Based on the observations of researchers, the
advantages of this product compared to others,
among others; (a) The developed textbook has
visualized contextual values for students to
think more realistically connecting material to
everyday life, (b) Explanation of material uses
communicative language and is not rigid so that
students more easily understand the material of
the service company's accounting cycle, (c)
Textbooks are equipped with answer keys and
assessment guidelines that allow students to
self-assess completeness in learning the
material of the service company's accounting
From the research that has been done, some
conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) the
product is valid and feasible to use, proven by
the validity test of material experts and the
validity of teaching material that shows a valid
percentage number, (2) the textbook developed
has visualized contextual value for students to
think more clearly connect material with daily
life, (3) textbooks are equipped with key
answers and assessment guidelines that allow
students to self-assess completeness in studying
the material of the accounting cycle of service
Based on the results of this study, the researcher
acknowledged the existence of deficiencies so
the researcher gave suggestions, among others:
(1) other researchers or teachers who would use
this textbook are expected to test the
effectiveness of the use of contextual-based
textbooks in the learning process, to determine
whether or not the influence of this textbook
towards student achievement, (2) This textbook
only contains half-semester material, it is hoped
that the next developer can develop it for one
school year.
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