Development of Small Group Discussion Method and Collaborative
Learning Course Environment Policy and Disaster Management
Roni Ekha Putera, Kusdarini and Ria Ariany
Departement of Public Administration, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Class Action Research, Student Center Learning, Environmental Policy and Disaster Management.
Abstract: This paper discusses the results of classroom action research for the subject of Environmental Policy and
Disaster Management in the Public Administration Department. Environmental Policy and Disaster
Management Course is the elective course for semester 6 students. The purpose of this course is to make
students understand the various policies that exist about the environment and disaster management so that it
is expected to provide new knowledge for students and can be an inspiration as one of the topics in completion
of their final project (thesis). In the implementation of lectures there are still some issues such as the
assessment process in tasks that tend to still focus on the results of the task and the gap value between students
who are still not balanced. Thus, the teaching team finds it necessary to develop methods and assessment
systems that take into account the value of outcomes and processes in learning. As for the development of
learning methods and assessment system is used in preparing the new RPS and for changes in existing learning
process, so that this course can achieve the goals and objectives of the expected competence maximally that
is learning for the study program in improving the relevance of teaching is done with conduct curriculum
development in accordance with the progress of science and technology, the needs of the labor market or the
user community. The result of this research is the new Semester Learning Plan (RPS) by inserting SCL method
that is small group discussion and collaborative learning method, then the assessment process of student task
is also done by considering the task outside the class in the form of survey of spaciousness and making the
article scientific.
Course on Environmental Policy and Disaster
Management is one of the Elective Courses in the
Public Administration Department. The importance
of this course to be studied is that environmental
issues and disaster management are currently
obligatory matters in accordance with Law No. 23 of
2014 concerning local government. Therefore, this
lecture becomes a crucial thing to learn.
For a high level of learning, the current learning
process is not centered on lecturers or conventional
learning approaches where lecturers as experts
convey knowledge to students like this are commonly
called Teacher Centered Learning (Chrosby in O'Neil
and McMahon, 2005) but more directed to the
practice of learning that is student center learning.
The SCL (Student Centered Learning) education
approach appears as an alternative educational
approach to addressing the problem of
incompatibility with the Teacher Center Learning
SCL is a student-centered learning approach. In
the SCL learning approach, the lecturer must be able
to carry out his role well, not only as a teacher, but
also as a motivator, facilitator, and innovator.
Lecturers are not only required to teach in front of the
class but also play a role in helping students to solve
problems when students experience difficulties in the
learning process. Natawijaya in the Ministry of
National Education (2005: 31) states that active
learning is a teaching and learning system that
emphasizes the activeness of students physically,
mentally and emotionally in order to obtain learning
outcomes in the form of a combination of cognitive,
affective and psychomotor aspects. Student Centered
Learning based learning requires active students, as
well as conducting discussions with lecturers as
facilitators if they encounter difficulties. Active
Students are expected to be able to foster a sense of
creativity of students. Progress in Science and
Putera, R., Kusdarini, . and Ariany, R.
Development of Small Group Discussion Method and Collaborative Learning Course Environment Policy and Disaster Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0008681801480150
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 148-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Technology makes it easier for students to acquire
knowledge not only through formal learning, but can
be through various media and learning resources.
Learning resources can be from the internet, the
surrounding environment, society, institutions,
professions or even peers. The campus also invites
members, community leaders, or the public to go to
campus to talk about topics related to their work, for
example if at Universitas Andalas is known as an
entrepreneurial public lecture. Lecturers are no longer
the only source of learning but learning partners.
The learning process based on Student Centered
Learning utilizes various learning resources around
the campus. The libraries on campus have books that
support the learning process, besides that this library
also contains recreational books that can be read to
fill students' free time. The environment around the
campus other than the library can be used for the
learning process, for example the botanical garden of
the Faculty of Biology Universitas Andalas
Research settings in this case are undergraduate
students in the Department of Public Administration,
FISIP, Universitas Andalas in semester 6. Class
actions are carried out for one semester, namely in the
even semester of 2017/2018 school year which is in
the range of February to June 2018. For research
locations is in the Department of Public
Administration, Universitas Andalas and in the
Environmental Policy and Disaster Management
lecture room, namely Tuesday at 10.10-13.00 WIB in
building C. Meeting Room of the 2nd Floor
Department. Research Objectives are the creation of
learning practices centered on students with active
learning. Data collection techniques were carried out
by looking at / treating student activities in the
classroom in group discussion activities, asking
questions during class discussion, using small group
discussion and collaborative learning methods with
the division of group and individual tasks prepared by
the lecturer, and evaluating student learning outcomes
by holding a quiz. While the data analysis is done by
collecting data that already exists and then coding,
verifying and analyzing according to the needs of this
Environmental Policy and Disaster Management
courses are courses in the Public Administration
Department, which are intended for 6th semester
students. The learning process is carried out by
applying the Student Centered Learning based
learning process. In order for this learning process to
work properly, it requires an appropriate learning
strategy. In the Environmental Policy and Disaster
Management class two learning strategies were
applied in the practice of delivering Student Centered
Learning based learning processes, namely small
group discussion, and Collaborative learning. The
applied learning strategy prioritizes student activity,
and appreciates the uniqueness that exists in each
student. Contextual learning strategies associate
student knowledge with the real world so as to
facilitate students to understand and apply that
knowledge. Moreover, this subject is a fairly
applicative subject, this is because the material and
topic of the discussion are strongly related to
phenomena or problems that occur in the community,
such as environmental issues, the problem of natural
disasters that often hit the country and other
problems. The application of this method is done in
combination with the classical method by giving the
main role in the learning process to the lecturer as the
main speaker who will give an explanation of the
objectives and lecture material. Lecturers as
presenters only convey the objectives and subject
matter that must be achieved in each meeting with 10
minutes at the beginning of the lecture. This classical
method is used as an introduction and stimulant for
the next learning process which emphasizes the active
role of class participants in accordance with the
design. Class participants have been given
beforehand with reading material reading
assignments for the material at that week's meeting.
Reading material has been provided by the teaching
team and can be obtained by students by
In each course meeting, the lecturer as the main
speaker gives material based on the Semester
Learning Plan that has been set. The material was
delivered using power point slides and compiled
teaching materials to facilitate students to absorb the
material at the meeting. Researchers have compiled
teaching materials and reading material that can be
accessed by students to explore lecture material
outside face-to-face hours. Teaching materials and
reading material are very important for students to be
able to understand the material more deeply.
Evaluation of whether students read reading material
Development of Small Group Discussion Method and Collaborative Learning Course Environment Policy and Disaster Management
is done by quiz method whose questions come from
reading the material provided. In the first quiz that
was conducted in the 4th week, there was a significant
increase in understanding where most students were
able to answer all the questions asked in the quiz. The
second intervention was carried out by applying the
Student Center Learning (SCL) method which is an
advanced process of the Teaching and Learning
Process that emphasizes the development of student
knowledge to build soft skills. The soft skills of
students are expected to be built along with the ability
of hard skills at the end of the lecture. The use of the
method will be varied according to the material to be
taught and the expected competencies.
Small group discussion
Some methods are used such as small group
discussions, namely by dividing students into several
small groups consisting of 2-3 people. With the theme
of interest in the same research problem. The divided
groups discuss the group themes that have been
shared. From the themes that have been distributed,
each group has two weeks to make assignments to be
presented in front of the class the following week.
Collaborative learning
Another SCL method that is carried out is
collaborative learning which requires the ability of
students to analyze, consider the problem solving so
as to increase creativity and innovation. This method
puts students in the real world so that they not only
know but also develop consideration skills and
student sensitivity to policy and disaster symptoms in
their environment.
In this method the lecturer gives several themes
that are shared with each student for scientific
articles. There are 14 themes that have been
determined by the lecturers to be distributed to each
student. With the theme that students must make
scientific articles that are collected at the end of the
semester exam, but in each meeting one of the
students must present the individual paper or
scientific article to be discussed with other students in
the class with the hope of providing input, criticism
and suggestions for every student who makes
scientific articles, so that each suggestion and
meaning will be useful for improving scientific article
writing later.
The existence of a very significant change in learning
patterns in the Environmental Policy and Disaster
Management Lecture shows that the assessment
results are quite good. When compared with the
2016/2017 school year ago, there was an increase in
the value of assessments obtained by students. With
this class action research able to produce semester
learning design that is very comprehensive, then team
teaching also managed to compile reading material
and teaching materials in the form of power point
slides that are quite complete and planned lecture
material can be uploaded on the website http:
// As for the learning method, the
combination of lecture lectures conducted by team
teaching with student center learning methods (small
group discussion and collaborative learning) greatly
affects students so that they are able to learn material
better. Thus the assessment conducted based on the
lecture process also provides fairer opportunities for
students to get better grades.
We would like to thank LP3M Universitas Andalas
for providing assistance in the form of Class Action
Research Grants, so that this research can be carried
out well.
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diambil 15 Agustus 2018, dari
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ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance