5.1 The Influence Of Student’s
Perceptions About Teacher's Basic
Teaching Skills On Student
Based on the results of the research described in
chapter IV, it can be concluded that students'
perceptions of teacher’s basic teaching skills have a
significant positive effect on student achievement in
the Basic Accounting subjects of 10
grade in SMK
Muhammadiyah 5 Kepanjen and SMK PGRI
Pakisaji. This is supported by the results of the t-test
which shows that t-count of 6.967 is greater than t-
table which is 1.6619 and the probability value
(Sig.) 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. Students'
perceptions of the teacher's basic teaching skills
referred to in this study are responses, assessments
or ways of looking at a teacher in teaching. The
results obtained that students' perceptions of
teacher's basic teaching skills contributed to the
influence of 40.11%. This means that 40.11% of
learning achievement is influenced teacher's basic
teaching skills according to students' perceptions.
This is supported by the following opinions,
according to Mulyasa (2010: 70) "questioning skills
really need to be mastered by the teacher to create
effective and fun learning, because almost in each
stage of learning the teacher is required to ask
questions, and the quality of questions asked by the
teacher will determine the quality answers to
students ". So, in the teaching-learning process,
asking plays an important role because well-
structured questions and appropriate delivery
techniques will also have a positive impact on
students, students will understand the intent of the
questions given and will provide answers that match
those questions. In addition, the skill of providing
reinforcement is also very important. "Strengthening
is any form of response, whether verbal or
nonverbal, which is part of the modification of the
teacher's behavior towards student behavior, which
aims to provide information or feedback (feedback)
to the recipient for his actions as encouragement or
correction "(Usman, 2010: 80). So, the skill of
giving reinforcement is any form of response that is
part of the modification of teacher behavior towards
student behavior, which aims to provide information
or feedback to students for their actions or the
response given as an encouragement correction. In
addition, a teacher must be a master on the skills of
variation with the aim of eliminating student
boredom and the saturation of students in receiving
teaching materials provided by the teacher and to
stimulate and increase student attention so students
can be active and participate in their learning. The
knowledge learned will be able to enter and be
understood when the student is comfortable in
learning, so the creation of appropriate and
comfortable learning variations really needs to be
mastered by the teacher, where the teacher plays an
important role in a learning process. In terms of the
skill of opening and closing the lesson, it is also very
important because it is related to how a teacher
prepares and invites students to start a lesson and
end it well. In addition, the Theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA) which was developed by Ajzen and
named Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), explains
that the most important determinant of a person's
behavior is the intention to behave. So, if someone
perceives that the result of displaying a behavior is
positive, he will have a positive attitude towards the
behavior and vice versa. This theory emphasizes the
rationality of human behavior also in the belief that
the target behavior is under the control of individual
consciousness. What is meant by the object of this
research are the teacher's basic teaching skills. So,
when the student has a positive perception of the
basic skills of teaching a good teacher, the student
displays positive behavior as well and will have an
effect on increased learning achievement. This
research was supported by one of the previous
studies conducted by Rolis in 2009 which revealed
that the basic skills of teacher teaching would make
student achievement better. In the study also stated
that questioning, strengthening, variation, opening
and closing good and proper learning will have a
positive impact on students. Thus the better the basic
teaching skills of teachers, it will make students
have good perception and encourage students to
achieve satisfactory learning achievement. So, the
conclusion is the better the basic skills of teaching
teachers according to students' perceptions, the
better the student's learning achievement.
5.2 The influence of students
characteristics on student
Based on the results of the research, it can be
concluded that the characteristics of students have a
significant positive effect on student achievement.
This is supported by table 4.8 regarding the results
of the t-test which shows that the t- count of 2.350 is
greater than t table that is equal to 1.6623 and the
probability value (Sig.) 0.021 smaller than 0.05. The