authors, new internet emerging technologies have an
important role to approach the people to the
government, thereby accountability and transparency
have been showing relevance in fighting corruption,
although it is necessary, besides information
availability, participatory practices to help the
development of democracy. Therefore, transparency
provides an environment of analysis and reflection
through the information publicized by the public
managers, but for that purpose it is necessary that the
citizen receives the proper training through social
participation mechanisms, so that they can enjoy the
transparency instruments available (Figueiredo and
Santos, 2014). In this regard, management of the
information publicized through the internet must take
in account the quantity of information necessary for
the free formation of public opinion (Rothberg and
Liberato, 2013).
The university is a public body. Simply stated,
universities can be interpreted as common property,
Indonesian society. Therefore we are obliged to
always supervise every policy and work program of
this institution. Good supervision will certainly lead
us to the opportunity to enjoy the results of this public
body. But what happens when a public body, namely
a tertiary or negligent university, upholds the
principle of transparency? The principle of
transparency (transparency) in this case becomes very
Nowadays, the demand for transparency by
universities is increasingly considered a fundamental
part of the adequate accountability of these entities.
Transparency can be defined as access to information
regarding the intentions and decisions of the
organization (Vaccaro and Madsen, 2009). Among
the advantages that transparency provides to
universities, Ricci (2013) highlights: incrementing
their legitimacy as professional entities that serve
society, (b) avoiding bad management practices and,
(c) facilitating public debate and participation
regarding the strategic decisions of the university
The Internet and, specifically web pages, are a
practical medium for improving the transparency of
universities as they are able to provide a wide range
of information instantly to any user who requests it.
Furthermore, it allows the creation of an interactive
environment by providing different participation
mechanisms such as forums and surveys, as well as
offering teaching services via e-learning (Mondéjar
and Vargas, 2006). Likewise, diverse authors state
that web pages are strongly recommended to
guarantee appropriate and accessible information to
all stake-holders in an easy and cost-effective manner
(Ojino et al., 2013).
When dealing with the issue of transparency in the
universities scope, Cerrillo-i-Martínez (2015) argues
that it does not depend only on providing information,
but it also involves quality and access to this
information through different mechanisms,
considering that one university will be transparent as
the university community and the society in general
are effectively informed of its activity.
In Indonedia, Best University is clustered by
ministry of higher education (Kemenristekdikti).
Kemenristekdikti assesses the quality of Indonesian
Intstitutions of higher learnings in terms of four
components: (i) quality of human resources; (ii) the
quality of institutions; (iii) the quality of student
activities; and (iv) the quality of research, scientific
publications, and community service. The purpose of
this research is to find out Web Transparency among
Top 100 Universities in Indonesia.
This research was done by collecting data and
studying what others have written about the research
question and the topic in order to obtain further
understanding. Data was obtained from sources such
as books, literature, journals, and articles related to
Web Transparencies. This research used qualitative
data analysis in data analyzing technique. Asn
mentined before, the purpose of this research is to
find out Web Transparency among Top 100
Universities in Indonesia in term of E-Information, E-
Services, E- Participation, and Navigability, Design
And Accessibility. Samples are 100 universities
ranked by Kemenristek Dikti in 2018. A content
analysis was conducted to examine the information
provided on university web pages. Information is
codified based on a disclosure index “Global
Transparency Index (GTI)” which is developed by
Saraite-Sariene et,al (2018). GTI is comprised of a
total 64 items distributed into four sub-indexes: E-
Information (GTII), E-Services (GTIS), E-
Participation (GTIP) and Navigability, Design and
Accessibility (GTINDA). Score was calculated based
on existance of each criteria in the main website of
the university. University sub-domain was not
considered in this study.
Evaluation of Web Transparency for Higher Learning Institutions in Indonesia