Small group discussion allows presenters to
announce a topic or idea for group discussion among
participants. A small group discussion follows
democratic guidelines and allows everyone to
contribute many ideas for others to discuss and reflect
upon. Discussion also allows for an interchange of
ideas within the context of a group under the direction
of a presenter.
In cooperative learning, a small group of
participants works together to achieve a common
goal. Cooperative learning operators are based on the
premise that participants achieve more when they
work together. The goals of cooperative learning are
positive interdependence, face-to-face interaction
among participants, individuals.
The classroom action research is conducted in this
study (Afriza et.al., 2014; Kunandar, 2012). Learning
strategy used is a combination of a teacher-centered
learning approach and one of the cooperative learning
approach, i.e., jigsaw strategy.
2.1 Population, Sample, and Participant
Population in this study is all student that took Real
Analysis 2 course in academic year 2017/2018. The
students are grouped into three classes A, B, and C,
consisting 33, 34 and 30 students respectively. All
population member is included as a participant in this
2.2 Study Design
This classroom action research is carried out during
the even semester of 2017/2018 school year. This
classroom action research was done through two
cycles. Each cycle consists of four steps, i.e
Step 1 Planning
At this stage, a strategy is designed to achieve the
learning objectives, starting from identifying the
problems that arise in learning Real Analysis 2,
analyzing the causes and then developing an action
plan through the development of the Semester
Learning Plan, student worksheets for lectures and
tutorials. In this activity, an indicator of the success
of the action was also determined, and the instrument
used to measure the success rate of the action. This
step is conducted through week 1-5.
Step 2: Implementation
At this stage, actions that have been planned are
implemented. The learning approach used is
cooperative learning using the Jigsaw strategy. This
strategy is applied to some specific topics, i.e.,
Properties of Expectation, Special Discrete
Distribution and in tutorial class. This step is
conducted through week 6-10.
Step 3. Observation
At this stage, observations of the events encountered
in the implementation of the action included obstacles
faced and activities carried out by students during the
learning process. This activity is carried out in
conjunction with the implementation of the action.
Step 4. Reflection
The last stage of this class action research is an
evaluation of the results of actions taken based on
predetermined indicators.
2.3 Data collection and analysis
Data were collected during the implementation step.
The assessment of the student responses is held by
distributing questionnaires to all students
participating in the Real Analysis 2 course. The
response measured is the students' perception of the
effect of this learning method on the active
involvement of students, motivation to learn material
independently, improve teamwork, questionnaires
using a Likert scale. Data were analyzed by
descriptive statistics (central tendency and variability
measures) as well as statistical table and graph.
2.4 Performance Indicators
The indicator used to assess the success of teaching
methods and assessments developed in this Class
Action Research activity, that are:
a. Learning Outcomes. Learning outcomes will be
measured from independent assignments,
quizzes and exams, UTS and UAS. This activity
is considered successful if the percentage of
students who get a score below B is reduced
from the previous teaching year. Student
responses to the development of learning
methods and assessments applied.
b. This learning method is concluded successfully
if more than 75% of students give a good
perception of this learning method.
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance