The student response questionnaire consisted of 4
positive statements and 3 negative statements. 86%
of the students chose positive statements in almost all
categories and 72% chose negative statements from
more than half the categories. Then the overall
average of the positive response rate of students was
79% and reached in almost all categories.
3.2 Discussion
Student assessments in cognitive, affective and
psychomotor areas when learning biology using
visual interactive multimedia (MIVI) showed
improvement. In the cognitive assessment, students
mean score which was 42.70 before the MIVI lessons
and below the minimum completeness criteria
became 82.46. This supports the hypothesis that
MIVI supported learning can improve student
learning outcomes in the topic of human motion
Learning media is everything that functions as an
intermediary or means or a tool in conveying a
message so that the message to be conveyed can be
easily understood (Rahayu, 2013). Students as
recipients of the message will certainly experience
difficulties if the material presented has very complex
abstractions, with interactive visual learning media
students understand the concepts which are conveyed
visually more easily. This supports a previous study
that found that learning using audiovisual technology
will improve learning abilities by 50% without using
learning media (Munir, 2014).
Improving students' biology learning at the
secondary level requires simplification of abstraction,
Siman and Pedaste (2014) explains that a biology
curriculum should focus more on the learning process
that the structure of learning. The 3D concept of
visual interactive multimedia (MIVI) provided by
researchers was chosen to be age appropriate so that
it would be more useful because understanding the
level of complexity of the corresponding 3D content
is dependent on the age or level of prior knowledge
of the students (Siman and Pedaste, 2014). By
improving student learning outcomes with the use of
(MIVI) and providing a visual learning experience
students' learning motivation will be increased as
well. The function of learning media is known to be
a tool that provides visual experience to students in
order to encourage motivation in learning, clarifying
and simplifying complex concepts, and results in
students' attention to learning will be higher with
more interesting content (Aina, 2013).
The affective aspect assessment score of 85 places
it in the good category. Before learning took place the
teacher explained several things to be considered by
students during learning on a powerpoint slide. In the
field of science education, students may have more
learning experience in different learning
environments so influencing the attitudes students
develop during interactive multimedia learning (Shah
and Khan, 2015). The learning environment was
arranged in such a way to increase student motivation.
Initial learning settings and games arrangement on
interactive multimedia are several factors which will
improve students' attitudes and motivation during
learning. Students' attitudes can be predicted to be
positive if the person has mastered the material
(Sudjana, 2014). This can be used as a reference for
researchers if they see the results of the pre-test that
has been given at the beginning of learning.
The psychomotor aspects assessment had an
average score of 86 (very good category) with the
highest score being 94 This was made possible
because of several factors including the teacher's
explanation about what would be assessed during
learning activities so that students understood what to
do. The lowest score of 75 might be due students
being less serious in learning and less precise in
answering questions.
The use of technology in learning makes students
use their hands when in analyzing available
multimedia displays. Technology can change the
traditional learning process of hearing, seeing and
imitating things that come from a teacher or textbook
(Widayat, 2014). Using technology students can
construct knowledge with social understanding so
that the process of collaboration in the group will take
place well.
The student response questionnaire assessment
showed 86% agreement with the positive statements
in almost all categories and 72% with negative
statements in more than half the categories, the
overall average number was 79% in almost all
categories. Assessment of the results of student
response questionnaires used values ranging from 0-
100 with interpretation as follows: all: 100, almost
entirely: 76-99, more than half: 51-75, half: 50 ,
almost half: 26-49, a small percentage: 1-25, none: 0
(Meidawati, 2013). Thus the results of the assessment
of student responses to learning with an overall
average of 79% could be said to be more than half.
Therefore, the results of student response
questionnaires can strengthen the results of the study
that show an increase in learning outcomes after
applying MIVI learning media to the topic of human
motion systems.
Based on the results of cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor data analysis, the use of MIVI learning
Improve Student Learning Outcomes Through The Use of Interactive Visual Learning Media (MIVI)