Financial Performance, Intellectual Capital
and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in the Manufacturing
Ayu Ambang Lestari*, Lilik Handajani, Eni Indriani
Graduated school of Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: “ Corporate social responsibility, company size, financial performance, industry type, intellectual capital
Abstract: The objective of this study is to examine “the influence “of corporate social responsibility disclosure in “the
manufacturing sector on financial performance with intellectual capital as an intervening variable. “The data
used in this study “is secondary data taken “from the annual report year 2013-2015 of “manufacturing
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study also explored sensitivity analysis by testing
lag t and t + 1. The sample in this research is 102 companies which are determined based on purposive
sampling method. The results based on simple regression analysis and path analysis “showed that the
disclosure “of corporate social responsibility has a significant and “positive influence on financial
performance. However, “disclosure of corporate social responsibility has no influence “on “intellectual
capital and intellectual capital has no influence “on the financial “performance. The result also found “that
corporate social responsibility disclosure has no indirect “influence on “the financial performance through
intellectual capital. Other findings also reveal that the variable control of company characteristics as
reflected by company size and industry type has no influence “on financial performance. The result of this
study implies “that management “is expected to focus more on corporate social responsibility activities in
order to improve company performance and consider the quality and quantity of corporate social
responsibility disclosure in the company prospectus so as to reduce information asymmetry. In addition,
investors could use this result as a material consideration in analyzing the disclosure of non-financial
companies such as disclosure of corporate social responsibility is in making investment decisions.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities are
“part of good “corporate governance. CSR “is
expected to be able to increase the company's
performance because CSR activities are the
company's alignment with the community so that the
community is able to choose good products that are
valued not only from the goods but also through its
corporate governance. Companies that do CSR will
attract sympathy from the community. The
community will become loyal to the company, so
they will enjoy the products “of the company. This
can increase “the level of profitability “of the
company, where the company “will be able to
survive longer
“Research on the effect of CSR disclosure on the
company's “financial performance was carried out
by Safitri (2012), Mustafa and Handayani (2014)
who found that “CSR had no significant effect on
the company's “financial performance. Contradictory
to “the results of Daud and Amri (2008),
Candrayanthi and Saputra (2013), Sari and Suaryana
(2013), Agustina et al., (2015), Sari et al., (2016)
who found “that CSR has a significant effect on
financial performance.
“Other types “of disclosure made “by the
company to achieve competitive advantage and
company performance are intellectual capital (IC).
The important problem facing now is the difficulty
in measuring intellectual capital. The difficulty in
measuring intellectual capital directly encourages
Pulic (1998) to introduce indirect measures of
intellectual capital by using “Value Added
Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC
“is a
measure to assess “the efficiency of added value as a
result of the company's “intellectual ability.
Research on the relationship between intellectual
capital and financial performance has been widely
Lestari, A., Handajani, L. and Indriani, E.
Financial Performance, Intellectual Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in the Manufacturing Sector.
DOI: 10.5220/0008783802370245
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 237-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
carried out in Indonesia and has diverse results. Like
the research conducted by Zuliyati and Arya (2011),
Agustina et al., (2015), Faradina and Gayatri (2016)
which prove “that intellectual capital (IC) “has a
positive effect on financial performance.
Contradictory to the results of Daud and Amri's
(2008) study which proves that intellectual capital
disclosure “has a negative “effect on Company
Performance. As well as Santoso (2012), Safitri
(2012) who proved “that intellectual capital has no
significant “effect on company “performance.
“Increasing the relevance of the annual report
“will reduce information “asymmetry, especially
through intellectual capital which is “influenced by
various characteristics of the company indicated to
cause the company's financial performance to
increase. “In this study, the characteristics “of the
company as indicated “by the size “of the company
and “the type of industry affect the company's
financial performance.
There are several reasons that support motivated
researchers to conduct research. First, the absence of
a standard that specifies what items “are included in
intangible assets that can be managed, measured,
and reported, both reported by “mandatory
disclosure and voluntary disclosure. Secondly,
because of the inconsistency of the results of
previous studies related to disclosure of corporate
social responsibility, intellectual capital and
financial performance. This has led to the
occurrence of "information gap" because of the
reality that occurred in Indonesia, the type of
information needed by stakeholders, especially
investors, was not disclosed (Oktari, 2016). Of these
reasons, researchers were motivated to do research
again by adding increasingly diverse variables and
indicators, research sites, and different research
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect
of CSR disclosure on financial performance and
intellectual capital, examine the effect of intellectual
capital on financial performance, And examine the
effect of CSR disclosure on financial performance
through intellectual capital.
2.1 Signaling Theory
Signaling theory discusses the company's drive “to
provide information to external parties. The
encouragement “is caused by “the occurrence “of
information asymmetry “between management and
external parties. To reduce information asymmetry,
companies must disclose information that is owned,
both financial and non-financial information. One of
the “information that must be disclosed by the
company is information about “corporate social
responsibility or “CSR. This information can “be
contained in separate “annual reports “or corporate
social reports. “The company conducts “CSR
disclosures in the “hope that it can improve financial
reputation and performance (Retno and Priantinah,
2.2 Stakeholder Theory
In the context of intellectual capital (IC), stakeholder
theory “argues that all stakeholders have the right to
be treated fairly and managers must manage the
organization to benefit all stakeholders. By utilizing
all the company's potential, “both employees (human
capital), physical assets (capital employed), “and
structural capital, the company “will be able to
create value added for “the company. By increasing
“the value added, “the company's financial
performance will increase “so that financial
performance in “the eyes “of stakeholders “will also
increase (Faradina and Gayatri, 2016).
2.3 Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental issues that have developed lately
have made companies have to report all activities
about their company, not just operational reports but
reports “about the company's concern for the
surrounding environment. “The report is non-
financial, “and voluntary in informing stakeholders.
So that the company at this time is not only to
pursue “profits that can harm other parties, but is
responsible for the activities carried out. CSR is a
form of corporate regulation that is “integrated into
“a business model, and as corporate responsibility as
an impact of activities carried out on the
environment, customers, workers, stakeholders, and
other users (Hadi, 2011 in Safitri, 2012).
2.4 Financial Performance
Company performance is one important indicator,
not only for companies, but also for investors.
Performance shows the ability of company
management to manage their capital. Financial
performance is the achievement achieved by the
company in a certain period as a result of the work
process during that period. (Dewa and Sitohang,
2.5 Intellectual Capital
The idea or idea of intellectual models began in the
mid-1980s which were indicated by the emergence
of a shift from production based to service to the
knowledge-based economy. Some researchers argue
that there is no definitive definition of IC. The
definition of IC found in some literature is quite
complex and diverse. There is a difference in the
concept of intellectual capital measurement among
experts, and this is a dilemma.
2.6 Company Size
Company size (Size) can be interpreted as a scale to
compare the size of a company by using a certain
calculation. Brigham and Houston (2011) state that
the size of a company “is the size of a “company that
can be classified based on various ways,
including“the size “of income, total assets, and total
equity. “In this study the size of the company is
based on “total assets, because “the total assets show
more company size than other calculations.
2.7 Industrial Type
Industrial type is defined as a potential factor that
influences corporate social disclosure practices.
Aggraini (2006) defines a high profile as an industry
that has consumer visibility, high political risk, or
high competition. In Robert's research it was also
stated that there was a systematic relationship
between this type of industry and social
responsibility activities. This researcher includes the
automobile, aviation and oil industries as a high
profile (Silaen, 2016).
The “type of research used “is explanatory research.
This research is located in Indonesia. The population
in this study were all manufacturing sector
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) in “2013-2015. In the sampling “in this study
using purposive sampling method, so as “to produce
34 “sample companies.
3.1 Regression Analysis
Linear regression analysis can be used to determine
changes in the influence that will occur based on the
influence that existed in the previous period. To find
out the extent to which the estimated “effect of
corporate social responsibility disclosure and
financial performance is carried out using a simple
linear regression formula, as follows:
ROA = α + β1 CSRij + Ɛ1 (1)
3.2 Path Analysis
In the path analysis there is a variable that plays a
dual role, namely as an independent variable in a
relationship, but becomes a dependent variable in
other relationships given the tiered causality
relationship. The following is the model of each
dependent variable.
IC = α + p1 CSRij + p4 Size + p4 JI + Ɛ
ROA = α + p1 CSRij + p3 VAIC
+ p4 Size + p4
JI + Ɛ
4.1 Classic Assumption Test
4.1.1 Normality Test
Based on the results of the normality “test can be
seen Kolmogorov-Smirnov “value of 0.87 with a
significance of 0.056. The value of Sig = 0.056> α =
“0.05, the data is normally distributed
4.1.2 Heteroscedasticity Test
Figure 1: Graph of the heteroscedasticity test plot
Based on the plot “graph, it can be “seen that the
points spread randomly and spread both above and
below the number 0 on the Y-axis. It can be
concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity “in the
regression model. In addition to graphical methods
there are also other tests “that can be used “to detect
the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity such as
the Glejser test.
Financial Performance, Intellectual Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in the Manufacturing Sector
Table 1: Heteroscedasticity Test Results with Glejser Test
Model Sig.
1 Regression
Based on table 1 above, it can be seen “that the
significance value is “greater than 0.05 that is 0.19,
it can be concluded that in this regression model
heteroscedasticity does not occur.
4.1.3 Autocorrelation Test
Table 2: Autocorrelation Test Results
1 1,917
Based on table 2 shows that the Durbin-Watson
value is 1.917 while from the Durbin-Watson table
with a significance of 0.05 and the amount of data
(n) = 102, and k = 1 (the number of independent
variables) obtained dL values of 1.6576 and dU
amounting to 1.6971. The value of dU is 1.6971
smaller than Durbin-Watson (d) of 1.917 and
smaller than 4-dU (1.6971 <1.917 <2.3029) so that it
can be concluded that this “regression model does
not have autocorrelation.
4.2 Hypothesis Testing
4.2.1 Regression Analysis
Table 3: Test Result (t t)
Influence between
F t Sig. Conclusion
Constant ,028
,278 ,781
CSR KK ,211 2,926
SIZE KK ,001 ,243
Not significant
JI KK ,013 ,758 ,450 Not significant
Table 4: Test Result (t t+1)
Influence between
F t Sig. Conclusion
CSR KK ,215
3,083 ,003 Significant
SIZE KK ,000 -,051 ,959 Not significant
JI KK ,016 ,907 ,367 Not significant
4.2.2 Path Analysis
Table 5: Test Result (t t)
Influence between
F t Sig. Conclusion
Constant -148,761
CSR IC -263,988 -1,359 ,177 Not significant
SIZE IC 9,387 ,958 ,340 Not significant
JI IC 2,380 ,050 ,960 Not significant
Constant ,022
CSR KK ,202 2,764 ,007 Significant
IC KK -3,7025 -,985 ,327 Not significant
SIZE KK ,001 ,336 ,737 Not significant
JI KK ,014 ,763 ,447 Not significant
Table 6: Test Result (t t+1)
Influence between
F t Sig. Conclusion
CSR IC -263,988
-1,359 ,177 Not significant
SIZE IC 9,387 ,958 ,340 Not significant
JI IC 2,380 ,050 ,960 Not significant
CSR KK ,210
2,967 ,004 Significant
IC KK -2,0435 -,560 ,576 Not significant
SIZE KK 1,2355 ,003 ,997 Not significant
JI KK ,016 ,907 ,367 Not significant
4.2.3 Hypothesis Testing Results
The results of testing “the first hypothesis (H1) “in
this study indicate “that corporate social
responsibility disclosure “has a significant “positive
effect on the “company's financial “performance.
The results “of a simple regression test obtained a
probability of 0.004, so that the probability of
significance < 0.05 which causes H1 to be accepted.
In the test lag t + 1 also shows the same results with
a probability of 0.003. The results of this study are
supported by the data in the annex which shows that
the highest “level of corporate social responsibility
disclosure “in 2013 was 0.7033 or 70%, able to
generate ROA of 0.0938. The highest level of
corporate social responsibility disclosure in 2014
was 0.725 or 72%, able to generate ROA of 0.067.
Finally, the highest level of corporate social
responsibility disclosure in 2015 was 0.725 or 72%,
capable of generating ROA of 0.069.
The second hypothesis (H2) shows that
“disclosure of corporate social responsibility has no
effect “on intellectual capital. “The results of path
analysis testing obtained a probability of 0.177, so
the probability of significance > 0.05 which causes
H2 to be rejected. In the test lag t + 1 also shows the
same results with a probability of 0.177. The results
of this study are supported by the data in the annex
which shows that the highest corporate social
responsibility disclosure in 2013 of 0.7033 was able
to produce VAIC
of 5.669. The highest level “of
corporate social responsibility disclosure in 2014 “of
0.725 was able “to produce VAIC
of 6.047.
Finally, the highest level “of corporate social
responsibility disclosure in 2015 “of 0.725 was able
“to generate VAIC
of 5.585.
The third hypothesis (H3) shows that intellectual
capital “does not affect the company's financial
performance. The results “of the path analysis test
obtained a probability of 0.327, so the probability of
significance > 0.05 which caused H3 to be rejected.
In testing lag t + 1 also shows the same results with
a probability of 0.576. The results of this study are
supported by the data in the annex which shows that
the highest intellectual capital value in 2013
amounted to 367.47 capable of generating ROA of
0.051. The highest intellectual capital level in 2014
was 623.65 which was able to generate ROA of
0.041. Finally, the highest intellectual capital rate in
2015 amounted to 2231.99 capable of generating
ROA of 0.077.
The results showed that the characteristics “of
the company did “not have a significant relationship
to company “performance. “Variable type “of
industry “does not affect the company's
performance. Based on “the results “of the path
analysis test the probability is 0.447 so the
probability of significance is > 0.05. In the test lag t
+ 1 also shows the same results with a probability of
0.367. “The size of the company that is proxied by
size does not have a significant effect on the
company's financial performance. “The results of the
path analysis test obtained a probability of 0.737, the
lag t + 1 test also shows the same results with a
probability of 0.997 so that the probability of
significance is > 0.05.
5.1 Effect of “Corporate Social
Responsibility Disclosure on
Financial Performance
The results of testing the first hypothesis (H1) in this
study indicate that disclosure of corporate social
responsibility has a significant positive effect on the
company's financial performance. “The results of
this study indicate that the corporate social
responsibility programs carried out by the “company
were only seen in the following year. “Companies
that carry out corporate “social responsibility
activities will get many benefits such as customer
Financial Performance, Intellectual Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in the Manufacturing Sector
loyalty and trust from creditors and investors. “This
will trigger the company's finances to be better so
that the company's profits.
The “results of this study are consistent with the
results of Daud and Amri (2008), Candrayanthi and
Saputra (2013), Sari and Suaryana (2013), Agustina
et al. (2015), Sari et al. (2016) which found that
there was “a positive influence “between corporate
social responsibility disclosure “and financial
performance. By making CSR disclosures,
consumers will also give a positive reaction to the
products produced by the company itself. This will
increase consumer loyalty to a product. This
consumer loyalty will increase product sales, which
has an impact on increasing corporate profits
(Candrayanthi and Saputra, 2013). Contradictory to
the results of Safitri's (2012) research, Mustafa and
Handayani (“2014) found that CSR “had no
significant “effect on the company's financial
5.2 Effect “of “Corporate Social
Responsibility Disclosure on
Intellectual Capital
The second hypothesis (H2) shows that “disclosure
of corporate social responsibility has no effect “on
intellectual capital. “The initial assumption formed
in this study is that if disclosure of “corporate social
responsibility increases, “the company will also try
to make good use of the “intellectual capital
potential of the company. “This assumption is
refuted by the results of research that show that
disclosure of corporate social responsibility does not
affect intellectual capital. “This is because the items
that have been disclosed by CSR (labor practice
items) are the “same as item intellectual capital
(VAHU). “So companies that have disclosed
corporate social responsibility do not need
“intellectual capital anymore to improve the
company's financial performance.
The “results of this study are not consistent with
the results of Luthan “et al. (2016) research which
found that CSR activities significantly affect IC
disclosure, especially activities related to employee
development. Another study was conducted by
Ratnaningrum and Nasron (2014), “based on the
results of testing with PLS, “it can be concluded that
there is a negative effect of IC (VAIC
) “on the
disclosure of corporate social responsibility. Based
on the three forming indicators VAIC
and VAHU it was proven that it was able to explain
, while STVA proved to be insignificant.
5.3 The Influence of Intellectual
Capital on Financial Performance
The third hypothesis (H3) shows that intellectual
capital “does not affect the company's financial
performance. “Stakeholder theory considers
organizational accountability not only limited to
economic or financial performance. “Companies
should need to make disclosures about intellectual
capital more than what is required by the authorized
body. “Intellectual capital is crucial for a company's
success, “other assets and capabilities also contribute
to the company's profitability and market value.
Companies from different industries have
different ranges of assets and capabilities to operate
their businesses effectively. “So the company needs
more than just “physical assets (fixed) and financial
assets. This shows that the higher the intellectual
capital value of a company, “the future performance
of the company will not be higher.
The “results of this study are consistent with the
results of Santoso's “research (2012), Safitri (2012)
which prove that intellectual capital has no
significant effect on company performance. This is
because Indonesian investors still do not give more
value to companies that have higher intellectual
capital, besides that there are indications that in
Indonesia they still use indications of physical and
financial asset use in the contribution of company
performance (Safitri, 2012). Contradictory to the
results of research by Daud and Amri (2008),
Zuliyati and Arya (2011), Agustina et al. (2015),
Faradina and Gayatri (2016) which prove “that
intellectual capital (IC) has a positive effect “on the
company's “financial performance.
5.4 The Influence “of “Corporate
Social Responsibility Disclosure on
Financial Performance through
Intellectual Capital
The fourth hypothesis (H4) shows that disclosure of
corporate social responsibility does not affect
performance through intellectual
capital. “Based on the results of testing the “t and t +
1 lags “show the same “results. “Shows “that the
variables of corporate social responsibility
disclosure “have a significant effect on the
company's financial performance, disclosure “of
corporate social responsibility “does not
significantly influence intellectual capital and
intellectual capital does “not have a significant
“effect on financial “performance. Another finding
in “this study is “that the characteristics of the
company also do not affect financial performance.
So it “can be concluded that indirectly “disclosure of
corporate social responsibility does not affect
financial performance through intellectual capital.
Not Significant
Figure 2: Path analysis test results.
5.5 Effect of Control Variables
This study uses two control variables, namely
company size and type of industry. The results
showed that the characteristics “of the company did
not have a significant relationship to company
performance. “Variable type “of industry “does not
affect the company's performance. “High profile and
low profile industries basically do not guarantee
companies can produce high company performance,
because not all high profile companies are
considered and can attract investors to invest.
The size of the company that is proxied by size
does not have a significant effect on the company's
financial performance. “The results of the path
analysis test obtained a probability of 0.737, the lag t
+ 1 test also shows the same results with a
probability of 0.997 so that the probability of
significance is> 0.05. “Basically, large assets do not
guarantee the company can produce high corporate
value. “Large assets that can be managed
productively will result in the increased financial
performance of the company. Conversely, large
assets that cannot be managed productively will
result in decreased financial performance.
“The results of this study are consistent with the
results of research conducted by Fachrudin (2011),
Mahaputeri “and Yadnyana (“2014) which prove
that firm size does not have “a significant effect on
company performance. This shows “that the size “of
a large company does not necessarily guarantee and
make the company's performance will be better
(Mahaputeri and Yadnyana, 2014). Contradictory
with the results of Waskito's (2014), and Isbana
(2015) study which proves that firm size “has a
positive influence “on financial performance proxied
by ROA.
The results of this study found that disclosure of
corporate social responsibility had a significant
positive effect on the company's financial
performance even though the impact was only seen
in the next year. “This is because companies that
carry out “corporate social responsibility activities
will get many benefits such as customer loyalty and
trust from creditors and investors.
The results of this study found that disclosure of
corporate social responsibility does not affect
intellectual capital, “even though t and t + 1 tests
have been conducted but the results obtained remain
the same.
The results of this study found that intellectual
capital does not affect the company's financial
performance, “even though t and t + 1 tests have
been conducted but the results obtained remain the
same. This is because Indonesian investors still do
not give more value to companies that have higher
intellectual capital, “besides that there are
indications that in Indonesia they still use indications
of the use of physical and financial assets in
contributing to the company's performance.
The results of this study found that indirect
disclosure of corporate social responsibility does not
affect financial performance through intellectual
capital, “even though t and t + 1 tests have been
conducted but the results obtained remain the same.
“Based on the results of the path analysis test, “it is
pointed out that corporate social responsibility
disclosure has a significant effect on financial
performance, “meaning that corporate social
responsibility disclosure directly affects financial
performance without involving intellectual capital as
a mediator.
Another finding of this study is that company
characteristics reflected by company size and type of
industry do not affect the company's financial
performance, “even though t and t + 1 tests have
been carried out but the results obtained remain the
Disclosure of
a. Company size
b. Industrial
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