Development of Make A Match Card in Accounting Learning
Ikfini Asich SM
, Puji Handayati
, Susanti
Graduated school of Universitas Negeri Malang
Universitas Negeri Malang
Graduated school of Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords : make a match card game, enriching media, a journal of an adjustment trade company
Abstract : The purpose of this research is to produce Make A Match card game as an enriching media on the material
of journal of adjustment trade company class XII Accountancy SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya proven worthy of
use in the enriching media as well as gain a positive response from the student. The enriching media was
developed with the ADDIE model put forth by Reiser and Mollenda. A test performed on the 20 students of
class XII Accounting SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya. The research instrument used in the form of the valley
review and validation expert sheet material, the examination and expert validation sheet media, and know
the response of the student. Result descriptive data are analyzed with techniques of percentage. The result
of”the validation of material expert acquire score 81,42% with a very worthy and validation criteria of
media experts obtained a score of 77,14% with the criteria is decent, and the average percentage of student’
responses of 96% with criteria very well. The overall result of validation experts and trial limited obtained
an average score of 87,15% so that it can be concluded that the enriching media developed stated very
decent used in the enriching of learning as well as gain a positive response from the student
As time, globalization has great influence in the
development of science and technology became one
motivating factor in advances in various fields and
the order of life, one example is the development in
the field of education to be one of the efforts to
improve education toward better, in accordance with
the purpose of education is the intellectual life of the
The teacher as a facilitator in the learning
curriculum 2013 must be able to present creative
learning activities and innovative that will encourage
students to be more enthusiasm in learning, it can be
seen from the development of the media used by the
teacher. According to Kosasih (2014: 49) more and
more media appropriate learning aids to learning the
greater the student's absorption of the material
One pleasant media is a media game. According
to Sadiman (2014: 78) media game is something fun
to do and something entertaining. The game
provides an opportunity for students to practice real
behavior so that media education has the advantage
that the form of the game the game allows the active
participation of students to learn.
The presence of media contained in the current
field is very diverse and varied, especially the media
in the form of average game matching combined
with the material and images that are tailored to
related material, it will also include questions and
answers presented in the media so as to increase
knowledge of students.
In the 2013 curriculum, knowledge assessment
done by teachers is not solely to determine whether
the student has achieved mastery learning (mastery
learning) but the assessment is indicated to identify
weaknesses and strengths (diagnostic) learning
process. To that end, the provision of feedback
(feedback) to students and teachers is very
important, so that the assessment results can be
immediately used for the improvement of the quality
of learning. According to Permendikbud Number 22
the Year 2016 About Standard Process Elementary
And Secondary Education suggested that the results
of authentic assessment used by teachers to plan
improvement program (remedial) learning,
enrichment (enrichment), or counseling services.
Asich SM, I., Handayati, P. and Susanti, .
Development of Make A Match Card in Accounting Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008784900270034
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 27-34
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on observations and interviews conducted
in SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya, obtained information
from some students of Accounting SMK Negeri 1
Surabaya, which considers that the material
adjusting journal trading company is a material that
is difficult, because it requires precision, reasoning
more, and understanding on methods recording used
in working on adjusting entries, and obtained
information that the medias enrichment activities are
less attracted the attention of students, because it is
still limited to powerPoint, whiteboards, and
teachers just give exercises through the booklet is
done either independently or in groups, and
sometimes students were told to learn on their own.
These conditions resulted in students feel bored and
less enthusiastic in doing the enrichment provided
by the teacher. Based on these,
Based on the above data, the researchers chose a
media card game Make A Match as enrichment
media to create learning more interesting and fun.
Rusman (2011) states that the card Make A Match is
a game media looking for a partner, this technique
uses a card, each card will be inserted images or text
as an explanation of a concept of the material
presented and each card has a pair corresponding to
the picture or text. Media Make A Match card game
will be packaged with a card game with the
presentation of the questions and answers are more
varied and more interesting card designs so as to
attract the attention of students as well as to
determine the level of students understanding of the
material. According to Earth (2015) Make A Match
card game is very effective when used in learning
activities. Meanwhile, according to Devi (2013)
Make A Match card usage can increase the curiosity
of students, enhance student motivation, and is a fun
Based on the description above, researchers are
trying to develop a card game Make A Match as
enrichment media on learning to account with titles
Card Games Development Make A Match For
Media Enrichment In Journal-Material Trading
Company Adjustment Class XII at SMK Negeri 1
2.1 Understanding Learning
According to Hamalik (2014: 57) argues that
learning is a combination that includes elements
arrayed human, material, facilities, equipment, and
procedures interplay achieve the learning objectives.
The basic word "learning" is learning. According to
Surya (in Kosasih, 2014: 2) defines learning as a
process performed by an individual to obtain new
behavioral changes as a whole, as a result of the
individual's own experience in interacting with the
2.2 Understanding Media Learning
According to the terminology, the word comes from
the Latin media "Medium" which means an
intermediary or introduction. Educational and
Communications Technology Association
(Association of Education and Communication
Technology / AECT) in America states that the
media is all kind of channels that people use to
distribute a message or information (Kosasih 2014:
50). Media is a human existence that allows it
affects others who do not hold a direct contact with
him (Marshal in Trianto, 2014: 234) .. Media study
covers only the media that can be used in the
learning process in an effective and well-planned.
2.3 Media Card Games Make A Match
According to Sadiman, et al (2014: 75) game is
every contest between the players interact with each
other to follow or abide by certain rules, in order to
achieve certain goals anyway. Meanwhile, according
to Smaldino, et al (2014) the game will create a
learning environment that is lively, fun, interesting,
and competitive learning environment, in which
students follow the rules that have been established
by the time they tried to reach the learning
objectives are challenging. A game can also provide
a diverse learning experience.
Rusman (2011) states that, the card Make A
Match is a game media looking for a partner, this
technique uses a card, each card will be inserted
images or text as an explanation of a concept of the
material presented, and each card has a pair
corresponding to the picture and text. Meanwhile,
according to the theory Question-Answer
Relationship (QAR) developed by Raphael and
Pearson in Dell'Olio & Donk (2007) states that, the
technique seeking pairs of cards and card answers
the question, can help learners find the relationship
between the questions and answers- answers, as well
as to prove the language used to describe the related
questions and answers.
Learning Make A Match type groups or looking
for a partner is one of the alternatives that can be
applied to the students, the application of this
method starts from techniques that the students were
told to look for pairs of cards that is the
answer/question before the deadline, students can
match the cards were given points. One advantage of
this technique is the student looking for a partner
while learning about a concept or topic in a fun
(Suparwadi, 2015). In looking for a partner that card,
students are required to think critically in finding
pairs of cards that fit between questions and answers
contained in the card Make A Match.
This type of research used in this research is the
development with reference to the ADDIE
development model developed by Reiser and
Mollenda. ADDIE development model consists of
five stages (Person, 2011), the analysis phase
(Analysis), stage design (Design), stage of
development (Develop), the implementation phase
(implementation) and evaluation phase (Evaluation).
Subject tests include subject matter experts as people
who are competent in the field of accounting
education (one lecturer of accounting education and
one teacher accounting subjects), media experts as
those who have competence in the development of
print media in particular cards (one lecturer FIP), and
students Accounting XII class at SMK Negeri 1
Surabaya 20 students for a limited trial. The type of
data acquired is the data type of qualitative and
quantitative data. The qualitative data obtained from
the study of subject matter experts and media experts,
while quantitative data obtained from the results of
expert validation of materials and media experts, and
student questionnaire responses were analyzed by
using percentage.
Data collection instruments used in this study was
a questionnaire sheet consisting of the open and
closed questionnaire. The open questionnaire
consisted of a questionnaire study material experts
and media experts who analyzed qualitatively to
provide an overview and suggestions that have been
given to the lack of enrichment media associated
with media quality format and concept of the
material used. while the enclosed questionnaire
consisted of expert validation sheet material and
media experts as well as the student questionnaire
responses were analyzed quantitatively to determine
the feasibility and the student's responses regarding
enrichment media card Make A Match developed.
Sheets study of media experts and subject matter
experts in qualitative descriptive analyzed. While the
experts and validation sheet student questionnaire
responses were analyzed descriptively quantitative in
the form of a percentage. Data validation results and
student questionnaire responses were analyzed by
means of:
K = Percentage eligibility criteria
F = The total number of respondents
N = the highest scores in the questionnaire
I = The number of questions in the questionnaire
R = Number of respondents
The percentage is then interpreted by provisions such
as Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1: Criteria Interpretation
1-20 Very
21-40 Not feasible
41-60 Decent enough
61-80 worthy
81-100 very decent
Source: Riduwan (2015: 15)
Criteria for interpretation in Table 1 is used as a
benchmark in interpreting validation experts.
Table 2: Criteria for Interpretation
1-20 Very No Good
21-40 Not good
41-60 Pretty good
61-80 Good
81-100 Very good
Source: Riduwan (2015: 15)
Criteria for interpretation in Table 1 is used as a
benchmark in interpreting the results of the
questionnaire student response.
Model development in this research using ADDIE
development model developed by Reiser and
Mollenda through the stages of analysis (analysis),
design (design), development (develop),
implementation (implementation) and evaluation
(evaluation). In the analysis phase of data collection
Development of Make A Match Card in Accounting Learning
and analysis of information to define the problem
and make further plans in the form of enrichment
media Make A Match the card will be developed.
There are three activities carried out in this stage
is the analysis of problems, requirements analysis,
and formulation of learning objectives. The analysis
is done by examining issues of curriculum used, the
use of enrichment media and constraints experienced
during enrichment program. Followed by a needs
analysis to determine the characteristics of students
who will be the subject of a trial. Formulation of
learning objectives based on indicators of learning
the basic competencies (KD) three on the knowledge
students must achieve in the material adjusting
journal trading company.
Based on the analysis of the problem, in the
development of the card game Make A Match as
enrichment media adapted to the curriculum applied
in SMK 1 Surabaya, curriculum 2013. In analysis of
the problem is analyzed student performance in the
learning process, especially on remedial and
enrichment activities. The learning process has a
standard graduation education units that must be met
by the student. Underlying issues in this study were
students experiencing difficulties in material
adjustment journal trading company, therefore, there
are students who have grades below the standard of
graduation, so the teacher will conduct remedial
programs for students who have not completed and
for students who have reached KKM will continuing
with enrichment activities.
In carrying out enrichment activities at SMK
Negeri 1 Surabaya, the media used by teachers,
PowerPoint, whiteboards and teachers only provide
sheet exercises or discussions that led to the process
of enrichment activities are less attractive, so that
students are less motivated to learn in enrichment
From the results of a needs analysis, obtained by
the analysis of the accounting subjects trading
company that has been granted, there is a trade
company material adjusting entries that are
considered difficult, by assessing the competence
standards and indicators of achievement of learning
outcomes in the material. Furthermore, analyzed
characteristics of students that include academic
ability and the learning experience of the material
adjusting journal trading company, in order to obtain
the appropriate students character is the subject of
the trial. Students who become the subject of a trial
is a class XII student of Accounting SMK 1
Surabaya, which has aged 16-17 years, the students
have acquired the material adjusting journal trading
companies and the value obtained has reached the
minimum completeness criteria determined by the
Next is the stage of design (design), this stage,
created the design of the card game Make A Match
using Corel Draw X5 developed starting in pre-
production activities to design the contents (matter)
and an appropriate presentation according to the
study. Contents (matter), arranged on lattice made
about the appropriate indicators of learning that has
previously formulated to be used as a measure of
students. The form and content type of enrichment
and tailored to the learning material to be used, ie
adjusting journal material trading company. At this
stage anyway, conducted to design media card game
Make A Match as enrichment media to material
adjustment journal Accounting XII class trading
Next is the stage of development (develop). This
stage, aims to produce a viable enrichment media
used based on the input of experts that includes
subject matter experts and media experts. The design
concept of the development that has been made at
the design stage, is realized in the development stage
to produce a first draft were subsequently examined
by experts. After the study is completed, it will be
revised in accordance with the input of experts. The
revised form of the second draft is validated by
experts and analyzed, then performed the writing of
the report on the development of the media.
In the implementation phase, enrichment media
such as Make A Match cards that have been tested
because the quality (draft III) is then tested on a
limited basis to the 20 students in SMK 1 Surabaya.
Students who are the subject of this research is the
students who have obtained the material adjusting
journal trading company, which is a class XII
Accounting drawn at random (random), as a sample
product trials.
The last stage is the stage of evaluation to see
whether the products are developed successfully, in
line with expectations or not. At this stage it will be
known to the feasibility of enrichment media
developed from the results of the validation and
testing is limited in order to obtain the final result of
the final product enrichment media card Make A
Match in the material adjusting journal XII class
trading companies Accounting at SMK Negeri 1
From score analysis score matter experts
obtained an average score of 81.42% with eligibility
details on the content and quality aspects of
examination of 82.25% and aspects of instructional
quality by 80%. Media expert validation score
shows the average score for the enrichment media
ratings developed by 77.14%. With details to aspects
of legibility by 75%, the aspect of ease of use by
80%, the quality aspect views / impressions by 76%,
and the aspects of quality management of the
program by 80%. As well as a 96% interest in the
Overall the game development process Make A
Match cards as enrichment media to material
adjustment journal XII class trading companies in
SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya has been implemented in
accordance with the ADDIE development model
which consists of the analysis phaseanalysis
(analysis), design (design), development (develop),
implementation (implementation) and evaluation
At this stage of the analysis (analysis), an
analysis of the performance (the problem),
requirements analysis, and the formulation of
objectives. In a performance analysis obtained
information that SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya using the
curriculum of 2013. The use of media in enrichment
activities in the field is still lacking, because only
limited to the use of PowerPoint, whiteboards, and a
sheet of exercises given by the teacher. This raises
the level of enthusiasm of the students in learning is
very less, as students become less enthusiastic in
learning. One way to increase the motivation of
students in enrichment activities is to make the
activity fun. According Arsyad (2013)
In the requirements analysis, researchers
determined the needs of what is required in the
development of media card game Make A Match,
from the analysis, obtained by the characteristics of
students who become the subject of a trial based on
academic ability, learning experiences, as well as
students opinions regarding media card game Make
A Match namely Accounting class XII students who
have obtained the material adjusting journal trading
company. Students who become the subject of a trial
with an average age of 15-17 years. According
Personal (2011) in this age students can think
abstractly and to find solutions to solve the problems
faced. The student has to obtain any materials
trading company adjusting entries.
Then that is formulating learning goals. The
formulation of the learning objectives are stated in
the indicators contained in basic competence
adjusting journal material trading company. The
formulation of this goal will be used to develop
exercises for enrichment media card game Make A
In the design phase (design), this stage is made
draft card game Make A Match menggunanakan
Corel Draw X5. The design of the contents (matter)
is done by creating a lattice problems that will be
included in a card game Make A Match that includes
the selection of the questions and drafting matter.
Media Design Make A Match card game that
includes the design of the front card, rear card
design and card packaging design Make A Match.
The selected color in the design of the card game
media Make A Match is a bright color such as green,
yellow, Tosca, blue, orange,because the bright color
tends to demand a teenager because it can give the
impression of an interesting and impetus in learning
the material presented that will make students enjoy
learning, so that will facilitate the implementation of
the enrichment.
Next Phase Development (Develop), the design
of which has been made in the design phase will be
realized then produces a draft I. The results of the
first draft is then reviewed by subject matter experts
and media experts which would then be revised
based on suggestions and feedback experts. From
the advice and input materials experts do repairs,
namely, (1) In the aspect of content / material about
to be replaced in the form of reasoning to increase
the level of thinking of students (2) In the aspect of
constructional look for solutions so that students no
longer in menghitunh adjusting entries in applying
card Make A Match (3) In the aspect of
completeness for building pebelian explained that
the purchase date, in order to make it easier to
calculate depreciation.
Then the improvements made to the medium
enrichment based input media experts as follows: (1)
In the aspect of its simplicity to use, recommended
media card comes with care instructions for the
cards more durable and RPP included in the guide
game. (2) In the aspect kualiats views and
impressions, the background should contrast with
the text so that the text does not blend in with the
background and give a clear impression so easily
read by the user. (3) In the aspect of the quality of
program management, rules play comes with the
role of teachers, so that enrichment can run well,
because in this case the teacher as observers in the
implementation of learning in the classroom (4) In
the aspect of legibility, adjustable font for easy
reading given cards Make A Match is a print media
that is used directly by students in learning, so that
students do not feel the difficulties in the use of
cards Make A Match as enrichment media. The
Development of Make A Match Card in Accounting Learning
repairs or revisions will produce the third draft.
DraftIII will be validated by subject matter experts
and media experts to gain an appreciation of the
media is developed.
The next phase of implementation
(Implementation), at this stage, the third draft in the
form of a card game Make A Match as enrichment
media to material adjustment journal XII class
trading company that has been validated to be tested
is limited to 20 students of class XII SMK 1
Surabaya Accounting. According Sadiman (2011:
184) a media needs to be tested to 10-20 students
who can represent the target population. After
completion of the test, students are asked to
complete a questionnaire to evaluate the response
and student opinion regarding the media card game
Make A Match on adjusting journal material trading
company. Before starting the test, the researchers
explained the purpose of the implementation of the
trial and how to use enrichment media card game
Make A Match.
Last Stage Evaluation (Evaluation), the last
stage of a feasibility evaluation to see if a product is
developed successfully, in line with expectations or
not. From the data validation results matter experts
and media experts as well as the student
questionnaire responses from limited testing, data
analysis was then used for the preparation of the
development of the card game Make A Match as
enrichment media to material adjustment journal
trading company class XII SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya.
Feasibility media card game Make A Match as
enrichment media to material adjustment journal
trading company that developed measurable
validation of the results sheet material experts and
media experts as well as the student questionnaire
responses obtained from the experiments performed.
Validator matter experts, namely professors of
accounting and accounting teacher, media validator
is lecturer of education technology, and testing on 20
students of class XII Accounting at SMK Negeri 1
Based on the results of validation, card games
Make A Match as enrichment media materials
trading company adjusting entries by subject matter
experts from the aspect of quality of content and
objectives, and instructional quality obtained an
average percentage of 81.42% eligibility. According
Riduwan (2015) the percentage of 61% are
feasible. It can be concluded that the media card
game Make A Match as enrichment media to
material adjustment journal trading company that
developed included in the category of very decent is
used in the learning process in enrichment activities
in Vocational High School in terms of media were
presented with the percentage of eligibility at 81,
42%. Similar research is also carried out by the
Earth (2015) Make A Match card game is very
effective when used in learning activities.
Based on the results of the validation media, card
games Make A Match as enrichment media to
material adjustment journal trading company by
media experts on aspects of readability, ease of use,
quality views/impressions, and the quality of
program management obtained an average
percentage of 77.14% eligibility , According
Riduwan (2015) the percentage of 77.14% are
feasible. It can be concluded that the media card
game Make A Match as enrichment media on
penyesuaiana journal material trading company that
developed included in the category appropriate to
use in the learning process in enrichment activities
in Vocational High School in terms of media
Student response, The test is limited performed
on 20 students of class XII Accounting at SMK
Negeri 1 Surabaya. This is consistent with the theory
of Sadiman et al (2011) at this stage of the media
tested using limited testing a small group, which is
tested to students by the number 10-20. That is
because if it is less than 10, then the data obtained
are less able to describe the target population.
Meanwhile, if more than 20, then the data or
information obtained will be in excess of that
required, making it less effective for analysis in the
evaluation of small groups.
In limited testing activities, students are given an
explanation regarding the media developed, and then
the students were divided into 5 groups, so that one
group are 4 students. Then each group is given a
card game media Make A Match for student use and
at the end of the activities students are asked to
complete a questionnaire response of the students to
give their opinions to the media developed.
Based on the results of questionnaires that
assessed by the component quality of the content
and purpose. Aspects assessed include the accuracy
and appropriateness of the percentage of 95% is
obtained with very good criteria. This indicates that
a summary of the material and the matter of the
media is in conformity with the adjustment of the
journal material trading company.
On the quality of the instructional aspects
assessed include providing assistance in learning and
motivate quality obtained by a percentage of 96.25%
with the criteria of very good. This suggests that the
design of the card game media Make A Match is
able to make students study independently on
enrichment activities and improve the morale of the
students to learn.
On the technical quality aspects assessed include
readability, ease of use, the display quality and
management quality acquired percentage of 96.25%
dengat criteria of very good . This indicates that the
guidebooks provide facilities for students with an
attractive display quality.
The overall result analysis of student
questionnaire responses, it can be concluded that the
media card game Make A Match as enrichment
media to material adjustment journal trading
company is already well developed for use in the
learning process in vocational enrichment activities,
because of the results of the mean student
questionnaire responses overall average aspect
obtained by 96% with the criteria very well. Similar
research was also carried out by Keith (2013) Award
enrichment program through games can improve
students learning potential. This is consistent with
the theory of Levie & Lentz in Rohman (2013: 161-
162) the use of media in learning is able to attract
and direct attention to the students to concentrate on
the content of subjects related to the meaning of
visual display or text accompanying the subject
Based on the results of research and development
has been done, it can be concluded as follows. 1)
The development of the products with media card
game Make a Match as enrichment media to
material adjustment journal trading company. The
development process in accordance with the
development model ADDIE (Analysis, Design,
Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation) through
five stages of development which comprises the step
of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,
and Evaluation. Make A Match Card games are
reviewed and validated by two subject matter
experts and a media expert. 2) Make A Match Card
games have been developed, in terms of the results
of the validation subject matter experts and media
expert, acquire criteria are eligible to be used as
enrichment media to material adjustment journal
trading company. So it can be used in enrichment
learning activities in schools. 3) In the test phase is
limited, it can be seen students response to the card
game Make A Match as enrichment media to
material adjustment journal trading company was
positive, with the criteria very well. In accordance
with the analysis of student responses Make A
Match card game can be recommended as an
enrichment media to material adjustment journal
trading company.
Based on the conclusions above, the suggestions
related to the development that has been done is as
follows. 1) Media card game Make A Match as
enrichment media to material adjustment journal
trading company, it is suggested for further research
to develop media card game Make A Match with
another subject. 2) further development expected
development Make A Match card game developed in
the form of IT, so the use of more effective and
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