The results of this study can provide an overview
or discourse for the families of the victims about the
importance of family support, providing information
on the behavioral changes experienced by sexual
abuse victims. This is particularly valuable to
preventive efforts against the risk factors of PTSD. It
also provides knowledge about the importance of
community and school support around the victims
after such a traumatic experience in preventing
prolonged trauma or PTSD.
In the future, this research is expected to be
utilized as a basis to develop a wider and deeper
assessment of the PTSD concept, particularly among
child sexual abuse victims.
This research was supported by Direktorat Riset and
Pengabdian Masyarakat, Kementerian Riset,
Tekhnologi and Pendidikan Tinggi. We thank our
colleagues from the Program Study of Psychology at
Trunojoyo University and the Psychology Faculty of
Airlangga University, which provided insight and
expertise that greatly assisted this research.
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