Mental Health Services in Safe House for Women and Children
Victims of Violence
Danny Sanjaya Arfensia
Faculty of Pscyhology, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Mental health services, safe house, victims of violence
Abstract: The large number of abandoned children as well as violence against women and children shows that
Indonesia is in an emergency. Women and children who become victims are experiencing security and
safety issues. Protection of women and children is done by various parties including the government. One
way that is done as a commitment to handle, pay attention, and provide assistance to women and children
who are victims is to build a Safe House. The Safe House sholud have a proper standard that ensure woman
and children in this location feeling safe, especially in maintaining the quality of their mental health. The
problem is the lack of government supervision, so the service quality is below standard.The study was
conducted on 12 people, including 9 residents of Safe House and 3 members of Safe House management.
Data collection was done by observation and interview method. The analysis is done qualitatively to get the
conclusion that match with the problem under study. This study found that there is a discrepancy between
the purpose of constructing a Safe House with the implementation of the handling of victims of violence and
abandonment, and also found that the quality of mental health services are substandard.
The large number of abandoned children as well as
violence against women and children shows that
Indonesia is in an emergency. Cases of child abuse
in Indonesia have increased significantly since 2011
(Suyanto, 2010) . The evidence is from the number
of child abuse cases that received byCommission for
The Protection of Children Indonesia in that year
were 2,637 cases and 1,634 cases of themincluded as
sexual crimes. Meanwhile in 2013, the number of
child abuse reports received by Commission for The
Protection of Children Indonesiaincreased to 3,339,
while 52 percent of them were sexual crimes. The
increasing number of cases is very visible in 2014,
that only from January until September 2,626 cases
occurred. This also happens in cases of violence
against women. Annual notes launched by National
Commission on Violence Against Women show that
the amount of violence against women in 2016 is
really high (Suryakusuma, 2017) . In that year there
were nearly 260,000 cases. The data of violence
experienced by women is partly obtained from
related parties such as Religious Courts (359 cases)
and service provider partners found in 34 provinces
in Indonesia.
Violence against children can be defined as
physical, mental, or sexual violence. Some of which
include sexual assault, improper or undernourished
feeding, and neglect of education and health (Gelles,
1985) . Children whose nutritional, educational, and
health needs are not adequately met can be
interpreted as abandoned children. These children
become abandoned not just because they no longer
have one or both parents, but also because of
neglection, parental ignorance, incompetence, or
even deliberate.
Violence against women can be categorized as
domestic violence as well as sexual violence.
Domestic violence is the highest number of violent
incidents (Suryakusuma, 2017) . Domestic violence
can be physical, psychological, and economic. The
next category of sexual violence, most commonly
found in the form of rape, includes marital rape .
This violence since 2004 has been regulated in the
Law on Elimination of Domestic Violence article 8a.
Women and children who victims of violence
experiencing security and safety issues. Protection
against women and children is done by various
parties including the government. One of the ways
which is done as a commitment to handle, pay
attention, and provide assistance women and
Arfensia, D.
Mental Health Services in Safe House for Women and Children Victims of Violence.
DOI: 10.5220/0008588402900293
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 290-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
children who become victims is to build a Safe
House. Safe Houses that are part of this government
project are managed by the Ministry of Social
Affairs as well as the Integrated Service Center for
Women and Children Empowerment. Safe House
should have a certain standard . These standards
included standard operational procedures that could
be references to ensure women and children who are
victims actually gained safety and proper protection,
especially in maintaining their quality of mental
health. Whereas the initial purpose of making Safe
House itself is to be a temporary safe place for
victims both because the child and the women need
a temporary shelter or because their security is
threatened. Not only the facet of the quality of the
facility in the spotlight, but the quantity of the Safe
House facility is limited, a special obstacle for the
handling of cases of gender based violence so far.
The existence of this Safe House in the
protection scheme of women and child victims of
violence, is very important, because most violence
perpetrators are people who are known and close to
the victim. So that the security of victims after
violence occurs, becomes the main thing to do
(Fanani, 2016) . The emergence of the Safe House
also aims to provide continuous services for victims,
which has been a weakness in the ways of handling
victims in this case. Victims of this violence require
a time of recovery that is not for a while and must be
sustainable, so that should be Safe House a means
that can facilitate it. (Nadlir, 2018). This research is
trying to describe how is the service that gave by
one of the Safe House, so each party involved,
included government, can improve the service
quality so the real goal of build Safe House can
In this study, researchers conducted data from 12
people, including 9 Safe House residents and 3
persons from Safe House management. The
residents were women who victims of sexual crime,
and the other residents were children who
abandoned by their parents and live at the street
before. Their age range from 3 until 20 years old.
Data collection was done by observation and
interview method. The study was conducted over a
period of five months. The process of conducting the
observation is done by participatory and non
participatory method. Participatory observations
were conducted in order to find out how social
interaction and communication skills of research
subjects were towards people who were not
members of the Safe House. Non-
participatoryobservations were conducted with the
help of one way mirror observation media to find out
how the interaction and communication of research
subjects to othersubjects of Safe House. Interview
conducted on research subjects with semi structured
method with the aim of ensuring all data can be
obtained with the maximum without having to make
the subject feel uncomfortable during the process of
data retrieval. The whole process of data retrieval is
preceded by the process of providing a form of
willingness in which contains the procedures of
research implementation, research ethics, and data
protection of the subject of research, as well as the
rights and obligations that have been agreed by both
The analysis is done qualitatively to get the
conclusion that match with the problem under study.
The analysis was made by data-driven.The themes
were found by researcher, and analyzed from
inductive raw data. Researcher segregate the data
relevant to the objectives and focus of the study to
make a presentation that explains the condition of
mental health services in the Safe House as a whole.
The study found that there were several problems
during the process of providing mental health
services in the Safe House. The problem arises from
several factors. The first factor is the type of Safe
House and handling experience on specific cases.
The next factor is the limited financing during the
process of providing mental health services. The
next factor is the factor completeness of personal
data of the victim and lack of understanding of the
methods of Safe House management in raising
awareness of the immediate family of the victim
about the recovery of the victim's condition to the
adaptation process.
The type of this Safe House provided problems
in mental health services in this location when the
Safe House included into the type which is basically
a safe house that provides services for adult female
victims. Safe House is a means that previously more
often provide a stopover for women who become
victims of violence, especially victims of sexual
violence, in the form of rape. Safe House is not
picky in receiving victims who need help so that
when the Safe House is receiving victims of
violence aged children, the organizers inevitably
accept the victim. This affects the ability possessed
Mental Health Services in Safe House for Women and Children Victims of Violence
by the manager of the Safe House in the face of
certain cases. Their expertise commonly used to
handle victims in adulthood, they also use to deal
with victims of the aged children. So that there is a
significant distance in the services provided and
certainly not necessarily will give a positive impact
on the recovery of mental health victims of child
abuse. Some found is when the manager of the Safe
House for dealing with problems arising from the
mischief of a child, it appeared that the manager
tends to provide treatment that is less instructive.
Suppose that when the children are lying, it will be
given lombok or chili so that children can tell the
truth. For children who are victims of sexual
violence, managers give the punishment of a messy
haircut, when the children begin to show the teasing
behavior of the opposite sex in the neighborhood or
sexual activity that is not normal. Researchers found
that the punishment activities were administered by
the Safe House in order to provide a deterrent effect
and reduce the confidence of the children when
meeting the opposite sex in the outer environment of
the Safe House.
The limitation of financing factor is also a
problem in mental health service at Rumah Am an.
One of the reasons is that this Safe House should
keep the confidentiality of the data of the victims
held in its place, so it is not possible to do promotion
to various parties to obtain financial aid. This forces
managers, especially counselors to seek funding by
working outside the Safe House, so that later can be
used to help finance the daily mental health services
in the Safe House, including for daily consumption
needs. The condition actually adds another new
problem where the victims should always get
supervision and assistance, especially since most of
them are still children. With managers who
eventually go to work outside the Safe House and
the number of managers is very limited, it will
automatically make the service to be less than the
maximum, and can even thwart the design of
services that have been made before because it is not
sustainable. The absence of managers at certain
hours is not yet equipped with the focus and
concentration of managers who will be divided in
handling case services in the Safe House. Those who
should be able to think of plans for subsequent
activities, eventually physically and mentally also
drained for daily financing in the Safe House.
Self data completeness factor becomes the next
problem in mental health service in Safe House. The
completeness of this data is very important to know
the growth of victims of the aged children. Data
such as weight, height, and medical history need to
measure the extent to which the medical
development of the child is medical. In addition,
under certain conditions emergency medical history
becomes important data, because it can help
managers to be able to provide appropriate services
and in accordance with the health conditions of these
The communication factor with the closest
family of the victim is accommodated, also a
problem that can be highlighted from the provision
of mental health services in the Safe House. The
occupants of a safe house given this temporary
shelter should be able to become part of the
community again, to be adaptive, and of course can
interact again with their closest relatives. However,
the recovery process becomes difficult because of
the lack of ability of the manager to raise awareness
of the immediate family of the victim. Safe House
Managers are not equipped enough with sufficient
extension skills to deal with the situation. This is
also exacerbated by the closest family who really
strongly surrender all matters related to his child's
life to the SafeHouse. They seem to be no longer
willing to try to accept his son back and finance the
life and education of his son. Even some of the
closest families add to the burden of the Safe House
management by also entrusting their children or
other family members to Safe House for treatment as
Behind the whole problem is actually the
manager of Safe House has been trying to provide
the best in recovering and improving mental health
of victims who are inhabitants of Safe House. The
Safe House Manager teaches the abilities necessary
for daily life, such as how to wash clothes, clean the
house, cook, read and write. Even the managers
apply a pattern of interaction and special
communication to the victims who become residents
in the Safe House. Managers teach them to interact
and communicate like a family. Discussion and
reflection activities in the morning are also applied
in daily life at Safe House. The residents are asked
to share their problems and apologize when they
have made mistakes. Managers also give the task of
rewriting what has been read to the children who
become residents there. Managers teach aspects of
religious knowledge to all residents of the
SafeHouse, either through online media or by
teaching reading Al Quran by working with one of
the related foundations.
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
From this research, it can be concluded that there is
a discrepancy between the purpose of constructing a
Safe House with the implementation of the handling
of victims of violence and neglect, and also found
that the quality of mental health services is less
standard. These things have many factors that affect
let alone in terms of government concern for the
program that has been made this. The government
should be able to better prepare for anything that
needs to be trained to the managers of the Safe
House, especially when faced with situations that the
managers have never met before. These trainings
will need to be periodically provided to Safe House
managers, so that they will have an ongoing and
actual insight and knowledge related to the handling
of cases of violence and neglect. Training on the
handling of children with special needs also needs to
be done, because these abandoned children may be
some of them abandoned by their families because
they lack physical perfection or have mental and
psychological limitations. So it can be said that the
non-conformity of mental health service delivery by
the Safe House managers is a result of their lack of
understanding and insight into what the right mental
health service is like. The government also needs to
survey the existence of houses used as Safe House
sites whether they have met the proper safety and
security standards. Obviously if it is found that do
not meet such standards, it is necessary to take
immediate action as soon as possible, so that the
initial purpose of the construction of Safe House can
be achieved well.
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Gelles, R. J., 1985. Family Violence. Annual Review of
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Nadlir, M., 2018. Awal 2018, Tren Kekerasan Seksual
Terhadap Anak Laki-laki Naik. [online] Available at:
laki-laki-naik> [Accessed 1 May 2018].
Suryakusuma, J., 2017. Darurat Kekerasan, Terhadap
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Mental Health Services in Safe House for Women and Children Victims of Violence