The Application of Discovery Learning Method and Small Group
Discussion in PAM 472 Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics II
Lyra Yulianti
and Syafruddin
Department of Mathematics, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Discovery Learning, Small Group Discussion.
Abstract: This research concerns classroom action research conducted in the academic year 2017 2018, involving
undergraduate students who took the Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics II Course, an eighth semester
course in Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in Andalas University. In
this research, we combined two learning methods, namely Discovery Learning and Small Group Discussion
to increase the ability of the students to understand the course material. By comparing the final grade in the
academic years 2016 2017 with 2017 2018, we found that this combination of the methods successfully
improved grades.
The course PAM 472 Topics in Combinatorial
Mathematics II is an elective course in the
Combinatorial Mathematics Research Group. The
course is a 3 hour a week course (3 SKS) at level IV
(semester VIII). The prerequisite courses for this
elective course are two other elective course taught by
the Combinatorial Mathematics Research Group, i.e.
PAM 271 Introduction to Graph Theory, given at
level II, semester III, and PAM 272 Discrete
Mathematics (given at level II, semester IV).
Another course related to Topics in Combinatorial
Mathematics II is PAM 471 Topics in Combinatorial
Mathematics I, which is given at level IV (semester
VII), but this course is not a prerequisite for students
who will take the Topics in Combinatorial
Mathematics II course because both courses appeared
in the 2015 2016 academic year. Topics in
Combinatorial Mathematics II is not a continuation of
Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics I.
In Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics II, we
focus on understanding some of the latest results in
the field of graph theory, namely (a) the metric
dimension, (b) the partition dimension and (c)
locating chromatic-number of a graph.
We provide several definitions, theorems, and
their proofs, as well as detailed explanations through
examples. The course materials are some recent
articles related to the topics given, as well as some
lecture handouts which contain summaries of articles
in the previously mentioned topics (a), (b) and (c).
After attending this course, the students are
expected to have a strong understanding of the
concepts of the metric dimensions, the partition
dimensions and the locating-chromatic number of a
given graph. Furthermore, the students are expected
to be able to use the concepts required to determine
the metric dimensions, partition dimensions and
location chromatic numbers of a given graph
themselves. It is expected that students can think
critically, analytically and innovatively, structure
arguments logically, and be able to communicate
their thoughts systematically, be able to work
together and adapt themselves to other students in the
group and conduct some good discussions.
In the academic year 2016 2017, fifteen students
took the course Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics
II. In that semester, the lecturer applied the Small
Group Discussion (SGD) method as follows.
Students were divided into five groups, where the
students themselves determined members of each
group. After the basic concepts of each topic was
provided by the lecturer, the lecturer gave
assignments to each group to be presented in the next
meeting. Each group was directed to search for an
article related to the topics discussed, in international
or national journals, and then give a presentation of
their understanding of the article. The lecturer chose
the presenting group randomly so that each group had
to be well prepared for each presentation assignment.
Yulianti, L. and Syafruddin, .
The Application of Discovery Learning Method and Small Group Discussion in PAM 472 Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics II.
DOI: 10.5220/0008679400570063
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 57-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
During the group presentation the lecturer acted
as a facilitator and moderator for the discussion. The
lecturer assessed the presenting group on their
understanding of the article material. The lecturer
also assessed the attitudes and presentation technique.
The presentation material was then collected after the
presentation was complete.
The lecturer provided assessments to students
from non-presenter groups, based on their activeness
in responding to the first group's presentation.
Assessment was made of all groups when they
presented their major assignments in the last three
weeks of the semester. This presented the results of
the group's determination of (a) the metric dimension,
(b) the partition dimension or (c) the location
chromatic number of a graph chosen by each group.
The lecturer provided assessment criteria to
measure the student’s learning outcomes as listed in
Table 1.
Table 1. Assessment Criteria
Assessment Components
Assessment of Results
30 %
30 %
Assessment of Process
The ability to think critically and
20 %
Analytical ability
10 %
Ability to cooperate in teams
10 %
100 %
The distribution of the final grade in the 2016 2017
academic year is given in Figure 1.1.
Fig.1 The Final Grade of PAM 472 in 2016 2017
Academic Year.
From Figure 1.1 it can be seen that the distribution of
the students’ final grades is not satisfactory, because
10 out of 15 students scored less than B+. The lecturer
thought that one reason for the unsatisfactory results
was the inappropriate application of learning
methods. Therefore, in the 20172018 academic year,
we combined two learning methods, the Small Group
Discussion (SGD) method and the Discovery
Learning (DL) method. We hoped that the
combination would increase the students’ level of
understanding of the course materials and increase
their final grades eventually.
This section contains brief definitions of SGD and the
DL methods.
2.1 Small Group Discussion
SGD is a process of learning that takes place when
students work together in groups of 4 5.
It is a
learning method that spurs student activity. The
lecturer presents the course materials, and then the
issues to be discussed are given presented as a whole.
Next, the problem is divided into several sub-
problems to be solved by each group. After discussion
in the group, representatives of each group present the
results of the discussion.
Meo (2013) stated that over the last four decades,
SGD has achieved an admirable position in education
and is well-liked as a means of encouraging students
and enhances the process of deep learning. SGD
increases student interest and retention of knowledge,
enhances the transfer of concepts to novel issues,
students' critical skills, teamwork ability, self-
directed learning, communication skills, and student-
faculty and peer-peer interaction. It provides an
opportunity for articulating thoughts and formulating
views, and also provides a chance for the students to
monitor their learning and gain experience of self-
direction and independence from the instructors.
2.2 Discovery Learning
DL is a teaching method that governs teaching in such
a way that students gain knowledge that they have not
previously known not directly though instruction but
partially or wholly by themselves. In DL, activities or
learning are designed in such a way that students can
discover concepts and principles through their mental
processes. In finding concepts, students observe,
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
classify, make guesses, explain, and draw conclusions
to construct concepts or principles for themselves.
Bruner (1961) is often credited with originating
discovery learning in the 1960s. He argued that
practice in discovering for oneself teaches one to
acquire information in a way that makes that
information more readily viable in problem-solving.
This philosophy later became the basis of the
discovery learning movement of the 1960s. The
mantra of this philosophical movement suggests that
we should 'learn by doing'.
The DL method is defined as a teaching procedure
that emphasizes teaching manipulation of objects
before reaching generalization. Discovery carried out
by students to find a concept or principle. It is a series
of mental processes that enables students to assimilate
a concept or principle. The mental processes in
question include: observing, digesting,
understanding, classifying, making assumptions,
explaining, measuring, and making conclusions. With
these technique students are allowed to find out things
by themselves using their own mental processes. The
lecturers only guide and provide instructions. It
involves students in brainstorming, discussing,
reading by themselves and trying things out, so that
they can learn by themselves.
As the lecturer only acts as a mentor and
facilitator to direct students to find concepts,
propositions, procedures, algorithms on their own DL
is a teaching method that focuses on student activities
in learning.
2.3 Class Action Research Parameters
This research, uses the following parameters.
a) Student Learning Outcomes Results
Learning outcomes are measured by (i) the questions
posed by the lecturer to the presenting groups and to
the listening groups, (ii) the mid-test and final-test
results which measure the competency level of the
students against the semester learning plan objectives.
In (i), the competencies measured are psychomotor
abilities, while in (ii), the competencies measured are
cognitive and affective abilities. The results are
processed in order to obtain grades at the end of the
b) Student response to the implementation of the
learning method
To find out whether the students consider the learning
method to be effective, the lecturer conducted a
student survey at the end of the semester. This survey
data illustrated how students responded to the
learning methods and helps direct any follow up
action based on the findings in this class research.
This research was conducted in class within one
semester, in the 2017 2018 academic year, and
involved students who took Topics in Combinatorial
Mathematics II courses. This research is qualitative
research, conducted by observing students and
participating in class actions. Researchers acted as
observers and students as observed objects. In this
research, we combined the Discovery Learning and
Small Group Discussion methods to increase the
ability of the students to understand the course
material. A comparison of the final grade of this
course with the same course run in the previous year
was used to determine the success of the method.
In the academic year 2017 2018, there were twenty
students in Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics II
class. The lecturer applied the combination of Small
Group Discussion (SGD) method and Discovery
Learning as follows. Students were divided into 7
(seven) groups, where members were assigned to
each group randomly and stayed in the same group
until the end of the semester. The course materials
were similar to the previous academic year: (a) the
metric dimension, (b) the partition dimension and (c)
the locating-chromatic number of a graph.
After the basic concepts of the material in each
topic was explained the lecturer gave assignments to
each group that was to be presented in the next
meeting. Each group was given a different type of
graph and was assigned to determine the value of (a)
the metric dimension, (b) the partition dimension, and
(c) the locating-chromatic number of the graph by
themselves. The presentation was carried out by one
group for 40 minutes; every student in the group was
required to play a role in the presentation. After the
presentation, a discussion was held regarding the
presented material.
As in the previous academic year, the lecturer
acted as a facilitator and moderator during the
presentations and in the discussion. The lecturer
assessed the presenting group based on (i) their
understanding of the material that they found and (ii)
the attitudes and presentation technique of the group.
The lecturer observed the ability of the presenters to
cooperate in teams, their logical arguments, and their
analytical skills. The lecturer also provided
assessments to students in non-presenter groups,
The Application of Discovery Learning Method and Small Group Discussion in PAM 472 Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics II
based on their activeness in responding to the first
group's presentation.
Presentation assignments began in the fifth
meeting. Reference materials are left up to students,
but the primary references are Chartrand (1998; 2000;
2002). All basic definitions and notations in graph
theory used in this class are taken from Meo (2013).
Table 2, lists the presentation topics given to
every group. These are similar to those given in the
2016 2017 academic year.
Table 2: Group Presentation Material.
On the metric dimension of some
On the partition dimension of some
connected graphs
On the partition dimension of some
disconnected graphs
On the locating chromatic number of
some connected graphs
On the locating chromatic number of
some connected graphs
On the locating chromatic number of
some disconnected graphs
On the locating chromatic number of
some disconnected graphs
On the metric dimension, partition
dimension and locating a chromatic
number of some connected graphs
On the partition dimension and
locating a chromatic number of some
disconnected graphs
There were also additional tasks given to every group
to be finished during the meeting. If the assignment
was not completed in class, then the assignment was
used as homework. The lecturer observed the
students' ability to work together in teams, think
critically and analyze problems.
In table 3, we list the tasks given to every group.
These are similar to those given in the 2016 2017
academic year. The assessment rubric is displayed in
table 4.
Table 3: Tasks.
Give some examples of graphs G and
H that fulfill the condition G, H,H ,G
Find the metric dimension of graphs
, G
, and G
Find the metric dimension of F
, F
and F
, where G is an arbitrary graph
on n vertices
Find the partition dimension of cycle
and wheel W
Find the partition dimension of F
, F
and F
, where G is an arbitrary graph
on n vertices
Find the partition dimension of
disconnected graphs kP
, K
1,n t
for some k, t, and m
Find the locating chromatic number of
graphs F
, F
and F
, where G is an
arbitrary graph on n vertices
Find the locating-chromatic number
of disconnected graphs kP
, K
for some k, t, and m
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
Table 4: Assessment Rubric.
Performance Indicator
No clear discussion is written
(included in this category, the
students that did not collect their
There are discussions put forward,
but only in small parts, only what is
written in the textbook
The discussion presented was clear
enough, covering the entire task
order, but less innovative (in the
sense of only translating textbooks)
The discussion is quite clear,
covers the whole, but not too broad
(in a sense, there should be more
than just translating textbooks)
The discussion is clear, covers the
whole, innovative and broad
Figure 3 Figure 4.10 compares presentation, tasks,
mid-test, final test, and the final grade results between
2016 2017 and 2017 2018 academic years.
Figure 3: Presentation Assessment in 2016 2017
Academic Year.
Figure 4: Presentation Assessment in 2017 2018
Academic Year.
From Figure 3 - Figure 4, it can be seen that the
average grade for student presentations in the 2017
2018 academic year was lower than in the 2016
2017 academic year. After being evaluated at the end
of the semester, the problem occurred because the
students focused more on the more massive
presentation material, with a narrow preparation time
of only one week, because they have to find the metric
dimensions, partition dimensions and to locate
chromatic numbers of a new graph chosen by
themselves rather than by reading the papers. In the
future, it is planned that the lecturer would give the
presentation material two or three weeks before. It is
hoped with longer preparation time; students can
prepare their presentations better.
Figure 5: Tasks Assessment in 2016 2017 Academic
Figure 6: Tasks Assessment in 2017 2018 Academic
Figure 5 Figure 6 show that the average grades for
of student tasks in the 2017 2018 academic year is
higher than in the 2016 2017 academic year. After
being evaluated at the end of the semester, the
students said that they felt challenged to find
something new, namely the metric dimension,
partition dimension and locating a chromatic number
of new graphs, and always eager to do all the
assignments given.
The Application of Discovery Learning Method and Small Group Discussion in PAM 472 Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics II
Figure 7: Mid Test Assessment in 2016 2017 Academic
Figure 8: Mid Test Assessment in 2017 2018 Academic
From Figure 7 Figure 8, the average value of the
mid-test exam in the 20172018 academic year was
higher than that of the 2016 2017 academic year.
After being evaluated at the end of the semester, the
students said that because they are pushed to find the
metric dimension, partition dimension and locating a
chromatic number of graphs they chose themselves,
and then explained their discovery in their
presentation they understood the course material
much better.
Figure 9: Final Test Assessment in 2016 2017 Academic
Figure 10: Final Test Assessment in 2017 2018 Academic
From Figure 9 Figure 10, it can be seen that the
average value of the final test exam in the 2017
2018 academic year was higher than that of the 2016
2017 academic year. After being evaluated at the
end of the semester, the students said, as with their
mid-tests, it was because they were pushed to find the
metric dimension, partition dimension and to locate a
chromatic number of some graphs they chose
themselves, and then explained their discovery in
their presentation they understood the course material
much better.
Figure 11: Final Grade in 2016 2017 Academic Year.
Figure 12: Final Grade in 2017 2018 Academic Year.
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
Figure 11 Figure 12, compares the final grade in
the 2017 2018 academic year with the final grade in
2016 2017 academic year. The final score was
obtained from 20% presentation assessment, 20%
task and activeness assessment, 30% mid-test score
and 30% final test score, according to the assessment
criteria in Table 1.1. It can be seen as the percentage
of students with a final grade of less than B+
decreased from 66.67% (10 out of 15 students) to
35% (7 out of 20 students).
In this research, we combined two learning methods,
the Discovery Learning and Small Group Discussion.
We aimed to increase the ability of the students to
understand the course material. By comparing the
final grade in the academic year 2016 2017 and
2017 2018, we found that the combination of the
methods was successful as is evidenced by the
decreased percentage of students with a final grade
less than B+.
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Bull. Inst. Combin. Appl 36: 89 101
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Meo, S.A., 2013, Basic Steps in Establishing Effective
Small Group Teaching Sessions in Medical Schools,
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The Application of Discovery Learning Method and Small Group Discussion in PAM 472 Topics in Combinatorial Mathematics II