Student-Centered Learning Development and Implementation as
Potential Strategy to Improve Nursing Students’ Competencies and
Learning Outcomes
Vetty Priscilla
and Lili Fajria
Maternity and Child Nursing Departement, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Student-Centered Learning, Competency, Soft Kills.
Abstract: Nursing education program requires a series of learning outcomes from students. Reproductive System is
noticed as one of the nursing course subjects that carry out some learning outcomes. Student-Centered
Learning (SCL) has been implemented and evaluated over the years, but learning outcome achievement has
not been obtained optimally. This study aims to upscale the implementation of SCL through learning methods
combination and to rate the system of student assessment development in improving students’ competencies.
This study used action research as its research design. It started by providing semester teaching planning and
arranging the competencies according to the Indonesian Quality Framework. Small Group Discussion,
Collaboration Learning, and Discovery Learning have been used for theoretical learning. Thus, Role Play,
Games and Simulation, and Self Directing Leaning were used in the practicum. Student assessment was made
broader by adding soft skills items. Students were observed during the learning process by using a student
assessment instrument and continued with lecturers and students' reflection as evaluation. The results show
that the developed and applied learning methods and assessments have an impact on increasing students’
scores. The study also shows that more than half (69%) of the students achieved A- score grade. It is suggested
that the developed SCL learning methods can be used optimally to improve students’ competencies.
Student Centred Learning (SCL) is a student-centered
learning method that focuses on achieving learning
objectives. The SCL method aims to make students
more active in the learning process and develop
critical thinking and to bring out profound positive
learning environment (Chen, 2015). Active
participation of the students may increase knowledge
that is thoroughly studied and professionally
practiced (Rezende-Filho, 2014). SCL learning
method has been implemented in the Undergraduate
Program of the the Faculty of Nursing, Andalas
University, for several years. The use of this learning
method is a form of response to the demands of
society for the quality of services provided.
Therefore, Bachelor Degree graduates from Nursing
Program must possess the competencies as a
professional nurses in their field based on the
concepts and values of nursing, so that people can
accept the nursing services provided. According to
Kristy (2017), nursing graduates who can think
effectively are very important in dealing with
complex health services offered.
As the era progressively goes by, the demands of
the society for nursing services are very high.
Therefore, the Nursing Undergraduate Study
Program must prepare its graduates while paying
attention to the high demands of the people. This
could result in the graduates being more useful in
society, as the people are satisfied with the nursing
services provided.
One of the subject courses that apply this learning
method is Nursing Reproductive System. Nursing
Reproductive System courses at this time have been
conducted for the fourth time, since the
implementation of the 2012 bachelor nursing
curriculum based on the Indonesia Quality
Framework (IQF) in the Bachelor Degree Program,
Faculty of Nursing, Andalas University. During the
implementation, lectures were delivered by using
SCL method consisting of Small Group Discussion,
seminar, collaborative learning, and also expert
Priscilla, V. and Fajria, L.
Student-Centered Learning Development and Implementation as Potential Strategy to Improve Nursing Students’ Competencies and Learning Outcomes.
DOI: 10.5220/0008681101180123
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 118-123
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The implementation of reproductive system in
nursing courses in 2012, 2013, and 2014 has
experienced several obstacles related to the use of the
SCL method, because there a plephora number of
students, some of whom were more accustomed to the
Teacher Centre Learning methods and students’
capability to adapt to a different method that resulted
in the feeling of burn out. Therefore, the Nursing
Reproductive System has undergone several changes
including in this semester. Changes are made based
on the results of evaluations conducted internally on
the material and the learning outcome achieved by
students at the end of learning in grades. The changes
made were learning methods and implemented
student assessments.
Previously, this course only used 2 SCL methods
which are Small Group Discussion (SGD) and
Collaborative Learning (CL). Role Play has been
used in theoretical learning, Games and Simulation
methods for practicum learning. In this current class,
the SCL method was added along with Discovery
Learning method as theoretical learning and Self-
Directed Learning in the practicum. The addition of
the SCL method aims to integrate nursing trends and
issues of the Nursing Reproductive System on the
material provided, and students are well prepared to
attend the lectures. It was made to achieve more
learning outcomes in the Bachelor Nursing Program
Furthermore, learning outcomes are also carried
out by using student assessment. The achievement of
the students’ final results that have been applied for
three years refers to the total assessment of both the
process and results. In the assessment of the process,
there were assigned weight, such as class attendance
(5%) and presentation (15%), while in the assessment
of the outcome results, the weights were: midterm
(40%), final examination (40%), but there has been
no assessment for soft skills. This distribution of
scores for the current class varied between students,
where 5.3% had A, 10.5% A-, 22.8% B +, 35.1% B,
21% B- grade, and 5.3% C +. Based on the
distribution of these values, it can be seen that the
grades were concentrated on the B grade and there
were still around 26.3% of the students who had
grades below B. It also means that the learning
achievement was not optimal.
The problems found above illustrate that the
learning achievement of students in the Nursing
Reproductive System course has not been optimal.
Specifically, with the Andalas University Rector
Decree No. 4896/XIII/R/KPT/2017 concerning the
procedures for the implementation of student re-
examination, students who get B and below can be
given the opportunity for reexamination and can not
be processed if the grades of all of the students who
take the course subject are above B grades. Therefore,
it is necessary to find a solution for better learning
improvements to overcome these problems.
Classroom action research with the implementation
of SCL is one of the best ways that can be done as an
effort to increase the achievement of students’
competencies both in the process and at the end of
The methodology used in solving the problems above
is an action research by developing Student Centred
Learning (SCL) methods using Small Group
Discussion (SGD), Collaborative Learning (CL), and
Discovery Leaning (DL) methods in theoretical
learning, and Role Play, Games as well as Simulation
(RPGS), and Self Directing Learning (SDL) in the
practicum learning. Furthermore, in the development
of student assessments, soft skills student assessment
is included in the rubric. In addition, to students'
cognitive training, affective, and psychomotor during
written examssuch as midterm examination and
final examinationthe item questions are prepared in
the form of multiple choice by using a vignette and a
practicum competency examination using OSCE.
Classroom action research aims to improve the
quality of learning in the course subject of Nursing
Reproductive System. Classroom action research has
been conducted on 39 nursing bachelor degree
students of Andalas University who took the 6
semester courses. They were divided into 1 class of
theoretical learning and three classes of practicum
learning. This research was conducted for four
months starting from February to June 2018 or 16
weeks of the learning process. Classroom action
research was carried out in several stages, namely
preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages.
The preparation stage started with the
development of the Semester Learning Plan of the
Nursing Reproductive System course which includes:
study program learning outcomes, courseslearning
achievements, a short description of the course,
subject learning material/expected competencies,
learning methods and time allocation, student
learning experience, assessment criteria/indicators
Student-Centered Learning Development and Implementation as Potential Strategy to Improve Nursing Students’ Competencies and
Learning Outcomes
and assessment stage of portion. The development of
this semester plan is a refinement of learning planning
as a guideline for both students and lecturers before
the lecture starts.
Weekly learning outcomes are guided by the
achievement of students’ competencies, so the
students and lecturers know about the competencies
that must be achieved in each week. In addition,
lecturers and students can also prepare themselves
before the lecture begins. The example of learning
achievement such as the first-week meeting is the
introduction of a learning plan where students know
the competencies, subject matter, learning methods,
references and assessments used in this subject.
Compared to the previous learning plan, the
development of learning methods was clearly
developed in the current learning plan. The
implemented development is SCL learning methods
and the assessments used in the course. SCL learning
methods require students to be active in achieving
learning outcomes. The activeness of students in the
achievement of their learning objectives will also
produce students’ creativity and emergence.
According to O’Neill and Moore (2005), SCL method
makes students more responsible in achieving their
learning goals. This is very important to foster
motivation in all the students including those at the
Faculty of Nursing since they are required to be able
to provide comprehensive and professional nursing
care to patients and families after completing their
education at the Faculty of Nursing.
The development of SCL learning methods has
been carried out both in theory and practice. The
method used during theoretical learning were Small
Group Discussion (SGD) learning methods,
Collaborative Learning (CL), and Discovery
Learning (DL). Meanwhile in the practicum learning,
Role Play, Games and, Simulation (RPGS) and Self-
Directed Learning were used.
Then, at the implementation stage, the
implementation of learning method development in
theory is illustrated. Naturally, activities were run
based on the plans that have been prepared in the
semester learning plan. This can be seen in the second
week of learning where the expected learning
achievement of students is that the students can
explain the anatomy and physiology of the
reproductive system throughout the life cycle with the
anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system
in male and female; and also the focus of anatomy and
physiology of the fetus, baby, child, teenager, adult,
and elderly.
The learning methods used were SGD, CL and
DL. In the SGD method, students are divided into
small groups consisting of 6-8 students. Each small
group has to discuss the topic given. All group
members must play an active role in group
discussions. Before the discussion, the group must
formulate the objectives of the discussion and then
summarize and report the discussion results in their
papers. In addition, each group determines one of its
members to present the results of the discussion in
front of the class, so that other groups can provide
input on the results of the group discussion
presentations. At the end of the meeting, the lecturer
provides input and feedback and strengthens the
material related to the topic.
According to Arpaichiraratana & Attharos (2012),
this SGD learning method is very important to create
critical thinking in students and familiarize them with
organizing themselves in achieving goals. These
results satisfy students in achieving their
competencies. Critical thinking and self-regulation
are highly important objectives to be planted in
students at an early stage, because the majority of
nursing graduates’ students will work directly with
patients. Critical thinking is very necessary for a
nurse who provides care to patients. Familiarizing
nursing graduate students with critical thinking and
self-regulating can indirectly improve their
Another SCL learning method used in theory
learning is Collaborative Learning with Simple
Jigsaw techniques whereby students are divided into
eight small groups, each of which consisting of 5
students, discusses different topics so that they
become "experts" in the topics discussed.
Furthermore, the "expert" group is broken down and
combined with other "experts" to convey their
expertise in the new group so that the new group
becomes "experts" with the set topics.
The Collaborative Learning (CL) method of
Simple Jigsaw technique is one of the learning
methods that have been carried out in this study.
According to Sandahi (2009) CL is very important in
getting used to working in a group, sharpening critical
thinking in finding solutions to problems, and
building cooperation with other professions. The
nursing graduates who will become nurses, have a
profession that cannot be separated from other
medical professions and they cannot also work by
themselves. Therefore, indirectly, this learning
method has helped nursing graduates to become
professional nurses who are accepted in society. In
addition, CL method with Jigsaw Puzzles has also
been proven to improve the academic abilities of
students, including nursing students (Renganathan,
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
Discovery Learning (DL) is another SCL method
used in theoretical learning. In this method, students
are divided into small groups, each of which consists
of 4-5 members. Furthermore, small groups try to find
the latest scientific journals article or at least the last
five years related to the topics given. The group
makes a summary of the scientific journals that has
been obtained. The summary is presented in front of
the class. Lecturers provide feedback on the
summaries that have been presented. Furthermore,
DL learning methods also have an impact on the
development of students' abilities related to the use of
technology in finding literature and increasing
students' self-confidence by using the literature
obtained (LeDuc, 2015).
In practicum learning process, the learning
method developed was Role Play, Games and
Simulation (RPGS), and Self-Directed Learning
(SDL) method. The aim of learning in practicum is to
enable students to apply the topic of theoretical
learning. In this case, the lecturer acts as a facilitator
who assists students during the practicum learning
process. Students are divided into three groups where
each group consists of 13 students. Each group in the
implementation of the practicum learning process is
accompanied by a facilitator
Using Role Play, Games and Simulation (RPGS)
method in a practicum, as one of the achievements of
practicum learning, the students can perform a
physical examination on postpartum mothers with the
subject of postpartum maternal physical examination
and sub-subject in immediate, early, and late
postpartum maternal physical examination.
Furthermore, role-playing groups are based on sub
topics to get an understanding of the expected
situation in learning outcomes. Along with role-play,
simulations are also carried out.
In addition, according to (Noohi and Maddah,
2013), Games are also used as effective learning
strategies in achieving learning objectives. Games
can be used in nursing education because, through
games, active learning processes can be improved, as
they support critical thinking, and make the learning
process interesting. In addition, through games, the
true state of a health problem can be simulated.
Therefore, this RPGS method is very suitable to apply
in nursing education because with RPGS, a
simulation/role play can be performed with
conditions that resemble real action. It is very
important to apply such method to nursing profession
Self-Directed Learning (SDL) method is another
method used in practicum learning. Before the
practicum begins, students are required to summarize
the topic to be studied. The preparation efforts of
students taking practical learning will be seen from
the summaries they make. The summaries made
describes the mastery of the practicum topic before
the practice begins. This can be seen from the topic of
the introduction of the reproductive system. Before
the practice starts, each student is required to make a
summary. During the practicum, the majority of
students understand the topic being studied. Getting
students to learn to use SDL is very useful when they
work in challenging health services (Fatemah,
Student assessment development was followed by
the development of learning methods for both theory
and practice. Theoretical learning was achieved by
providing SGD, CL, and DL instruments and soft
skills. meanwhile, in the practicum learning, RPGS
and SDL instruments as well as soft skills were also
carried out.
Student assessments were developed based on the
rubric assessment which was made for each learning
method for both the theoretical and practicum
learning methods. A rubric assessment is made with
the aim of transparency in providing an assessment to
students. In addition, the assessments were given to
all students with equal standards. This is important to
do in order for students to feel equal in obtaining the
grades. During the exam, the form of the question
being tested is a multiple-choice question by using a
vignette to trigger cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor of students. This form of questions was
chosen and used to accustom students to vignette
form used in national competency examination.
Meanwhile, in the practicum learning process, the
assessment using OSCE aims to assess the
components of clinical competence such as physical
examination and communication skills.
Soft skills assessments are also included in the
assessment. Soft skills are important to assess in order
to indicate how students’ talents, abilities, and skills
are. One of the soft skills that can be seen is
communication (Jackson and Back, 2011).
Communication is an important part of the nursing
profession. Every day, nurses communicate with
patients. According to Khodadali,, (2013) good
communication carried out by a nurse can shorten the
patient's day of care. Therefore, it is essential to
include soft skills as one of the assessments of nursing
students to familiarize students with the wise
management of their behaviour related to their
talents, abilities, and skills.
The final stage of this research process is the
evaluation stage, where evaluation and reflection on
the implementation of the learning process have been
Student-Centered Learning Development and Implementation as Potential Strategy to Improve Nursing Students’ Competencies and
Learning Outcomes
carried out. Reflections and evaluations are carried
out by lecturers and students. Based on the experience
of lecturers and students, reflection is applied as an
effort to see the opinions of students and lecturers
after generally taking the learning process in this
course. Reflections from students has a noticeable
effect on the activities that students had to do when
attending the course since it is related to students’
feeling as though they are guided by the precise
semester learning plan, and the applied learning
methods, to make them always active in each learning
achievement. As a result, all students play an active
and enthusiastic role during the learning process.
Students who, at the beginning of the learning
process, seem passive now become active.
During the self-reflection, the lecturer/facilitator
said that, within every meeting with students in both
theory and practice, the students prepared themselves
well. At the SGD, the students brought references
related to the topic, they brought scientific journals
during the DL, and in RPGS the prepared the
necessary instruments, such as phantom and a set of
postpartum maternal physical examinations before
the activity was carried out. Students brought their
summaries at the SDL. The shortcomings that can be
seen during this learning process are the lack of
students' ability to make scientific papers and to use
references when writing their papers.
The final result which can be seen as an indicator
of action research is the students’ final examination
grades. The results show that there has been an
increase in the distribution of grades compared to the
previous academic year. In the current academic year,
15% of the students got A, 69% got A-, 13% got B +,
and 0.03% got B.
The development of learning methods and student
assessment is a significant effort to make in the
improvement of the competence of graduate students.
This is evident by the increase of the grades achieved
by current students compared to the previous ones. In
addition, the development of learning methods and
assumptions also have a major influence when
students are already working. By getting used to
working in groups, collaborating with other people,
and fostering good communication, this will increase
the confidence and add more values to the
Undergraduates of Nursing Program Andalas
We extend our gratitude to LPPM Andalas University
that has provided funding for this research, to all the
members of the Nursing Reproductive System subject
teaching team who have carried out the optimal
learning process, and to all the students of the 2015
class who participated actively in the learning
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Student-Centered Learning Development and Implementation as Potential Strategy to Improve Nursing Students’ Competencies and
Learning Outcomes