The Influence of Student’s Perception about Teacher’s Basic
Teaching Skills and Students Charactheristic
to Student Learning Achievement
Nilam Enggarsasi Setyoningrum, Puji Handayati
Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords : student’s perception, teacher basic teaching skills, characteristics, learning achievement
Abstract : This research is about four of teacher’s basic teaching skills and student’s characteristics to student
learning achievement. The aims of this research is to show the influence of student perceptions of teacher’s
basic teaching skills, there are four skills in this research, (1) the influence of student’s perceptions about
teacher’s basic teaching skills to student’s learning achievement, (2) the influence of student’s
characteristics to student’s learning achievement. This research uses a quantitative approach that classified
as explanation research and uses two research instrument, questionnaire, and documentation technique. The
sample of this research is 93 students. Descriptive analysis and double linear regression are chosen as the
data analysis method with hypothesis test using t-test that supported by SPSS 21.0 program. The study’s
result shows that (1) student’s perceptions about teacher’s basic teaching skills have a significant positive
effect to student’s learning achievement, (2) student’s characteristics have a significant positive effect to
student’s learning achievement. It can be concluded that when the teacher’s basic teaching skills getting
better according to the student’s perception and student’s characteristics, then the student’s learning
achievement will be better too.
Education is an important thing in human life, which
is one of the basic human needs that must be
fulfilled so that humans can behave in accordance
with the norms and rules that have been established
with their own awareness without any element of
compulsion. Whether or not the success of learning
goals depends on how is the learning process. The
teaching and learning process is basically a pattern
of mutual support between teachers and students.
Learning is a business process that is done by a
person to make something new from our
environment (Slameto, 2010: 2). In the learning
process, the teacher is expected to be able to create
learning conditions that can lead students to active
learning situations, including active physical and
mental activities, as well as individuals and groups.
However, if we look at some of the conditions of
teaching and learning at this time, many teachers
simply convey learning without regard to basic skills
that must be applied properly in accordance with
student characteristics, whereas the application of
good teaching basic skills by teachers will be able to
help students achieve good learning achievement in
each set competence. Research of Etuk, at. al
(2013:197) shows that: Students 'perceptions of their
teacher's mathematical knowledge, communication
skills, use of appropriate teaching strategies and
teacher's ability to organize classes have a
significant relationship with students' attitudes
toward mathematics. If students 'perceptions of their
teacher's characteristics are low, students' attitudes
toward mathematics tend to be negative. From the
internal factors of students (characteristics), this has
a large influence on learning because each student
has different characteristics in terms of ability,
behavior, interest in learning and motivation of the
student himself. Therefore, teachers should
understand and apply various basic teaching skills to
deal with students' problems that have different
characteristics in their learning.
There are several reasons why researchers are
interested in choosing this topic. First, it cannot be
denied that the development of the education world
requires teacher skills to be better at following
Setyoningrum, N. and Handayati, P.
The Influence of Student’s Perception about Teacher’s Basic Teaching Skills and Students Characteristic to Student Learning Achievement.
DOI: 10.5220/0008785800620068
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 62-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
developments. Maybe there are still many reasons
for choosing this topic, but for researchers, all of it
departs from anxiety researchers see how the
teacher’s basic teaching skills are applied in learning
After the researcher carried out the Field Practice
Study (KPL) activities in SMK Muhammadiyah 5
Kepanjen and through observations of researchers in
SMK PGRI Pakisaji, the researcher assumed that
there were many differences in the way of learning
by basic accounting subjects, there were even
teachers who only conveyed learning without paying
attention to basic teaching skills, even though the
many characteristics of students in both vocational
schools should make teachers more creative in
delivering learning activities. In addition, the
researcher also conducted surveys in both schools
that will be examined that teachers have not been
optimal in managing learning activities, it can be
seen from the teacher's teaching skills that are still
low. Some basic teaching skills for teachers that are
often carried out and classified as low are skills to
ask questions. Skills to provide reinforcement, skills
to make variations, and skills to open and close
lessons. In connection with this, the researcher
conducted a study, namely explanatory research.
The explanatory research is a research that aims to
explain the influence of teacher basic teaching skills
and student characteristics on student learning
achievement in SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Kepanjen
dan SMK PGRI Pakisaji.
The difference between this research and
previous research is by adding characteristics as
independent variables. Besides the other differences,
namely the use of new theories, in previous studies,
no one has used Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).
2.1 Student Perception
Everyone can have different perceptions of things,
objects, or events even though things, objects, or
events are the same. Where these perceptions will
affect the attitude and behavior of the object.
According to Neila (2011) Theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA), which was developed by Ajzen and
named Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), explains
that the most important determinant of a person's
behavior is the intention to behave. Individual
intention to display behavior is a combination of
attitudes to display such behavior and subjective
norms. There are two main factors that influence
namely personal attitude and subjective norms.
Personal attitude is a behavior based on the
individual's trust in the behavior. So, if someone
perceives that the result of displaying a behavior is
positive, he will have a positive attitude towards the
behavior. This theory emphasizes the rationality of
human behavior also in the belief that the target
behavior is under the control of individual
consciousness. What is meant by the object of this
research is the basic teaching skills of teachers. Each
student has a different perception of the same object.
This is influenced by differences in understanding of
stimulus that is captured so that the effect that will
be generated on each person will be different. It can
be concluded that, someone will make a change of
action if they have a positive value from the existing
experience and the action is supported by the
individual's environment.
In this research, the input in question is the basic
teaching skills of teachers, while perceptions are
students. Based on the description described above,
the students' perception of the basic skills of
teaching the teacher is the response or assessment of
students on everything related to the basic skills of
teaching teachers through their senses.
2.2 Teacher’s basic teaching skills
"Learning is a complex process and involves various
interrelated aspects" (Usman, 2010: 74). Ghulam, et
al (2017) "teaching is an arrangement and creation
of a situation in which learners try to overcome the
learning issues or problems". So, learning is an
interactive process in the delivery of material
between the teacher and students, to create creative
and enjoyable learning, a variety of skills are
needed. Among them are teaching skills or teaching
"Turney (1973) revealed 8 teaching skills that
play a role and determine the quality of learning"
(Usman, 2010: 74), but in this research only focused
on 4 skills, namely questioning skills, reinforcement
skills, variation skills, opening, and closing skills.
The Influence of Student’s Perception about Teacher’s Basic Teaching Skills and Students Characteristic to Student Learning Achievement
2.3 Student Characteristics
B Uno (2007: 89) argues that Characteristics come
from the word character which means character
traits, traits, or habits that are owned by individuals
who are relatively fixed. But there are also those
who interpret individual aspects or qualities of
students which consist of interests, attitudes,
learning motivation, learning style of thinking
ability, and initial abilities possessed.
"Every student has unique differences, they have
different strengths, weaknesses, interests, and
attention. Family background, socioeconomic
background, and environment make students differ
in their activities, creativity, intelligence and
competency ”(Mulyasa, 2010: 27)
So, each student has different abilities and
dispositions. Students also come from unequal social
environments. The ability, character, and social
environment of students form it into a separate
character that has a certain pattern of behavior. The
pattern of behavior that is formed determines the
activities carried out by students both at school and
outside of the school. Activities are directed toward
achieving the ideals of students, of course with the
guidance of the teacher.
Students 'perceptions about teacher’s basic teaching
skills measured in this study are 4 basic teacher
teaching skills that become students' views,
responses or judgments on teacher skills involving
sensing the better teacher teaching skills, the better
perceptions by students. The characteristics of the
students referred to in this study are student attitudes
that can be measured and influence the absorption of
material in the learning process. Both of all are
measured through a questionnaire. The learning
achievement referred to in this study is ability real
students that can be measured, namely the mastery
of knowledge, attitude, skills, and values that can be
achieved through learning activities at Basic
Accounting subject studies in schools reflected in
the odd semester Semester Final Examination (UAS)
scores of 10
grade Accounting Program in
2017/2018 obtained through documentation
This research is research with a quantitative
approach and the research design is explanative
research. The population in this research were 121
students, including students in 10
grade of
Accounting and Syariah Banking Program SMK
Muhammadiyah 5 Kepanjen and 10
grade of
Accounting Program SMK PGRI Pakisaji, while the
number of samples was 93 students with
Proportional Random Sampling technique. The
techniques used in data collection are questionnaire
techniques and documentation. The data analysis
techniques using multiple linear regression.
4.1 Descriptive Data Analysis
4.1.1 Student Perceptions Of Teacher's
Basic Teaching Skills
Based on the distribution of questionnaires to the
samples related to students' perceptions of teacher’s
basic teaching skills to student achievement in basic
accounting subjects found that 13.98% had very
good perception, 46.24% good, 20.43% is quite
good, 15.05% is not good, and 4.30% is very not
4.1.2 Student Characteristics
Based on the distribution of questionnaires to the
samples related to the characteristics of students on
student achievement in basic accounting subjects
found that 11.83% had very good perception,
40.86% good, 26.88 % is quite good, 15.05% is not
good, and 5.37% is very not good.
4.1.3 Student Achievement
Based on the results of the collection of student
learning achievement, that is the UAS value data as
the dependent variable conducted by researcher on
students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Kepanjen and
SMK PGRI Pakisaji, it was found that 8% had very
good performance, 24.73% good, 38.71% good
enough, 18, 28% is not good, and 9.68% is very not
4.2 Multiple Regression Analysis
The purpose of this analysis is to determine the
direction and strength of the relationship between
the variables that have been identified. The results of
multiple regression tests can be seen in this table.
Table 1: Results of Multiple Linear Regression Test
(Source : SPSS 21.0)
Based on table 1 above, the regression
equation is as follows.
Y = 32,692 + 0,368X1 + 0,173X2 (1)
The classification of hypothesis testing with a
significance level of 0.05 and the t
value is
1.6619. Here are the partial hypothesis testing
criteria for each independent variable on the
dependent variable:
a. sig > 0,05 atau t
< t
, H
and H
b. sig < 0,05 atau t
> t
, H
rejected and
Table 2: The result of t testing.
t-table t-count Sig Informatio
H1 1,6619 6,967 0,000 Ha
H2 1,6619 2,350 0,021 Ha
(Source: SPSS 21.0)
The results of data analysis in table 2 show that
the probability of teacher’s basic teaching skills is
0.000 < 0.05 and has a calculation of 6.967 > t-table
1.6619, it can be concluded that the hypothesis of
teacher’s basic teaching skills has a significant
positive effect on student achievement. While the
probability of student characteristics of students is
0.021 < 0.05 and has a t-count of 2.350 > t-table
1.6619, it can be concluded that the hypothesis of
student characteristics has a significant positive
effect on student achievement.
The amount of influence of each independent
variable on the dependent variable can be seen from
the partial determination coefficient value which can
be seen in this table 3.
Table 3. Determination Coefficient Test Results
Beta Zero-
H1 0,589 0,681 0,4010 40,11%
H2 0,199 0,471 0,09372 9,37%
(Source: SPSS 21.0)
Table 3 Below shows students 'perceptions of
teacher’s basic teaching skills have a significant
positive effect on student learning achievement of
40.11% and students' perceptions of student
characteristics have a significant positive effect on
student learning achievement by 9.37%. So, 50.52%
is influenced by other variables not included in the
multiple linear regression model in this study. For
the calculation of R and Square can be seen in this
Table 4: Calculation Results of R and R Square
From these results, it can be seen that R or
multiple R of 0.703 shows the correlation or
relationship between student perceptions of teachers'
basic teaching skills and student characteristics
affect learning achievement is strong, it is because
the number is above 0.5 which indicates a
correlation strong. While the R Square number of
0.494 means that 49.4% of changes in learning
achievement is caused by changes in students'
perceptions of the basic skills of teacher teaching
and student characteristics, the remaining 50.6% is
caused by other variables not predicted in this study.
So, it can be concluded that students' perceptions of
teacher's basic teaching skills and student
characteristics have a significant simultaneous
influence on student achievement in 10
Accounting Program at SMK Muhammadiyah 5
Kepanjen and SMK PGRI Pakisaji.
The Influence of Student’s Perception about Teacher’s Basic Teaching Skills and Students Characteristic to Student Learning Achievement
5.1 The Influence Of Student’s
Perceptions About Teacher's Basic
Teaching Skills On Student
Based on the results of the research described in
chapter IV, it can be concluded that students'
perceptions of teacher’s basic teaching skills have a
significant positive effect on student achievement in
the Basic Accounting subjects of 10
grade in SMK
Muhammadiyah 5 Kepanjen and SMK PGRI
Pakisaji. This is supported by the results of the t-test
which shows that t-count of 6.967 is greater than t-
table which is 1.6619 and the probability value
(Sig.) 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. Students'
perceptions of the teacher's basic teaching skills
referred to in this study are responses, assessments
or ways of looking at a teacher in teaching. The
results obtained that students' perceptions of
teacher's basic teaching skills contributed to the
influence of 40.11%. This means that 40.11% of
learning achievement is influenced teacher's basic
teaching skills according to students' perceptions.
This is supported by the following opinions,
according to Mulyasa (2010: 70) "questioning skills
really need to be mastered by the teacher to create
effective and fun learning, because almost in each
stage of learning the teacher is required to ask
questions, and the quality of questions asked by the
teacher will determine the quality answers to
students ". So, in the teaching-learning process,
asking plays an important role because well-
structured questions and appropriate delivery
techniques will also have a positive impact on
students, students will understand the intent of the
questions given and will provide answers that match
those questions. In addition, the skill of providing
reinforcement is also very important. "Strengthening
is any form of response, whether verbal or
nonverbal, which is part of the modification of the
teacher's behavior towards student behavior, which
aims to provide information or feedback (feedback)
to the recipient for his actions as encouragement or
correction "(Usman, 2010: 80). So, the skill of
giving reinforcement is any form of response that is
part of the modification of teacher behavior towards
student behavior, which aims to provide information
or feedback to students for their actions or the
response given as an encouragement correction. In
addition, a teacher must be a master on the skills of
variation with the aim of eliminating student
boredom and the saturation of students in receiving
teaching materials provided by the teacher and to
stimulate and increase student attention so students
can be active and participate in their learning. The
knowledge learned will be able to enter and be
understood when the student is comfortable in
learning, so the creation of appropriate and
comfortable learning variations really needs to be
mastered by the teacher, where the teacher plays an
important role in a learning process. In terms of the
skill of opening and closing the lesson, it is also very
important because it is related to how a teacher
prepares and invites students to start a lesson and
end it well. In addition, the Theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA) which was developed by Ajzen and
named Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), explains
that the most important determinant of a person's
behavior is the intention to behave. So, if someone
perceives that the result of displaying a behavior is
positive, he will have a positive attitude towards the
behavior and vice versa. This theory emphasizes the
rationality of human behavior also in the belief that
the target behavior is under the control of individual
consciousness. What is meant by the object of this
research are the teacher's basic teaching skills. So,
when the student has a positive perception of the
basic skills of teaching a good teacher, the student
displays positive behavior as well and will have an
effect on increased learning achievement. This
research was supported by one of the previous
studies conducted by Rolis in 2009 which revealed
that the basic skills of teacher teaching would make
student achievement better. In the study also stated
that questioning, strengthening, variation, opening
and closing good and proper learning will have a
positive impact on students. Thus the better the basic
teaching skills of teachers, it will make students
have good perception and encourage students to
achieve satisfactory learning achievement. So, the
conclusion is the better the basic skills of teaching
teachers according to students' perceptions, the
better the student's learning achievement.
5.2 The influence of students
characteristics on student
Based on the results of the research, it can be
concluded that the characteristics of students have a
significant positive effect on student achievement.
This is supported by table 4.8 regarding the results
of the t-test which shows that the t- count of 2.350 is
greater than t table that is equal to 1.6623 and the
probability value (Sig.) 0.021 smaller than 0.05. The
results obtained that the characteristics of students
contributed an influence of 9.37%. This means that
9.37% of learning achievement is influenced by
student characteristics. From the results of multiple
regression analysis, it is known that the regression
value of the variable of student characteristics is
0.173 meaning that if the characteristics of students
have increased by 1 unit, then the learning
achievement of students will increase by 0.173
assuming other independent variables have not
changed. Sardiman (2001: 118) states that "student
characteristics are the overall pattern of behavior and
abilities that exist in students as a result of nature
and social environment so that it determines the
pattern of activities in achieving their goals." So
each student has different abilities and dispositions.
Students also come from different social
environments. The ability, disposition, and social
environment of students form it into a distinctive
character that has certain behavioral patterns. The
pattern of behavior that is formed determines the
activities carried out by students both at school and
outside of school. Activities are directed toward
achieving student goals, of course with the guidance
of the teacher. Teachers should be able to identify
individual student differences, and set general
characteristics that characterize the class, from the
individual characteristics that are characteristic of
the class the teacher should begin the lesson. So,
each student has different abilities and dispositions.
Students also come from unequal social
environments. The ability, character, and social
environment of students form it into a separate
character that has a certain pattern of behavior. The
pattern of behavior that is formed determines the
activities carried out by students both at school and
outside of the school. So it can be concluded that the
influence of student characteristics on student
achievement in this study is positive or directly
proportional. This means that the higher or better the
characteristics of students, the higher the student's
learning achievement is obtained.
Based on the results that have been described, it can
be concluded as follows, (1) Students' perceptions of
teacher’s basic teaching skills have a significant
positive effect on student achievement. This shows
that the higher the basic skills of teaching teachers
according to students' perceptions, the better student
achievement. If students have a positive or good
perception about the teacher's asking skills in the
teaching and learning process then students will be
active in learning and happy in following the
learning provided by the teacher so that it will
improve student learning achievement. This finding
is in accordance with the Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPB) which states that a person will take
action if he has a positive value and the action is
under his control. One of the implications for
teachers of basic accounting subjects is that teachers
must be able to master basic teaching skills that are
good in the learning process in order to support
student achievement. (2) Characteristics of students
have a significant positive effect on student
achievement. This shows that the better the
characteristics of students, the better student
achievement. One of the implications for students in
basic accounting subjects is that students must act
well in the learning process because it can support
students' learning achievement.
Firstly, The writer wants to deliver his great thanks
to God for His bless and kindness. It’s His endless
and continuous kindness that make him possible to
complete this research. The writer also wants to
express his sincere thank to all of individual who has
given the contribution for the writer.
I want to deliver my sincere thank to Dr. Cipto
Wardoyo, M.Pd., M.Si., Ak., CA, as my advisor.
Thank you for all your suggestions and guidance
which are useful to finish this research. I express my
great gratitude to Bapak Prof. Dr. Bambang Sugeng,
S.E., M.A., M.M., Ak. and Dr. Nurika
Restuningdiah, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA, for his
kindness as the examiner, and support with brilliant
suggestions. I also thank all my teachers and
students which are useful to take data for this
research. My greatest sincere appreciation is for my
parents, my best friend, and everyone who always
supporting me.
May Allah SWT always bestow His blessings and
affection to all those who have helped in the process
of compiling this research and the assistance that has
been given gets a reply from Allah SWT and this
research can be useful for readers or other parties
who need it.
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