private funding more easily as opposed to an
unstable one;
3. Happy people are more productive;
4. Having a board member belonging to students and
staff makes sound business sense;
Industry standing is another critical mass for COHE;
1. A Centre Of Higher Education’s standing within
the academic and business communities will
attract quality students; philanthropists and
government monies.
2. Leading academics and research fellows will also
be attracted to an institution with higher standings.
Look at the way the ivy league and sandstone
universities attract their academic fame.
3. By having close links to leading businesses, the
centre of higher education will access leading
research as opposed to data that is out of date and
therefore worthless;
4. Close industry ties leads to increasing currency of
course material;
5. Current learning material leads to attracting better
academics resulting in better-educated students
and having those students being up taken into
quality employment prospects.
Like many businesses, COHE’s may have
difficulty in identifying who their Customers are.
Businesses will often make one fundamental flaw –
they confuse their revenue stream with their end user
or Customer. Students may be the revenue stream –
the industry they learn to join s the actual Customer.
Customers (industry) satisfaction is the key to the
student’s transition to employment, which in turn
raises student application, then raises profits and the
business expands.
Low industry satisfaction in graduates’
performance results in low student transition towards
employment thus stagnating the education center’s
attraction for new quality students and academics;
this is turn reflects on them having a lower name,
results and a low standing industry standing.
Staff satisfaction is closely aligned to industrial
relations – they both deal with humans at work. Staff
satisfaction has many facets;
1. The way they are treated, with equity, fair
access to promotional courses, promotions and
who are free of harassment;
2. Staff are the most important assets that any
business has;
3. Staff should reflect industry currency having
networked with industry gatekeepers and
Like all businesses, COHE requires significant
leadership to develop strategies to achieve a set of
objectives. Without the setting of strategies to achieve
long-term goals, any organization will find it difficult
to remain in business. Investment in technology is a
must-have strategic investment. All education
providers are investing technology for their offices in
their day to day activities, but also in their training
A balance of on line, face to face, as well as
residential types of student interface, seems to be the
ideal format. Having all your course as an on line
component deletes from the student/academic
interface. Students who ask questions are not able to
read the lecturer's body language, interact with their
fellow students and generally get a feel for the
Clinically based courses require some significant
hands-on patient-based component. The change
process is a three-stage event;
Firstly, recognize the organization is currently frozen
in its ways, and that will require it to change;
1. Communicate the requirement for change by
selecting one of the four effectors to your
teams through consultation and change by
2. Set an agenda that identifies and signals the
need and the benefits of change;
3. Involve the organization in the change process
so that ownership is spread across the
Secondly, implement your changes – the fluidity
section; Thirdly, re-freeze your organization with the
new changes have been made.
Implementation of a Change Leadership initiative can
be complicated and challenging but also a necessary
action. If the need for change is not recognised, sold,
signalled and implemented, then the organisation will
suffer the consequences and go by the way of the
organisations listed above. Succession planning is a
critical tool for a COHE. It should form part of its
long term change management policy and goals.
Mentoring of those identified as rising quickly is an
important factor. Succession planning allows the
organisation to plan and organise its target intake of
certain focus groups such youths, females,
geographically located and those in economic
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance