How is the Survival Mechanism of Poor People
with Ortho
edic Handica
Femita Adelina
, Suryanto
Student of Magister Psychology, Faculty of Psychology Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Personality and Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Efficiency, Family resources, Social support.
Abstract: All orthopedically handicapped people have different survival mechanisms to continue their life, including
the poor people who are orthopedically handicapped. This research has the purpose of analysing the types of
survival mechanism for poor orthopedically handicapped people. The study used a qualitative approach with
an instrumental case study method. The method for collecting data was in-depth interviews. For analyzing
data, the researcher used a thematic analysis technique. The results of this research showed that there were
three survival mechanisms for poor orthopedically handicapped people: 1) orthopedically handicapped
people should reduce their daily needs budget for treatment costs and prosthetic replacement; 2) they
established a home-based small business and empowered family resourses; 3) they utillized social
networking, such as goverment (as a patron) and fellow friends with the orthopedically handicapped. The
poor orthopedically handicapped people not only need material support, they also need non-material help
such as social support. However, this social support was an aspect that had an important role in improving
their psychologic condition rather than other aspects. If there were social support, it makes their lives
Based on the National Socio-Economic Survey
(Susenas) in 2015, the population of disabled people
was 2.45% (5,515,500 people) from 244,919,000
estimated population in 2012. Meanwhile according
to the Social Protection and Service Program (PPLS)
in 2012, the number of disabled people in Indonesia
was 3,828,985 of which there are 263,879
orthopedically handicapped people. A large number
of disabled people generates a special problem
because the number is not comparable with the
ability of the government and the community to
handle these disabled people. According to data of
the Ministry of Social Affairs, the number of
disabled people, government, community (social
organizations of disabled people), family and
international support have a ratio of 101:1, this
means that 101 disabled people were only able to be
handled by 1 government official and other elements
(Window Bulletin, 2014). This showed that the
assistance for disabled people, including
orthopedically handicapped people was still very
The limits of goverment and its elements of
assistance force disabled people, and especially
orthopedically handicapped people, to find the right
ways to survive. Joining a community seems to be
one of the ways they choose. Percatu Community is
one of the communities for disabled people
specifically for orthopedically handicapped people
in Tulungagung Regency, East Java. Preliminary
studies have been conducted on the Percatu
community, these showed that the majority of this
commuinity’s members were from middle to lower
economies, but they can rise up and develop their
potential through several existing activities such as
cooperative establishment and entrepreneurship
training. Based on the preliminary study above, the
researcher was interested in choosing members of
the Percatu community as this research’s
According to Somantri (2007), the definition of
orthopedically handicapped is a condition where
they are damaged or disturbed because of a form or
obstacle in the bones, muscles and joints in their
normal function. Or it can be interpreted as a result
of damage or disruption in the bones and muscles
thereby reducing the normal capacity of individuals
Adelina, F. and Suryanto, .
How is the Survival Mechanism of Poor People with Orthopedic Handicap?.
DOI: 10.5220/0008590104060409
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 406-409
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to follow education and stand alone. Generally, the
characteristics of this disability are divided into two
types, namely muscular skeletal system (such as
poliomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, amputation of
hands, feet, arms, back defects and abnormal growth
of limbs) and cerebral system (such as language
disorder, reading disability, writing disability,
counting disability and cerebral palsy disorders).
Based on the level of disability, orthopedically
handicapped people can be divided into three
groups, namely mild, moderate and severe.
Based on the previous definition we knew that
imperfect physical conditions meant that disabled
people had to try harder to live well than people with
normal conditions. A preliminary study on the
Percatu community also showed that disability and
poverty forced them to change their life patterns to
fight harder. According to Scott (1990), the ways for
them to fulfil their needs with limited physical and
financial conditions to survive are called the survival
mechanism. In Scott’s (1990) view there are three
ways for poor people to survive: (1) reducing their
food cost by eating only once a day and switching to
lower quality foods; (2) using alternative subsystems
such as self-help which includes small businesses,
working as handymen or laborers, and migrating to
find work; (3) asking for help from social networks
such as relatives, village friends, utilizing
relationships with their patrons. Scott's (1990) study
explains how people can survive in difficult
conditions, especially the poor, atating that difficult
conditions are also experienced by orthopedically
handicapped people. Persons with poor physical
health must survive through greater efforts. Having
the right survival strategy is very important for the
survival of poor orthopedically handicapped people.
From the preliminary exposures above, the
researcher is interested in analyzing how survival
mechanisms work for poor orthopedically
handicapped people.
This research included qualitative study using
instrumental case studies. The sampling technique
used was purposive sampling. This research’s
samples were two poor orthopedically handicapped
people. The participants’ criteria in this research
were people who were physical disabled, poor and
members of the Percatu (Tulungagung Physical
Disability Association). The method of collecting
data was a deep interview technique. For analysing
data, the researcher used a thematic analysis
This research’s participants were people who
became physically disabled due to traffic accidents.
They used prosthetic legs to make it easier to walk
after their legs were amputated. Previously, daily
needs were only focused on household expenditure
which must be diverted in part to medical needs. In
addition, the cost of replacing a prosthesis which
was quite expensive requires that they make savings
in daily expenses. Savings were the first method of
choice after amputation.
Poor orthopedically handicapped people tried to
find income that was in accordance with their
physical condition after an accident. Limitations of
limb function encouraged them to create small
businesses at home. Imperfect physical conditions
made them unable to pursue their initial profession.
Nevertheless, the disability did not stop them from
fulfilling their daily needs. In carrying out their
business, physically disabled people were assisted
by their wives because there were some jobs that
they cannot complete themselves.
"Yes, after I can't drive anymore, I look for
another job, learn to sew ... I can do that,. So, I'm
sewing now ”(ZN021217: 11-12).
Besides running home-based small businesses,
orthopedically handicapped people also tried to get
side jobs. They hoped to get additional income from
it. However, their limited skills made it become an
expectation only. The absence of parties who help to
provide them with skills was one of the obstacles
In addition to develop small businesses at home,
orthopedically handicapped people also asked for
government assistance. The assistance received
included business and financial assistance. For
financial assistance, it was usually managed directly
by the Percatu community where the assistance was
then channeled to its members in the form of goods
(such as basic needs) because the amount of aid they
receive was small.
The role of Percatu community for its members
was to provide space for fellow members (physically
disabled) to provide mutual support or motivation.
Orthopedically handicapped people who had
previously felt hopeless about their condition could
rise again because they met people who had the
same conditions. They felt they had the same fate, so
they thought to give each other encouragement and
support to other disabled people. This was an
improvement because previously disabled people
withdrew from their social environment because of
their disability.
How is the Survival Mechanism of Poor People with Orthopedic Handicap?
"I am happy in Percatu, there are many friends,
so they can give support to each other (KM011217:
Based on the results of the research, the survival
mechanism for poor orthopedically handicapped
people was divided into three strategies. First,
orthopedically handicapped people reduced the
expenses of daily needs that were diverted for
medical expenses and substitution of prosthetic
limbs. Second, they used alternative subsystems
such as establishing small businesses at home and
asking for help from their wives to help fulfil their
daily needs. Third, they asked for help from social
networks, such as the government (as patrons) and
fellow disabled people. So, the survival mechanism
for poor orthopedically handicapped people was the
same as that expressed by Scott, but social
networking played an important role in their lives.
As a social network of orthopedically
handicapped people, the Percatu community has
provided space for them to share stories and
strengthen each other. Besides the great support
from the family, the support of fellow disabled
people was also needed. Joining the community of
Percatu has provided positive changes for them.
They were able to rise after experiencing despair
after an accident. This can help them to overcome
their problems, especially psychological problems
because of their disability.
Feist and Feist (2006) state that deficiencies are
one part of an individual's physics and can affect the
individual as a whole. Physical limitations in
orthopedically handicapped people can cause
problems in mobility, activities, and various
psychological problems. The negative view of the
community towards them can also cause a variety of
psychological problems, such as feelings of
inadequacy, worthlessness, despair, and tending to
withdraw. In other words, social support was needed
by orthopedically handicapped people. This was in
accordance with Stuart’s opinion (2007) stating that
orthopedically handicapped people really needed
high social support from their environment, in order
to be able to manage all problems well and to
encourage them to be able to accept themselves and
interact and build good self-confidence to continue
to have high self-esteem.
Sarafino (2002) described social support as
comfort, attention, appreciation, and assistance in
other forms received by individuals from other
people or groups. He also divided social support
into five forms, namely emotional support, award
support, information support, instrumental support,
and group support. While Fiona and Fajrianthi
(2013) stated that social support can be either
emotional or instrumental as well as information.
Based on the forms of social support above, it
can be divided into several forms based on whatever
those orthopedically handicapped people needed.
The presence of attention and empathy was a form
of emotional support that they had received.
Emotional support made them feel comfortable and
loved. Besides that, feeling appreciated by friends
makes them feel more confident and valuable. This
form of support includes forms of award support. In
addition to emotional support and award support,
there is also group support. Sharing stories with
fellow physically disabled people, especially when
they were in a depressed condition, was one form of
group support. Thus there were three forms of social
support received by orthopedically handicapped
people, namely emotional support, appreciation
support and group support.
If looking back to Scott's survival mechanism
theory, it only focused on fulfilling material needs.
Poor orthopedically handicapped people not only
used material assistance from their social networks,
but also focused on non-material assistance. They
still needed material assistance from the government
as patrons, but social support from their social
networks was much more needed. The existence of
great support from social networks was able to
improve their psychological condition so that they
become happier than before.
Unlike people in perfect physical condition,
orthopedically handicapped people have different
survival mechanisms. Even less if they were in poor
condition. At least, there were three ways for them
to survive, such as reducing daily expenses for
treatment cost and prosthetic replacement, using
sub-system alternatives such as establishing a home-
based small business and asking for the help of their
wives to fulfil the daily needs, and asking for help
from social networking, such as government (as
patron) and fellow friends with orthopedic
The new findings from this research show that
social networking has an important role in
improving their psychological condition. In contrast
to Scott’s opinion, social networking for
orthopedically handicapped people has a crucial role
in giving support and non-material aid. This social
support can make their life happier. Nevertheless,
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
this research still has limets, especially for the
participants. The participants of this research were
limited to orthopedically handicapped people
because of accidents. So, it still has possibility for
congenital abnormalities and people having different
ways of surviving.
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How is the Survival Mechanism of Poor People with Orthopedic Handicap?