lifestyle. A person’s socioeconomic status is
determined by the education level, type of work,
income rate and it will affect lifestyle in terms of
consumption patterns, fashion styles, and
recreational patterns. This is consistent with the
previous research by (Purwati, 2015) stated that the
socioeconomic status of parents, students'
perceptions of their environment, and economic
learning achievement have a positive and significant
effect on student consumption behavior.
Financial literacy has no effect on lifestyle.
Regardless of the rate of financial literacy on
sufficient, it has no significant impact on lifestyle.
This finding in opposite with Theodora and Marti’ah
(2016) which mentioned that financial literacy
affected to lifestyle even though only small
percentage. In the research, lifestyle is mostly
influenced directly from socioeconomic status. The
financial literacy rate of each housewife is different,
but in this study, the majority of housewives were at
a moderate level. Meanwhile, the housewives
lifestyle is mostly at a low level. This is because
housewives prefer a frugal lifestyle even though
their financial knowledge is quite good.
The conclusion that can be taken from this research
are (1) Socioeconomic status affects financial
literacy (2) Socioeconomic status influences lifestyle
directly (3) Financial literacy has no effect on
lifestyle. Furthermore, housewives should improve
their education and they should motivate the
community to be able to improve their
understanding of financial literacy so that they can
achieve their financial management purpose. There
should be more programs in empowering
housewives and financial literacy so the welfare can
be achieved at a greater level and broader aspects.
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