The Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Parenting Stress in
Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Priskila Kurniandini
and Nurul Hartini
Clinical and Mental Health Psychology Department, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya - Indonesia
Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sense of Coherence, Parenting Stress
Abstract: Taking care of children with autism spectrum disorder is different from taking care of children in general.
This phenomenon often leads the mothers to experience parenting stress. This study aims to find out the
relationship between sense of coherence and parenting stress in mothers of children with autism spectrum
disorder. Data collection in this study is using a technique of survey and involving 32 mothers. Mothers of
children with autism spectrum disorder in ages between 5-13 years old, and they come from many different
schools and therapy center in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, and Tangerang. The result of data analysis shows
that there is a negative and significant relationship between sense of coherence and parenting stress.
Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental
disorder in case of speaking and communicating,
social interaction, playing and imagining, as well as
there are restricted interest and repeating behavior
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The total
amount of patients who suffered from autism
spectrum disorder in every country continues to
increase every year. The data from KK Women’s
and Children Hospital and National University
Hospital have mentioned that one out of 150
children in Singapore has suffered this kind of
disorder. This number is higher compared with the
prevalence of autism spectrum disorder by WHO, in
which one out of 160 children in the world (Goy and
Tai, 2016). The total amount of patients who
suffered from autism spectrum disorder and
following health treatment in RSUD Dr. Soetomo
Surabaya are also arising. In 2009 there are 92
patients, in 2010 there are 100 patients, and in 2011
becomes 125 patients (Anna, 2012). Those data
simply show that there are more parents of children
with autism spectrum disorder.
The treatment for children with autism spectrum
disorder is different and need more efforts compared
to the normal one. Aggressive behavior and the
appeared tantrum as a response towards children’s
environment changing, makes the mothers have to
adapt with children’s condition. The symptoms of
autism spectrum disorder that appear on children
make parenting become such a burden as well as a
hard process to be followed by parents (Ooi, et al.,
2016). Mothers who taking care of children with
autism spectrum disorder will also be facing with
some challenges and difficulties. The challenges in
taking care of children with autism spectrum
disorder will affect on the physical condition and
emotion of the parents. That condition makes the
parents tend to experience parenting stress (Ludlow,
Skelly and Rohleder, 2011). Parenting stress is a
process which appearing philological reaction and
negative psychology in case of fulfilling the role as
parents. Commonly, that negative reaction is in a
form of feeling as well as a negative thought towards
themselves and children in which it related with the
role as parents (Deater-Deckard, 2004).
Some research towards parents of children with
autism spectrum disorder have mentioned that
mothers are experiencing more critical and higher
level of parenting stress than fathers (Pisula, 2011).
The tendency of mothers who tend to experience
parenting stress is due to the mothers intensity that
is often spending time with children. The condition
of children with autism spectrum disorder is needed
more attention, support, and direction that are much
higher and long terms compared to normal children.
That condition then asks the mothers to give most of
their time and energy to take care of their children
(Kuhaneck, et al., 2010).
Kurniandini, P. and Hartini, N.
The Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Parenting Stress in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
DOI: 10.5220/0008585700910096
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 91-96
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The level of parenting stress towards mothers of
children with autism spectrum disorder is influenced
by many factors. Some of the factors are related with
children’s condition such as the severity level of
autism (Pastor-Cerezuela, et al., 2016), children ages
(McStay, et al., 2014), problematic behavior that
arises, obstacle in self-regulation, and the cognitive
development in children tend to significantly
influence the level of parenting stress in mothers
(Pisula, 2011). Parenting stress towards mothers of
children with autism spectrum disorder is also
related with the cognitive development on children,
the needs of children to be observed (dependent),
with the problematic behavior that arises (Bouma
and Schweitzer, 1990). The other factors such as the
acceptance of mothers towards children’s diagnosis,
lack of professional and social supportsas well as the
family acceptance towards the children condition
also influence the level of parenting stress in
mothers (Pisula, 2011). The supports and social
acceptance that are being given will mean nothing if
the mothers valued themselves as receiving no
support at all. Therefore, the individual factor is
factors that influence mothers in valuing the
supports and social acceptance as well as the cause
to influence the stress.
One of the individual factors that influence
parenting stress towards mothers is that their
perspective on the problemsthat are experienced
(Pisula, 2011). The mothers perspective or
orientation related to parenting that has been done
will influence their level of parenting stress and
psychological health (Olsson, Larsman and Hwang,
2008). The intended perspective here is the sense of
Sense of coherence (SoC) is a point of view or
individual’s orientation about his/her life, in which
one individual sees his/her life in general structured,
can be controlled, and meaningful. SoC reflects a
person’s perspective towards his/her life and
capacity in responding the situation that causing
stress, people with the high level of SoC is capable
of recognizing themselves and using what they have
to improve their own welfare (Eriksson and
Lindström, 2006). Individuals with a high level of
SoC tend to feel the stimulus of the environment in a
structured way that allows them to anticipate all
possibilities and be able to manage the existing
resources in order to fulfil the demands as
challenges that need to be faced andnot as a threat or
stressor (Antonovsky, 1987).
According to Antonovsky (1987), SoC is the
source of a person’s healthiness and welfare,
therefore SoC is associated with the effort to
decrease the stress level or individual’s depression.
One of the researches that have been conducted by
Mak, Ho, and Law (2007) found that mothers of
children with autism spectrum disorder in Hongkong
with a high level of SoC are having more low level
of parenting stress, even though that autism
spectrum disorder is considered as a severe autistic
disorder. The existence of high level of SoC is
marked with a good development of stress and the
ability to control the environment become a
meaningful action, this condition makes mothers for
having positive perception towards parenting,
whereas parenting is a clear process, manageable,
and give them meaning. Therefore, it can minimalize
the level of parenting stress that is experienced by
Sense of coherence (SoC) to mother and its
relation with the level of parenting stress that
experienced by mothers of children with autism
spectrum disorder are the aspect that is going to be
examined in this research.The writer is interested in
examining there is a relation or not between sense of
coherence with parenting stress that experiences by
mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder.
Based on the previous research, the writer also
hypothesized that there is a negative and significant
relationship between SoC and parenting stress in
mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder.
2.1 Type and Variable
The type of research that used in this study is
quantitative research with a technique of survey. The
variable that used in this study consists of sense of
coherence as an independent variable and parenting
stress as a dependent variable.
2.2 Subject
The determining subject of this research has been
done by using a technique of purposive sampling,
whereas the writer uses assessment to choose the
cases with specified criteria (Neuman, 2007). The
subject in this research is married women; live with
her husband and children in ages between 5-13 years
old that diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
There are 32 respondents that are suitable with those
criteria and they are coming from many different
schools and children therapy center for special needs
in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, and Tangerang.
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
2.3 Data Collection
The data collection is using a questionnaire that’s
spread via online and offline to several schools and
children therapy center for special needs that is
located in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. The spreading
process of this questionnaire is done by sharing a
link via online to social media and giving it via
offline through teachers in school and therapists.
The questionnaire that’s used to measure sense
of coherence in this research is Sense of Coherence
Scale (SOCS, α = 0.92) which arranged by
Antonovsky (1987). This questionnaire has 29 aitem
and unidimensional, also has one dimension which
is sense of coherence and there are three indicators
such as comprehensibility, manageability, and
meaningfulness. Sample items of the scale are: ‘Do
you have very mixed up feelings and ideas?
(comprehensibility), ‘How often do you have
feelings that you’re not sure you can keep under
control?’ (manageability), and ‘How often do you
have the feeling that there’s little meaning in the
things you do in your daily life?’ (meaningfulness).
The questionnaire in order to evaluate parenting
stress in this research is the Parenting Stress Index-
Short Form (PSI-SF, α = 0.87). This questionnaire is
arranged by Abidin (1995). This questionnaire has
36 aitem and consisted of three dimensions such as
parent distress, difficult child, and parent-child
relationship. Sample questions consisted of the
following: There are quite a few things that bother
me about my life,” My child gets upset easily over
the smallest thing,” My child smiles at me much
less than I expected.”
2.4 Technique of Analysis
This research is a test relation or correlation;
therefore, it used the correlation technique of
Pearson Product Moment. It is because the data in
this research fulfil the parametric statistic
assumption test.
The subjects are domiciled in Surabaya, Sidoarjo,
Gresik, and Tangerang. The subject age range is in
between 28 years old until 49 years old. The
majority of the subject lives in Surabaya. The
subject’s last education is starting from Junior High
School graduate until bachelor degree. The subject
consisted of housewives, teachers, and employees.
Based on table 1, it is known that the highest
score aspect in the variable of parenting stress is the
aspect of parent-child relationship with average
score 31.41. While the highest score aspect in
variable of sense of coherence is the aspect of
manageability with average score 51.16.
Table 1: Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Parenting Stress
Parenting Stress
Parenting Stress
Difficult Child
Correlation test of Pearson Product Moment
between sense of coherence and parenting stress are
basically showing that there is a negative and
significant relationship between those two variables
(r = -0.73, p < .01).
Based on the above correlation test, it can be
concluded that there is a high and significant
correlation between those two variables. The
negative tendency relation shows that there is an
inverse relationship between sense of coherence and
parenting stress.
The result of this research agrees with the hypothesis
that proposed as well as matched with the previous
research that has been conducted by Mak, Ho, and
Law (2007), in which there is a negative and
significant relationship between sense of coherence
and parenting stress in mothers of children with
autism spectrum disorder. Based on Mak, Ho and
Law’s research (2007) sense of coherence is one of
the protective factors towards parenting stress in
mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder.
The level of parenting stress tends to become low
when mothers have a high level in sense of
The Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Parenting Stress in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental
disorder that tends to persist and difficult to restore
or heal the sufferers to be “normal”. The
development aspects that are constrained are also
important aspectsof one’s life, such as
communication, social interaction, and behaviour.
The treatment of children with autism spectrum
disorder need a long time, long terms, as well as
need more cost (Mak, Ho and Law, 2007). Low
level of supports and social acceptance has also
become pressure for mothers (Sharpley, Bitsika and
Efremidis, 1997). All of those things are not only
affected the patient’s life, but the various aspect of
parents’ life who taking care of the children as well.
These can lead to the emergence of pressure that led
to the emergence of parenting stress (Mak, Ho and
Law, 2007). The experience of children parenting
with autism spectrum disorder is understood as a
burden to the parents’ (Williamson, et al., 2013).
Abidin (1995) stated that there are three aspects
of parenting stress (parent distress, difficult child,
parent-child relationship) and they are influencing
each other in the increasing of parenting stress that is
experienced by parents who took care of their
children. Parent’s distress results after parent’s
personal factors necessary to functioning in the role
of a parent and subsequent execution of parenting
tasks are utilized. The perception of a difficult child
is arising from the appraisal that this child’s
characteristics make him or her hard to parent. The
parent-child relationship is about the parent’s
perception that the child does not meet expectations,
and that their reciprocal interactions do not reward
the role of the parent (Abidin, 1995).
The dominant aspect is the dominant stress
sources that felt by the parents. In this research, the
relation between parents and children (parent-child
relationship) is a dominant aspect in parenting stress
variable. This aspect focused on the expectation
level of the parents towards the children (Abidin,
1995). This aspect is also about how far parents feel
the characteristics of children in accordance with the
expectations of parents and how far the parents feel
close to the children. Based on that explanation,
there is an indication that mothers who become the
subject in this research are having hope and or
certain expectation about their children who suffered
from autism spectrum disorder, but unfortunately,
that kind of hope and or expectation is not fulfiled.
This case is related with Hayes and Watson’s
statement (2013) that said parenting stress is started
to appear when parents are forcing an ideal or
general thought to be applied while taking care of
children with specified characteristic, such as autism
spectrum disorder.
For Indonesian society that tends to follow the
eastern culture, they still considered that the task of
parenting, treatment, and responsibility towards
children are given specifically to mothers. This case
is certainly improving the tendency of high level in
parenting stress to mothers, whereas in fact, mothers
who more intensely interact with children in daily
activities. This is supported by data that shows most
mothers in this research are the housewives, whereas
they play a greater role in providing daily needs,
nurturing, and interacting with children. This
parenting stress that is experienced by mothers will
later become such a manifestation in emotional
condition, the negative way of thinking and or
belief, bad relationship with spouse, and also
parenting behaviour that has a negative tendency
(Montgomery and Whiddon, 2010).
Having children with autism spectrum disorder is
also can be assumed as a life phenomenon that is
traumatic for mothers (Oelofsen and Richardson,
2006). An occurrence can be perceived as a
traumatic event certainly involves one’s cognitive
aspect. Cognitive activity is a key element in valuing
that traumatic event as a stressor or not. Because of
that, having and taking care of children with autism
spectrum disorder will not always be related to the
increasing of parenting stress because it depends on
the cognitive activity of the mothers. An event can
be valued as the cause of parenting stress if the
experienced attribute did not give a positive meaning
towards mothers.
Sense of coherence is one of the cognitive
activities that making mothers can value their
experience in parenting their children who suffered
from autism spectrum disorder as an experience that
is not causing parenting stress. Evolving the sense of
coherence becomes such a needed thing to be
considered in developing a successful adaptation
(Antonovsky and Sourani, 1988).
The dominant aspect of sense of coherence in
this research is the aspect of manageability. The
aspect of manageability is about how mothers can
flexibly manage the challenges in their life. This
aspect emphasized the importance of programs that
accessible to mothers, whereas discussing about how
to develop their ability in problem-solving, time
management, assertive, and relaxation (Oelofsen and
Richardson, 2006).
Aspects that tend to be less dominant is the thing
that mothers need in order to support them to take
care of the children in an optimal way. The aspect of
comprehensibilityis about how far an event is
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
perceived as an event that is able to be understood.
This aspect wants to emphasise on the importance
ofthe clarity of information that the mothers
understand regarding with the disorder condition
that experience by the children, a provided and
needed service or treatment for children, as well as
the mothers’ experience of parenting in a direct way.
The aspect of meaningfulness is about how far
mothers realized that life makes sense and that at
least some of the problems and demands posed by
living are worth the investment of energy. This
aspect emphasized on the importance of giving
support to mothers to have perception and positive
reaction towards the challenges that they are facing.
This aspect is also about how to cope with
helplessness, hopelessness by exploring all
caregivers experiences and give an understanding
that all of them are meaningful towards the mothers.
Through this way of thinking, it can be known a
specific need that must be developed in mothers,
since each family and parents are having different
kinds of required treatments (Oelofsen and
Richardson, 2006).
Mothers with a high sense of coherence can
manage their way of thinking towards their own
children, their role as parents, and the family role in
case of taking care. Those mothers are able to keep
thinking rationally in the middle of all life demands,
they have self-confidence and enough resource to
face all of the demands, and also having the
motivation to keep going through that challenges
and believe that kind of experience will give a
meaning or lesson to mothers. (Oelofsen and
Richardson, 2006). Positive adaptation process that
is experienced by mothers can be in form of
perspective (worldview) changing, particularly about
life and developmental disorder that experienced by
children as well as the consciousness of a positive
contribution by the presence of children to mothers,
family, and society in general. The experience of
taking care children with autism spectrum disorder
becomes the event that has positive meaning towards
mothers if mothers can have hope and always see the
available chances. This shows that having an
appropriate value and perspective are the important
factors in facing the demand of life, in this case,
taking care of children with autism spectrum
disorder (King, et al., 2006).
This research has some limitations in sampling,
in which the writer did not use the technique of
random sampling; therefore, the result could not be
generalized. Another factor that could be related to
parenting stress, such as the severe level of autism
and the total of siblings, can not be analyzed due to
incomplete data that had been gained.
The result of this study shows that there is a
tendency to a negative and significant relation
between sense of coherence andparenting stress in
mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder.
Mothers who have a high level in sense of coherence
will experience a low level in parenting stress. On
the other hand, mothers who have a low level in
sense of coherence will experience a high level in
parenting stress.
Based on the research that has been conducted,
the writer suggests to mothers of children with
autism spectrum disorder to consult their problem
related with children’s disorder condition with the
help of professionals in order to make mothers can
understand what can be done to make the children
keep growing optimally based on their own
condition. Besides, mothers can also involve in
many events that are held by foundations in which
specifically engaged in the ministry of children with
special needs in order to obtain new perspective in
parenting as well as can give positive supports to
each mother. By following those positive activities
with children, mothers can understand more of their
children and their needs.
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ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings