productivity of the workforce itself. Productivity is
the ability to produce something.
2.1 Labor
According to Takyuddin (2016) explains Labor is
defined as a population in the working-age
population. Whereas the definition of labor is
contained in Law No. 25 of 1997 concerning
Manpower, namely every man or woman who is in
and/or will do work, both inside and outside the
employment relationship to produce goods or
services to fulfill community needs. According to
Dumairy (1997) labor is a population that has an age
within the working age limit. The purpose of
choosing the age limit is so that the definition given
is as possible as describing the actual reality. Each
country chooses a different age limit because the
situation of labor in each country is also different, so
that the working age limit between countries is not
the same. In Indonesia, the minimum age limit for
labor is 15 years without maximum limits.
2.2 Digital
Setiawan (2017) explains that the digital world not
only offers great opportunities and benefits for the
public and business interests. But it also presents
challenges to all areas of life to improve quality and
efficiency in life. The use of various technologies
really makes life easier, but even a digital lifestyle
will depend more on cellphone and computer usage.
According to Musafak (2012) explained that the
digital economy is an economy based on electronic
goods and services produced by electronic
businesses and traded through electronic commerce.
That is, businesses with electronic production and
management processes and who interact with
partners and customers and conduct transactions
through the Internet and Web technologies. Musafak
(2012) also describes the Digital Economy definition
version of Encarta Dictionary is "Business
transactions on the Internet: the marketplace that
exists on the Internet". Understanding Digital
Economy focuses more on transactions and markets
that occur in the internet world. A broader
understanding of just transactions or markets is the
New Economy which according to PC Magazine is
"The impact of information technology on the
economy". The understanding is more emphasized
on the application of information technology in the
economic field. The digital economy is the
economic sector which includes goods and services
when developing, producing, selling or supplying
depends on digital technology.
2.3 GDP
Economic growth is the development of activities in
the economy which causes goods and services
produced in society to increase so that it will
increase the prosperity of the community (Sukirno,
1994) in Suparyati (2015). Still in Suparyati (2015)
according to Budiono that economic growth is a
process of increasing per capita output in a long
According to Athukorala (2003) in (Jufrida,
2016), foreign investment has a positive impact on
the economy of the host country because through
foreign investment can increase the availability of
funds for the host country (recipient country). But
the results of research conducted did not find a
significant relationship between FDI and economic
growth, especially for developing countries. (Liu
and Su 2016 in Jufrida, 2016) also conducted
research on the impact of FDI and human capital on
economic growth in China by using panel data of
cities in China from 1991 to 2010. They tested the
determinants of economic growth with a focus on
the role of FDI and human capital with the human
capital-augmented Solow model. The results show
that the GDP growth rate per capita is negatively
related to the rate of population growth and is
positively related to the level of investment in
physical capital and human capital. They also found
that FDI had a positive effect on GDP per capita
growth and this effect was intensified by ownership
of urban human capital. The total foreign investment
and domestic investment, both government and
private, is one of the variables in the calculation of
national income which is a benchmark of economic
growth, therefore investment should be maintained
in the development of stability and continued efforts
to increase.
The population that became the object in this study
came from secondary data obtained from the
company Knoema, one of the digital economic data
provider companies. The sampling method uses
purposive sampling method, namely the
determination of samples with certain
considerations. In this study the sample was used