Correlation between Ratio of Index Finger Length to Ring Finger
Length (2D:4D) and Working Memory Performance
Ananta Yudiarso
, Dian Teres Agung
, Hendrik Gunawan
, and Wan YiMing
Faculty of Psychology Surabaya University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Henan Institute of Science and Technology, China
Keywords: Digit Ratio 2D:4D, Working Memory.
Abstract: Ratio of Index Finger Length to Ring Finger Length (2D:4D) expressed a testosterone exposure during in
prenatal. The masculinize the brain through prenatal testosterone exposure resulted a higher cognitive
functioning. Previous studies shown a positive findings correlation between digit ratio (2D:4D) and
cognitive functioning in gifted student sample. However rarely found study to correlate between the digit
ratio (2D:4D) and working memory. We held a survey research among 22 female university students. To
measure digit ratio, we employed autometric software program. Working memory was tested using
computer-based Wisconsin sorting card test. Our result supported the correlation between digit ratio and
working memory. Our finding implicated testosterone exposure influence working memory functioning.
Mental health problem due to working memory functioning problem may detect and prevent with
testosterone exposure.
Various mental health had significant relation to
working memory functioning. Several mental
disorder ADHD, addiction, autism, schizophrenia,
anxiety disorder were related to working memory
functioning. The objective of our research is to
verify the biomarker of working memory
functioning trough a phenotype the ratio of finger
Ratio of Index Finger Length to Ring Finger
Length (2D:4D) expressed a testosterone exposure
during in prenatal. The masculinize the brain
through prenatal testosterone exposure resulted a
higher cognitive functioning. Previous studies
shown a positive findings correlation between digit
ratio (2D:4D) and cognitive functioning (Ackermann
et al., 2012; Austin, Manning, McInroy, & Mathews,
2002; Beaton, Magowan, & Rudling, 2012). Digit
ratio also found this influence in spatial memory
(Bull & Benson, 2006; Bull, Davidson, &
Nordmann, 2010) and academic performance (Hopp,
de Moraes, & Jorge, 2012).
Working memory is limited cognitive system for
temporarily holding information for cognitive
executive function such as decision making. Study
in gifted children shown that gifted had higher digit
ratio than normal control (Durdiaková et al., 2015).
There three reasons to hold this research. First
digit ratio is a consistent biomarker for the
testosterone exposure in many species. However, the
use of 2D:4D as an index of prenatal influence of
testosterone is questioned due to inconsistence
findings the effect of testosterone to cognitive
functions. Testosteron is important hormone for
cognitive process of memory (Cherrier et al., 2007;
Ciocca et al., 2016; Davison et al., 2011; King,
Kurdziel, Meyer, & Lacreuse, 2012). In other hand,
There were inconsistent finding for testosterone
involvement in cognitive process (Alarcón,
Cservenka, Fair, & Nagel, 2014; Carré et al., 2015;
Wakabayashi & Nakazawa, 2010).
Secondly, to the best knowledge of researcher,
rarely found study to correlate between the digit
ratio (2D:4D) and working memory.
Thirdly, the effect of testosterone is gender
specific especially in prefrontal and hippocampal
development (Nguyen et al., 2017). Female had
advantage in testosterone influence (Postma et al.,
2000). However the effect testosterone to memory in
male also significantly found in animal study
(Spritzer et al., 2011). Accordingly, we held this
Yudiarso, A., Agung, D., Gunawan, H. and Wan, Y.
Correlation between Ratio of Index Finger Length to Ring Finger Length (2D:4D) and Working Memory Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0008589503640367
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 364-367
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The participants of this research were 22 University
student with age 18 to 21 year-old. After participant
filling informed consent, we measure digit ratio and
working memory. We employed autometric software
program for digit ratio measurement using picture of
their hand. Working memory was tested among the
participant using computer-based Wisconsin card
sorting test.
The procedure of data collecting as follows.
First, we make picture of participant finger. The
picture processed in autometric program that
calculated the digit ratio index 2D:4D.
We correlated the ratio 2D4D on left and right
hand and raw score of WCST including total correct,
total error, number of trials, ratio difference true and
false, latency and learning value. Further analysis we
calculated for the curve estimation.
Table 1: Correlation Score WSCL and Digit ratio 2D4D.
Table 2: Mean of Digit Ration 2D:4D.
Left Righ
D2 D4 2D4D D2 D4 2D4
0.979 1114.4
Graph 1: Curve Estimation
Curve estimation result shown a fit linier function of
quadratic equation between right hand digit ratio and
learning value WSCL.
Picture 1: Digit Ratio 2D:4D measurement using
Left Ratio Right Ratio
TRUE 0.242 0.139 .379* 0.041
FALSE -0.166 0.23 -.375* 0.043
False 0.217 0.166 .418* 0.027
Trial -0.017 0.470 -0.170 0.225
of True
and False
.712** 0.001 .422* 0.025
-0.212 0.171 -0.253 0.127
value 0.08 0.369 .433* 0.028
Correlation between Ratio of Index Finger Length to Ring Finger Length (2D:4D) and Working Memory Performance
Our result indicated positive finding correlation
between right-hand digit ratio 2D4D and working
memory in female participant. Thus, our finding
supported brain masculinization trough testosterone
exposure can be predicted from digit ratio in female
participant. Digit ratio was stable phenotype for
testosterone exposure that influence
neurodevelopmental prefrontal dan hippocampus for
working memory (Liu, Bai, Xia, & Tian, 2018;
Suzuki et al., 2018; Vijayraghavan, Major, &
Everling, 2018).
Our finding supported practical implication of
using digit ratio to detect working memory
functioning especially at female right-hand finger
length digit ratio (2D4D).
Our result has significant implication for health
psychology to understand the biomarker for working
memory function due to testosterone exposure.
Testosterone exposure may a significant alternative
prevention for mental health problem due to working
memory problem. Two alternatives explanation
testosterone influenced working memory
functioning. First, testosterone exposure may
influence epigenetic process to phenotype in brain
structure involved the working memory functioning.
Secondly, testosterone may influence directly
through neurotransmitter activation (seretoninergic,
dopaminergic, GABAergic) that involved in
working memory functioning.
Further research can be focused in mechanism of
testosterone exposure to the central nervous system
that support working memory functioning and
epigenetic process of working memory.
Our finding supported practical implication of the
use of digit ratio 2D:4D for biomarker in executive
cognitive function. Due to limitation of this
preliminary study a replication study with larger
sample size and broader population with different
genetic background is needed in order to improve
external validation of the result.
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Correlation between Ratio of Index Finger Length to Ring Finger Length (2D:4D) and Working Memory Performance