Effectiveness of The Jigsaw Strategy on Students Achievement in
Mathematical Statistics I Course
Hazmira Yozza
, Yudiantri Asdi
, and Izzati Rahmi HG
Department of Mathematics, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Mathematical Statistics, Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw, Learning Achievement.
Abstract: Mathematical Statistics I is a compulsory course for the 4th term students in the Mathematics Department,
Andalas University. The main problem faced in this course is the lack of students involvement which then
affects their academic achievement. This research is concerned about the effectiveness of the jigsaw strategy,
a cooperative learning approach, on the learning achievement of undergraduate students who took this course
in the academic year 2017/2018. The classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. By comparing
the final grade for the academic years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 it was found that the jigsaw approach worked
successfully to enhance student’s learning achievement. It was also found that this strategy can increase
student’s involvement while improving teamwork and independence in the learning process and enhance
students’ understanding of the material being studied..
At present, learning that makes lecturers as the center
of knowledge transfer is still a hallmark of learning in
universities. With this approach, the lecturer will
become a central figure in the transfer of knowledge
while students passively listen to lecturers and are not
too involved in the learning process they undergo. On
the other hand, the world of work requires university
graduates who not only have good hard skills but are
also able to think logically, analytically, critically and
creatively, are able to work in a team, have excellent
communication skills and other soft skills. As a result,
there is an imbalance between the competencies
possessed by university graduates and the expected
competencies in the world of work.
For this reason, a paradigm shift is needed in the
learning process from traditional learning to a
learning approach that can place students in the center
of the learning process, usually known as student-
centered learning. This learning strategy puts all
students as active and independent adult learners with
responsibility for their learning. With these
principles, a university graduate can be expected to
become a long-life learner with a balanced ability of
hard skills and soft skills. Meta-analysis shows that
various approaches of student-centered learning
effectively enhances students' academic achievement,
is more suitable in forming the attitudes that are
expected in the learning objectives and furthermore,
improve the retention of the lecture material being
studied (Afrizal et.al., 2014)
Mathematical Statistics I is a compulsory course
in the 4
term in the Department of Mathematics of
Andalas University. This course covers how to apply
mathematical principles to statistics and provides a
theoretical foundation for studying and developing
various statistical methods used to analyze data. At
present, most of the meetings in this course are
carried out using a teacher-centered learning
approach. With this approach, learning outcomes are
still not satisfactory, because more than 40% of
students fail or gain unsatisfactory grades.
Therefore, another learning approach is needed
that can enhance students’ learning outcome in this
course. One strategy that can be used is the jigsaw
strategy. This research aims to evaluate the impact of
using cooperative learning based on a jigsaw strategy
on students’ learning achievement in the
Mathematical Statistics I course.
At present, there is a paradigm shift in learning,
especially in higher education, from a teaching
paradigm to learning paradigm. With this new
paradigm, students are placed as a center in the
learning process. One type of student-centered
learning is cooperative learning. This learning
strategy is defined as an instructional method where
Yozza, H., Asdi, Y. and HG, I.
Effectiveness of The Jigsaw Strategy on Students Achievement in Mathematical Statistics I Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0008679000380043
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 38-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the students need to work collaboratively in small and
heterogeneous groups, helping each other to learn a
specific assignment to achieve a common goal
(Strother, 1990; Kagan, 1994). Compared to
individualistic learning, this approach is proven to
improve students' performance (Johnson and
Johnson, 1999; Slavin, 1999). To be effective; the
cooperative learning must be well-planned and
structured with learning materials available to all
participants (Azmin, 2015). There are several types of
cooperative learning. The Jigsaw strategy is one of
Elliot Aroston originally introduced and used the
Jigsaw instructional procedure in 1971 in Austin,
Texas to help the students develop their social and
cooperative skills (Aronson and Bridgemen, 1979).
With this approach, the content of the lesson is
divided into several parts of information, just like in
jigsaw puzzle. The students are also divided into
several heterogenous groups consist of 5-6 students
refered to as the ‘jigsaw’ group, where they are each
given a specific subtopic. In the next step, students
break out of their jigsaw groups and form ‘expert’
groups, where they focus on one subtopic,
researching and discussing it and become experts on
the subtopic that they have been assigned to. Next, the
students return to their jigsaw groups and teach their
peers based on their discussions in the expert group.
Eventually, all the members of the jigsaw groups will
have learnt from each expert group discussion and
will have benefit from each other (Azmin, 2015). In
this method, the lecturer acts as a motivator,
facilitator and assesses students activities.
The classroom action research conducted this study.
Learning strategy used a combination of a Teacher-
Centered Learning (TCL) approach and cooperative
learning using a jigsaw strategy.
2.1 Population and Participants
The population of this study was all students who
took Mathematical Statistics I in the academic year
2017/2018. The students were grouped into three
classes labeled A, B and C, consisting of 33, 34 and
30 students respectively. All members of the
population participated in this study.
2.2 Study Design
This classroom action research was carried out during
the even semester of the academic year 2017/2018.
This research was done in two cycles, each cycle
consisting of 4 steps, as follows:
Step 1: Planning. At this stage, a strategy was
designed to achieve the learning objectives,
starting from identifying the problems that
arose in the learning process of the
Mathematics Statistics I course, analyzing
the causes and then developing an action
plan through the development of the
Semester Learning Plan and students’
worksheets for lectures and tutorials. In this
activity, an indicator of the success of the
action was also determined. This step was
conducted through week 1-5.
Step 2: Implementation. At this stage, actions that
had been planned were implemented. The
chosen Jigsaw strategy was used. This
strategy was applied to two specific topics
(a) The Properties of Expectation Values, (b)
Special Discrete Distribution and also
applied to the tutorial class. This step was
conducted through week 6-10.
Step 3: Observation. At this stage, observations
were carried out to identify events
encountered in the implementation of the
action, which included obstacles
encountered and activities carried out by
students during the learning process. This
activity was conducted in conjunction with
the implementation step.
Step 4: Reflection. The last stage of this research was
the evaluation of the results of actions taken
based on predetermined indicators.
2.3 Data Collection and Analysis
Data were collected during the implementation step.
The collected data were the scores of the exams,
quizzes and students' perceptions of the effect of this
learning method on the active involvement of
students, motivation to learn material independently
and teamwork improvement. The measurement of
students’ opinion was carried out by distributing
questionnaires to all students. The questionnaire used
a Likert scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive
statistics (central tendency and variability measures)
as well as statistical tables and graphs.
Effectiveness of The Jigsaw Strategy on Students Achievement in Mathematical Statistics I Course
2.4 Performance Indicator
Indicators used to assess the success of teaching
methods, and assessments developed in this
Classroom Action Research activity were:
Learning Outcomes. Learning outcomes were
measured from assignments, quizzes and exams.
Distribution of students’ final grade. The criteria for
success was the percentage of students who get a
score below B is lower than the previous academic
year. Students’ opinion of the learning method was
measured from a questionaire. The criteria for success
was more than 75% of the students expressed a
positive opinion of this learning method.
Here we will describe the development of the learning
and assessment method as a solution to problems
faced in Mathematical Statistics I learning process.
We will also discuss the result of the action done.
3.1 Development of The Learning
In the previous academic year, the learning process of
Mathematics Statistics I courses was carried out by
combining the TCL, and SCL approaches with the
Think Pair and Share (TPS) method. From the
evaluation, this method was not sufficient to actively
involve all students in the learning process. In
addition, the large number of students made it
difficult for lecturers to assess the activity of all
students. Besides, the tutorial activities did not
provide enough opportunities for all students to be
active in learning activities.
From the learning outcomes of previous years, it
was suspected that the learning outcomes of students
in this course were related to their activeness in the
learning process. Students who got good grades were
generally students who participated actively in the
learning process. Therefore, it was seen advantageous
to improve the learning methods to encourage all
students to particpate actively to further improve the
quality of students learning outcomes.
The TCL and TPS methods were still used to
ensure that all material could be completed in 14
weeks of class meetings. Also, quite a lot of material
is not easy to present in other ways. Learning methods
were developed for the part of the course most
suitable for the Cooperative Learning method using
Jigsaw Strategy: “Properties of Expected Value” and
“Special Discrete Distributions”.
The procedure performed is as described
previously. The basis of the group division was the
students’ grade in Elementary Statistics, Calculus I
and Calculus II courses. A modification was made by
appointing one student from each group as a leader.
He/she was responsible for learning all the material
that would be discussed and to lead the discussion.
Ideally, this student must have good academic
abilities and be the most mature in the group. Thus,
if students have difficulty explaining the parts they
are responsible for, this leader can help him.
Furthermore, several students were appointed by the
lecturer to explain or rewrite the results of the
discussion for all participants of the course while
other students responded or asked questions about the
presentation or answer given. In this approach, the
lecturer only acts as a motivator, facilitator and
assesses the course of the discussion. The jigsaw
strategy was also applied in tutorial activities.
3.2 Development of Student Assessment
The assessment carried out in this course included
results-assessment and process-assessment. The
results-assessment was measured through 3 Exams
and Quizzes while the process assessment was
measured through assignments, tutorials and group
discussions conducted using the jigsaw approach.
Performance indicators were: logical, analytical and
critical thinking skills; creativity, time management,
teamwork and communication skills.
3.3 Development of The Semester
Learning Plan
Furthermore, improvements were made to The
Semester Learning Plan (SLP) of the Mathematics
Statistics I course. Improvements were mainly made
on the learning approach used, where the jigsaw
strategy was applied to several topics. In addition, the
assessment method was also proscribed in more
detail. This SLP was also supplemented with a class
discussion worksheet which was used as a guide to
carrying out class discussions.
3.4 Result of The Classroom Action
Research and Discussion
This Classroom Action Research was carried out in
two cycles. The following will describe the actions
and results of each cycle.
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
3.4.1 Cycle-1
In this cycle, a jigsaw strategy was applied to lecture
activities on topics of ‘Properties of Expectation
Values’ and ‘Special Discrete’ Distribution. For the
first topic, the jigsaw approach was only applied to
students in Class A and B, while class C still used the
TCL approach. Evaluation of learning outcomes was
measured in the form of a quiz. For Classes A and B,
the average score was 81.5 with a standard deviation
of 18.24 and for class C, the average was lower,
namely 73.18 with a more substantial standard
deviation of 19.18. Comparison of the distribution of
student quiz scores between students in Class A/B
and students in class C is shown in the following
Figure 1: Comparison of Quiz 1 Distribution
It can be seen that the distribution of grades of A
and B students (Jigsaw) is more encouraging than the
distribution of students’ grades in Class C (TCL).
Nearly 50% of students in Class A / B scored grades
95 - 100 and only about 30% of students scored less
than 75. Meanwhile, in class C only about 20% of
students scored grades at 95-100 and 50 % of students
scored below 75.
For the Special Discrete Distribution topic, the
jigsaw strategy was applied to all classes. Assessment
of learning outcomes was measured from the results
of a second quiz, and the average score was 64.73
with a standard deviation of 22.27. The number of
students scoring above 70 is quite significant, namely
42% of all students. However, this result is still
unsatisfactory, because 30% of the students scored
below 50.
The evaluation of the effect of this jigsaw strategy
on student involvement in the learning process shows
that this approach can increase the percentage of
students who are actively involved in the learning
process but is still not completely effective because
there were many students who remained uninvolved
in the learning process.
Several things might be the cause of this, namely:
Lack of preparation. As with other SCL
strategies, with this jigsaw approach, all
students must study the discussed material
before class. However, it was found the
students did not prepare themselves well as
might be expected. This might be because
the course in Mathematics Statistics is
theoretical and requires understanding of
many new basic concepts and terms.
Incompetent leaders.
3.4.2 Cycle-2
This cycle was done because the results obtained in
the cycle -1 were unsatisfactory. Some of the method
improvements made in this second cycle were:
1. The jigsaw strategy was applied to the tutorial
activities. From experience, students are more
enthusiastic about the completion of the exercise
which they have learned about beforehand.
2. Change of some leaders who were considered to
be less competent.
3. Motivation of students to learn the material.
Learning outcomes with the Jigsaw approach
conducted in this tutorial activity can be seen from the
grades in quiz 3. The results obtained are better than
before with a higher average (66.20) and a lower
standard deviation (16.03).
Another indicator is the active involvement of
students in the lecture/tutorial activities. Table 1
illustrates the comparison of student involvement in
learning that uses the TCL approach, jigsaw strategies
on lecture activities and jigsaw strategies in tutorial
Table 1 shows that the application of jigsaw
strategies in this course is effective in increasing
student involvement in lectures and tutorials
activities. For tutorial activities, the application of this
jigsaw method can involve almost all students
actively in the learning process. This may be because
the materials discussed were questions or exercises
related to the material they had learned about
beforehand in the lecture.
Table 1: Student Involvement
Student Involvement (%)
Jigsaw class
Effectiveness of The Jigsaw Strategy on Students Achievement in Mathematical Statistics I Course
From the table, it can be seen that the application of
jigsaw strategies in this course was effective in
increasing student involvement in lectures and
tutorials activities. For tutorial activities, the
application of this jigsaw method can involve almost
all students actively in the learning process. This is
thought to be due to the material related to the
questions having been previously learnt in the
3.4.3 The final grade distribution
The student's final score is in the 0-100 range and is
calculated based on the results- assessment and
process-assessment. Furthermore, the academic grade
for this course is based on the final score.
Fig. 2 shows a comparison of the academic grade
distribution in the academic year 2016/2017 (using
the TCL approach) and the academic year 2017/2018
(using the jigsaw approach).
Figure 2: Comparison of final grade distribution
The distribution of student grades in these two
academic years is right-skewed which means a larger
number of higher scores. The distribution of students
grades in the academic year 2017/2018 shows a
higher percentage students have higher marks than
the previous year with a higher percentage of A, A-
and B + and a lower percentage of E, D and C values.
In this academic year, there were no students who
received E grades and only 3% of students received a
D. The percentage of students who received grade B-
or less also decreased from 42% to 33%.
3.4.4 Students’ opinion of the jigsaw
The student's opinions toward the learning method
conducted was collected by distributing
questionnaires at the final meeting. In the
questionnaire, students were asked to state the degree
of approval of several statements related to the
application of this jigsaw method. The degree of
approval is expressed using a Likert scale (1 =
strongly disagrees, 2=disagree, 3 = moderate,
4=agree, 5= strongly agree). Fig. 3 shows the average
students’ opinion scores in several areas.
Figure 3: Likert scale scores from student feedback on the
Jigsaw method's success in several areas
Fig, 3 shows that the students had positive
opinions about the implementation of this jigsaw
method. Students considered that this approach could
create a fun learning atmosphere, increase student
involvement in the learning process, increase team
collaboration and enhance students' understanding of
the material discussed. This method was generally
considered helpful to motivate students to learn the
material to be discussed before the discussion takes
Also, the students were also asked for their
opinions about what activities this jigsaw method
should be applied to. Almost all students wanted this
approach to be applied in tutorial activities and part
of lecture activities. Only about 4% of students
preferred the TCL method to be fully implemented in
all lecture activities.
In this study, classroom action research was
conducted to determine the effect of a Cooperative
Learning Method using a Jigsaw Strategy on student
learning outcomes in Mathematics Statistics I. This
study concluded that the jigsaw method is an effective
approach to improve student learning outcomes and
resulted in fewer students failing this course. In
addition, students considered that this approach
provided a fun learning atmosphere, was able to
increase student involvement, enhance student
understanding, improve teamwork and motivate
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
students to learn the material themselves before the
class activity took place.
This classroom action research was funded by
Institute of Educational Development and Quality
Assurance, Andalas University. On this occasion, we
are grateful for the opportunity and funds that have
been provided to make this research possible.
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pp. 43-69.
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Effectiveness of The Jigsaw Strategy on Students Achievement in Mathematical Statistics I Course