Dictionary Electronic Accounting Development
Eclipse based
Ita Iftitah
, Puji Handayati
Graduated school of Universitas Negeri Malang
Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords : electronic dictionary, eclipse.
Abstract : This research is dealing with the development of Eclipse-based electronic dictionary on accounting
conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah Malang. The purpose of this research and development is to produce
products until the stage is validated by material experts and media experts. In addition, as an alternative to
support students learning activities especially from the Accounting major. The background of this research
is the accounting subject that is often ignored about the understanding of vocabulary and accounting terms.
The method used in this research & development is using a modified Borg and Gall development model and
only taken up to eight steps. The results of this study obtained a qualitative and quantitative data from media
experts, material experts and users of classroom teachers, the tenth-grade students of Accounting and the
eleventh grade of Accounting which held two different tests in different classes. The average total obtained
from the whole data using descriptive analysis technique percentage obtained result of 90.99% which means
the Eclipse-based electronic dictionary on accounting is valid/fit to use. The behavioristic link as a learning
theory with the developed product that is based on the results of interviews to students who previously lack
the understanding of accounting and choose passively in a discussion group, after the existence of an
accounting dictionary to help students becoming active and understand the accounting terms that are being
delivered in the group discussion.
In the current era of globalization the world
developments and information technology has
developed so rapidly over the wheel life of mankind.
The presence technological advances so rapidly
gives the impact of progress to science in the field
of the other, one of which, namely in the field of
education. Wardiana (2012) to say that the
development of information technology have
spurred a new way of life, of life began to come to
an end. Life as it is known by the e-life, this means
that life has been influenced by various needs
electronically. And now this is vibrant with many
letters that start with the prefix e like e-commerce,
e-library, e-government, e-education, e-journal, e-
laboratory, e-biodiversity, e-medicine, and other
longer-based electronics.
The development of such technology has spurred
the emergence of a variety of facilities in the field of
IT-based education, in this field cover many things,
some of which are the availability of facilities and
infrastructure as well as the subject matter. It is
similar with the opinion Kwary, et al (2007) which
stated that the development of the digital era in the
world of education is pushing for the creation of
digital learning resources. In this case the
researchers developing the application in the form
of accounting electronic dictionary that was created
using one of the makers of the software application
i.e. eclipse. In this dictionary only focuses on the
terms commonly used in the subject matter of
accounting in Vocational middle school. As for the
features developed in electronic accounting
dictionary is composed of key features like menu
search and results that contain the translation of
accounts searched.
In addition, the use of the term account in
English is also one of the constraints for students to
understand the lessons of accounting, for example
"Bonds" means bonds but which are not securities.
The availability of the facilities in the form of
accounting dictionary in the library is also
considered not fully capable of facilitating the
Iftitah, I. and Handayati, P.
Dictionary Electronic Accounting Development Eclipse based.
DOI: 10.5220/0008785200400049
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 40-49
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
whole student in understanding accounting
terminology. The use of a conventional dictionary is
considered less effective and spend a lot of time
when search terms too much, so the students had to
deal with thousands of other vocabulary is not
sought. This is evident from the results of the
interview directly by researchers with some students
of class X of accounting in Vocational public high
school in Malang. Researchers also describe to
students that are willing to be interviewed-related
research will be developed, as a result many
students who need an electronic dictionary of
accounting as a tool supporting learning activities.
In addition, from the experience of the
researcher when conducting a practice field or the
KPL subjected to a Vocational high school in
Malang, i.e. in class X Administration offices.
While teaching in the classroom many students feel
the confusion to understanding the material being
taught, because nearly all the students haven't
learned accounts and term in accounting. They are
not taught the basics of accounting or the
introduction of the term in accounting but directly
focusing on how to analyze financial statements.
Whereas, in order to understand the content of the
financial statements, the students should understand
the terms in accounting and record-keeping financial
reports flow in. Thus, the use of accounting
electronic dictionary is not only useful for students
in the Department of accounting, but also for
students in other majors who get material about the
Accounting Office Administration Department as at.
From the results of the interview directly to some
students X accounting and experience of researchers
while performing activities of KPL, that students
need learning resources in the form of digital or to
accounting dictionary, also known as electronic
accounting with the dictionary to help students
understand terms accounting obtained from the
results of the needs analysis interviews with some of
the students. In addition, according to Hanadhy, et
al (2012:2) solution of the above problems is to use
computerized as one of the media to provide
information which now widely uses the software
that renders information shaped Digital. Digital
objects are already is one of the trends in conveying
information such as the existence of digital-based
library that uses the online catalog, digital
dictionaries, and digital magazine.
In drawing up a financial statement is sometimes
require a game of logic that will be fatal if there are
difficulties at present in the process of preparation
of the financial statements. For example the
confusion occurs in the stage of making such
adjustments to accounts receivable journal
revenue/income that still has to be accepted, the two
accounts are different but have the same meaning,
namely, the income is right but has not been
accepted the payout. Both accounts can be different
and have their own special meanings if the lack of
knowledge about accounting terms giving rise to a
new perception in accordance with an understanding
of each. Thus, the need for specialized accounting
that will explain every term in the fields of
accounting to avoid misperceptions and lack of
knowledge of the term-term accounting.
The model in this research and development refers
to the development model and modify the Borg and
Gall (in Sugiyono, 2015:409) into 8 stages, i.e : (1)
the analysis of needs, (2) product development, (3)
Validation expert, (4) the initial Revision, (5) trials I,
(6) the final Revision, (7) trials II, (8) the end
product. The technique of data collection in this
study through interviews and question form. The
interview was conducted to analyze the needs of the
students against the media learning developed
namely electronic dictionary of accounting. Types
of data used in the research of the development of
this form of accounting electronic dictionary data
qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data
obtained through the criticism and advice from
experts, media material, as well as students who are
used as consideration in conducting product revision.
While quantitative data is a number obtained from
the results of the research question form or
instrument of media experts, material experts,
teachers, and students. The data from question form
validation analyzed by descriptive percentage
analysis techniques. Product testing is conducted
twice stage of trials to find out the effectiveness of
the product.
The development of accounting electronic
dictionary-based eclipse was carried out in eight
phases. The first stage is the needs analysis. At this
stage, researchers conduct interviews with some
students of class X of accounting in Vocational
public high school in Malang. Based on the results
of the interviews of researchers in the field, many
students who are not yet familiar with the related
Dictionary Electronic Accounting Development Eclipse based
accounts that exist in accounting, because of many
terms that elusive one is account insurance paid in
advance or referred also to the advance insurance.
Students sometimes confused when the teacher
explains the insurance paid in advance, and then at
other times, teachers use the term advance insurance
because students are more familiar with the use of
account insurance paid in advance. In addition the
use of the term account in English is also one of the
constraints for students to understand the lessons of
accounting, for example, "Bonds" means bonds but
which are not securities. From the results of the
interviews, researchers concluded the need for
electronic accounting dictionary to help students
understand the accounting terms.
The second phase is the development of the
product. Based on the results of the needs analysis
has been done to some students give an overview on
developing learning media, namely in the form of an
electronic dictionary of accounting. As for the
compilation of a Dictionary consists of three main
3.1 Database
The first step in making accounting dictionary that is
setting up a database to be inputted into the
dictionary i.e. as many as 500 commonly used term.
Once grouped, then all the accounting glossary
entries in the database dictionary that are created
using the programming language Java Eclipse.
3.2 Icon
Figure 1: The icon
is circled in blue is
an icon of
Dictionary has
been created, there
are two icons on
the coat of arms of
the first AKT typed
using this type of
font Segoe Script
that means
accounting, while
the coat of arms of
the municipality in
Reports under it
3.3 Design The Layout
Figure 2: Get in on
the display of the
main dictionary will
be served 3 menu
options: a dictionary,
a dictionary, and out
Sign in to your main
view dictionaries
short Expository
Dictionary About
about the purpose of
the development of
the dictionary and the
developer profile
Out Exit options
Figure 3: The picture
beside is the main
view of Accounting
Eclipse, consisting of
two fields IE field
quick search/Search
Engine on the top,
and the field in the
bottom of the search
results. Use
background color
light green because
according to
developers can
influence the mood of
a person when
opening a dictionary
so it's not boring.
Figure 4: The display
of options about the
Dictionary on the
dictionary early
Figure 5: The display
of options out in the
initial display
The third stage is the validation experts.
Validation involves two people of experts consisting
of expert material and learning media expert. Expert
material for electronic accounting dictionary is one
of the Accounting teachers at SMK Muhammadiyah
Malang. As for media experts is one of the
educational technology Professor State University of
Table 3.1: Summary of the quantitative Data the results of the validation of the learning Media expert.
No Aspects Of Assessment Percentage Description
1 This accounting terms dictionary application is
easy to install
100% Valid
2 The application dictionary is not easily bogged
down/stop when used
100% Valid
3 Accounting terms dictionary application is not
complicated in its use
100% Valid
4 Every word in this dictionary gives the correct
100% Valid
5 Each key of the dictionary gives the correct output 100% Valid
Total 100% Valid
6 The use of the font (type, size, and color) is clear
and appropriate
100% Valid
7 Interesting layout design 75% Quite valid
8 Setting the layout and the layout of the balanced 100% Valid
9 The application icon is appropriate, clear and
75% Quite valid
10 Interesting background color selection 100% Valid
Total 90% Valid
Average 95% Valid
Dictionary Electronic Accounting Development Eclipse based
Table 3.2: Summary quantitative Data Results Validation Expert Learning Material.
No Aspects Of Assessment Percentage Description
The Eligibility Of The Contents
1 The language is easy to understand and does not give rise to ambiguous 100% Valid
2 Punctuation and symbols in dictionaries that are used properly and according 100% Valid
3 The term in the dictionary according to the needs of students 75% Quite valid
4 The use of the font (type, size, and color) is clear and appropriate 100% Valid
5 Every word in this dictionary gives the correct output 75% Quite valid
Total 90% Valid
The Appropriateness Of The Material
6 The definition of the term in the dictionary according to accounting subjects 100% Valid
7 Accounting terms in the English language on the dictionary on the accounting
100% Valid
8 A description of the nature of the account of the account properties in the
dictionary on the accounting subjects
100% Valid
9 The vocabulary that is in the dictionary is complete and appropriate accounting
75% Quite valid
10 The use of other terms (synonyms) from an account in accounting is correct
and in accordance
100% Valid
Total 95% Valid
Average 92,5% Valid
The results of the validation study for the media
in the form of an electronic dictionary of the
accounting-based eclipse of media experts study
gained an average of the percentage of the overall
aspect of the assessment of 95%, as for the material
experts acquire an average of 92.5%. It can be
concluded that the media learning in the form of an
electronic dictionary of accounting-based Eclipse the
feasibility to support learning activities.
Table 3.3: critique and advice on Learning Media in the
form of an electronic Dictionary of accounting-based
Eclipse of Media expert learning and Learning Material
Experts Study Media
Criticism and suggestions
1 If possible, the concept of specific
concepts enriched/come with explanatory
information, such as a chart or graphic
objects so that the definition of the term
non-text more optimal
Expert Learning Material
Criticism and suggestions
1 Basic vocabulary in terms of accounting
should be specified so useful for
understanding the overall accounting
2 Give a vocabulary about the elaboration
of accounting cycle (definition, elements
of the vocabulary on each cycle in detail
The fourth stage is the initial revision. The initial
revision was done after getting feedback from the
experts. The purpose of doing this initial revision is
to improve the quality of learning developed media.
Table 3.4: Revision products from criticism and suggestions by Learning Media expert
Figure 6: There has
been no chart to explain
the specific accounting
Figure 7:Already
exists, i.e. added chart
for some accounting
terms such as
accounting cycle trade
and service company
Table 3.5: Revision products from criticism and suggestions by experts of the material
There has been no
explanation of basic
terms of basic
accounting equation
such as accounting, the
accounting principles
and accounting methods
Has been added
There is some
discussion about
vocabulary term in
accounting cycles have
not been inputted in
detail in the dictionary
of accounting
Has been added
The fifth stage is the first test. Field trials are
limited to first find out the feasibility of accounting
electronic dictionary learning media from the users
i.e. 1 accounting teachers and students of class X2
semesters Accounting for as much as 18 students in
SMK Muhammadiyah Malang. The results of the
field trials limited to obtain the data in the form of
quantitative and qualitative data. Those result made
a second revision from media experts and expert
Dictionary Electronic Accounting Development Eclipse based
Table 3.6: Summary of Quantitative Data per Statement Item (Teacher).
No Aspects Of Assessment Persentase Description
1 This dictionary term accounting application is easy to install 100% Valid
2 The term dictionary application is not easily jammed/stopped when used 100% Valid
3 This accounting term dictionary application is not complicated in its use 100% Valid
4 Every word entered in this dictionary gives the correct output (search) 75% Quite Valid
5 Each of these dictionary keys provides the correct output 75% Quite Valid
Total 90% Valid
6 The use of fonts (type, size, and color) is clear and appropriate 100% Valid
7 Attractive layout design 100% Valid
8 Balanced layout and layout settings 100% Valid
9 Interesting application icon 100% Valid
Total 100% Valid
Feasibility of Content
10 The language used is easy to understand and not ambiguous 100% Valid
11 Punctuation in the dictionary that is used correctly and accordingly 100% Valid
12 The term is in the dictionary according to the needs of students 75% Quite Valid
Total 91.7% Valid
Kelayakan Materi
13 Definisi istilah yang ada pada kamus ini sesuai pada mata pelajaran
100% Valid
14 Istilah akuntansi dalam bahasa inggris pada kamus ini sesuai pada mata
pelajaran akuntansi
75% Cukup Valid
15 Keterangan sifat-sifat akun pada kamus ini sesuai pada mata pelajaran
75% Cukup Valid
Total 83.3% Valid
Average 91.2% Valid
Table 3.7: Summary of Quantitative Data per Statement Item.
No Aspects Of Assessment Persentase Description
Application Aspects
1 This accounting term dictionary application is easy to install 91.7% Valid
2 This term dictionary application runs quickly 90.3% Valid
3 This accounting term dictionary application is not complicated in its
82.0% Valid
Total 88% Valid
Graphic Aspects
4 The dictionary design of this accounting term is interesting 91.7% Valid
5 The writing/font used in this dictionary is clear and appropriate 90.3% Valid
Total 91% Valid
Feasibility Aspects of Content
6 The term is in the dictionary according to the needs of students 86.1% Valid
7 Description of the terms in this dictionary is easy to understand 81.9% Valid
8 The term used is in accordance with the accounting field 88.9% Valid
9 The language used is easy to understand 88.9% Valid
10 This application helps me in learning accounting 87.5% Valid
Total 86.7% Valid
Average 88.6% Valid
Table 3.8 Summary of Qualitative Data for the 1st Limited User Test (Class X Accounting).
No Criticism and suggestions
1 This application is very helpful in learning
2 Good, it's very easy to do accounting problems (accounts)
3 This application is good, good and not complicated to use
4 This application is very good and not complicated in the use of this accounting application
5 This application is easy to understand and greatly helps the work of accounting students
6 This application is easy to understand but more effective and complete book
7 This application is very helpful in the accounting learning process
8 The application is less interesting but easy to understand and helps me to learn
9 The dictionary term accounting application is very good and easy to obtain
10 Good application, facilitate learning, know the meaning or explanation and accounting terms
11 The accounting term dictionary application is interesting and easy to understand, and not too complicated
12 In my opinion, with this dictionary application, I find it easier to understand accounting terms
13 This application is very good for accounting lessons
14 This application is very helpful in learning accounting
15 Good, and makes it easy to learn accounting well, and makes it easy to learn accounting
16 This application is very good and makes me interested and easy to get
17 This application is very good and not complicated in the use of accounting applications
18 This application is very helpful for learning and easy to understand
The results of the questionnaire above obtained a
percentage of 91.2%. Thus, it can be concluded that
in general according to the teacher's perspective as a
user of dictionary learning media it is declared valid
or feasible to be used in learning activities.
Based on the quantitative data above, as a whole,
this aspect obtains an average percentage of 88.6%,
which means it is valid or feasible to use according
to the student's perspective as a learning media user.
The sixth stage is the final revision. After the
first revision was passed, then a second revision was
made from criticisms and suggestions which
according to the user is still less valid in terms of
vocabulary contained in the accounting dictionary,
then in the second revision only added vocabulary
and accounting terms that users think should be
included in accounting dictionary developed. The
second revision was carried out by filling out
questionnaires and also assessments, criticisms, and
suggestions by limited users, namely in class XI
Accounting students. The result of this second
revision is a revision used for the completion of the
final product.
The seventh stage is the second trial. After the
first trial, then the initial revision of the user is done
to evaluate the learning media obtained from
students' criticisms and suggestions. The second
limited field trial was conducted to determine the
feasibility of the electronic accounting dictionary
learning media in accordance with the needs of
students. This second trial was conducted for the
second semester of Accounting XI class students as
many as 11 students in Muhammadiyah Vocational
High School Malang. The results of this second field
limited trial obtained data in the form of quantitative
and qualitative data. These results are the final data
from this study after 2 revisions were made, namely
from experts for learning media and students.
Based on the quantitative data above, obtaining a
percentage of 91.8% which means valid or feasible
to use. So, in general, according to the user's
perspective, students of Class XI Accounting that
this learning media is interesting to be used in
learning activities.
The final stage is the final product. The final
product of this research and development is a
learning media in the form of an electronic
accounting dictionary that uses the Eclipse
programming language. Based on the results of data
analysis obtained from the validation of media
experts, material experts and limited users, namely
accounting teachers and students of Class X
Accounting in the first trial and students of Class XI
Accounting in the second trial at SMK
Muhammadiyah Malang, it can be concluded that
the learning media in the form of electronic
accounting dictionaries are stated valid or feasible to
be used as learning media for accounting students
especially in Vocational High Schools.
Dictionary Electronic Accounting Development Eclipse based
Table 3.9: Summary of Quantitative Data per Statement Item
No Assessment Items Persentase Description
Application Aspects
1 This accounting term dictionary application is easy to install 93.2% Valid
2 This term dictionary application runs quickly 95.5% Valid
3 This accounting term dictionary application is not complicated in its
95.5% Valid
Total 94.8% Valid
Graphic Aspects
4 The dictionary design of this accounting term is interesting 72.3% Quite Valid
5 The writing/font used in this dictionary is clear and appropriate 93.2% Valid
Total 83% Valid
Feasibility Aspects of Content
6 The term is in the dictionary according to the needs of students 95.5% Valid
7 Description of the terms in this dictionary is easy to understand 95.5% Valid
8 The term used is in accordance with the accounting field 95.5% Valid
9 The language used is easy to understand 86.4% Valid
10 This application helps me in learning accounting 95.5% Valid
Total 94% Valid
Average 91.8% Valid
Table 3.10: Summary of Qualitative Data for the Second Limited User Test (Class XI Accounting).
No Criticism and suggestions
1 The application is good, very helpful for the learning process for accounting
2 Very good and easy to understand
3 This application is very good and not complicated in the use of the application
4 I like this App, because it's easy to use, and looks attractive
5 This application is very helpful in the accounting learning process
6 The application is very helpful in learning accounting
7 I really like it, because this makes it easy for us to learn
8 Very good and really helped me in doing the assignments
9 The application is good, very helpful for the accounting process
10 Very interested and as needed. Hopefully, it will soon be disseminated to facilitate learning based on IT
11 The application is good, very helpful for the learning process
Table 3.11: Data Analysis.
Subject try Total
Teacher Student X
Student XI
Application 100% 90% 88% 94.8% 93.2%
Graphis 90% 100% 91% 83% 91%
Feasibility of Content 90% 91.7% 86.7% 94% 90.6%
Material Feasibility 95% 83.3% 89.15%
Average 95% 92.5% 91.2% 88.6% 91.8% 90.99%
The end result of the product developed is an
Eclipse-based electronic accounting dictionary.
Electronic accounting dictionaries have several
distinct advantages with digital dictionary products
that have been developed by previous researchers,
including: (1) in the accounting dictionary, in
addition to accounting terms in English also displays
the properties of each account / estimate for some
terms in accounting, (2) in certain accounts there is a
chart as in the terms of the basic accounting equation
and the flow of recording financial statements that
can explain the purpose of each term in general, (3)
dictionaries can be obtained easily as long as the
smartphone used still supports applications created
using Java Eclipse, (4) there is a quick search
(search engine) like on google, (5) do not need to be
connected to the internet, just send via Bluetooth or
share it students can use the accounting dictionary
In addition, electronic accounting dictionaries
also have several weaknesses. The weaknesses are
as follows: (1) the dictionary created is an offline
dictionary, so the next researcher will find it difficult
even unable to update the vocabulary or features
contained in this accounting electronic dictionary.,
(2) its effectiveness has not been tested in real
learning, (3) there are no available transaction
examples that describe how these accounts appear in
accounting records for each vocabulary or
accounting terms, one of which is an account
receivable account., (4) not yet fully able to facilitate
students in accessing every vocabulary needed, so
that there are still some accounting terms that may
not have been inputted in the database of accounting
dictionaries developed.
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Dictionary Electronic Accounting Development Eclipse based