accepted and H1 is rejected (F arithmetic is in H1
reception area). Then also the probability (prob.) Of
the table above is equal to 0.000 > 0.005, then H0 is
accepted and H1 is rejected. So that simultaneously
or together the independent variables have a
significant effect on the dependent variable.
4.5 Coefficient Determination
Based on the table above, the Adjusted R-Square
value is 0.9977. This shows that the model is able to
explain 0.23% of the dependent variable, while the
remaining 0.23% is influenced by other factors
outside the regression model.
The human development index in ASEAN countries
is already good, as can be seen in table 4 it can be
explained that Singapore is the country that has the
highest Human Development Index while Myanmar,
Laos and Cambodia are the countries that
have the lowest Human Development Index. To
overcome the increasing human development index
in Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia, an open economy
needs to be improved by conducting international
trade. Digital technology is needed to further
accelerate the economy of openness. Government
policies of the three countries are to be more open in
their economy. It is hoped that the policies of these
three countries can contribute to creating a
prosperous society in ASEAN countries and having
a parallel human development index.
This study aims to analyze the relationship between
Openness, digital towards ASEAN countries human
development index in the period 2011-2015 using
panel data regression analysis techniques. Based on
the results of statistical tests, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
a. Effect of Openness on Human Development
Index , The t-statistical probability value
obtained is 0.0003, then the statistical
probability <α = 5% is 0.0003 < 0.05. So that
it can be concluded that the openness variable
partially influences the significance of the
Human Development Index variable. Digital
Influence on Human Development Index,
The obtained t-statistical probability value is
0.0110. Then the statistical probability <α =
5% is 0.0110 < 0.05. So it can be concluded
that the Digital variable partially influences
the positive significance of the Human
Development Index variable.
b. From the calculation of F value, it is known
that F arithmetic > F table (1508.939 > 3.18)
then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected (F
arithmetic is in H1 reception area). Then also
the probability (prob.) Of the table above is
equal to 0.000 > 0.005, then H0 is accepted
and H1 is rejected. So that simultaneously or
together the independent variables have a
significant effect on the dependent variable.
Koefisein Determination Based on the table
above, the Adjustted R-Squere value is
0.9977. This shows that the model is able to
explain 0.23% of the dependent variable,
while the remaining 0.23% is influenced by
other factors outside the regression model.
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