The Proliferation of Smartphones and their Effects on Improving the
Vocabulary of Indonesian Learners of Arabic
Yusring Sanusi Baso
, Rusnadi Padjung
and Prastawa Budi
Institute of Quality Assurance and Educational Development, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Smartphone, disruption era, vocabularies, learners of Arabic.
Abstract: This article aims to describe the use of the smartphone as a media to improve the mastery of students’ Arabic
vocabulary (mufradat). The participants in this study are students who are studying Arabic for the second and
the third years of the Arabic at Hasanuddin University. The number of participants is 32 and 33 students for
the respective batch. The researcher has created a mufradat database in an html-based interactive application,
which is easily accessed to via a smartphone or tablet. The testing of media effectiveness in improving
mufradat mastery is done through two experimental and control groups. Both groups can use PC facilities
available at the computer lab to access mufradat database. Both groups can also use their smartphones to
access the online interface. The difference is only in the memorization report of the mufradat and the
competency test. Experimental group uses smartphone media to report their memorization, while control
group reports theirs through a daily vocabulary record and was tested by using written test. The results show
that experimental group indicates better mastery than control group. The average memorization of the
experimental group is 1432 words while control group only reaches an average of 532 words.
Arabic learning systems in Indonesia are like endemic
diseases. This crisis shows poor learning
performance, low quality of teaching and lack of
educational resources to support the learning process.
This can be seen from the number of students who can
have proper Arabic language knowledge and skill.
This condition is not much different from Arabic
education in the Middle East (UNESCO, 2012).
Arabic learning is also currently dealing with the
4.0 technology era. This era of disruption has shown
a tremendous gap between the way of life of the
Indonesian learners of Arabic and how educators
(teachers and lecturers) expect them to learn. This sort
of disruption requires changes in the attitudes and
responsibilities of the Arabic language instructors, the
skills needed, and their professional role.
It is undoubtedly said that the teaching of Arabic
in Indonesia in the last few decades has not been able
to improve Arabic learning system significantly. One
of the data that supports this statement is that the
number of study programs (Arabic) with an A
accreditation status is still 16.35% or 26 of the total
159 S1 (Bachelor Degree) study programs recorded
at the Indonesian National Higher Education
Accreditation Board or BAN-PT (BANPT, 2018).
The condition of an accredited study program is still
less experienced by other study programs. Arabic
study program accredited A is 16.35% or 26 of 159.
English Study programs accredited A are 8.92% or 44
of 493, Japanese study programs are 21.95% or 9 of
41, and Chinese study programs reach 12.50% or 2 of
16 recorded in BAN-PT. This can be seen in table 1:
Table 1: Accereditation of Language Study Program.
Source: BAN-PT, July 2018
Along with the pace of civilization development,
knowledge and technology, teachers of Arabic and
other foreign languages in Indonesia should be aware
of the rapid development and the use of mobile
phones. Internet user behavior in Indonesia should be
used as study material associated with Arabic
Baso, Y., Padjung, R. and Budi, P.
The Proliferation of Smartphones and their Effects on Improving the Vocabulary of Indonesian Lear ners of Arabic.
DOI: 10.5220/0008681701430147
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 143-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning media. A survey conducted by the
Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association
(APJII) in 2016 and 2017 shows that 132,7 and
143.26 million people are internet users from 257 and
262 million Indonesian population (APJII, 2017).
Penetration of internet users, the devices used and
the browser used is noteworthy as shown in table 2:
Table 2: Devices Used for Browsing.
Source: APJII, 2016
Based on this data, the writer has not yet obtained the
information on how many teachers use smartphones
and the internet as one of the learning media. This is
one side of the community's potential learning age
and lifestyle using a smartphone. This data is
interesting to study especially the study of Arabic.
Data on smartphone and internet usage in
Indonesia is a challenge for teachers of Arabic at
Hasanuddin University (Unhas). We are challenged
to make it one of the Arabic learning media. We have
to attract the attention of teachers in our institution to
find ways to make this smartphone to be used
efficiently and effectively as one of the learning
This effort is an initiative to attract and improve
the interest of students learning Arabic while facing
the demands and challenges of people living in the
technology era 4.0. The use of cellular technology as
an educational device can no longer be avoided
(Clough, 2008; Sachs and Bull, 2012). Some 4.0
technology features including mobile phones have
provided many benefits in language learning,
including a) portability of smartphone devices that
can be taken to different locations; b) social
interactivity for users of this mobile device who can
collaborate and exchange information with others; c)
context sensitivity that allows mobile phone owners
to use it to collect real data or simulations that are
appropriate to a particular location, environment and
time; d) connectivity that enables users to connect to
data collection devices, other devices, and to network;
and e) individuality for users who can provide
scaffolding for learning tailored to their needs
(Klopfer, 2002). In other words, the comfort,
usefulness, and currentness of this mobile device
allow students to learn the right things at the right
time in the right place Seppälä & Alamäki, 2003;
Peng, 2009)
The writer is constrained by a lack of study or
research that discusses the difficulties of using
smartphones as a medium of learning Arabic. Indeed,
an article was found that discussed the obstacles to
integrating smartphones in learning. The constraints
in question include small screen size, high costs,
speed of access, smartphone intelligence level,
technical difficulties for the owner, and lack of
integration of existing smartphones with e-learning
(Chen-Chung, 2009; Tai & Ting, 2011; Gong &
Wallace, 2012).
Another challenge in using smartphones as
learning supporting media is the impact of this
technology regarding interaction. The interaction
referred to in this article is a reciprocal relationship
that requires at least two objects and two actions.
Interactions occur if objects and events influence each
other (Wagner, 1997). Moore (1989) mentions three
types of interactions are often discussed, namely the
interaction between the instructor and students, the
interaction between students and students and the
interaction between students and teaching material.
The interaction between instructors and students is
intended to strengthen students' understanding of
teaching material including the meaning of the
teaching material Thurmon (2003). The interaction
between instructors and students is the main factor or
key factor in motivating students to learn and
maintain students' interest in learning any material
(Moore, 1989). Moreover, the interaction between
students and students is interpreted as the relationship
between students and students with and or without
instructors (Thurmond, 2003). The study of peer
interaction becomes important especially about the
application test and evaluation of learning material
(Moore, 1989).. The interaction between students and
learning content is the attitude and behavior of
students in understanding teaching material
(Thurmond, 2003).
The writer identifies that there is still less research
or study on the impact of smartphone technology on
interaction (as discussed earlier). That is why this
article is presented to bridge the scarcity in this study.
In connection with this, this study has two
fundamental questions, namely:
1. How do Arabic teachers use a smartphone in
teaching to improve students' Arabic vocabulary
2. What challenges were experienced by the
Arabic language teachers and students in doing
the interception through smartphones as a
learning medium?
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
The participants in this study are students of the
Arabic Study Program and who are enrolled in the
academic year 2015 and 2016. Students of 2016
programmed the Arabic Language Proficiency course
and those of 2015 scheduled Translation courses.
Students of 2015 used smartphones as one of the daily
learning media while those of 2016 either they used it
or not. The department has prepared a computer
laboratory that facilitates students’ access to the
Learning Management System (LMS).
In this study, two methods of data collection were
used, namely interviews and analysis of participants
statements uploaded on the LMS discussion forum
menu. Both of these techniques were carried out to
compare the results of the vocabulary memorization
of the participants of these two courses. This
technique is also intended to explore the relationship
or interaction between fellows, between lecturers and
students, and between students and learning
Data from interviews were analyzed by using a
verbal analysis method (Chi, 1997). Data collected
from interviews, was arranged according to the same
characteristics, ideas, concepts, arguments and
discussion topics. Data that was considered
unnecessary was then removed from the database.
This data was used to see the relationship between
the achievement of students' Arabic vocabulary test
results (quantitative data) and their statements in
interviews (qualitative data). This was done to assist
the writer in interpreting the results of the
participants' vocabulary test and their statements in
the interview.
To enrich the validity of the interpretation of the
interview results, the sharpness of analysis is needed.
To strengthen this argument, of course, we need
quotations for various statements obtained in the
interview. The writer used interview citation
techniques (Merriam, 1998).
The learning materials for these two subjects were
uploaded on the Unhas LMS. This LMS is prepared
as an official media supporting lectures. All Unhas
students, including this participant, have an account
to log in to at Unhas LMS. Students have access to
download lecture materials, do assignments, work on
closed questions, send in assignments, conduct class
discussions and group discussions both
synchronously and asynchronously.
The writer prepared lecture materials, especially
lists of vocabulary that must be mastered by the
participants of both courses. Regarding the material
for mastering Arabic vocabulary, students of 2015
were directed to optimize smartphones. Lecturers
prepared special applications for daily vocabulary
input. Translation course participants were advised to
upload at least 15 memorized vocabularies per day.
They input this vocabulary through their respective
The list of vocabulary that must be mastered by
the participants was also prepared in an interactive
form. The participants chose the theme of Arabic
vocabulary, for example, vocabulary relating to the
house and its contents, the theme of food, fruit and
vegetables, and so on. Lecturers provided this Arabic
vocabulary test using the Hot Potatoes application
(Baso, 2009).
The evaluation of vocabulary mastery skills
between 2015 and 2016 class participants is different.
In the 2016 class, the vocabulary mastery ability was
tested with oral test through the layout. While in 2015
class participants, it was tested through interactive
test using smartphones. Class participants were
required to input a minimum of 15 Arabic vocabulary
per day.
The lecturer prepared an Arabic vocabulary input
application through Google Application Form. The
vocabulary inputted was the vocabulary memorized
that day. So only the memorized vocabulary was
allowed to be input in this application.
The 2015 class participants also sometimes tested
their vocabulary skills about 15 minutes before the
translation class began. Lecturer displayed pictures or
words in Indonesian followed by choice of Arabic
vocabulary. The participants got unique cards each.
When the questions were displayed on the LCD, the
participant raised and showed his/he unique card.
This unique card was given letters A, B, C, and D on
each side. If a student wanted to answer the letter D
for the question displayed by the lecturer on the LCD,
then the D side of the unique card must be shown
upright. The lecturer then raised his smartphone also
to record the unique card of the lecturers. This
recording was directly stored in the lecturer database
In this way, it was expected that the participants
would always maintain memorization of their
vocabulary at least 15 words per day. This process
also shows that both 2015 and 2016 class participants
must always access LMS and practice mastering their
Arabic vocabulary. Following this stage, they had to
The Proliferation of Smartphones and their Effects on Improving the Vocabulary of Indonesian Learners of Arabic
try to memorize the vocabulary. At this stage, there
are differences between the two academic years. 2016
class tried to memorize the vocabulary and at the
same time prepared to be tested face to face. 2015
class students had to do another stage that was
different from that of 2016 class, which inputted a
minimum of 15 vocabularies memorized per day
through smartphones and prepared to be tested per
week through a unique card and lecturer’s
The answer to the second question consists of two
parts, namely the challenge for the teacher and the
students in 2015 and 2016 classes. For the challenges
of students, the two academic years also experienced
different levels of challenges.
The implementation of learning involving media
in networks and smartphones is related to three main
things, namely brainware, hardware, and software.
Lecturers are a part of brainware of this research. The
writer, as well as lecturer in these two subjects,
experienced several challenges including challenges
in preparing lecture materials which were expected to
improve vocabulary of participants, conduct
interaction processes with, revise vocabulary content
and challenges in conducting tests or evaluating the
achievement of students Arabic vocabulary mastery.
The preparation of teaching materials, especially
Arabic vocabulary training material in an interactive
network drained the energy, time and mind of the
course leader of this subject. Time must be arranged
to adjust with a family schedule where they are
usually ignored to have a sort of recreation and leisure
moments. This schedule must be discussed with
family members and had to be posted on the wall at
home. This schedule was posted so the rest of the
family members understood the schedule and agreed
to it. This schedule would act as the reference in
arranging family leisure time.
Teachers must have extra time, energy and
patience in preparing this course material. They must
be connected to the LMS network all the time. They
must follow the semester learning plan and prepare
exercises to support the improvement of the Arabic
vocabulary of the participants. Uploading this course
material must sometimes be carried out at home. This
is done because the material cannot be completed on
campus because of other schedules that also require
time. This is where the challenge is when the time
provided to prepare this material is insufficient and
collides with family schedules.
The interaction between lecturer and participants
was done in several ways, including through the LMS
discussion forum and smartphone menus. Students
felt more comfortable communicating via
smartphones than through the LMS forum menu. In
response to this, participants were directed to install
telegram social media applications on their
smartphones. The reason is that telegram application
is very light to access, either through smartphones or
laptops. Data is stored either in cloud, text or video
based. Each telegram group was created.
At this stage of interaction, sometimes the
participants sent messages regardless of the time for
example in the morning or midnight. The instructor
of the course has warned them from the beginning of
the class about the times that properly to send
messages. However, because of worries and
anxieties, some participants forget the time
Their worries or anxieties are caused by failure to
access the LMS or late inputting memorized
vocabulary per day. This condition made the
participants less concerned about sending messages,
primarily through their telegram. The other side
learned in this condition was that the participants
could learn about when was the proper time to send
messages to their lecturers. This process teaches
many lessons not only to lecturers but also to the
participants or students especially in writing ethics
using correct and proper Indonesian language.
Another challenge was the revision of learning
material and interactive questions on the network and
revision of smartphone-based questions. Often
learning material has been prepared. However,
because there were other references considered better
to support the vocabulary mastery skills of the
participants, it took times to upload the information
on the LMS.
Memorizing achievement of participants (n = 29)
of 2015 class which involves smartphones as the main
media in the learning process is better than the
achievement of Arabic vocabulary memorization of
the participants (n = 31) in 2016 class. The
comparison of the achievement of these two
vocabulary memorization on average (1436: 532
Other data shows that 62.07% of the 2015
participants had memorized vocabulary above 1750
words for one semester. This achievement has
exceeded the minimum target limit of 1560 words
(one month is only 26 inputting days). On the
contrary, 2016 participants have not achieved the
minimum vocabulary memorization in one semester.
This condition can be seen in the following graph.
The name of the participant was removed to maintain
The duration of the study was not analyzed. The
study duration might affect the mastery level of
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
Arabic vocabulary. 2015 students took more than a
year to study Arabic compared to those of 2016.
However, in the Arabic Language proficiency
courses, there were three students of a previous
academic year who, despite re-taking the subject,
found themselves in the very low level of mastery in
2016 class .
The factor that needs to be observed is the
treatment of the access to LMS between the two
academic years, which was not much different. They
could access learning materials and interactive Arabic
exercises at any time. The only difference was the
frequency of smartphone usage in the memorization
of at least 15 vocabularies per day. As for 2016 class
, it was only recommended to memorize at least 15
words per day, but they were not obliged to input their
memorization every day via a smartphone.
The use of smartphones as learning media is quite
effective and efficient. The use of smartphones to
improve the ability to master Arabic vocabulary is
sufficient enough as an evidence. The design of the
use of smartphone media is also quite easy for the
instructor in conducting evaluations and tests of
vocabulary mastery skills.
The preparation of interactive training for vocabulary
mastery course materials takes a lot of energy,
tenacity and patience from the lecturers. Teachers
must consider supporting facilities, especially
hardware and software supporting the smooth use of
this media. In addition, the lecturers must also
consider whether or not students afford smartphones.
This article advises educators and instructors to be
keen in addressing the development of current 4.0
technology. The era of disruption can no longer be
avoided. This condition seems to force educators and
teachers to utilize 4.0 technology, including
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The Proliferation of Smartphones and their Effects on Improving the Vocabulary of Indonesian Learners of Arabic