Study Effect of Computer-Assisted Cooperative Learning Methods on
a Pilot Course For Engineering Economy
Renny Eka Putri
, Rusnam
, and Intan Pertiwi
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Computer-Assisted, Cooperative Learning, Engineering Economy.
Abstract: Cooperative learning is a teaching-learning strategy that emphasizes joint attitudes or behaviors in working
or helping among others in a regular group structure of cooperation, consisting of two or more persons. This
objective of the research is Study Effect of Computer-Assisted Cooperative Learning Methods on A Pilot
Course for Engineering Economy. This research is started by changing the previous method of learning theory
to computer-based. Then, at the end of the semester students are asked to fill in questioners to evaluate the
implementation of the lecture. The results show that 93% of students stated strongly agree and agree that the
learning process computer-based technical techniques currently help increase interest in learning. In
conclusion, the application of the computer-based cooperative method to technical economics course can
increase student participation of lecture and also show the increased participation of the student due to the
dynamic learning situation when compared with previous learning. From the assessment, the result shows the
application of this method can increase a student’s test score.
The learning process is one of the implementations of
the development of student knowledge given in the
field of education. Education is one of the national
development fields that aims to improve human
quality. To achieve these goals, education must be
carried out systematically and based on science and
technology. The approach of Student-Centered
Learning (SCL) is a learning model that places
students as the center of the learning process
(Dewayani, 2006; Had, 2017; Kurdish, 2009 ). In
applying the concept of Student-Centered Learning,
students are expected to be active and independent
participants in the learning process, who are
responsible and initiative to recognize their learning
needs, find information sources to be able to answer
their needs, build and present their knowledge based
on the needs and sources they find (Marioara, 2015;
Postareff, 2018; Tyabaev, 2015).
The Engineering Economics course is one of the
compulsory subjects in the Agricultural Engineering
Study Program in the group of Skills and Skills
Ability (MKK) courses. This course weights 3 credits
without practicum. This topic studies the
understanding and scope of technical economics, the
concept of time value of money, compound interest,
equivalence, Present Worth analysis, Cash Flow
analysis, rate of return analysis, analysis future
worth, payback period, NPV, B / C ratio, sensitivity,
IRR, economic life, depreciation, analysis of the cost
of agricultural equipment and machinery, analysis
break even point. This course is downstream of a
business analysis plan so that it can expect the value
of the benefits received. Engineering economics
course is one of the fields of science to predict profits,
length of time and amount obtained in doing the
planning business. Good economic analysis in
business planning will result in value benefits that are
like and more efficient and effective.
To obtain learning outcomes according to what is
expected, the lecturer of this course has teaching
materials such as power points and teaching
materials. The learning model that has been applied
to this course is a conventional learning model or
what is known as Teacher Center Learning (TCL)
which is carried out by explaining the theory,
providing examples of problems and independent
assignments. The assessment carried out in measuring
student learning outcomes that have been applied is
based on UAS and UTS scores 40%, UAS 40%, Quiz
10%, assignments 10%. In even semester 2016/2017
for 2 (two) different classes (grades A, B, and C)
Putri, R., Rusnam, . and Pertiwi, I.
Study Effect of Computer-Assisted Cooperative Learning Methods on a Pilot Course For Engineering Economy.
DOI: 10.5220/0008679800690075
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 69-75
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
shows that there are students who fail or who get D
and E. However, the percentage the number of
students who get A as the highest score is 23% of the
total students, and the A-score is 31% of the total
students of class A, B and C as many as 120 people.
These results illustrate that the timber production
process has been running well but not optimal. It can
be inferred by the presence of D and E values of 3%
Besides that, the current learning system is not
perfect because the teaching system is still teaching
learning and students are not equipped with the ability
to make computer application programs to facilitate
the completion of cases in the field of Agricultural
Engineering. With the expectation that if the learning
system into a learning center teaching (cooperative
method) and computer-based technology created
teaching, students are motivated to follow this course.
Moreover, also can increase student’s final grades.
The purpose of this study is to study the effect of
computer-assisted cooperative learning methods on a
pilot course of engineering economy.
Based on the problems found in the previous teaching
system, this study applies a cooperative method with
computer-based teaching technology. As previously
informed, this lecture is not equipped with practicum,
so students do not understand the material presented.
For this reason, in this research activity, students were
given direct assistance in a computer laboratory. The
material presented uses a computer program
(software) supporting this subject.
2.1 Methodology or Output
Achievement Strategies
Based on the problems found in the previous teaching
system, this study applies cooperative methods to
computer-based teaching technology. As previously
informed, this lecture is not equipped with practicum,
so students do not understand the material presented.
For this reason, in this research activity, students were
given direct assistance in a computer laboratory. The
material presented uses a computer program
(software) supporting this subject. The expected
outcome of the improvement and development of
learning methods and student assessments is the new
RPKPS and Classroom Action Research (PTK)
articles that will be sent as one of the articles in an
international seminar that will be held by LP3M. To
achieve these outcomes, a methodology or strategy
for achieving the output is needed.
2.2 Learning Plan
Relevance shows the existence of teaching material
relations with the needs and conditions of students.
Student motivation will be maintained if they
consider what is learned is useful. One strategy to
show the relevance of lectures is by telling students
what they can do after learning lecture material. It
means having to explain learning outcomes or by
explaining the benefits of knowledge or skills to be
learned and how it can be applied in later work.
Teaching materials are written in the form of RPS /
RPKPS. In the RPS / RPKPS Economics subjects,
Previous techniques have explained the learning
outcomes of this course. However, the RPS / RPKPS
needs to be developed so that it is by the learning
method that will be developed, namely the learning
method with the SCL approach.
2.3 Development of Learning Methods
TCL learning models that have been implemented so
far will be converted into learning models Student
Centre Learning (SCL). This is done to support
efforts to realize the expected competencies. SCL
learning model, currently proposed to be a learning
model that should be used because it has several
advantages. They are (1) students or students will be
able to feel that learning is their own because students
are given wide opportunities to participate; (2)
students have strong motivation to participate in
learning activities; (3) the growth of a democratic
atmosphere in learning so that there will be dialogue
and discussion to learn from each other - to teach
among students; and (4) can add insight into the mind
and knowledge for lecturers or educators because
something experienced and delivered by students
may not be known before by the lecturer (Kurdish,
2009; Postareff, 2018; Sudjana, 2015). The
advantages of the SCL learning model will be able to
support efforts towards effective and efficient
The learning system that will be applied is centred
on students or SCL using methods cooperative
learning. Cooperative learning is a teaching and
learning strategy that emphasizes shared attitudes or
behaviours in work or helps among others in the
structure of regular cooperation in groups, consisting
of two or more people (Munir, 2018). This
model is based on cognitive learning theory and
social learning theory. The steps of learning
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
according to cooperative learning are divided into
several stages with the sequence of indicators,
namely: conveying goals and motivating students,
presenting information, organizing students into
learning groups, guiding groups learning, evaluating,
and giving awards. For classroom management
according to the cooperative learning model, it is
translated into grouping, cooperation, and class
management. In the cooperative learning model, there
are three evaluation models, namely: competition
evaluation model, individual evaluation, and
cooperative learning evaluation (Tisha, 2016;
Saborit, 2016; Navarro-Pablo, 2015;
Slavin, 2015).
By applying this element means coordinating
student activities in achieving goals, then the things
we can build in the teaching and learning process are
as follows: 1) know and trust each other, 2) be able to
communicate accurately and not ambitiously, 3)
accept and mutual support and 4) able to resolve
conflicts constructively.
3.1 Lecture Situation Analysis
The study was carried out on technical economics
subjects consisting of 3 parallel classes including
Class A, Class B, Class C with the number of students
each class respectively as follows; 41 people, 35
people, and 28 people. Figures 1 and 2 below show
the atmosphere of computer-based engineering
learning systems. In this lecture students get material
including: NPV, B/C Ratio, IRR, Economic Age,
Depreciation, Analysis of the cost of agricultural
equipment and machinery, BEP Analysis, Analysis of
the cost of agricultural equipment and machinery and
BEP using computers and Analysis of NPV, IRR, B/C
ratio BEP using computers for agricultural processing
cases. Lectures are held at the computer laboratory of
the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Andalas
University, Padang. This labor can accommodate 40
students for one lecture.
In the previous year, the learning method used
was teaching center learning. With this method, there
are several disadvantages, namely that the lecturer
teaches in front of the class and students complete the
problems using a calculator. Calculations with a
calculator (manually) require a long time and require
a try and error in the solution. Therefore, lectures
become less effective, so that in this study, students
have used computers to solve all cases related to
agricultural techniques using computers. After being
given the material, students are given application
questions related to the analysis of the cost of
agricultural equipment and machinery. They
complete the task directly in labor. Assignments are
given in two types, namely personal and group
3.2 Questionnaire Data Analysis
To evaluate the improvement of the learning, the
study was conducted to see the effect of changes in
learning methods carried out on student admission.
The questionnaire contains ten questions that are
easily understood by respondents. A survey was
conducted to students at the end of the lecture. Table
1 is a list of items contained in the questionnaire.
Table 1: List of questionnaire questions
Learning using media (computer) is more fun
than just lecturing.
I am better able to follow the learning well about
what the lecturer explained when using the media
compared to lectures alone.
I feel bored quickly when I follow the learning
that only records and listens without any direct
Learning with conventional methods (lectures)
makes me bored quickly and tends to prefer to
talk with friends rather than pay attention to the
material presented
Learning process of Computer-Based Economics
currently helping to increase interest in learning
Lecturers currently have used interactive learning
Economics of Engineering Lessons Computer-
based on material at this time is not boring.
Do you think that Computer-Based Economics
Engineering Students become easier to
Current learning media are by the applicable
After lecturing, students have been able to
analyze the economic tools and machinery of
agriculture quickly and accurately
From the results of questionnaires that have been
distributed to students after lectures were conducted,
it is found that 52% strongly agree while 42% agreed
that learning using media (computer) was more fun
than just lecturing. However, there are still 3%
students who feel learning to use a computer is not
Study Effect of Computer-Assisted Cooperative Learning Methods on a Pilot Course For Engineering Economy
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 1: Percentage of Student Satisfaction Levels on
Learning Methods
Fig. 1 shows that students are better able to learn well
about what the lecturer explained when using the
media compared to lectures alone. This can be proven
in the percentage of students who strongly agree at
43% and students who agree 49%. However, there are
still as many as 1% students who cannot follow the
learning well about what the lecturer explained when
using the media compared to lectures alone.
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 2: Percentage of Student Bored Level on the
Learning Without Interaction Method
Based on the data analysis that has been done, it turns
out that students easily feel bored when they only
record and listens to the lecturer without any direct
interaction. This is apparent from the result, where
36% of students strongly agree, and 43% agree with
the statement; only 4% of students do not agree with
the statement. The result means that the number of
students who like the learning methods is nine times
more than those who do not..
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 3: Percentage of Student Bored Levels on Learning
with Conventional Methods
The picture shows that 24% strongly agree and 48%
agree to the statement that learning using
conventional methods (lectures) makes students feel
bored. They prefer to talk with friends rather than pay
attention to the material presented by the lecturer.
However, 9% of the students prefer conventional
methods rather than discuss with friends.
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 4: Percentage of Student Satisfaction Levels on
Learning Process of Computer-Based Economics
Based on data analysis, it can be stated that the current
learning process of Computer-Based Engineering
Economics can help increase learning interest. This
can be proven in the percentage of students who
strongly approve and approve it, respectively by 36%
and 57%, although in reality there are also 7% of
students who feel that they are still not interested in
this learning method. In short, students who strongly
agree that this learning method can help increase
interest in learning is 8 times greater in number than
students those who state that this learning method
cannot help increase learning interest.
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 5: Percentage of Student Satisfaction Levels on
Interactive Learning Media
As much as 48% of students strongly agree and 49%
of students agree that lecturers currently use
interactive learning media. However, there are also
3% of students who state that this learning method is
not interactive.
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 6: Percentage of Student Satisfaction Levels on
Computer-based Economics of Engineering
Figure 6 shows that many students feel computer-
based economic engineering class today is not boring.
This is evidenced from the percentage of students
who highly approve (44%) and approve (48%).
When compared with the percentage of students who
feel bored with this method as much as 8%, the
number of students who feel not bored is six times
more than students who feel bored..
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 7: Percentage of Student Understanding Level on
Computer-Based Economics Engineering Students
Based on the results shown in the figure above, it can
be stated that there are still students who do not
understand this computer-based learning economics.
This is evidenced from the percentage of students
who do not understand, which is 3%. However, with
the economic learning of computer-based techniques
this resulted in students as much as 38% strongly
agree and 47% agreed that the economics of
computer-based engineering learning was easier to
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 8: Percentage of Student Satisfaction Levels on the
Current Learning Media
Based on the data analysis above, it can be stated that
the current learning media is by the applicable
curriculum. This is evidenced by the percentage of
students who approve of this by 65%, and the
percentage of students who strongly approve is 25%.
Study Effect of Computer-Assisted Cooperative Learning Methods on a Pilot Course For Engineering Economy
SS = strongly agree, S = agree, RR = hesitation, TS = disagree, STS
= strongly disagree
Figure 9: The Percentage of Student Ability Level to
Conduct Economic Analysis
Based on the data analysis shown above, it can be
stated that students have been able to conduct an
economic analysis of agricultural equipment and
machinery quickly and precisely after lectures using
this computer-based technique learning method. It
can be proven in the percentage of 56% of approved
students and 21% of highly approving students.
3.3 Evaluation of Student Exam Result
To see the success of the implementation of this
lecture, a comparison was made between the value of
students in the previous year (2016/2017 academic
year) with current students (2017/2018 academic
year). Based on the comparison between the students'
grades in the previous year (2016/2017 school year)
with the current student scores (2017/2018 school
year), it can be stated that the current student grades
are better than those in the previous year. It can be
proven from the percentage of A value of, which is
38% in this year, and 18% in the previous year. This
means that the percentage of students who got A has
increased 2 times.
From the research conducted it can be concluded that
the application of technology is needed to improve
the quality of learning given to students. From the
results of the research data shows that students more
easily understand the material using computer media.
From the questionnaire results that had been
distributed to students after the lecture was
conducted, it was found that students considered 52%
strongly agree and 42% agreed that learning using
media (computer) was more fun than just the lecture
method. From the aspect of value, the percentage of
the value of A in the 2017/2018 academic year
increased 20% compared to that in the 2016/2017.
The authors would like to thank Andalas University
Grand number 004/UN.16.18.3/LP3M/PTK/2018 for
providing financial support or this project.
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Study Effect of Computer-Assisted Cooperative Learning Methods on a Pilot Course For Engineering Economy