Development of Student Worksheets based on Problem-Based
Anisaul Hasanah
, Puji Handayati
Joni Susilowibowo
Graduated school of Universitas Negeri Malang
Universitas Negeri Malang
Graduated school of Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Student Worksheets, Problem Based Learning, Value Added Tax.
Abstract :
Student worksheets based Problem Based Learning is a Student Worksheets which students are given a
problem, consisting of 5 phases. During work on the student worksheets, students do a phase 1 (student
orientation on the issue), phase 2 (organized the students to learn), phase 3 (individual and group
investigations Guide), phase 4 (developing and presenting the results of the work), and
se 5
(analyzing and evaluating the process of problem solving). The purpose of this research is to produce the
end product be based Problem Based Learning on subjects of tax administration material of value-added
tax, knowing the process of development, the level of feasibility, and student response against is
developed. The method of this research is the development of research methods and using the
development model according to the 4-D Thiagarajan. However, research is limited only to the
development phase only. The data collected using the now open and the now closed. The results of the
calculation of the percentage obtained calculation a score according to a Likert scale and Guttman.
results showed that the results of the validation material experts get a score of 87.27%, validation linguist
76.92%, validation graphics 87.64%, compliance student worksheets based Problem Based Learning 86%.
Result whole obtained a score of 85.02% and student response to worksheets based Problem Based
Learning of 95.41% with the criteria very well.
According to (KBBI) in the Big Indonesian
Dictionary (Damsar, 2011: 8) education is the
process of changing attitudes and procedures of
behavior or groups of people in human mature
businesses through training and teaching efforts.
From the above opinion can be seen that one of the
goals of education is to develop individual attitudes
and code of conduct. The process of forming or
changing the attitudes and behavior of individuals as
bearer governance of education. Learners embodied
in various activities such as counseling, teaching or
training so that learners can play an active role in the
life of the future."
Education is capable of supporting the future is
education that can develop the potential of students,
so concerned is able to face and solve the problems
of life faces. Education must touch the inner
potential and the potential competence of learners.
Because learners should be able to apply what is
learned in school to deal with problems encountered
in daily life and in the future (Al Tabany, 2015: 5).
Based on Act No. 20 years 2003 (in Mulyasa,
2013: 20) the purpose of national education is to
develop the skills and character development and
civilization of the dignity of the nation in the context
of the intellectual life of the nation. Education aims
to develop students potentials to become a man of
faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy,
knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and
become citizens of a democratic and responsible.
One of the government's efforts in the development
of continuous education implemented the
curriculum. Improvements and changes continue to
evaluate how much of the curriculum successfully.
Then the target of education is also set so that it
appears the concept of the curriculum according to
Hasanah, A., Handayati, P. and Susilowibowo, J.
Development of Student Worksheets based on Problem-Based Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008783601280135
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the needs in the future." The latest applied by the
government is the curriculum of 2013. Based on
Law No.20 of 2003, in the (Damsar, 2011: 124). The
National Education System states that the
curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements
regarding the objectives, content and learning
materials as well as the means used to guide the
implementation of learning to achieve certain
educational goals. based on The curriculum is
understood not just textbooks, issues, a series of
lessons, content or educational program, is not just a
special subject, but the curriculum can investigate,
organize, monitor, and evaluate aware of the
personality development of students.
Implementation Curriculum 2013 is the
actualization of learning and competence and
character formation of students (Mulyasa, 2013:
125). It requires the activity of teachers in creating
effective and meaningful learning by involving
students actively in learning. Students are also
required to search for, cultivate, construct and use
knowledge through learning experiences provided
by the teacher, for example, to train students to work
solving real problems that are directly related to the
real life in the community.
In the process of teaching and learning materials
is an important part of the implementation of school
education. Widodo and Jasmadi (in Lester, 2012: 1),
define a set of teaching materials as a means of
containing learning materials, methods, limitations,
and assessments designed to systematically and
attractive in achieving competence mastery learning.
In other words, teaching materials are all kinds of
materials that are used to assist teachers in
implementing the learning activities in the
classroom. The material in question can be written
materials and materials not written. Teaching
materials are independent, meaning that it can be
studied by students independently because of
systematic and complete. In addition, according to
(Hamdani, 2011: 122) the classification of the print
instructional materials one of which is the Student
Worksheets (LKS).
LKS is a printed instructional material in the
form of sheets of paper containing material,
summaries, and directives implementation of
learning tasks that must be done by learners who
refers to the basic competencies that must be
achieved. The purpose of the LKS are: 1) Presenting
instructional materials that allow students to interact
with the material provided, 2) Present tasks that
improve student mastery of the material provided, 3)
Train independence of student learning, and 4) Make
it easy for teachers to give assignments to the
students (Prastowo, 2015: 206). Efforts to create an
interactive learning process, inspiring, fun,
challenging, and motivate students to participate
actively can be done by using a model of learning.
According to Soekamto (in Al-Tabany, 2015: 24)
Expressed the intention of learning models, a
conceptual framework that describes a systematic
procedure in organizing learning experiences to
achieve specific learning objectives, and serves as a
guideline for the designers of learning and teacher in
planning learning activities. This, the learning
activity is an activity aimed at systematically
arranged. One model that can be used in the learning
curriculum of 2013 is a model of learning Problem
Based Learning (PBL), in the learning helps students
to gain knowledge and skills, develop and solve
problems, and to build a concept invented by the
students themselves (Savary, 2006).
Problem Based Learning is one innovative
learning model that can provide an active learning
condition for students. According Arends (in Al-
Tabany, 2015: 64) Problem Based Learning is a
learning approach where students work on authentic
problems with a view to construct their own
knowledge, develop inquiry and higher-level
thinking skills to develop independence and
confidence. According to Duch (in Riyanto, 2014:
285) Problem Based Learning is a learning model
that confronts learners with the challenge of
"learning to learn". Students actively work together
in groups to seek solutions to problems. In these
problems is used as a reference for students to
formulate, analyze, and solve it."
One of the learning in class XII SMK Negeri 4
Surabaya Accounting skills program is the subject of
tax administration in which there are materials of
value-added tax. Value added tax is a tax on
consumption of goods and taxable services in the
Customs Area. Sale or delivery of goods that have
been processed or processed so changed from its
original form into nature or new items that increase
the value or power use is subject to VAT (Sudirman,
2016: 276).
Based on interviews from Tri Kusmawati as
teacher of the tax administration SMK Negeri 4
Surabaya on the 13
February 2017, obtained
information that the application learning in the
curriculum in 2013 still cannot be fully implemented
because there is no independent handbook for
students, supporting books in the library facilities-
based curriculum 2013 for productive subjects still
exist, and obtained information that the learning in
the classroom in presenting the material, teachers
tend to focus on theory without associating with the
Development of Student Worksheets based on Problem-Based Learning
real world.
This has resulted in only a clever student who
can catch the teacher's subject matter, while the
other students feel indifferent to learning because
they think the material is unattractive and difficult to
understand, so that there is a condition where not all
students take an active role in learning. This
prompted the researchers to create a more varied
teaching materials by linking the real story in the life
of students on the material value-added tax.
Therefore, it is expected by the LKS-based Problem
Based Learning will increase student engagement in
the learning process. So that it can create a uniform
learning experience for learners in order to achieve a
goal of learning."
Based on the phenomenon that occurs in SMK
Negeri 4 Surabaya needed alternative teaching
materials to support the learning curriculum in 2013
that the development of students' worksheet (LKS)
Problem Based Learning Based on the subject matter
of tax administration value-added tax."
There is previous research relevant to the
research to be conducted, which has been done by
Novianti (2014), entitled Development-Based
Student Activity Sheet Problem-Based Learning
(PBL) In the Matter of Human Digestive System in
Class XI. The results showed Problem Based
Learning on the human digestive system material
which can be developed otherwise very decent with
LKS validation results of 97%."
Research others developed by Ananda (2016),
entitled Development of LKS Oriented Problem
Based Learning To Train Creative Thinking Skill In
the Material Chemical Equilibrium can be feasible
with the results of the validation Worksheet 1 and
Worksheet 2 on the criteria of content, presentation,
graphics, and linguistic respectively for 91.7%;
88.3%; 91.7% and 79.2%.
Another research Priyadi (2016), entitled
Development-Based Student Worksheet Contextual
Teaching and Learning on Subjects Taxation Class
X Semester 1 Vocational High School may be
feasible with LKS validation results by 96.63%.
Based on above description, the researchers are
interested in doing research material development
with the title "Development of Student Worksheets
(LKS) Problem Based Learning Based on Tax
Administration Subject Matter of Value Added Tax
Accountancy Class XII SMK 4 Surabaya.
2.1 Teaching materials
Is a set of teaching materials arranged in a
systematic matter whether written or unwritten so as
to create the enabling environment or atmosphere for
learning (Hamdani, 2011: 219).
According to Prastowo (2015: 204), LKS is a
printed instructional material in the form of sheets of
paper containing materials, summaries and
directives implementation of learning tasks that must
be done by the students, which refers to the basic
competencies that must be achieved. The tasks given
to students can be the tasks of theoretical or practical
tasks. The example is theoretical task form task read
a particular article, creating a resume for
presentation and so forth. As for the practical tasks
can be either laboratory work or field work.
2.2 The function of Student
Worksheets (LKS)
According to Lestari in Pandoyo (2011: 75) the
advantages of LKS users are: learn to increase
interest, Encourage students to be able to work
alone, and guide students directly towards
developing concepts.
2.2.1 Strengths and Weaknesses of Student
Worksheets (LKS)
Student worksheets are included in the print media,
according to Kemp and Dayton (in Azhar Arsyad,
2014: 39), student worksheets have advantages
including: Learners can learn and progress according
to the speed of each, Students can repeat their own
learning material that has been delivered at the time
of theory, the combination of text and images can
increase attraction so as to facilitate the delivery of
information presented in verbal and visual formats,
students will be more active in participating because
they must respond to questions and questions
arranged, and print media can be reprinted and
distributed easily.
Student Worksheets (LKS) also have
disadvantages, namely:
Printing costs are expensive if you want to
display colored images, the process of printing is
often time-consuming, the compilation is designed
so that it is not too long, requires better care, and
cannot display motion.
Problem Based Learning
According to Arends (in Warsono and Hariyanto,
2016: 147) Problem Based Learning or problem-
based learning is a learning model which is based on
constructivism and accommodate the student
engagement in learning and engage in problem-
solving context.
Purpose of Problem Based Learning (PBL)
The main purpose of Problem Based Learning
(Problem Based Instruction) according to
Fathurrohman (2015: 214-215) is not the delivery of
a large amount of knowledge to students, but is
oriented to the development of critical thinking skills
and problem-solving abilities while developing
students' ability to actively build their own
knowledge. Learning objectives are designed to be
able to stimulate and involve learners in problem-
solving patterns. This condition will be able to
develop learning skills in the field directly in
identifying problems. In the context of cognitive
learning a number of related goals are direct and
independent learning, knowledge and problem-
solving. So as to achieve success, students must
develop learning skills and be able to develop
strategies in identifying and finding problems,
evaluating and also learning from various relevant
Excess Problem Based Learning (PBL)
According to Warsono (2016: 152) that the
strength of applying the PBL / PBI method includes:
Students will be accustomed to facing problems
(problem posing) and feel challenged to solve
problems, not only related to learning in the
classroom, but also facing problems that exist in
everyday life (real word), cultivating social
solidarity by being accustomed to discussing with
group friends then discussing with classmates, and
increasingly familiarizing teachers with students.
Lack of Problem Based Learning (PBL)
According to Warsono (2016), the disadvantages
of problem-based learning are:
Not many teachers are able to deliver students to
problem-solving, often requires an expensive and
long time, and student activities carried out outside
the school are difficult for teachers to monitor.
Value-added tax
According to Sudirman (2016: 276) Value
Added Tax is a tax levied on the consumption of
goods and taxable services in the Customs Area.
Sale or delivery of goods that have been processed
or processed so changed from its original form into
nature or new items that increase the value or power
use is subject to VAT.
Types of research is a development (Research and
Development), which developed the Student
Worksheet (LKS) Problem Based Learning based on
the subject matter of tax administration value-added
tax. LKS development using the model of
development of the 4-D (four D Models) proposed
by the Thiagarajan, and Semmel Semmel (in Trianto
2011: 189). This development model consists of four
phases: the first phase, the definition phase (define),
which stage aimed to determine and define the needs
of the lesson; second, design phase (design), the
prototype design phase learning device: the third,
stage of development (develop), the phase that aims
to produce a learning tool; four, stages of
deployment (disseminate), namely the use of a
device developed stage. This development model
chosen by the researchers because of this
development model is composed programmatically
using the sequence of activities in a systematic
learning problem-solving efforts in accordance with
the characteristics of learners."
Subjects tested in the research development
consists of experts consisting of experts Material
Material 1 is a lecturer of Accounting Education
University of Surabaya, Drs. Joni Susilowibowo,
M.Pd., Matter Expert 2 the Tax Administration
teachers SMK Negeri 4 Surabaya Dra. Tri
Kusmawati, Graphic Expert is a lecturer in the
Education Technology University of Surabaya, Drs.
Soeprajitno, M.Pd which will determine eligibility
graphics to Student Worksheets (LKS) developed.
Filling in the questionnaire study by graphics experts
conducted on April 28, 2017. And the third study of
data from Linguist ie lecturers Indonesian Language
and Literature Education State University of
Surabaya Mr. Mohammad Rokib, S.Pd., M.Pd 20
Accounting learners in class X SMK Negeri 4
The instrument used in the bingo game
development accounting as a questionnaire
enrichment media is an open and closed
questionnaire. The open questionnaire consists of
sheet material and sheet expert study media expert
study. While the enclosed questionnaire consisted of
expert validation sheet material, media expert
validation sheet and questionnaire responses of
Development of Student Worksheets based on Problem-Based Learning
The data have been obtained in the form of the
open questionnaire will be analyzed qualitatively to
get your suggestions, comments or feedback from
subject matter experts and media experts. While the
data in the form of the closed questionnaire will be
analyzed quantitatively. The results of the validation
of subject matter experts and media experts will be
analyzed using the Likert scale calculations while
the results of the questionnaire responses of learners
will be analyzed using the Guttman scale. Results of
the analysis will be adapted to the criteria of
interpretation of a score as follows:
Table 1: Criteria Score Interpretasi
Very Unsuitable
Not feasible
Decent enough
Very decent
Source: (Riduwan, 2016: 29)
Based on the table above criteria, enrichment media
deemed worthy to be applied in learning if the
interpretation of ≥ 61%.
Student Worksheets (LKS) Based Problem-based
Learning aims to make students think, search, find,
and apply the concepts to real-world material. In
PBL, students are trained to become independent
learners, functioning effectively in their respective
teams to solve real-world problems. There is no
doubt that both elements of motivation; 1st) 1)
contextualization and) 2) Self-learning is very
important to motivate students (Harun, 2012).
Prosise development Student Worksheets (LKS)
Based Problem Based Learning on the subjects of
the tax administration of material value-added tax
has been adjusted to a development model 4D
namely through the stages of definition (define),
design (design), development (develop), and the
spread (disseminate) (Al-Tabany, 2015: 233).
However, due to lack of expertise, time, and cost of
the development process is only done until the third
stage, namely development (develop).
In this initial phase begins with the analysis of
the front end is to bring analysis Needs on gaps
(Trianto, 2011: 190), From observation SMK Negeri
4 Surabaya is known that in the academic year
2016/2017 Accounting class XII students are already
implementing the curriculum 2013, While the
problems that occurred in the learning value-added
tax is the application of learning in the curriculum in
2013 still cannot be fully implemented because there
is no handbook independently for students, facilities
supporting books in the library are based curriculum
in 2013 for the subjects of productive still exist, and
obtained information that learning in the classroom
in presenting the material, teachers tend to focus on
theory without associating with the real world. This
resulted in only a clever student who can catch the
teacher's subject matter, while the other students feel
indifferent to learning because they think the
material is unattractive and difficult to understand.
2013 it is necessary for the development of students
worksheets (LKS) Based Problem Based Learning
as an additional teaching material for students."
Analysis of students conducted interviews with
one of the teachers at SMK Negeri tax
administration 4 Surabaya to obtain information that
is 20 students of class XII Accounting 3 in the 2nd
half which acts as a respondent at the time of trial
17-18 years old and has the academic ability is
different. Students have followed the previous
learning value added tax but not yet using Student
Worksheet (LKS) Based Problem Based Learning."
The task analysis is the identification of tasks to
be done by the students in learning the value-added
tax. This analysis is done by delivering a message
that addresses all of the core material in the learning,
so students can undertake the task presented in the
Student Worksheets (LKS) Based Problem Based
Analysis of the concept by using the material of
value added tax contained in the tax administration
syllabus for class XII Accounting for Semester 2.
The concept of systematically arranged which will
facilitate students in understanding the subject
matter. The results of this analysis are listed in the
appendix worksheets developed.
Purpose of learning is done by analyzing the
learning objectives in accordance with KI, KD,
indicators, and the subject matter, resulting in the
use of interest Student Worksheets (LKS) Based
Problem Based Learning at the time of learning.
4.1 Stage Design (Design)
This stage of the design Student Worksheet (LKS)
Based Problem Based Learning Worksheets format
that includes the selection and preliminary design
LKS (draft 1). In the selection of LKS format,
carried out in accordance with LKS components that
title, Help to learn, KD or subject matter, supporting
information, task / job step, and assessment
(Prastowo, 2013: 208). It also uses the format of the
presentation of the stages of Problem Based
Learning in accordance with the Student Worksheets
(LKS) Based Problem Based Learning has been
developed to be able to activate the students,
enabling students to understand the material, and is
rich in duties so as to facilitate the implementation
of learning (Prastowo, 2013: 205).
Developed the initial design includes front and
back cover design, introduction, part of the contents,
and the concluding section. On the front cover
presented the information regarding the model of
learning development base of Problem Based
Learning. In addition, also presented image and the
color of bee-related taxes as a background to make it
look more attractive cover. LKS introductory section
consists of a preface, table of contents, instructions
for use worksheets, and a concept map. On the
worksheet there are two worksheets, namely
Worksheet 1 for a summary of the material on the
value-added tax and VAT returns and LKS second
period for learning activity Problem-Based
Learning. At the beginning of the Working sheet
will be presented the page title, page KI, KD, subject
matter and learning objectives, and the continued
presentation of a summary of the material, exercises,
and learning activities in accordance with the stages
of the Problem Based Learning. While in the closing
stages LKS presented bibliography. The design
phase produces LKS draft."
4.2 Stage Development (Develop)
Stage of development gained a lot of feedback and
comments from experts for later improvement
against LKS developed to be eligible for use in
learning the value added tax. This stage begins with
a review process by the subject matter experts,
linguists, and graphics experts to Student
Worksheets (LKS) Based Problem Based Learning.
During the review process, many suggestions
received by the researcher, and suggestions are
divided into three parts: first, the cover.
Based word subtitle Problem Based Learning a
foreign language are in italics, the front page of
worksheets that need to be addressed is the epitome
of Curriculum 2013 is replaced with the symbol of
the University of Surabaya and subtitle Student
Worksheets (LKS) cover needs in scapegoating
(Bold) to look dominant. Secondly, part of the
content that needs to change in the purpose of
learning materials of value added tax added up to
points 9 to make students better understand
worksheets that are presented, for the purpose of
learning SPT Masa PPN should be increased
exercises of skills, at this stage of reasoning about
value-added tax should be in accordance with the
purpose of learning , so that still need to be
improved, and at the stage of trying to question the
value added tax in the dressing easier to understand
vocational students that need to be repaired. Third,
changes in the author biography should be in
paragraph form, more complete, and coupled with
education history writer. In addition, the expert
graphic of the word "Author Biography" which was
originally a size 14 is replaced by the typeface size
18 Times New Roman. Of activities the study is
done, will be revised draft 1 in accordance with the
advice and comments of experts, resulting in LKS
draft 2 which is then validated by experts in
accordance with the eligibility criteria of content,
presentation, graphics, language, and suitability in
accordance with BSNP, as well as compliance with
the Problem based Learning. Having obtained the
value to be tested is limited to 20 students of class
XII SMK Accounting 4 Surabaya.
Feasibility Student Worksheets as enrichment media
were analyzed based on the validation sheet that has
been filled by subject matter experts and media
experts. The results of the validation of subject
matter experts showed an average of 87% with a
very decent criteria. The details of the acquisition of
each component are: (1) The contents obtained
feasibility component percentage of 82.67% with
very decent criteria, (2) the presentation component
obtain a percentage of 91.87% with very decent
criteria (3) The components conformity with the
Problem Based Learning percentage of 86% with
very decent criteria."
While the results of the validation of linguists
earn an average percentage of 90% with the details
of the components of linguistic obtain a percentage
of 72.92% with a decent criteria, while the results of
the validation of expert graphic obtain a percentage
of 90% component of graphic feasibility acquire a
percentage of 87.64% with criteria very decent."
From the results of the above validation experts,
can concluded that the average yield of the
feasibility of the media is of 89% with very decent
5.1 Response of Students
But to know the feasibility of LKS developed, this
Development of Student Worksheets based on Problem-Based Learning
study also aimed to determine the response of
students to the worksheets that are developed in
terms of the criteria of content, presentation,
language graphics, and conformity with the teaching
model Problem-Based Learning. LKS developed
trial was conducted on 20 students of class XII
Accounting 3 SMK Negeri 4 Surabaya.
Based on 4:11 table for the results of students
responded to the results obtained LKS developed 95,
41% to the category of "Very Good" according to
the eligibility criteria Riduwan (2013: 15). This
shows that the students' response to LKS developed
views of the components of the content,
presentation, language, graphics, and conformity
with the teaching model of Problem Based Learning
is positive."
Based on the process of development that has been
to produce Student Worksheets (LKS) Problem
Based Learning based on the basic competencies of
value-added tax, as well as the analysis of research
data that has been obtained, it can be concluded as
1. Developing Student Worksheets (LKS) - based
Problem Based Learning to adapt the 4-D model
of the development of Thiagarajan, and Semmel
Semmel. The model of development used
comprising the step of defining (define), stage
design (design), and the stage of development
(develop). At this stage of development
(develop) Student Worksheet (LKS) -based
Problem Based Learning are reviewed and
validated by two subject matter experts, a
linguist, and a graphics expert.
2. Student Worksheets (LKS) - based Problem
Based Learning has been developed very suitable
as teaching materials learning model Problem
Based Learning for basic competency of value-
added tax by subject matter experts, linguists,
experts graphics, and response of the students
who have met the four components of BSNP
(2014) is a component of content, presentation,
language, and graphics, as well as in accordance
with the stages of the learning model Problem
Based Learning.
3. There is a limited test phase, it can be seen the
response of students to the student worksheets
(LKS) on the basis of competence is a positive
value-added tax with the criteria very well. In
accordance with the results of the analysis of
student response, Student Worksheets (LKS)
Problem Based Learning can be recommended as
a companion or additional instructional materials
for students in the basic competence precedes
1. Research suggests the next researchers who
want to conduct research and development to be
able to do research until the deployment phase
2. Student Worksheets (LKS) -based developed
Problem Based Learning is limited to the basic
competence of value-added tax. For subsequent
researchers who want to conduct similar research
able to produce with other basic competence."
3. Researcher only examine the feasibility of
Student worksheets (LKS) -based Problem Based
Learning, to further study could be done
experimentally Student Worksheets (LKS)
Problem Based Learning based on the subject
matter of tax administration value-added tax."
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Development of Student Worksheets based on Problem-Based Learning