Factors Affecting Audit Quality: Empirical Study on Public
Accountants in Malang
Moh. Fakhri Siddiqi
, Puji Handayati
, Niken Nindya Hapsari
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Universitas Negeri Malang
Graduated School of Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords : Education of level, Competency, Motivation, Fee, Professionality, Audit Experience, Audit Quality.
Abstract : This research aims to examine education level influence, competency, motivation, fee, professionality,
and audit experience on audit quality. The common problem in this research is about the users of finances
report base their decision on the result of audit finance report, with the result that the information inside
finance report has to be free from wrong material displayed and not to mislead. The variables in this
research consist of education level (X1), competency (X2), motivation (X3), fee (X4), professionality (X5),
audit experience (X6), and audit quality (Y). This research takes population on auditor from public
accountant office—Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP), in Malang city which consists of 8 KAP. From its
population mentioned above, only 6 KAP are willing to fill the questionnaire. The spread-questionnaire is
amount 40 questionnaires and returned was 39 questionnaire. This research analyzes data using doubled
linear regression method by SPSS application (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 23.The
result of this research shows that the influence education level, competency, motivation, fee, professionality,
and audit experience simultaneously influence audit quality. Whereas, partially, the result points out that (1)
education of level influence on audit quality, (2) competency indicates on audit quality, (3) fee are also the
point influencing audit quality, (4) motivation does not influence in audit quality, (5) professionality does
not influence on audit quality, and (6) audit experience is not the point on influencing the audit quality.
The profession of public accountant is a public trust
profession, from the public accounting profession
the public expects a free and impartial assessment of
the information presented by company management
in financial statements, where the public accounting
profession is responsible for raising the level of
reliability of the company's financial statements, so
that the public obtains financial information reliable
as a basis for decision making (Mulyadi, 2014).
Every profession is always associated with the
quality of services it produces, including public
accountants. Audit quality is defined as a joint
probability that the auditor will find violations that
occur in the client's accounting system and report it
in audited financial statements. Based on the
Standard Profesional Akuntan Publik (SPAP), audits
carried out by these auditors can be quality if they
meet the requirements of auditing standards. Quality
refers to standards relating to criteria or measures of
quality of implementation (Febrianto, 2009).
The users of financial statements base their
decisions on financial statements of audit results
than that the information contained in the financial
statements should be free from material
misstatement and not misleading. Some cases of
audit failures or financial scandals, both outside and
inside the country are still in the public spotlight,
ranging from the Enron, WorldCom, Tyco cases and
so on in the United States, to several domestic cases
such as indications of gross violations by 10 KAP
when auditing liquidated banks in 1998, leading to
action taken by Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) and
other cases which raised many questions about
competence and professionalism on audit quality by
public accountants (Septriani, 2012).
One example of a case of audit failure that
occurred in Indonesia was the error in recording PT.
Kimia Farma Tbk in 2001. The Public Accountant
Office (KAP) Hans Tuanakotta & Mustofa (HTM)
Siddiqi, M., Handayati, P. and Hapsari, N.
Factors Affecting Audit Quality: Empirical Study on Public Accountants in Malang.
DOI: 10.5220/0008785600560061
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 56-61
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
was allegedly involved in the inflation action.
Indeed, recently, Kimia Farma and HTM corrected
the financial statements, they reasoned that there had
been a recording error. A reason that violates the
common sense of society because it is known that
KAP Hans Tuanakotta & Mustofa are experienced
KAP and enter into the big four. Based on
BAPEPAM's investigation, it was stated that the
KAP that had audited PT. Kimia Farma Tbk has
followed applicable audit standards but failed to
detect fraud (Simbolon, 2002).
Phenomena that occur both from within and
outside the country, as well as the existence of
similar studies with different variables and locations
above make the writer interested in conducting
research on "The Influence of Level of Education,
Competence, Motivation, Fee,Professionalism and
Audit Experience on Audit Quality"study empirical
at Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) in Malang.
2.1 Level of Education
The level of formal education is one very important
factor in supporting the competence of an auditor in
carrying out his duties. By having a good formal
education, can improve human resources and will
affect the audit results (Jurnaedi, 2014).
2.2 Competence
Auditor competence is a qualification required by
the auditor to carry out audits correctly and in
conducting audits, an auditor must have a good
personal quality, adequate knowledge, and special
expertise in the field (Rai, 2008).
2.3 Motivation
Suwandi (2005) argues that in the context of the
organization, motivation is the integration of
organizational needs with personal needs. This will
prevent the occurrence of tensions/conflicts so that it
will lead to the achievement of effective
organizational goals.
2.4 Fee
Audit fees as the number of costs dependent, among
others, the risk of assignment, the complexity of
services provided, the level of expertise needed to
carry out these services, the cost structure of the
KAP concerned and other professional
considerations (Agoes, 2012).
2.5 Professionalism
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (2005),
professionalism is the quality, quality, and behavior
that are characteristic of a profession or professional
person. In conducting audits and preparing audit
reports, the examiner must use his professional skills
carefully and carefully as stated in the first general
standard in the Standard Profesional Akuntan Publik
(SPAP) established by the Indonesian Institute of
Accountants (Jusup, 2014).
2.6 Audit Experience
Experienced auditors are auditors who have a better
understanding. They are also better able to provide
reasonable explanations for errors in financial
statements and can classify errors based on audit
objectives and the structure of the underlying
accounting system (Agoes, 2012).
2.7 Audit Quality
Himawan and Emarila (2010) argue that audit
quality is a systematic system of quality inspection
processes carried out by internal or external quality
auditors or audit teams. From the definition of audit
quality above, it can be concluded that an auditor is
required to give his opinion about the fairness of
financial statements made by management in the
form of quality audit reports by maintaining various
audit quality attributes.
2.8 Islamic Theory
The Islamic explanation of the audit is based on the
Al-Quran letter Ash-Shu'ra: 181-184:
Meaning: Give full measure, and be not of those
who give less (than the due). And weigh with the
true balance. Wrong not mankind in their goods, and
do not evil, making mischief, in the earth. And keep
your duty unto Him Who created you and the
generations of the men of old (Ash-Shu'ra: 181-
Factors Affecting Audit Quality: Empirical Study on Public Accountants in Malang
This type of research is explanative quantitative
research. Quantitative research is a method to test
certain theories by examining the relationships
between variables. This variable can be measured so
that data consisting of numbers can be analyzed
based on statistical procedures (Noor, 2010). This
research was carried out at the Public Accountant
Office (KAP) in Malang with the aim of making it
easier to get information. This study uses the Simple
Random Sampling technique. The type of data used
in this study is primary data. In this study, the
authors used data collection techniques in the form
of questionnaires. The analysis technique used in
this study is descriptive statistics, quality tests,
classical assumption tests, and hypothesis testing.
4.1 Validity Test
The results of the question about the education level
variable to the respondent showed a correlation
value of 745 for the first question, the correlation
value of 605 for the second question, the correlation
value of 880 for the third question. The significance
for each question is 000 with valid results. The
results of the question about the competency
variable to the respondent showed a correlation
value of 874 for the first question, 911 for the
second question, 880 for the third question, 833 for
the fourth question. The significance for each
question is 000 with valid results. The result of the
question about the motivation variable to the
respondent shows a correlation value of 822 for the
first question, the correlation value of 775 for the
second question, the correlation value of 699 for the
third question, the correlation value of 785 for the
fourth question. The significance for each question
is 000 with valid results. The result of the question
about the fee variable to the respondent shows the
correlation value 725 for the first question, the
correlation value 688 for the third question, the
correlation value 862 for the fourth question. The
significance for each question is 000 with valid
results. The results of the questions about the
professionalism variable to the respondents showed
a correlation value of 625 for the first question, the
correlation value of 784 for the second question, the
correlation value 538 for the third question, the
correlation value 538 for the fourth question. The
significance for each question is 000 with valid
results. The result of the question about the audit
experience variable to the respondent shows the
correlation value 787 for the first question, the
correlation value 882 for the second question, the
correlation value 879 for the third question, the
correlation value 459 for the fourth question. The
significance for each question is 000 with valid
results. The results of the questions about the audit
quality variable to the respondents showed a
correlation value of 674 for the first question, 754
for the second question, 599 for the third question,
the correlation value 664 for the fifth question, the
correlation value 523 for the sixth question. The
significance for each question is 000 with valid
4.2 Reliability Test
Table 1: Reliability Test.
Level of
667 Reliable
Competence 895 Reliable
Motivation 729 Reliable
Fee 698 Reliable
Professionalism 472 Unreliable
748 Reliable
Audit Quality 896 Reliable
(Source: Primary Data Processed, 2017)
4.3 Normality Test
The results of normality test in the table above
obtained K-S value is 0.716 and a significant level is
0.685, which means the significance of> 0.05. This
gives an illustration that the distribution of data does
not show deviations from the normal curve, which
means that the distribution of data has met the
assumption of normality.
4.4 Multicolinearity Test
Table 2: Multicolinearity Test.
Model Collienarity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
Level of
.636 1.571
Competence .838 1.193
Motivation .802 1.247
Fee .593 1.686
Professionalism .829 1.207
Audit Experience .911 1.097
(Source: Primary Data Processed, 2017)
Based on the table above it can be seen that
tolerance number of independent variable has a
value greater than 0.1 which means that there is no
correlation between independent variables.
4.5 Heteroscedasticity Test
The glesjer test results show that the
significance probability of the education level
variable is 0.016 (smaller than 5%) which means
that the regression model loosens heteroscedasticity.
The significance probability of the competency
variable is 0.498 (greater than 5%) which means that
the regression model does not preclude
heteroscedasticity. The significance probability of
the motivation variable is 0.855 (greater than 5%)
which means that the regression model does not
preclude heteroscedasticity. The significance
probability of the variable fee is 0.930 (greater than
5%) which means that the regression model does not
preclude heteroscedasticity. The probability of
significance of the professionalism variable is 0.097
(greater than 5%) which means that the regression
model does not preclude heteroscedasticity. The
significance probability of the audit experience
variable is 0.084 (greater than 5%) which means that
the regression model does not preclude
4.6 Autocorrelation Test
Based on the results of the above analysis shows that
Durbin Watson obtained 1.333 with a sample of 39,
the number of variables 6, then formulated dl < dw
< 4-du ie 1.161 < 1.333 < 1.858. The conclusion is
that du approaches number 2, so there is no
correlation in the regression model.
4.7 Multiple Regression Test
To facilitate reading the results of multiple
regression tests, the regression model equation will
be used. The following is a description of the results
of multiple regression testing and output of the test
table using the help of SPSS version 16 in the form
of output model summary, ANOVA (F test), and
coefficient (t test).
Y = 16,150 + 1,906 + 0,998 + 0,638 + 1,592 +
0,934 + 0,693 + e (1)
From the above equation, it can be interpreted
as follows:
Regression model listed constant value of
16,150 can be interpreted if the variables outside
model will still improve audit quality by 16,150
units. Variable X1 is the level of education with
unstandardized coefisients (B) value of 1.906 which
means that the education level has a positive effect
on audit quality. This shows that when the audit
quality has increased by a unit, then the level of
education will also experience an increase of 1,906
units. The X2 variable is the competence with
unstandardized coefisients (B) value of 0.998 which
means that competence has a positive effect on audit
quality. This shows that when audit quality has
increased by a unit, then competence will also
increase by 0.998 units. X3 variable is motivation
with unstandardized coefisients (B) value of 0.638
which means that motivation does not have a
positive effect on audit quality. The variable X4 is
the fee with unstandardized coefisients (B) value of
1.592 which means that the fee has a positive effect
on audit quality. This shows that when the audit
quality has increased by a unit, the fee will also
increase by 1,592 units. X5 variable is
professionalism with unstandardized coefisients (B)
value of 0.934 which means that professionalism
does not have a positive effect on audit quality. X6
variable is audit experience with unstandardized
coefisients (B) value of 0.693 which means that the
audit experience has no positive effect on audit
4.8 Simultan Test (F)
More precisely, the Fcount value is compared with
Ftable where if Fcount > Ftable, the independent
variables simultaneously have a significant effect on
the dependent variable. At the level of α = 0.05 with
the numerator's freedom degree / df1 (k) = 6 (the
number of independent variables) and the
denominator's degree of freedom / df2 (n-k-1) = 32,
the Ftable value is 2.40. Thus, the value of Fcount
30.592 is greater than the value of Ftable 2.40.
Based on the results of these calculations can be
interpreted that the variables level education,
competence, motivation, fee, professionalism and
audit experience together influence variables audit
4.9 Partial Test (t)
Based on the table above, the results of the t test on
education level state that the level of education
Factors Affecting Audit Quality: Empirical Study on Public Accountants in Malang
affects audit quality. This shows a significant value
of education level of 0,000 which means smaller
than 0.05 so that hypothesis 1 is accepted. The
results of the t test on competence state that
competence affects audit quality. This shows a
significant value of competence of 0.010 which
means that it is smaller than 0.05 so hypothesis 2 is
accepted. The results of the t test on motivation state
that motivation does not affect audit quality. This
shows a significant value of motivation of 0.063
which means greater than 0.05 so that hypothesis 3
is rejected. The results of the t test in fee state that
the fee influences audit quality. This shows a
significant value of a fee of 0,000 which means
smaller than 0.05 so that hypothesis 4 is accepted.
The results of the t test in professionalism states that
professionalism does not affect audit quality. This
shows a significant value of professionalism of
0.054 which means greater than 0.05 so that
hypothesis 5 is rejected. The results of the t test on
audit experience state that the audit experience does
not affect audit quality. This shows the significant
value of audit experience of 0.091 which means that
it is greater than 0.05 so hypothesis 6 is rejected.
5.1 Effect of Level of Education on
Audit Quality
The first hypothesis states that the level of education
has a significant effect on audit quality. Statistical
test results show that the value of the variable
regression coefficient of education level is 1,906.
This value is significant at the 0.05 level with a p
value of 0,000. This result is supported by the results
of the calculation of t count 5.849 > t table 2.037.
This shows that the level of education has a
significant effect on audit quality, which means that
hypothesis 1.1 is accepted.
5.2 Effect of Competence on Audit
The second hypothesis states that competence has a
significant effect on audit quality. Statistical test
results show that the regression coefficient value of
the competency variable is 0.998. This value is
significant at the 0.05 significance level with p value
0.010. This result is supported by the results of
calculating the value of t count 2.730 > t table 2.037.
This shows that competency has a significant effect
on audit quality which means that hypothesis 1.2 is
5.3 Effect of Motivation on Audit
The third hypothesis states that motivation has a
significant effect on audit quality. Statistical test
results show that the regression coefficient value of
the motivation variable is 0.638. This value is
significant at the 0.05 level with a p value of 0.063.
This result is supported by the calculation of the
calculated t value 1,928 < t table 2,037. This shows
that motivation does not significantly influence audit
quality, which means that hypothesis 1.3 is rejected.
5.4 Effect of Fee on Audit Quality
The fourth hypothesis states that fees have a
significant effect on audit quality. Statistical test
results show that the regression coefficient value of
the variable fee is 1.592. This value is significant at
the 0.05 level with a p value of 0,000. This result is
supported by the results of the calculation of the
value of t count 4.255 > t table 2.037. This shows
that the fee has a significant effect on audit quality,
which means that hypothesis 1.4 is accepted.
5.5 Effect of Professionalism on Audit
The fifth hypothesis states that professionalism has a
significant effect on audit quality. Statistical test
results show that the variable regression coefficient
of professionalism is 0.934. This value is significant
at the 0.05 significance level with p value 0.054.
This result is supported by the results of the
calculation of the value of t count 1.996 < t table
2.037. This shows that professionalism has no
significant effect on audit quality which means
hypothesis 1.5 is rejected.
5.6 Effect of Audit Experience on
Audit Quality
The sixth hypothesis states that audit experience has
a significant effect on audit quality. Statistical test
results show that the value of the variable regression
coefficient audit experience is 0.693. This value is
significant at the 0.05 significance level with p value
0.091. This result is supported by the results of
calculating the t count value of 1,741 < t table 2,037.
This shows that the audit experience has no
significant effect on audit quality, which means that
hypothesis 1.6 is rejected.
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Factors Affecting Audit Quality: Empirical Study on Public Accountants in Malang