Using Literary Texts to Improve Students’ Motivation and
Understanding on Introduction to British Culture Course
Eva Najma
, Ayendi
, and Novalinda
English Department, Andalas University Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Classroom Action Research, Introduction to British Culture, literary texts.
Abstract: This classroom action research aims to improve the teachers’ way in instructing students of Introduction to
British Culture course which consists of 33 students. It then makes easy and pleasant to understand the topics
given. In this case, we use literary texts as well as textbooks to understand the culture of British society. From
the results of comparison, this research is conducted for one semester starting with the mid-semester exam,
the method of learning used is the usual method through discussion of British cultural topics. While the
method of learning given after mid-semester to the final exam of the semester applies Classroom Ac-tion
Research (CAR) based on the theory [1]. The result of the research, at the beginning of the session until the
end of the se-mester, the students' motivation in learning when using literary texts is more enthusiastic and
creative, especially in reading the material rather than just discussing cultural topics determined in the
previous class. Discussions using literary texts to understand British culture are also warmer than before. The
level of student participation and understanding is also higher when using liter-ary texts. It is proved that the
final exam score is mostly higher than a mid-semester test score. It is interesting to conclude that the level of
understanding students’ British culture is not deter-mined whether the literary work is classical or
contemporary but the decisive is the style of the author in describing the literary works.
Introduction to British Culture is one of the
compulsory cultural subjects in the English
Department of the Faculty of Humanities, Andalas
University which is offered in semester 4. The
material discussed is everything related to British
culture such as the history of United Kingdom,
education, social life of the community, social strata
of English Society, language, culture and also
included the ethics as well as the latest issues in
British society, such as sports and drama.
This course aims to provide students with any
knowledge related to the topics that are given.
Besides, this course is also designed to improve the
students’ skills such as speaking, grammar and gain
more English vocabularies.
So far, the methods of the learning process in this
course are the lecturer or students to prepare the
powerpoint taking from related references.
The method applied to arise the problem during
the learning process, one of them is students’ lower
understanding of the materials given. This result is
based on the assessment given in the first 10 minutes
in every meeting and mid-semester test. To improve
the quality of learning outcomes, the teaching
material is modified by replacing it with short stories
and drama scripts. Besides that, supporting material
is also provided.
Based on the results of the mid-semester test in
written form through questions to semester 4th
students of English Department which were
conducted at the beginning before the researcher
applied the learning method plan using literary texts
and communicative approach, most of the students
have low or very low test results. It is indicated by
most of them answer the question unsatisfied.
Hence, this class is deliberately chosen to be
included in the Classroom Action Research. Based on
the phenomenon above, the purpose of this study is to
explain how far giving literary reading material can
improve the speaking ability and its influencing
factors to English Department students, Faculty of
Humanities, Andalas University. The research is
beneficial for lecturers to create an innovation and
apply this method to improve the quality of the
learning process in the lesson they teach.
Najma, E., Ayendi, . and Novalinda, .
Using Literary Texts to Improve Students’ Motivation and Understanding on Introduction to British Culture Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0008678900340037
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 34-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Therefore, [2] given a reason for action research
is the systematic collection of information which is
constructed to accomplish social change.
Furthermore, [3] to specify that Classroom Action
Research is research established in the classroom and
no more than explore what happens inside the
classroom and it serves classroom communication
and interaction as the best way to do expectedly. [4]
as stated, Action Research is a process in which
educators examine their practice systematically and
carefully using the techniques of research”. The
researchers conform with this remark which is
relevant to our research.
2.1 Learning Method Developed
The learning process that has been carried out so far
is in the form of a small group presentation consisting
of two people alternating each week. Lecturers still
have great authority in providing explanations and
regulating the student activities at each meeting.
Students are only responsible for carrying out group
presentations followed by discussion, question and
answer, and doing assignments.
2.2 The assessment applied in measuring
student learning outcome so far
The measurement applied so far is in the form of
attendance value, the readiness for presentation,
understanding, activeness and the role in group work.
Besides, there is also an assessment of midterm
exams, semester exams and assignment scores. The
assessment consists of:
Group presentation : 10%
Attendance : 10%
Activeness : 10%
Attitude : 10%
Task : 10%
Mid-Test : 25%
Final Test : 25%
Final grade distribution in the previous semester
Generally, the distribution of student grades are B- to
B +, meanwhile A-, A is very little in percentage.
Based on the researcher’s experience in teaching
2016 students, they have low motivation and
understanding, lack of reading, lack of discipline,
inactive in answering the question and have no
preparation before coming to class. External factors
come from the lecturer. In this case, the researchers
themselves about the cultural awareness teaching
method she has applied to the students who are less
attractive. At that time the researcher focused on the
learning process of understanding the topic of
presentations and discussions rather than applying
direct practicing about these aspects of culture in
pragmatic speaking communication.
2.3 The Learning Method Developed in
This Classroom Action Research
There are some steps in research as cited [5] 1.
Identifying questions, 2. Literature review, 3.
research study planning, 4. Data collection, 5,
Analyzing data, 6. Taking action based on results and
7. Here the researchers do not take all of the Gwynns’
steps. We have taken once which apply to our case.
To identify a question, the researchers have 10 until
15 minutes at the beginning of the class, such as how
many of them have read the assignments given before
coming to class, what things do the texts make them
interested, etc. Then to plan a strategy, we gather data
about individual students but collectively to all
students. In analyzing data, we search our teaching
strategy results better on students’ answering the
questions, performance on a presentation of the
material to class, followed by discussion, exams
compared between mid-test and the final test. The
next step is to take action based on results. This
research finding will inform to our teaching decision;
it is suggested that if the new strategy improves the
student learning, it should be used to continue in the
teaching context. Then the last one but not least is
sharing CAR findings [6]
The literary texts that we have given to the students
are Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen,
Pygmallion written by Goerge Bernard Shaw,
Complicity by Julian Barnes and The Happy Prince
by Oscard Wilde. Besides reading the literary texts,
the students also read other textbooks to understand
the text and the context conclusively.
Before having interpretation related to the culture,
there are some identifying questions, asking the
students the intrinsic elements in order to comprehend
the text intensively. They have to understand the first
characters, themes and plot. The students have to be
able to determine what are the characters’ significant
traits, such as ambitious, doubting, anxious,
aggressive, timid, noisy, practical, straightforward,
etc., [7] Before the presenters take their time, the
Using Literary Texts to Improve Students’ Motivation and Understanding on Introduction to British Culture Course
lecturer take ahead for 10 or 15 minutes to ask the
class about the intrinsic elements. It is the way to lead
them interpreting the text in details. The result is very
The learning process in the Introduction to British
Culture so far is in the form of presentations and
discussions by giving topics from the textbook. The
students are divided into some groups of two or three
people. Each group has one topic to be presented.
Introduction to British Culture relates to British
culture which also included an assessment, oral
quizzes and evaluation. Lecturers still have great
authority in providing explanations and regulating
student activities at each meeting. Students are only
responsible for carrying out group presentations
followed by discussion, question and answer and
doing assignments. In the last half semester, the
material was replaced with literary text. Students are
assigned to read and discuss short stories or drama
scripts at home. In the first 15 minutes, the lecturer
will give an oral quiz to ascertain whether the student
has read the material provided and the supporting
material. After that, the student does a presentation
followed by question and answer.
Then the time for presenters conveys their topic
more or less 10 minutes by having powerpoint with
10-12 slides. We have a warm discussion; they give
an argument with their interpretation. It is very
interesting because they would have more questions
and argument compared to the previous methods.
During the discussion session, the questions and
comments are not always answered by the presenters
but the audience can help them. One thing that the
students should be aware that their discussion as well
as the topics should be led to supporting books given
to them.
Pygmalion, a play written by George Bernard
Shaw describes the social status in English society of
how the language is spoken by the working and
middle-class people in 19
century of England. It
seems that the people belong to the working class can
shift to a higher class; it is not easy sometimes to
change one’s identity. She finds another way to lift
her class by finding a rich man to marry. For this case
students also read Class : The Devastingly funny
expose of the English Class System written by Jilly
Cooper published in 1980.
In the last session, the lecturer adds, corrects and
explains the things that left. In the last meeting, the
students are given the questions as instruments to
answer directly on a piece of paper. It is suggested not
to write their name to establish feeling free in writing
their impression about the class.
What do you think having used the literary text
in this Introduction to British Culture class?
Do you feel you get improvement in
understanding the material of your speaking
How many percents you would prepare the
material before the class for each text?
Which level you belong to the difficulties of
understanding the literary text?
Do you think you get improvement in class
The Answers:
Almost 90 % of the students have answered that
by having the literary texts, the class becomes
interesting. This way helps them to understand the
British Culture. Since literary texts in the form of
a short story or play, it is not too long and not
wasting time. Two students answer are not
efficient and they are not interested to read the
Most of them answered “Yes”, because it is their
sessions to speak, like presenting the paper,
automatically they should prepare themselves
how to speak well in front of the class. Q&A
session does help them to increase their ability in
Most of them prepare themselves reading material
between 60 80 %.
The difficulties depend on the texts. Pygmalion
and The Happy Prince are okay for them but the
other two are difficult.
Most of them answered “Yes”, these improved
their activity in the class.
Before conducting the research, the distribution of
student grades, is generally in B to A-. This grade is
quite good considering that the students are excellent
of those who have English competence. However, the
grade of students' speaking ability has not been
maximized to get an A score (although there are some
who get an A). Based on the researcher’s experience
in teaching English for class A, students are generally
lack of discipline, they do not ask questions actively
and did not prepare themselves to speak before
coming to class, only practice their English speaking
outside the classroom. External factors come from the
lecturer. In this case, it is the researcher himself about
the methods of teaching English that she has applied
to students. Researchers at that time focused on their
teaching and learning of the student presentations and
discussions on aspects of English grammar in the
context of British culture. It may be the reason that
the method applied makes the class unpleasant, not
challenging, not explorative, unnatural and the
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
lecturer centered learning that makes the students less
enthusiastic about being active in speaking English.
The measurement of student learning is in the form of
attendance, the readiness for presentation,
understanding, grammar, fluency, activeness and the
role in group work. This course is assessed through
the oral presentations, papers and discussions in final
or semester test. Based on these elements, among 33
students; 6 students get A, 10 students get A-, 10
students get B+ and the rests get B until D.
Classroom Action Research (CAR) for Introduction
to British Culture is conducted to improve the
learning to a better result. Before this research is
conducted there are some weaknesses, such as the
students’ motivation to prepare the topics given is
low, the students’ activity during the class is not
lively and the result or grade they get is low.
By having done the research, the situation of the class
changes. They have the motivation to read the
material before the class. The discussion session
becomes energetic and enjoyable. Everybody wants
to comment during the discussion session.
Undoubtedly, most of the grades are satisfied.
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[7] Robert, Edgar V and Jacob, Henry E. Fiction: An
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If any, the appendix should appear directly after the
references without numbering, and not on a new page.
Using Literary Texts to Improve Students’ Motivation and Understanding on Introduction to British Culture Course