Validity of Processing Speed Ability Test based on Internal Structure
Fitri Andriani
, Cholichul Hadi
, Urip Purwono
, Siti Sulasmi
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga
Faculty of Psychology, Padjajaran University
Keywords: Intelligence, Processing Speed Ability, CHC Theory
Abstract: This study constructed a new intelligence tests based on Cattel Horn Carrol theory (CHC theory). The aim is
to test some broad ability of the newly developed tests, namely processing speed ability, consisting of three
narrow abilities. In accordance with Cattel Horn Carrol theory, processing speed ability is one of the broad
abilities that contribute in shaping general intelligence. There are three narrow abilities of processing speed
ability, namely perceptual speed, number facility and rate of test taking. These abilities were studied
through 299 items and were piloted on 135 subjects. Through confirmatory factor analysis using the JASP
0.9 program, the model was found as a good fit (χ² = 0.341, p=0.559 (greater than 0.05), df =1, RMSEA =
0.000 (90% CI [0.000 - 0.0191], and those three factors (perceptual speed, number facility and rate of test
taking) were consistent with factors measured in processing speed ability tests. Based on the model
accuracy index, it shows that the proposed model is capable of describing the narrow ability of processing
speed ability.
Cognitive ability has become an important subject in
psychology because it shows one of the individual
differences of concern by psychologists. Cognitive
ability can take the form of intellectual potential,
logical thinking ability, comprehension, analytical
ability, numerical ability, verbal ability and
intelligence etc. Scientists consider that intelligence
plays an important role in determining human
behavior. Intelligence is considered capable of
predicting individual success in careers
(Gottfredson, 2009; Kaufman et al., 2012), study
(Lohman and Gambrell, 2012; Lohman et al., 2008;
Naglieri et al., 2003; Vanderwood et al., 2001) and
survival (Vanderwood et al., 2001).
Based on its very important role, assessing (i.e.
knowing or measuring) the capacity of intelligence
in a person is important. Assessing someone's
intelligence is related to assessment activities that
ultimately relate to intelligence tests. A
psychological assessment activity is an attempt to
evaluate the individual who is facing the problem;
this activity explains that the information obtained
from the assessment that can be used to solve the
problem (Marnat, 2003). The assessment will be
related to the measurement activity which is a
systematic procedure for observing someone's
behavior and describing it with the help of a
numerical scale or categorization system.
Meanwhile, the test is one of the means of collecting
data on measurement activities. The test activity is
an objective and standard measurement of a
behavioral sample (Anastasi and Urbina, 1997).
Tests play an important role in psychological
decision-making regarding the fate of individuals,
groups and the wider community. However,
decision-making becomes less precise when the
available data is less accurate. Finally, the accuracy
of the data indicates the quality of assessment
activities that are influenced by the quality of a test
kit. While the quality of a test tool can be seen from
the evaluation that should be done before using the
test tool. One of the evaluations that can be done is
on the validity aspects of the test. This article
discusses the validity of the Speed Processing
Ability test as part of a common intelligence
developed based on the Cattel Horn Carrol theory
(CHC theory).
The Cattel Horn Carrol theory is the theory of
intelligence which is the integration of Gf-Gc theory
Andriani, F., Hadi, C., Purwono, U. and Sulasmi, S.
Validity of Processing Speed Ability Test based on Internal Structure.
DOI: 10.5220/0008586601560161
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 156-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Gf Gc Gy Gv Gu Gr Gs Gt
Figure 1: Carroll’s Three-Stratum Theory of Cognitive Abilities (1993) (Mcgrew and Flanagan, 1998).
from Cattel-Horn and three stratum theory from
Carroll (Beaujean, 2015; Furnham and Mansi,
2014). Raymond Cattell (1941, 1971). It has argued
that intelligence consists of two factors (g and s)
further developed by John Horn, who is also a
student of Cattell (1968, 1994). Then Carroll, in
1993, conducted a review and analysis of a number
of thousands of intelligence test databases and
produced three stratum models of human
intelligence and cognitive abilities (Carroll, 1993).
These models are considered capable of describing
the human cognitive structure as it uses a strong
empirical base. These opinions are integrated into
Cattell-Horn and Carroll theories (eventually
referred to as CHC). According to CHC theory,
intelligence consists of pervasive, broad and narrow
capabilities that are arranged hierarchically. Carrol
suggests there are at least 69 narrow abilities, as
shown in Figure 1. While McGrew conducted a
study again and found 59 narrow abilities (Floyd et
al., 2009; Mcgrew, 2009).
The CHC theory has broad implications for the
measurement of intelligence (McGrew, 1997, in
Gregory, 2011; McGrew in (Flanagan and Harrison,
2005b; Mcgrew, 2009). At present, CHC theory has
a major influence on the development of intelligence
tests, especially revised versions of previously
developed tests. Alfonso, Flanagan and Radwan
(Flanagan and Harrison, 2005b) have summarized
several tests whose development is influenced by the
CHC theory. For example, KABC, Kaufman
Assessment Battery for Children (1983) was revised
into KABC-II in 2004 through a measurement of
five broad abilities of CHC; SB-IV, Stanford–Binet
Intelligence Scales, Fourth Edition (1986) was
revised to SB5 in 2003 to which Working Memory
was added. In addition, WAIS-R, Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale - Revised (1981) developed into
WAIS-III in 1997 by comprehending Fluid
Reasoning and Working Memory. Whereas WPPSI-
R, Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of
Intelligence-Revised (1989) was revised to WPPSI-
III in 2002 by comprehending Processing Speed and
Fluid Reasoning. Another example is the revision of
WJ-R, Woodcock–Johnson Psycho-Educational
Battery-Revised (1989) to WJ III in 2001 through
the blueprint preparation. Quite major revision was
done to WISC-III, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children - Third Edition (1991) which was revised
to WISC-IV in 2003 and that affected several
subtests, including: (1) elimination of Verbal and
Performance, (2) replacement of Freedom from
Distractibility Index to Working Memory Index, (3)
replacement of Perceptual Organization Index to
Perceptual Reasoning Index, and (4) comprehending
Fluid Reasoning and Processing Speed. Moreover,
development of new tests, namely RIAS, Reynolds
Intellectual Assessment Scales (2003), WRIT, Wide
Range Intelligence Test (2002), and KAIT, Kaufman
Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test (1993) has
also been affected by the CHC theory.
On one hand, unfortunately, the tests mentioned
above have not been adopted in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the adaptation process requires a long
Validity of Processing Speed Ability Test based on Internal Structure
and complicated procedure, psychometric criteria
that must be fulfilled, high cost due to the long
procedure, and surely the permission of the
publisher and test developer. In addition, most of
these tests are administered individually. Therefore,
from a practical point of view, test administration
that demands speed or which can be administered in
a classical manner is still less favorable.
On the other hand, practically, in accordance
with the experience of researchers as psychology
practitioners for several years, there are many
problems to be faced, especially in connection with
the intelligence assessment. Such issues may affect
the quality of the assessment itself, so that assessors
need to pay attention to this. These problems include
1) The availability of varied assessment tools is still
limited; 2) The most widely available assessment
tools are an external adaptation conducted in the
1960-1970s. At that time the method of adapting the
measuring instrument was not as advanced as it is
now, so it is likely that the adaptation is simply
translating; 3) The number of limited intelligence
tests means that the frequency of use becomes very
high. This makes the content of the test known to the
participants. In these conditions the assessment
result does not reflect the individual, so there is the
possibility that a psychological practitioner will gain
unreliable data. Finally, 4) Most of the existing test
kits are for individual administration, while group
administration tests are still indispensable.
This article is part of a larger research work that
includes developing intelligence tests based on the
CHC theory that is currently at the point of
preparing the items for each narrow ability (there are
4 broad abilities consisting of 12 narrow abilities).
This article specifically discusses the validity test of
cognitive speediness (some authors call it cognitive
speed processing or speed processing abilities)
which is one of the broad abilities of CHC theory.
According to McGrew, processing speed abilities
consist of three narrow abilities, Perceptual Speed,
Number Facility and Rate of Test Taking (Flanagan
& Harrison, 2005), which will be the basis for the
preparation of blueprint tests in this study. The test
to measure speed processing ability is interesting to
be developed because in addition to being an
important part of intelligence, this test also has a role
in other aspects of ability such as memory and fluid
intelligence. McGrew (Flanagan & Harrison, 2005)
summarizes some studies that show the role of speed
processing abilities against working memory and
fluid intelligence, i.e, research conducted by Fry and
Hale (2000); Conway, Cowan, Bunting, Therriault
and Minkof (2002), and Sub, Oberaurer, Wittmann,
Wilhelm and Schulze (2002).
As mentioned earlier, Cognitive Processing
Speed (Gs) refers to the speed of continuous
learning or automatic cognitive processes, especially
when high-level attention and concentration are
required. For example, the ability to perform simple
counts quickly demonstrates the ability of high
speed processing abilities. The ability to distinguish
two words also demonstrates the ability of high
processing speed ability. According to CHC theory,
as the broad ability, speed processing ability has
three narrow abilities, namely Perceptual Speed,
Number Facility and Rate of Test Taking. The
researcher hypothesizes that these three narrow
abilities consisting of Perceptual Speed, Number
Facility and Rate of Test Taking are substantially
appropriate to measure processing speed ability. In
addition, the researcher tries to involve gender
variables to see if there is a gender effect on the
processing speed ability.
Research Design. The design of this study applies a
quantitative approach. In quantitative research, the
positivism paradigm becomes the basis for
determining the variables and hypotheses in
explaining the research and testing the hypotheses
associated with causal explanations in general
(Neuman, 2014). The technique of data collection in
this research is by using a survey. According to
Neuman (2014), data collecting methods using
survey techniques are conducted by asking people
who become the subject of research to fill in a
written questionnaire (paper based).
Participant. Participants in this study were those
who were involved in the selection of prospective
mentors of children prone to drop out of school
organized by the Social Office of Surabaya City
Government. The program is part of a campus social
responsibility involving students from several
universities in the city of Surabaya. There were 135
participants in this study consisting of 105 (78%)
women and 30 (22%) men from several universities
in Surabaya. Average and standard deviations of P
(Perceptual Speed), N (Number Facility) and R9
(Rate of Test Taking) are listed in the following
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
Table 1: Descriptive Statistic Men and Women Participant.
Men Mean 31.46 19.86 28.52
SD 6.86 6.09 11.48
Women Mean 30.70 20.92 32.66
SD 5.46 5.51 11.31
Instruments. The instrument that became the
object of this research is a new instrument to
measure processing speed ability or cognitive
processing speed (Gs) consisting of three sub-tests.
The tests are compiled based on CHC theory.
According to McGrew (Flanagan and Harrison,
2005a; Mcgrew, 2009), the definition of processing
speed ability is the ability to automatically and
fluently perform relatively easy or overlearned
cognitive tasks, especially when high mental
efficiency (i.e. attention and focused concentration)
is required. This is the speed of executing relatively
overlearned or automatized elementary cognitive
processes. Gs consists of three narrow abilities,
which are Perceptual speed (P), Number facility (N)
and Rate of test taking (R9).
Perceptual speed (P): Ability to rapidly and
accurately search, compare (for visual similarities or
differences) and identify visual elements presented
side by side or separated in a visual field. Recent
research (Ackerman, Beier & Boyle, 2002;
Ackerman & Cianciolo, 2000; Ackerman & Kanfer,
1993), suggests that P may be an intermediate-
stratum ability defined by four narrow sub-abilities:
Pattern recognition, Scanning, Memory, and
Complex. Item form: there are a pair of combination
of letters and numbers. Participants are asked to
determine whether the pair is the same or not. There
are 100 items. Alpha reliability of 0.769. Work time
is 5 minutes.
Number facility (N): Ability to rapidly perform
basic arithmetic (i.e. add, subtract, multiply, divide)
and accurately manipulate numbers quickly. N does
not involve understanding or organizing
mathematical problems and is not a major
component of mathematical/quantitative reasoning
or higher mathematical skills.
Rate of test taking (R9): Ability to rapidly
perform tests that are relatively easy or overlearned
(require very simple decisions). This ability is not
associated with any particular type of test content or
stimuli. Item form: there is a pair of words,
participants are asked to cross out the same letter.
There are 99 items. The coefficient of alpha
reliability is 0.923. Work time is 5 minutes.
Examples of items for each narrow ability are in the
Data analysis. A first-order confirmatory factor
analysis was performed to test the hypothesis. To
test validity based on internal structure, confirmatory
factor analysis was conducted using JASP 0.9 (JASP
Team, 2018).
The parameters used to test the accuracy of the
model were Chi Square (χ2), significance level (p),
CFI and root mean square error of approximation
(RMSEA). The result of data analysis showed Chi-
square (χ²) = 0.341 (9, N = 135), p = 0.559; CFI = 1.
000; SRMR = 0.017; RMSEA = 0.000 (90% CI
[0.000 - 0.0191]. The RMSEA described the
residuals contained in the model, so the expected
value was very small, under 0.08. In the arranged
model, the obtained RMSEA value was 0.000 which
proved that the arranged model was fit, just like any
other parameter which indicated that the accurate
index was fit. Full results are listed in Table 2.
Table 2 : Model Fit Parameter.
Parameter Model
χ² 0.341
Degreesoffreedom 1
SRMR 0.017
RMSEA 0.0000
90PercentConfidenceInterval 0.000
p‐valueRMSEA<=0.05 0.620
Table 3 : Parameter Estimate.
Label Est p
Gs=~P 1.000
0.602 0.195
1.204 0.182
‐0.030 0.135
This study aims to test the validity of the test
processing speed ability consisting of three narrow
abilities, namely Perceptual Speed, Number Facility
and Rate of Test Taking. Based on the result of
confirmatory factor analysis, the study shows that
Validity of Processing Speed Ability Test based on Internal Structure
the three mentioned factors prove to form a
constraint processing speed ability. It is indicated by
the parameters showing that the model is fit.
The parameters for the model accuracy test also
show that the model can explain the roles of all three
factors. RMSEA value of 0.000 proves that the
model is very fit. Similarly, the value of Chi Square
(χ²) whose magnitude is 0.341 with a significance
level (p) of 0.559 (greater than 0.05) indicates that
the index of accuracy meets the criteria. This means
that the model can describe a well-measured factor.
Thus, based on a trial that aims to estimate the
validity of internal structure, the research shows that
the prepared processing speed ability test has good
internal validity. This is evidenced from the index of
model accuracy that all meet the expected range of
The researcher wanted to know why the
temporary model fit of the parameter estimate was
not significant. To answer this question, the
researcher did post hoc to know the magnitude of
statistical power. With a sample size of 135,
RMSEA of 0.000, alpha of 0.05 and df equal to 1,
the statistical power obtained was 5%. This
statistical power was very small, and this result at
once answered the question why the temporary
model fit parameter of each narrow ability was not
significant. With a sample size of 135, RMSEA of
0.000, alpha of 0.05 and df equal to 1, the statistical
power obtained was 5%. This statistical power was
very small, and this result at once answered the
question why the model was suitable while the
parameters of each narrow ability was not
significant. Simulation was also done to prove that
to obtain statistical power of 80% the required
sample was at least 78,490 people. Meanwhile, due
to the gender effect on processing speed ability, the
result showed that there was no difference between
men and women. This could be seen from the level
of significance (p) gender for processing speed
ability of 0.135 (see Table 1.3). This fact showed
that there was no influence or different ability of a
person in terms of processing speed ability if viewed
from the aspect of gender.
Results of the validity test found that all three
factors have a fit model in measuring speed
processing ability. However, some weaknesses are
identified, e.g. the statistical power which is weak
(only about 5% due to insufficient sample size). As
mentioned earlier, to obtain a stronger statistical
power (about 80%) the required sample was at least
78,490 people. To test a theoretical model, it should
include all indicators/sub-tests/narrow abilities as the
larger project of the study. Research on the planned
intelligence test has 12 sub-tests, so the degree of
freedom is 78. If assuming RMSEA is 0.04, and
wanting to obtain 80% statistical power, then the
required sample is 293.
Moreover, for test developers interested in the
same field, it is recommended to conduct further
research to enrich the validity of this test through
different validity sources, such as validity based on
criteria with other variables. And for practitioners,
this test can be used to measure speed processing
abilities. However, it is necessary to be careful in
interpreting the test results, as these tests are new so
there is little evidence available regarding the
validity of this test. Another future challenge is to
develop norms from larger groups that could be used
to interpret test results more accurately. The related
norms to interpretation are required for diagnostic
purposes, so that the existence of norms becomes
absolute if the test is to be used in a practical field.
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Appendix 1: Sample Item
Speed (P)
5+7=12 R W
10- 9=19 R W
Aab ........ Aab = ≠
cdOp ........
= ≠
Rate of
pagi --- puli
cross the same
letters between
the left and right
denah--- parik
Validity of Processing Speed Ability Test based on Internal Structure