whole student in understanding accounting
terminology. The use of a conventional dictionary is
considered less effective and spend a lot of time
when search terms too much, so the students had to
deal with thousands of other vocabulary is not
sought. This is evident from the results of the
interview directly by researchers with some students
of class X of accounting in Vocational public high
school in Malang. Researchers also describe to
students that are willing to be interviewed-related
research will be developed, as a result many
students who need an electronic dictionary of
accounting as a tool supporting learning activities.
In addition, from the experience of the
researcher when conducting a practice field or the
KPL subjected to a Vocational high school in
Malang, i.e. in class X Administration offices.
While teaching in the classroom many students feel
the confusion to understanding the material being
taught, because nearly all the students haven't
learned accounts and term in accounting. They are
not taught the basics of accounting or the
introduction of the term in accounting but directly
focusing on how to analyze financial statements.
Whereas, in order to understand the content of the
financial statements, the students should understand
the terms in accounting and record-keeping financial
reports flow in. Thus, the use of accounting
electronic dictionary is not only useful for students
in the Department of accounting, but also for
students in other majors who get material about the
Accounting Office Administration Department as at.
From the results of the interview directly to some
students X accounting and experience of researchers
while performing activities of KPL, that students
need learning resources in the form of digital or to
accounting dictionary, also known as electronic
accounting with the dictionary to help students
understand terms accounting obtained from the
results of the needs analysis interviews with some of
the students. In addition, according to Hanadhy, et
al (2012:2) solution of the above problems is to use
computerized as one of the media to provide
information which now widely uses the software
that renders information shaped Digital. Digital
objects are already is one of the trends in conveying
information such as the existence of digital-based
library that uses the online catalog, digital
dictionaries, and digital magazine.
In drawing up a financial statement is sometimes
require a game of logic that will be fatal if there are
difficulties at present in the process of preparation
of the financial statements. For example the
confusion occurs in the stage of making such
adjustments to accounts receivable journal
revenue/income that still has to be accepted, the two
accounts are different but have the same meaning,
namely, the income is right but has not been
accepted the payout. Both accounts can be different
and have their own special meanings if the lack of
knowledge about accounting terms giving rise to a
new perception in accordance with an understanding
of each. Thus, the need for specialized accounting
that will explain every term in the fields of
accounting to avoid misperceptions and lack of
knowledge of the term-term accounting.
The model in this research and development refers
to the development model and modify the Borg and
Gall (in Sugiyono, 2015:409) into 8 stages, i.e : (1)
the analysis of needs, (2) product development, (3)
Validation expert, (4) the initial Revision, (5) trials I,
(6) the final Revision, (7) trials II, (8) the end
product. The technique of data collection in this
study through interviews and question form. The
interview was conducted to analyze the needs of the
students against the media learning developed
namely electronic dictionary of accounting. Types
of data used in the research of the development of
this form of accounting electronic dictionary data
qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data
obtained through the criticism and advice from
experts, media material, as well as students who are
used as consideration in conducting product revision.
While quantitative data is a number obtained from
the results of the research question form or
instrument of media experts, material experts,
teachers, and students. The data from question form
validation analyzed by descriptive percentage
analysis techniques. Product testing is conducted
twice stage of trials to find out the effectiveness of
the product.
The development of accounting electronic
dictionary-based eclipse was carried out in eight
phases. The first stage is the needs analysis. At this
stage, researchers conduct interviews with some
students of class X of accounting in Vocational
public high school in Malang. Based on the results
of the interviews of researchers in the field, many
students who are not yet familiar with the related