
data that bullying cases topped at the public
complaints, from 2011 to August 2014, the KPAI
recorded 369 complaints related to the problem.
That number is around 25% of the total complaints
in the education sector of 1,480 cases (Setyawan,
2014). Besides that the lack of concern among
people also began to cause problems, such as the
increasing number of cases of child abuse and
neglect, the results of KPAI's survey in 9 provinces
with approximately 1000 students, 78.3% of
children who had committed mild to severe violence
(Arifah, 2012) In addition, 75 percent of students
admitted having committed violence at school.
Sukiman said, based on data from the United
Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
(UNICEF), 50 percent of children claimed to have
experienced abuse or bullying at school. The 40
percent of students aged 13-15 claimed to have
experienced violence by peers (Hartatik, 2016).
Nugrahani, R. and Andriani, F.
The Effect of Service Learning to Improve Empathy to Bully in Primary School.
DOI: 10.5220/0008584500050011
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 5-11
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
The phenomenon that occurred in one
elementary school in Malang, in one month in early
2018 teachers get reports as much as 4 times from
students in fourth grade. While in the fifth and sixth
grade between January to April there are 6 reports
on bullying cases conducted by students individually
or in groups. Reports received by teachers mostly
are bullying verbally. The victim who reported came
to report to the teacher in tears because he felt hurt
and unable to fight the banter of his friend
(Nugrahani, 2017).
Bully have a deficiency in the ability of empathy
or in other words the bullying offender cannot react
to the feelings of others with the same emotional
response that others feel. Merrel & Isava (2008) find
bully likely to have cognitive distortions and social
perceptions that can accept environmental problems
and thus consider aggressive actions as an effective
way to resolve problems. Bully generally have a
distinctive feature: high aggressiveness and lack of
empathy. In the study conducted by Ozkan and Cifci
(2009) found a positive relationship between
bullying behavior and low ability of empathy. The
inability of bullies to feel the pain of their victims
allows them to lie to themselves as justification for
their behavior (Goleman 2007). Thus, the forms of
assistance that need to be given to the offender
should focus on efforts to reduce aggressiveness and
increase empathy (Totten,, 2004; Sciarra,
Some ways that can be done to improve empathy
is through modeling, service learning, and group
counseling techniques with psychodrama techniques
(Abbusshomad ,2014; Mashudi, 2013; Susanti,
2015; Drabman, R.S & Thomas, M.H., 2006).
Abbusshomad (2014) revealed that students who
followed group counseling services with
psychodrama techniques experienced significant
empathy improvement after several counseling
cycles. According to Smith (in Mashudi 2013) group
counseling is "a service that helps learners in the
discussion and eradication of personal problems
through group dynamics". Second, the modeling
method is effective in improving empathy before
and after given treatment (Susanti, 2015). The
results of research by Drabman, R.S & Thomas,
M.H. (2006) found that individuals including
children who have looked at the generous (others)
model will be generous people compared to
individuals who do not view prosocial models.
One other way to improve empathy is through
service learning or service learning programs.
Jacoby et al. (2013) states that service learning is a
form of education about the experience in which
learners engage in activities involving people in
needs of the community with opportunities
deliberately planned to enhance the development
and learning of learners. Service learning also
fosters sharing ability that can make people who do
it wholeheartedly become powerful. In this way,
participants are expected to be more understanding
with the meaning of responsibility and improve
social skills, especially empathy. Courneya (in
Batlle 2012) mentioned that students involved in
service-leraning showed better empathy and
cognitive complexity than the comparison groups.
Using the problems and descriptions that have
been stated above, the hypothesis is: "there is an
effect of service learning to increase the empathy of
bully in primary school students."
2.1 Participants
The sample used in this study was taken using
purposive sampling technique, which is applied on
samples whose characteristics have been determined
and known beforehand based on the characteristics
and nature of the population (Winarsunu, 2009). The
following criteria in the selection of research
1. Primary school students in the range of grade
four to grade six.
2. Conduct bullying actions as evidenced by
teacher reports.
On the subject of this study conducted controls
to obtain subjects in accordance with research
objectives. The subjects were divided into two
groups: the control group and the experimental
group. Total subjects in the study were 12 people
were later will be divided into experimental groups
and control groups. To minimize the negative impact
of the research on the subject, researcher gave
treatment to all students in grade 4. Observations are
only carried out on students who are the subject of
2.2 Measure
Data collection on empathy variables uses an
empathy scale given at the time of pretest and
posttest for each research subject. This scale is based
on the empathy by Davis (1983) empathy theory.
There are four aspect on empathy Davis (1983)
perspective taking, fantasy, empathic concern, and
personal distress. Before doing the treatment,
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
researcher tested the validity of the measuring
instrument. Validity used in this research is the
validity of content. Content validity is a validity test
that is estimated through testing of test content with
rational analysis through professional judgment, two
lecturers of Faculty of Psychology Universitas
Airlangga Surabaya, one lecturer of Faculty of
Psychology Education, State University of Malang,
and Head Master of SDN Majangtengah 01. The
data obtained to test validity spread to 30 students of
Pamotan 01 Elementary School in Malang.
Coefficient of reliability correlation on empathy
scale with total of 40 items equal to 0.932. The
correlation coefficient of reliability is included in the
category of very high reliability.
2.3 Procedures
The research approach used in this research is
quantitative. Quantitative research emphasizes its
analysis on numerical data (numbers), which is
processed by statistical methods (Sugiyono, 2008).
The design of this study is a type of experimental
design of two groups of pretest-posttest control
group design. This design consists of two groups:
the experimental group and the control group. The
experimental group was treated (X) and the control
group was not treated.
According to the design, this research
procedure consists of two groups, the experimental
group and the control group. In both groups were
given pretest to know the initial state of empathy
that the research subjects had. Then in the
experimental group, the service learning was given
and, in the control, group was not treated. After the
program of service learning is completed then re-
done measurements using posttest to both groups
with the same measuring instrument.
2.3.1 Service Learning Program
Service learning is a learning in which students
perform social services to people in need. The
treatment was given as many as five meetings which
were divided once a week where each session
consisted of 45 minutes. Service Learning in this
study (see Table 1) is guided by Service Learning
components by Scott and Graham (2015).
Before being treated, the module that will be
given also requires rational analysis through
professional judgment, in terms of two competent
people in their fields. This aims to see whether the
provision of programs used is in accordance with the
criteria and appropriate to the research objectives.
Table 1: Service Learning Program
Session 1
Introduction to Service
Students learn the meaning of mutual cooperation
After learning about the concept students identify
problems and challenges that exist in the
environment and start thinking about what steps can
be taken for the environment and society.
Session 2
Getting Informed
In this session students were invited to identify
existing social problems discussed in the previous
session. Students are given knowledge about the
history of certain social problems that they have
identified before and how to solve these problems.
After discussion, the worksheets and activities of
student groups anonymously choose which issues
they will target in service learning.
Session 3
Getting Involved.
In this session students plan which community or
social activities will be given assistance. Students
work in small groups with each group having a
companion to determine what they can do to help
those in need.
Session 4
Getting Involved.
In this session students are involved in community
activities using creative problem solving methods
that have been planned by students.
Session 5
In this session students discuss what they have
achieved, how they feel after doing the sessions and
what they can do next.
The Effect of Service Learning to Improve Empathy to Bully in Primary School
2.4 Data Analysis
Prerequisite test, first test for normality by using the
Shapiro Wilk test then conduct a homogeneity test
using Leven's test for equality of variance (Lavene
test for equality of variance) which aims to
determine the homogeneity of the variables used in
the study. The results of the empathy analysis data
of the experimental group and the control group
showed that the data was normal with a significance
value greater than 5% or 0.05. The significance
value for the experimental group is 0.804 indicating
that the value is greater than 0.05, so the normal
distribution, as well as the control class of 0.097
shows that the value is also greater than 0.05. So,
both groups have normal distribution.
Hypothesis test, to find out the differences in
empathy between bully who are given service
learning and those who do not. Hypothesis testing is
done after the prerequisite test produces normal and
homogeneous data, then the data is analyzed using
Independent Sample T (Wijaya, 2001). The result of
the t test shows a significance of 0.001. Significance
of 0.001 <0.05, so according to the basis of decision
making in the Independent Samples Test, it can be
concluded that there are significant differences in
empathy given by service learning with those not
given service learning.
Based on the results of statistical calculations
obtained results empathy score. Table 2 depicts the
result of the score of the empathy scale along with
the mean in both groups and obtained the gain score
between the pretest and posts results.
Based on Table 2, the result of pretest and
posttest score of experiment group is bigger than
Table 2: The Average Score of Empathy
Experiment Group
Gain Score
Gain Score
Participants 1 Participants 2 Participants 3 Participants 4 Participants 5 Participants 6
Experiment Group
Pre Post
Figure 1: Chart of Empathic Score of Experiment Group
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
control group, so gain of score obtained experiment
group has higher gain value than control group.
Figure 1 and 2 show empathy improvement in the
experimental group and control group.
The analysis result empathy data of experimental
group and control group shows that the data is
normal with significance value greater than 5% or
0.05. The significance value for the experimental
group of 0.804 shows that the value is greater than
0.05 then the normal distribution, as well as the
control class of 0.097 indicates that the value is also
greater than 0.05 then the normal distribution. Thus,
both groups have a normal distribution. The
homogeneity test states that a significance value of
0.304. It shows 0.304 greater than 5% or 0.05
The hypothesis test was calculated by calculating
the gain of empathy score in each group. The
determination of the gain value is determined by
calculating the posttest and pretest subject scores.
The test of this hypothesis was analyzed using SPSS
24 statistic assuming there is difference of empathy
between experiment group and control group. In this
analysis use Independent Sample Test
Table 3: T-Test Result.
Sig. (2-tailed)
The t test results (see Table 3) show the
significance of 0.001. Significance of 0.001 <0.05,
then in accordance with the basis of decision making
in the Independent Samples T-test can be concluded
that there is a significant difference to empathy
provided service learning with which are not given
service learning.
This research showed the effect of providing service
learning program to improve empathy to the bully in
primary school. While the effect of providing
service learning program is a power that is
associated with empathy on the subject.
Based on the results of the research, the empathy
achieved by the subjects using the service learning
program presents a gain improvement score of 3%
whereas the percentage for subject who not given
service learning program score is 0.1%. It can be
said that service learning can increase empathy for
bullying in primary school.
The increase of empathy score on the subjects
who were given service learning is not too big, but
the percentage can be represented that the service
learning given can increase empathy on the subject.
Even though small percentage increase in empathy
can be caused by several things and occurs when the
study took place, one of them, namely in the
experimental group there is one subject that only
increased by 1 score in empathy. Although the value
of comparison between pre and post is very low but
subject score is the highest score in pre-post. In his
daily life in the subject class is an active student, but
Figure 2: Chart of Empathic Score of Control Group
The Effect of Service Learning to Improve Empathy to Bully in Primary School
the subject has been bullying and often makes
problems in the classroom evidenced by the school,
especially the homeroom. No increase in empathy
score in the subject can be due to the empathy score
he has had is high enough.
The results stated that the provision of service
learning programs have a significant influence to
improve empathy. This result is in line with
Courneya's research (in Batlle 2012) that students
involved in service learning demonstrate better
empathy and cognitive complexity than the
comparison group. Goleman (2007) suggests one
way to improve empathy is to do service orientation.
Service orientation is to provide services needed by
others, meaning able to provide action to the
problems that are happening. The implications of
service learning on empathy and community
involvement in primary schools indicate a positive
change in empathy and community involvement
over time Scoot and Graham (2015).
From some research above can be concluded that
service learning program can be one way to improve
empathy. In this study the authors provide service
learning programs to improve empathy. Programs
are given in the form of giving material about
mutual help, video showing about children in need,
and doing social service. Five stages of service
learning are given and at each stage, subjects are
given material as well as worksheets to measure
their understanding. Worksheet is here to know the
level of student's praise to the given material. To
measure behavior at session 4 that is on social
activity of researcher and speaker measuring student
behavior by using observation form. In this research,
the material and all the sessions given by the
speakers are Dr. Yuni Narti S.Pd, MM and also by
When subjects are given a service learning
program, they are indirectly invited to feel what
others feel, understand what others feel, and also
provide assistance to other children in need. The
thing is included in the part of empathy. Damon (in
Santrock, 2002) suggests empathy means reacting to
the feelings of others with the same emotional
response as those of others. Further Baron and Byrne
(2005) explain that empathy is the ability to feel the
emotional state of others, feel sympathetic and try to
solve problems, and take the perspective of others.
Davis (1983) describes four aspects of empathy: (1)
Perspective Taking, a person's tendency to take the
other person's point of view by looking at the other
person's circumstances and imagining feelings when
in the person's state (Davis, 1980, Whalen, 2010).
(2) Fantasy, a person's ability to transform
themselves imaginatively in experiencing the
feelings and losses of imaginary characters in books,
movies, and games. (3) Empathic concern, i.e. the
judgment of a person-oriented feelings of sympathy
and the perceived misfortune experienced by others.
(4) Personal distress, self-oriented response in
response to difficult interpersonal situations and
characterized by uncomfortable personal feelings or
Service Learning can help improve empathy on
the subject because the programs provided based on
experiential learning. Which are proven to
effectively improve empathy. Jacoby et al. (2013)
suggests that service learning is a form of education
about the experiences in which learners engage in
activities involving people and the needs of the
community with opportunities deliberately planned
to enhance the development and learning of learners.
Activities undertaken at each session in the
service learning program involve the involvement
and opinion of the subject about the social problems
that exist around them. In each session there are
elements of empathy that can be regarded as one
indicator of the success of the program. In this case
the subject is invited to feel how to feel the suffering
of others who need and solve problems in mutual
Furthermore, in this study there are some
obstacles such as, the preparation of less than
optimal video playback facilities and classes that are
too crowded because it involves all students in the
classroom. Because it involves all students in the
class then the researcher becomes less focused in
observing the behavior of the subjects in the session.
The weakness in this study is the low number of
research subjects involved and only use students in
the same class. In this study empathy is measured
only to the affective and cognitive aspect not to the
behavior. Another weakness is that the effect of
maturation in experimental validity has not been
noticed before the program is given, but pretest
results between the two study groups showed no
difference between the mean value of empathy from
the control group and the experimental group.
Based on the results of research and discussion, it
can be concluded that service learning influence to
increase empathy to the bully in primary school.
This shows that service learning can be one way to
reduce the occurrence of bullying in primary
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