Discovery Learning and Small Group Discussion in Lexicology
Leni Syafyahya
and Efri Yades
Indonesian Department, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Discovery Learning, Group Discussion and Lexicology.
Abstract: A learning method that has been used up until the present can be developed towards a better one. Lexicology
teaching methods motivate this only as far the central portion is in the form of memorizing structural
rules/approaches. Therefore, it is necessary to use methods that can challenge students to be active and
creative. Discovery learning methods and small group discussion methods enable this. Discovery learning
involves students in finding their own problems and solving them, and eventually be able to construct a
meaningful concept. That is, discovery learning methods direct students to understand concepts, meanings,
and relationships, through an intuitive process. Small group discussion methods involve students learning in
small groups of a maximum of three people. Lecturers provide discussion topics to be discussed by each
group. Lecturers go around watching groups and occasionally doing language tickets. Common errors are
discussed in the whole class. This encourages group members to dare to express their opinions. Lecturers
record errors that frequently arise. These errors can be raised in the evaluation. Preferably an educated person
corrects the errors. With the application of these methods, it was expected that learning outcomes would be
maximally fulfilled. Assessment was based on the learning outcomes to be fulfilled; attitudes, knowledge,
general skills, and special skills.
Leksikologi is a course included in a course in
linguistics. Lexicology courses relate to morphology
and semantic courses and can support learning
outcomes in the curriculum, ie, students can identify
language problems, study language and skillfully
apply them.
Lexicology is a compulsory subject in the
Indonesian Language and Literature Department.
This course is included in the Study Program Subject
(MKPS). This subject is required for all Indonesian
Literature Department students in the middle
semester. In addition, the material in this course is the
basis for studying dictionary making or lexicography
and a requirement for understanding lexicography.
Before the 2011 curriculum this was a 3 credit course.
However, after the 2011 curriculum, this became a to
2 credit course.
The learning outcomes in this course are related
to the expected achievements of the study program:
1) Demonstrate an attitude of being responsible for
work in their field of expertise independently, 2) Able
to apply practical knowledge in the fields of language,
literature, and culture, 3) Able to work in the field of
language, literature, culture, and everything related to
it, and 4) Master various approaches/theories that are
relevant to the study of language, literature, and
Specific learning outcomes in lexicology course
include an ability to understand the following: 1)
Introduction: Syllabus, Assessment System, and
Academic Norms. 2) Definition of Lexicology and
the scope of the study. 3) Vocabulary: Definition of
Vocabulary, Vocabulary Sources, Development, and
Development, as well as Vocabulary hearings. 4)
Formation of Words. 5) Semantic Aspects of
Vocabulary. 6) Vocabulary Spelling Aspects. 7)
Lexicography. 8) Lexicological Relations with
Lexicography. 9) Dictionaries. 10) Type of
Dictionary. 11) Techniques and Practice of Making
In learning all this time, I, as a lecturer in
lexicology, has developed teaching materials from
several forms, namely first teaching in 1994, I made
teaching materials in the form of small notes or data
cards. Then, in the next few years, I developed
teaching materials in the form of notes in plastic and
Syafyahya, L. and Yades, E.
Discovery Learning And Small Group Discussion In Lexicology Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0008679300520056
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 52-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
when teaching the material was highlighted with a
projector. Lastly, I developed lecture material in the
form of power points. In addition, teaching materials
that have been developed in the form of power point,
some parts of the material, I have developed into
textbooks. Students use the teaching book as one of
the lecture references.
The previous teaching and learning process used
the Teacher Centered Learning (TCL) with the
lecturer the center of learning and the student’s
passive listeners. However, since 2016, I have started
to change the learning method to SCL. However, this
SCL method cannot yet be implemented optimally.
This is due to many factors, including the large
number of students in one class and the lecturer's
understanding of SCL. The implementation of
learning methods so far has included;
1. giving training to students both personally and
in groups
2. students learn to look for problems themselves
or in groups and then discuss them together
3. students sometimes make presentations
4. The lecturer provides an explanation of the
material at that time
In addition, the learning process must fulfill the
desired learning outcomes. During this time,
assessment was carried out to measure learning
achievement in several ways. Before, the lectures
began, a Semester Learning Program and Activity
Plan (RPKPS) and a scoring system was formulated,
The Midterm Examination (UTS) was worth 35%,
Assignments 20%, and Final Semester test (UAS)
45%. Also, activeness and creativity in the class
influenced the final value.
There are several problems in achieving student
learning outcomes including the motivation,
response, creativity, and focus of students. Problems
may also be caused by less effective learning
methods. Therefore, changes in learning methods are
needed so that learning outcomes are achieved
2.1 Use of Learning Methods that Can
Challenge Students to be Active
and Creative
In the main lexicology teaching methods have
required students to memorize structural rules /
approaches. Therefore, it is necessary to think about
how to teach lexicology as a language activity that
can challenge students to be active and creative. One
way that can be applied is a pragmatic approach
which may help students improve their lexicology
The pragmatic approach in language teaching is
also commonly called a communicative approach
(Purwo, 1994; Syafyahya, 2008; Syafyahya, 2017).
The teaching and learning strategies in the
communicative approach is based on students being
active, which is now known as Student Centered
Learning (SCL). The method of active learning is a
development of the theory of Dewey Learning by
Doing (Pannen, 2001). Dewey strongly
disagrees with rote learning 'learning by memorizing'
and believes that students need to be involved in the
learning process spontaneously so students are
actively involved in the teaching and learning
In the SCL approach, several methods can be
applied, namely discovery learning methods and
small group discussion methods. Both discovery
learning methods and small group discussion
methods were applied in lexicology courses. With the
SCL approach, it is expected that learning outcomes
will be optimally fulfilled. Assessment that can be
carried out to check learning outcomes are fulfilled
include assessment of attitudes, knowledge, general
skills, and special skills of students (Simberman,
Students who studied lexicology courses are
sixth-semester students. There were two classes of
lexicology classes, Class A (36 students) and Class B
(50 students).
2.2 Discovery Learning Method
Discovery learning involves students in finding their
own problems and solving them, and eventually be
able to construct a meaningful concept. That is,
discovery learning methods direct students to
understand concepts, meanings, and relationships,
through an intuitive process.
The Ministry of Education and Culture Act 2013
included discovery learning as part of the 2013
curriculum and defined it as a learning process that
occurs when lessons are not presented with learning
in their final form, but students are expected to
organize the information themselves. That is, in this
learning method, students work to find the concepts
of a problem in the material.
Students in each class were divided into small
groups of three members. Class A contained 11
groups, and class B 16 groups (2 groups are
consisting of 2 people).
Discovery Learning And Small Group Discussion In Lexicology Education
Each group decides what fields they will collect
data from to compile their dictionary. Class A's 11
groups decided to write lexicon dictionaries in the
following fields: internal medicine, agriculture, plant
names, game names, farms, kitchen ingredients,
dance names, animal names, carpentry tools, names
of ornamental plants, and art terms. Class B's 16
groups decided to write lexicon dictionaries in the
following fields: science: sociology, politics, culture,
tourism, sports, law, health, economics, literature,
agriculture, biology, engineering, communication
science, religion, and anthropology.
The learning outcome of the course was that
students could make a dictionary. Before making a
dictionary, students had to first be able to distinguish
the differences between dictionaries and thesaurus
and encyclopedias. The stages in implementing
Discovery Learning are listed below.
Table 1: Stages in Implementing Discovery Learning.
Activity step
Stage 1
provided a problem
that affects students'
desire to listen
Stage 2
Gave a large
number of problems
related to
material. Then,
some of the
problems were
selected for
students to do.
Stage 3
Provided field
assignments for
students to find data
collected data
into several
Stage 4
Provided time for
discussion with
Students asked
the lecturer
about the data
obtained in
their library
Stage 5
Checked the
correctness of data
that has been
collected by
Fixed data if
there is an error
Stage 6
Requested students
to fill in a report
containing blanks
Reported all
field activities
that have been
carried out in
the form
provided by the
Every method applied to learning must have
advantages and disadvantages. Likewise, with the
discovery learning method. There are several
advantages of using learning methods with Discovery
1. Students are more creative.
2. Students gain field research experience and
provide opportunities for them to do research
and find something for themselves.
3. They learn to apply knowledge based on the
initial knowledge they have gained in the
4. It trains for independence and responsibility
for learning
5. It allows students to find interesting new
things that had not been imagined before by
students after gathering information and the
learning process carried out.
There are several advantages of using learning
methods with Discovery Learning, namely:
1. Students have different degrees of motivation
to find information.
2. If students are not equipped with a framework,
sometimes there is confusion in their
3. This method is not effective when applied in
teaching large classes or students in large
numbers because it takes a long time to help
them find theories or problem-solve.
2.3 Small Group Discussion Method
The method of a small group discussion is a learning
process that aims to help students develop skills in
analyzing problems. Also, small group discussions
teach students to learn to interact with competing
opinions and information.
Small group discussion methods were
implemented using the following steps:
1. Students were divided into small groups of
three people.
2. Before the discussion began, students were
given practice questions or problems that
were in the semester plan to be discussed and
analyzed in groups.
3. The teacher made sure each group member
4. After the group discussion was complete,
each group was instructed to select a
spokesperson in the class discussion.
5. Group members answered each question.
6. Explanation and conclusion was carried out
by the lecturer.
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
Small group discussion is a way of presenting
teaching materials by conducting discussions in small
groups. In this case, the students were given a
problem in the form of problematic statements or
questions to be discussed and solved together. The
material discussed was based on their research in the
field or discovery learning.
The use of small group discussion learning
methods can help students learn a number of things
including (a) being a good listener; (b) working
together to make group assignments; (c) providing
and receiving feedback; (d) respecting differences of
opinion; (e) supporting opinions with evidence; and
(f) appreciating varied points of view.
Each group of three students was led by a
chairman and a notepad was used. After the groups
were formed the purpose of the discussion was
formulated. Each group was being given topics or
problems based on the semester plan. Each group
member was required to search, collect, and compile
information about the topics or problems determined
for their group and was required to report on the
results of their search in a reading report. Reading
reports made by each group member became material
in later group discussions.
In carrying out the discussion, students discussed
information search results (discovery learning) for 75
minutes, and the results were written up. When
students were discussing the information the lecturer
visited each group and gave instructions if needed.
This was done so that students remained serious about
discussing the topic specified and not doing anything
else until the discussion ended. After the discussion
was complete, all the papers recording the result of
the discussions were collected.
Next, one group was appointed to present their
paper and other groups to give comments, questions,
and comments. In order for each student to get the
opportunity to respond, the lecturer ensured each
student had a turn and recorded who had or had not
responded. After the students presented and discussed
the paper, the lecturer reviewed the topics discussed
that day. Sometimes, after the group discussion, a
discussion panel forum was held to respond to each
group's report. When the discussion panel was
conducted, three to four groups were displayed. A
spokesperson who presented the results of the group
discussion was appointed for each group, while the
other groups gave comments, responses, or questions.
Finally, the lecturer provided feedback through
summaries or strengthening the material.
In the classroom implementation, small group
discussion learning methods had advantages. The
advantages of using small group discussion learning
methods included:
1. the class atmosphere was more exciting,
2. students could establish social relationships
between individuals,
3. students could understand the results of the
discussion, and were aware of the rules.
4. students had the opportunity to convey their
ideas, thoughts, and opinions about the topic
being discussed and were excited to do so.
As student established interpersonal relationships
they could develop a sense of self-esteem, tolerance,
democracy, and critical thinking, as well as
systematic thinking. Also, the results of the
discussion could be understood by students because
they actively followed the debate in the discussion
groups. Students followed and obeyed the discussion
group rules.
In contrast, the small group discussion learning
method had some disadvantages.
1. Some students were less active, causing
indifference and not taking responsibility for
the results of the discussion
2. It was somewhat difficult to predict the results
the students could achieve due to long time
3. Some students had difficulty expressing their
ideas or opinions scientifically.
Discovery learning and small group discussions were
found to be beneficial in general lexicology courses.
These methods made students active, creative and
passionate so that lectures became more exciting and
not boring and the learning atmosphere is more
conducive. This positive atmosphere in the teaching
and learning process had a direct effect on the
learning objectives and the students undoubtedly
understood the learning material to the maximum
extent possible. Hence, learning outcomes were also
well achieved. With the application of this method,
the assessment system for students is also helped as
the lecturer can provide an assessment of the ability
of students as the method is being conducted. Finally,
the assessment of learning outcomes in the areas of
attitudes, knowledge, general skills, and special skills
of students were fulfilled.
Discovery Learning And Small Group Discussion In Lexicology Education
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ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance