mentioned that packaging is needed media to deliver
the product into ultimate consumer that can be
categorized as art to protect product during
distribution, storage and trade. According to
Grundey (2010), packaging could protect the
product from any destructive element such as light,
dust, oil, temperature, mechanical problem, water
and humidity and also biological damage. Therefore,
it is not only as protector but also other important
use as benefit.
Klein and Burke (2001); Klimchuk and
Krasovec, (2007) explained that packaging can have
the function as a strategic element in showing brand,
identity, and difference with other products. This
also can communicate image and identity of the
company in the positioning of the product, creating
consumer perception and impacting the purchasing
decision (Sajuyigbe, et. al., 2013). Other benefits of
packaging also discussed by Ampuero and Natalia
(2006), that this can affect the product purchasing
before consumer choose a brand because it displays
advertisement language with various forms. In
addition, packaging design with pictures will add
product benefit on an unknown product that this may
affect young age consumer which usually like new
things and make the trial.
Packaging has an important role in purchasing
decision. Therefore, it should be designed by
considering elements of packaging. There are three
basic elements namely form, color, and graphic.
Basically, composer variables on package consist of
two dimension namely constructive dimension that
involves graphic design, brand name, color,
typography, and image dimension that consists of
structure design, form, size, material and product
information (Ampuero and Natalia, 2006; and
Klimchuk and Krasovec, 2007). Importance of
packaging design is also stated by Silayoi and
Speece (2004), that the main element in packaging is
a factor affecting consumer judgment and create
consumer image on the package.
Kotler and Amstrong (2008) stated that image is
impression gained by the consumer from an object.
Strong consumer image on products gives several
benefits for producers such as establishing difference
with other products, creating consumer loyalty and
opening the opportunity for development. As a new
product, it is important for fruit leather to know
about the image of a product to be used by the
producer in creating policies for product packaging.
The research aimed to know consumer image on
elements of fruit leather packaging.
The research was held at Supermarkets Supermarket
Carefour Surabaya. It is purposively determined by
consideration of fruit leather product that segmented
for consumers with over average income standard
(UMR) who usually buys daily needs products at the
supermarket. Since the population is not known,
then based on Gunawan et al., (1996) if there is the
unknown population in the research, then sample
determination may use non probability sampling.
The method being used was accidental sampling, in
which the respondents were consumer met by a
researcher who experienced in consuming fruit
leather. There were 30 respondents.
Data being used was primary data that taken by
questionnaire distribution and close question. The
consumer was asked to judge the fruit leather
package exist in the market. Primary data consists
Visual component consists of color, color shade,
size, material, design, and shape.
Package features component consists of easiness
in carrying and open/close
The verbal component consists of product name,
brand, producer, halal certification, nutrition,
License of health guaranty (BPOM) and
production date.
Data were analyzed by the descriptive method
through graph and percentage. The main purpose of
the descriptive method was learning aspects of what,
how, who and when (Donald, 1996).
Package creation should consider several factors to
attract consumers in affecting a purchasing decision.
There are: (1) safety factor in which package should
be able to protect the product from ray, air, bacteria,
etc that may trigger product being corrupted, (2)
economic factor in which package cost should not
over product processing price, (3) distribution factor
in which package should not cause any difficulties in
distribution and display, (4) communication factor in
which package should communicate product clearly
to be well memorized and cause positive image on
consumer (5) ergonomic factor in which package
should be easy to be carried and open/close, (6)
esthetic factor in which package design will give
impression of beauty either in color, shape or image,
and (7) environment factor which package should
be environmentally friendly (Dhameria, 2014).
Package creations that consider these factors will